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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 13 KB, 236x350, 83e293f3e02c663beccd08bfd3f798da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8548561 No.8548561 [Reply] [Original]

>Hi! My favourite book is Revolutionary Road by Richard Yates.

>Reading while walking in public

>> No.8548576

when girls mispronounce an authors name (this is a thread about stupid girls, right?)

>> No.8548584 [DELETED] 

>>Reading while walking in public
wtf? how

>> No.8548610

sorry to say you are not cut out to be a reader

>> No.8548635

Fuck you it's time efficient.

>> No.8548652
File: 37 KB, 795x597, Can't_read.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the point of a passion for reading if people don't see it?

>> No.8548659




Do you believe in magic?

>> No.8548675

I do this, also your picture reminded me I have a pair of those leggings and I should wear them sometime because they're cute sorry

>> No.8548685

This is very true, but nonetheless I'd like to take a peek at her red flag, if you see what I mean.

>> No.8548686
File: 47 KB, 500x558, 424f3965bef429b6c9fb5812dd31820b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's hot
i need to fap again

>> No.8548701


Please post safe for work pic

>inb4 trap

>> No.8548706

I'm not a gril I'm just a super hero.

>> No.8548712


Damn. I tried so hard, and got so far. But in the end it didn't even matter and she crawled in my skin.

>> No.8548996

Why is Revolutionary Road a red flag? Because it is associated with feminism? It's a good book.

>> No.8549080
File: 938 KB, 1728x1296, HenryRollins2010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I ask a girl what she likes to read and she say "Harry Potter"

>> No.8549083

>Revolutionary Road

Kill yourself I bet you think Gatsby is better

>> No.8549102
File: 35 KB, 445x604, REEEEEEEEEEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Tfw hearing non-Danes try to pronounce Soren Kierkegaard

>> No.8549115
File: 66 KB, 649x638, 1461359060428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw hearing almost anyone trying to pronounce Ludwig Wittgenstein

>> No.8549119

>When all the books he has read were written by white men.

>> No.8549123

I'm not gonna choke on a potato just to mention in passing a meme philosopher.

>> No.8549125
File: 360 KB, 657x495, wwpDTdT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When he thinks all good books are written by white men

>> No.8549134

>reading books where the author is still alive
>reading books by non-whites

>> No.8549144

>Life is too short to read Proust

>> No.8549207
File: 106 KB, 294x294, 1466205182602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i imagined her face everytime when Daisy came up in Gatsby

>> No.8549252

I only speak to women if they have my come on their face.

>> No.8549266

I too like to arrive on faces

>> No.8549291
File: 892 KB, 500x342, 1444143386254-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When they care about the gender and ethnicity of the author

>> No.8549292
File: 70 KB, 723x820, The Final Solution for Lefties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>When they don't care about the gender and ethnicity of the author

>> No.8549406
File: 10 KB, 250x297, 1469289261852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uses the word 'pleb' in conversation

>> No.8549413

seuren kjerkegurt innit?

>> No.8549421
File: 512 KB, 160x160, Implying.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Doesn't use the word 'patrician' when referring to himself, thus revealing that he is in fact a plebeian

>> No.8549425

sjeron kjeriegoo

>> No.8549454

s°ur kangaroo

>> No.8549456
File: 1.52 MB, 1065x902, 1456726884683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wanting to lick the author's asshole this much

>> No.8549458

>49413 ▶>>8549425 >>8549454
SurEBIN KinkyGaurd

>> No.8549467


I enjoyed Revolutionary Road

>> No.8549474
File: 1 KB, 324x216, anarchist10.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nah m8 he meant "revolutionary" literally

>> No.8549482

s-eh-rh-eh-n k-ye-rh-khe-ghorh

>> No.8549536

Soarin' Keer Key Guard

>> No.8549549 [DELETED] 

how do you say it in danish?

>> No.8549646

reading while walking is pleasurable

>> No.8549758

Damn Churchfarm

>> No.8549803


>> No.8549956


It is a shit, cliche story and all characters in the book are insufferable and should have been massacred.

