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File: 55 KB, 250x250, continental philosophy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8546585 No.8546585[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

that its autistic and hasn't produced anything

how does it feel that the vast majority of academic philosophy doesn't give a shit about continental philosophy..

how does it feel that your field literally has zero merit in academia now a days

>> No.8546599

were talking about Continentals here

these are people that believe logic, mathematics, science are White Male Hegemonic, racist constructs


>> No.8546602

hey what site is that from, looks pretty good for generating memes n stuff

>> No.8546617
File: 112 KB, 433x596, deleuze-parnet1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Continentals get ALL the pussy
The STEM kids will never let you sit at their table.

>> No.8546641

Why would anybody care about a non-entity?

>> No.8546788

Both "sides" have their issues. The only person who was right was Nietzsche, who criticized both.

>> No.8546799

>people will take this bait
This was supposed to be the smart board

>> No.8546808


you're a fucking white male

>> No.8546822

Chomsky recently married a young girl
And he's like 87

>> No.8546865

I hate how Nietzsche got turned into a meme that misrepresents what he actually said

>> No.8547089

How young.

If she's over 16, she isn't actually young.

>> No.8547108
File: 365 KB, 637x360, chomsky-valeria3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't look that young desu

>> No.8547115

Why don't you stop assuming everyone around you is stupid and you're the only enlightened one among your peers. Chances are you're not.

And it has little as fuck to do with philosophy.

These rhetorical threads built to drive narrative are a fucking disease .

>> No.8547132

My name is Noam and I hate every single one of you

>> No.8547135

Give me one reason why I should care

>> No.8547137

wtf... cradle snatcher

>> No.8547169

Aren't analytics the ones who still take metaphysics seriously?

>> No.8547190

Yup, the woman is probably twice my age and I'm about a decade older than most of you (and my wife, who I do not consider especially young).

Not young, Christ I'd even call her old unironically. She looks like a Ukrainian grandmother archetype made flesh, but 40 kilos lighter.

>> No.8547200

Yeah, pretty much. I get the impression that if an important continental visits your department, it's expected that he will sleep with the female students, consensually or no.

>> No.8547203

How to be a continentalfag 101
1 Hate whites, men, Christians, etc
2 Love socialism (implied from 1)
3 Take amphetamines
4 Beg the question
5 Repeat 3 and 4 ad infinitum

>> No.8547208

how to be analytical:
bump your shit bait thread to force the meme

>> No.8547210

your kind of shitty thread should be forbidden

>> No.8547212

>Continentalfag attacking things he doesn't like with non-arguments
Almost died from shock desu

>> No.8547213

that's why they're better than continentals. Nietzsche was a fucking positivist

>> No.8547215

You are dumber than the people you are criticizing, I hope you understand this

>> No.8547217

i'd disagree with you if you were wrong

>> No.8547224

>Dear Continentals, who talk shit about analytic philosophy,
>Saying it's autistic and hasn't produced anything: How does it feel to know that the vast majority of academic philosophy doesn't give a shit about continental philosophy?
>How does it feel when your field literally has zero merit in academia nowadays?
>[sign off]
That's about as fixed as your private language allows,
t. Analytic

>> No.8547230

Yea, he sure did go out of his way to criticize both sides of a divide that didn't exist when he was alive.

To be fair he did himself no favors in that regard.

>> No.8547244

Thomas Aquinas is the only philosopher who ever got "it" right

>> No.8547280

That image is by far the worst meme I've ever seen.

>> No.8547314

>this thread
>this board
>falling for the binary jew

never change /lit/

>> No.8547484

dude, he's almost 90 and still gets it with women more than twice as young

>> No.8547493

and I'm almost 30 and my wife is 17.

What's your point, OP said it was a 'young girl' but she could be my fucking grandmother.

>> No.8547605

>how does it feel that your field literally has zero merit in academia now a days

The divide between continental and analytic philosophy isn't even a thing in academia now. You literally have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

>> No.8547610

>and I'm almost 30 and my wife is 17
Utterly degenerate.

17 year olds are too young to marry and you should know better at 30. Now she's stuck in a shitty legal institution with someone she's too young to have the maturity to know is good for her.

>> No.8547699

Yes, but that's because they're pretty, not because they're continentals.

>> No.8547717


>> No.8547797

All the memes of him are fixed by actually reading him, I honestly don't see how he can be taken so far out of context (regarding the memes not his other stuff.)

>> No.8547800

He did criticize both, not the sypmtoms we see today but the roots he saw in his.

>> No.8548052

This degenerate cretin talks about his retarded dumb teenage wife all the time, it's annoying.

>> No.8548058


>Nietzsche was a fucking positivist

The stupidity of this board is endlessly impressive.

>> No.8548719
File: 289 KB, 1024x667, 12999910165_b30cfa439b_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need to put things in perspective. Chomsky is 86, Valeria is 54. She will look older for most of us, but he is dating a woman 30 years youngar than him.

>> No.8548725


I love that girl.

>> No.8548730