>> No.8550184
File: 1001 KB, 640x480, 1465754015371.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The characters are unlikeable!

>> No.8550345 [DELETED] 

What's wrong with reading while walking? I walk a mile to and from school every day, and sometimes I read while I walk.

>> No.8550720

Who the fuck reads while walking?
I sometimes think to read while standing at the smoke pointed during lunch break, but it's awkward as fuck to stand there with my copy of 2666.

>> No.8551214


The plot is shit, it's a biased feminist novel written by a talentless hack and Frank is the most boring mundane spineless cuck.

>> No.8551286

>hey anon whats this blue website and who is this DFW clown?

>> No.8551289

>has a fucking retarded name like Soren Kierkegaard and expects people not to mispronounce it


>> No.8551302

>t's a biased feminist novel written by a talentless hack and Frank is the most boring mundane spineless cuck.

You sound autistic. You're not smart.

>> No.8551320

>biased feminist novel
I bet your idea of objectivity is being alt-right huh faggot

>> No.8551321

>dismisses the canon as "old white men"
>only reads classics/canon
>only reads free verse poetry
>likes Bukoswki
>describes works of literature as "powerful"
>only discusses a work by how it personally connects to them
>only reads things written before 1900
>only reads things written after 1900
>dislikes e-books on principle
>would rather not own a book than have a version with a shitty cover
>defends or attacks a work based on what a literary """""""""""critic""""""""""" said
>only reads fiction
>only reads non-fiction
>dismisses a work based on the personal beliefs of the author

for art-producers:

>has a fine arts degree (95% of the time)
>their only identifying trait is that they are "an artist"
>intentionally dress slovenly despite being middle-class
>drinks shitty beer for no reason
>talks about the "role of the artist" and how they are a "critic of society's conscience"
>quotes that shitty opening line "all art is about the artist" from that book

>> No.8551329

Will you just shut the fuck up already and get new jokes you tired bastard

>> No.8551346
File: 104 KB, 1200x1200, disdain-for-plebs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8551350

This is bang on

>> No.8551356

Yes. Jokes.

>> No.8551357

what's wrong with a fine arts degree? I don't have one but just wondering

>> No.8551364

She looks like my ex but with shorter hair.

>women who like science fiction
>men whose favorite book is something feminist
>reads urban fiction.

>> No.8551389


Absolutely not. Alt right are a bunch of retarded faggots. I lean more to the left but I hate identity politics. But you just making that assumption really shows me what a stupid faggot you are.


>You don't like my fav feminist novel you're an autist :D !

Yeah go back to your first year lit class in your community college, dumb cunt.

>> No.8551404

It is often an ivory-tower circle-jerk for a particular brand of suburbanite mediocres. it is 99% a networking game. the life of a person with a fine arts degree is 99% networking: going to their classmate's "exhibitions" and then writing about each other in a student magazine, essentially not producing anything that reaches beyond their own little cloistered in-group (which is generally not talented enough to produce great works).

>> No.8551412

>>Yeah go back to your first year lit class in your community college, dumb cunt.

I am currently 22 and in 4 year. If I had to guess you don't even have a major and aren't aiming towards an associates degree.

Also, you never denied the autism so I'm going to roll with it.

>> No.8551427


Oh really? i'm currently 21 and in year 3 at a top 30 uni. My campus is populated with stupid cunts like you who cry and scream the moment someone disagrees with them. Keep portraying your emotional immaturity by having an autistic temper tantrum the moment someone triggers you.

This is you right now


>> No.8551429

>i'm currently 21 and in year 3 at a top 30 uni.
if you have to justify yourself like this you've already lost m8

>> No.8551430

>Everyone is retarded but me haha ;)

If you were even half as smart as you imagine yourself to be, you'd have the decency to understand that Yates (or any author) illustrating his feminism through metaphor isn't a "bias." Fuck off with your fruitless objectivity witch hunt.

>> No.8551432

>Oh really? i'm currently 21 and in year 3 at a top 30 uni. My campus is populated with stupid cunts like you who cry and scream the moment someone disagrees with them. Keep portraying your emotional immaturity by having an autistic temper tantrum the moment someone triggers you.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.8551436

Spot on. I'd say 'networking' is important in getting anything done but the fine arts suffer from it more than any other medium. Good painting is decided by ten buyers in New York.

>> No.8551437


Lost what? There is nothing to lose or win here this is a few anons pissing on each other for not having the same taste.

>> No.8551438

>Lost what? There is nothing to lose or win here this is a few anons pissing on each other for not having the same taste.

Lost the accusation of lying about being in college.

>> No.8551448

Absolutely. Which isn't to say that a fine arts degree is bad--if you really want to make art, you'll meet like-minded people and probably some great professors and get a foot in the door, which are all great things. But people get lost in the game.

>> No.8551452


I never claimed to be smarter than anyone, you're just putting words in my mouth. It is however undeniable that there is a major degree of political bias on university campuses.

As for Yates his novel absolutely can be biased. He does not portray issues between both sexes equally, only making out April Wheeler to be some oppressed, tormented victim, and he spins the novel in a way to make the reader sympathize with April. The plot is especially shit and it should be pulled from shelves (inb4 reading for plot), Go get your testicles stomped by a dominatrix wearing high heels, cuck.

>> No.8551456


Nope, I'm in a pretty good uni.

>> No.8551460

Shut the fuck up

>> No.8551462 [DELETED] 

this is a really big one

>> No.8551474

Holy fuck those are some worthless opinions, back to /pol/ please

>> No.8551491


Nah /pol/ is for the alt/far right and I lean more to the left (but again, I dislike identity politics as it sidetracks progress). Feminism itself as an ideology is great as it is supposed to ensure equality between both sexes, however, feminists get disillusioned and don't fight for true equality, rather, female supremacy.


Make me. You're just a closeted fascist.

>> No.8551496

Back to r/socialism, Comrade.

>> No.8551497

>Make me. You're just a closeted fascist

Yeah you have autism

>> No.8551505

>Feminism is cool but fuck Revolutionary Road for having a feminist narrative

Yeah you're a complete faggot, savor this last reply.

>> No.8551507


But anon this thread is so entertaining I can't go back just yet!


>You disagree with my viewpoint therefore SHUT THE FUCK UP REEE
>Not a closeted fascist

I really don't have autism. But keep forcing this meme instead of constructively debating the points I have made.

>> No.8551508

>I really don't have autism.

>> No.8551517


Do you not have a brain at all? I said feminism as an ideology in and of itself is fine, However feminists are not in line with their own ideology. Revolutionary Road is written by Richard Yates who is a feminist. So absolutely the book will be biased and not represent issues among both sexes equally, just portraying the woman as a victim of "patriarchy."

>> No.8551520


Very intelligent response you sure showed me!

>> No.8551527

>Feminism is fine because I said so but the people who subscribe to it are stupid because they aren't as smart as me

>> No.8551528


Go back to tumblr you feminist slut whores and nu males. When we take over your shit hole societies you're gonna be forcefully converted to Islam or stoned to death. God I fucking hate white people.

>> No.8551534


>> No.8551537
File: 75 KB, 660x433, ohboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sympathy for a female character is feminist
>sympathy for a woman whose vain husband cheats on her and belittles her is feminist
>author is feminist so its feminist though it cant be feminist because its biased and boring though equal rights
>ps I'm a leftie and 21

Holy fucking shit this is tasty bait

>> No.8551540


No, the people who subscribe to it do so because they either think feminism as purely an ideology is something it's not or they don't really care and just want to promote a "matriarchy."


I hate western white people too desu senpai

>> No.8551543

>being this much of a pretentious faggot

If feminism is a sound ideology, why do you criticize Yates for writing about it?

>b-but he didn't do it write and I don't know what context is

>> No.8551544

>i'm currently 21 and in year 3 at a top 30 uni.
Well, at least you have a lot of years ahead of you to pay off your student loan, debtcuck!

>> No.8551549
File: 2.84 MB, 353x234, 1468679876587.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My idea of feminism is the correct one and everyone is stupid except me! :)

>> No.8551553


If a woman is unhappy in a relationship and does not care about her children as April didn't, she can just leave. The entire story of Revolutionary Road is so cliche. Dumb white American suburban housewife wants to move to Paris because she's "bored."

Fyi, she cheats on Frank later too. But Frank is a stupid faggot. However April is no victim. It's clear she has daddy issues though.

>> No.8551563


My idea of feminism is correct, just like my idea of communism is too. Why? Because I have actually taken the time to research these ideologies. But just because it's written down on paper does not mean the people who identify with it will adhere to every aspect. I don't see mass feminists rallies to bring attention to men's issues particularly in developing nations, do you?


>why do you criticize Yates for writing about it?

Because of how he wrote about it. The book is too black and white. Woman =oppressed victim
Frank=patriarchal evil male oppressor

>> No.8551565

i found some old soviet propaganda books on the streets last week.
>how to spread the word of communism
>deception of law enforcement
and stuff like that. I'm from Bulgaria btw.
reading the shit there it's no wonder those guys got hanged and shot on every other corner for the first 10 years.

>> No.8551580


it's a good book if you are a cuck or feminist slut. April is the 1940's/50's version of a modern day roastie slut who wants to cuck her husband by making a stay at home dad while she rides the French cock carousel. Book is a joke and I'm glad she died.

>> No.8551634

Why is this board such shit?


How can you justify responding to eachother like this?

>> No.8551652


/lit/ is full of insufferable nu male cucks and it is also the main board besides /soc/ where dumb college whores come thinking they are intelligent repeating what their womens studies prof said

>> No.8551683

This whole thread is shit, but that clip is hilarious.

>> No.8551713


Millenial revolutionaries hard at work

>> No.8551716

>thinks i havent read the book
>still doesnt prove its feminist

>> No.8551727

richard yates is more just about how people fail to achieve their dreams and end up fucking everything up

>> No.8551731


How anyone could read that book and not see the obvious feminist undertones is beyond me. It may be a sign of autism, get checked.

>> No.8551745

I saw the decay of a relationship caused by two equally shitty people.

But alas you are the smartest in this thread, with the only correct opinion, and the only astute understanding of feminism and its influences in lit, aged 21, still in university.

>> No.8551755

Mark shut up

>> No.8551760


that was my first post in the thread I think you meant someone else that. That being said the relationship is supposed to have decayed due to Franks controlling nature and insecurities. or in other words PATRIARCHY

Don't hate the messenger man I am just saying what Yates message is.

>> No.8551762



>> No.8551767

Didn't think I'd find you here, did you? You'd better put that big dick in me, Mark. Stop shitposting on 4chan and really split my asshole open, bitch.

>> No.8551777




>> No.8551786

sauron queerguard

>> No.8551871
File: 35 KB, 296x296, 1438734585370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she wears high heels
>she wears revealing clothes other than to the beach
>she has breasts larger than a B cup
>she's over 125 pounds or over 5'8"
>she has made up "allergies" to a lot of foods
>she claps between movements
>she doesn't know how to handle her program silently
>she has long fingernails or nail polish other than clear
>she isn't a classically trained musician
>she's a classically trained musician but it's in voice, percussion, piano, clarinet, saxophone, bassoon, or flute
>she's into early music, opera, or philip glass
>she's too enthusiastic about mahler
>she's insufficiently appreciative of mahler
>she's into anime
>she was ever into anime
>she pronounces japanese food terms too carefully
>she wears any jewelry other than simple earrings in the ear lobes, pierced once
>she has smile lines
>she is happy all the time
>she is blond, or redheaded, or has freckles, or isn't half asian half caucasian
>her parents aren't PhD educated
>she likes any "guy things" at all
>she tolerates any interest in team sports
>she's extroverted
Any of the above: extreme boner killer

>> No.8551947
File: 113 KB, 600x540, a6b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This list gave me a boner.

>> No.8551993

Why so much hate against opera?

>> No.8552021


>> No.8552026

>>she's too enthusiastic about mahler
this one is the scariest

>> No.8552038

this is only true for some countries. I want to say the US. academic competency disappearing with modernism is a meme, and most of the good art schools expect you to be able to forge an old master and discuss Heidegger and Bergson long before your first degree. if your art college doesn't tell you the first day most of you should get a job to fund your art hobby and they will fail half of you by the end of first year, you signed up to a kindergarten for adults masquerading as an art school.

>> No.8552046


You have autism too. Is that the only fucking insult you can think of you stupid sea cow? How the fuck did you find your way to shore you roastie?

>> No.8552067

Why would somebody make up an allergy?

>> No.8552075

He spat angrily at the screen and his fingertips slid over the raw patch of skin on his penis. Wincing he made a reaction image face at the mention of female authors in another thread and lay back to close his eyes and dream about his perfect waifu. Her beautiful, enormous, glittering puppy eyes looked up at him adoringly as he played her his Beethoven CD and her pert full bosom bounced in glee at the arpeggio. He saw her sweet rosebud lips form into another sweet compliment towards him but as he saw her lips distort to breathe the word "Verdi" he bellowed out in rage ad he brushed the tip of his chronically masturbated dick.

>> No.8552076

munchausen syndrome

>> No.8552085


The sad thing is you put effort into this. You are a GARBAGE writer.

>> No.8552105

took no effort to make fun of people like that, it's easy

>> No.8552121

>>would rather not own a book than have a version with a shitty cover

Lmao I do this all the time.

>> No.8552127
File: 234 KB, 600x599, smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek I print out essays and plays and lists of foreign words and read them constantly at my job in walgreen's, zero fucks given manager is literally my brother.

>customer asks something
>hold up finger until I finish my sentence

>> No.8552152

We used to hire MFAs at my firm for sales job because they were usually well spoken and unlikely to ever get another job (so you could mistreat them)

>> No.8552179
File: 15 KB, 324x499, 32895782735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reading while walking in public

Who actually does this?


>my favourite book is *generic trendy youth fiction*
>i enjoyed pic related

>> No.8552182



>> No.8552187

Tell more

>> No.8552201

I feel like I'd just be bumping into things if I read while walking.

>> No.8552210

>>8552127 Marcus?!

>> No.8552213

A good reader develops an air of intellectual authority which makes people around you step back slightly so as not to interrupt your meditations. A great read is able to subtly alter the fabric of reality with their heightened sense of creativity, subtly bending the path between objects and allowing them to transcend physical contact and avoid bumping the inanimate.

>> No.8552215

I accept everyone as they are.

>> No.8552223

I yet have much to learn.

>> No.8552332

lol ikr those stupid gurlz r so stupid right they only read harry potter what a bunch of kids xdddd

>> No.8552359

you sound bitter as hell m8. You probably tried to get in the field but failed and now you're projecting. How can you possibly make such assertions otherwise?

>> No.8552441

One of my favorite books is The Bell Jar. Fight me faggot.

>> No.8552491

So I left college at 20 with a master, suffice to say I didn't see a lot of the colloquial "college life" due to my age.
What does the life of an american college student looks like? I used to picture American Pie, but now it's more a battleground for pink-haired hamplanets and neckbeards wearing Milo t-shirt.

>> No.8552503


>> No.8552504

>left college at 20 with a master

How's eighth grade?

>> No.8552546

You know what grade skipping is, right.

>> No.8552561


How's eighth grade?

>> No.8552572

I'm currently at work, but thanks for asking.

>> No.8552575


>> No.8552594


Jesus Christ, newfag why are you shitposting? Don't you see you're not welcome here? Go masturbate thinking about your teacher or something

>> No.8552612

The fuck are you on about.

>> No.8552635


>> No.8552638

Is this the autism general? Christ.
Anyway women that like cheap romance novels are dead to me.

>> No.8552642
File: 54 KB, 720x576, Cjo3uPuUYAAXEDV.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women that

Just don't finish the sentence we have enough of that tired shit already. Get some new jokes.

>> No.8552781
File: 17 KB, 313x286, 1396799339180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this?

>> No.8553359

Finally someone who appreciates my nazi psychopath serial killing (preferably on children below the age of 3).

>> No.8553362

carrying 2666 anywhere in public except the library is edgy as fuck

>> No.8553444


You have autism

>> No.8553581


>> No.8553639

>she claps between movements
>she's a classically trained musician but it's in voice, percussion, piano, clarinet, saxophone, bassoon, or flute
>she's too enthusiastic about mahler

I genuinely laughed out loud. Never change, anon.

>> No.8553651

Yeah man a bad cover will genuinely put me off.

The hunt for a good cover / older edition is always fun.

>> No.8553721

I dunno anon, busty and tall girls give me more boner than anything in the world
is that bad?

>> No.8555058

>the only poetry she reads is contemporary
>she rates franzen higher than guilty pleasure tier
>she finds my shallow opinions on books interesting instead of immediately seeing through me

>> No.8555090

So Wren Key -- er -- Key Gaaaaaard.

>> No.8555094

Anon you're not supposed to respond to these types of threads seriously.

You missed one thing though:
>avoids """genre fiction"""

>> No.8555196
File: 23 KB, 460x270, disdain-for-plebs-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reads genre fiction

>> No.8556284

>she goes to /lit/

>> No.8557580

No you do

>> No.8557600

fucking this

>> No.8557900

Modern Rollins would probably say something like "o-oh, alright, um, well, I have to go to a spoken word thing now, haha!" and then walk away

>> No.8558537

> r/4chan

>> No.8558705

>>dislikes e-books on principle
>>would rather not own a book than have a version with a shitty cover
>>defends or attacks a work based on what a literary """""""""""critic""""""""""" said
I'm guilty of these. The last is really just pretending to dislike DFW because of Bloom, though really I just like his essays.

>> No.8558708

We can be awful people too, just like you

>> No.8558714

Don't know if I'd rather have a half-asian violinist gf or a half-asian avant-jazz reeds player gf

>> No.8558718

>>she finds my shallow opinions on books interesting instead of immediately seeing through me
This actually bothers me the most. I've had too many girls into me because I read books. I'm like a 6/10 on a good day, and that's extremely rare since I just wear the same flannel shirts every week. But oh no, I'm somehow fucking interesting because I can namedrop meme authors! At least the girls in my lit classes are just completely stupid and don't know shit about books aside from the YA stuff they enjoy, so they're on too high of horses to realize they aren't well-read, and thus don't care for a taste of this dick

>> No.8558928

>But oh no, I'm somehow fucking interesting because I can namedrop meme authors!
y-yeah that's so annoying when it happens

>> No.8558940
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>he doesn't believe in the literal truth and divine inspiration of Homer

>> No.8558992
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I like to give people a chance, because there's no reason to assume I'm inherently better than someone I've hardly spoken to.

However, there are obvious red-flags: around college you kind of expect everyone to be a feminist so I have to bite my tongue when I'm not on /pol/ you can carefully say certain things to see how she reacts. If the person gives an actual response and not some meme response crammed with buzzwords they're perfectly fine.

I don't care about stuff like "Harry Potter is my favorite book!" and "Why don't you watch Game of Thrones, anon?". I just care about them actually having a soul, although, I've yet to see humanity in anyone, I see people, but I see nothing within them.

Even a bernout feminist who shows actual humanity has my respect, I have too many flaws to judge others immediately. Even with family you should bite your tongue to be nice, and quite frankly, family and strangers have all begun to blend together.

I don't care if she browses buzzfeed, as long as she smiles at a baby.

I don't care if she MUST get a new i-phone, as long as she smiles at a complement.

I don't care if all of her words are misinformed nonsense, as long as those words are hers.

It's stupid to disregard people for superficial reasons, because I'm sure most people here get angry at others doing that. Look within yourself look within those you love, that is where you must decide. Do you love their soul, is it a warm and tender heart, full of kindness? Will you do whatever it takes to be together, and be happy?

>mfw a normie gets confused at me calling game of thrones annoying pornography

>> No.8559392
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>the cover is littered with accolades and snippets from reviews

>> No.8559457

>smiles at a complement

>> No.8559560


>Smoking and eating simultaneously

I have to try this, it looks so delicious.

>> No.8559594
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Not Patrician

>> No.8559717

ofc its for networking. suppose youre in your young 20s and havent established yourself - it seems like the obvious thing to do would be to enroll in stadelschule, the whitney isp, etc. which will later provide you with good gallery representation.

even if you dont go to a fantastic school, it could still be useful considering contemporary art is currently just anti-aesthetics and a means of processing the leftovers of critical theory. it would probably be more helpful for your career as an artist to get a half baked summary of jean luc nancy, rather than learn to paint naturalistically and sell your shitty landscapes in a san diego gallery for a few hundred dollars to moms that think itll compliment their crate and barrel furniture

>> No.8560632

>he bumps shitthreads

>> No.8560646

snerten kingaroo

>> No.8560816

But "the bell jar" isn't about feminism.

>> No.8561008

I wouldn't plan on doing it but if I was reading on the bus and wanted to finish the author's thought I might read on the walk to class.

>> No.8561021

A rational person on lit? Get the fuck out

>> No.8561050


No you reeee!

>> No.8562624


You don't complement people?

>> No.8562648
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“Those who love life do not read. Nor do they go to the movies, actually. No matter what might be said, access to the artistic universe is more or less entirely the preserve of those who are a little fed up with the world.”


>> No.8562654

How can one define something as subjective as love to something as subjective as life?

What if one gets pleasure from pain, for instance?

>> No.8562998

seurn kjeregor

>> No.8564098

I'm not further reading, I'm a standard work.

>> No.8564819
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>when he say she Catcher in the Rye is the best book ever written and still expects to get laid.

>> No.8564827

I've been pronouncing Yeats name wrong all my life
I'm 24 and not a native english speaker

come at me

>> No.8564829

>books aren't life

I imagine his next line will be some rot about how humans aren't nature and how skyscrapers are more 'unnatural' than an anthill

>> No.8564839

nice doggo

>> No.8564928

Very nice doggo

>> No.8564987

Name one other fucking English word where <ea> stands for /e:/
'yea' doesn't count

>> No.8565027

t. skinnyfat manlet who went on a bad OKCupid date to the local philharmonic

>> No.8565028

I meant I've been pronouncing it as "Yeets", not Yets or whatever the fuck your trying to say

Sounds reasonable to me. Eats is "eets", why is Yeats "yates"?

>> No.8565030

>he only reads within his politics


>> No.8565046

That was my point.

>> No.8565049


>> No.8566142

This is from /fa/ btw.

>> No.8566151

too enthusiastic about mahler is from the 90s bro

>> No.8566275


>> No.8566334

well it didn't leave any trace on the Google web search engine until it was posted on /fa/

>> No.8566345

>tfw kids too young to remember Maris posting on my internets
>tfw remember tv shows that started five years before google
>tfw old enough to know even pseudointellectualism is getting dumber

>> No.8566372


>> No.8566378

the TV show is called Frasier and set in Seattle since you seem to have missed the joke

>> No.8566420

I have read all of his books. I don't really know what makes RR better than Young Hearts Crying, The Easter Parade, and most of his other books. I get that it was first, but his books are mostly pretty consistent in quality. I tend to prefer Cheever or Updike when going for that kind of vibe also, but he was one hell of an author all the same.

>> No.8566424

That's hilarious. I thought that the author was seen as a retrograde sexist these days.

>> No.8566426

Bukowski bagged a chick who was fictionalized by Gaddis in The Recognitions. He is part of the general thrust of interesting American mid-20th century shit, and his prose isn't that bad. What *IS* a red flag is when Bukowski is someone's favorite author or, even worse, the only one that they read.

>> No.8566478
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>Caring about the authors ethnicity, religion, or gender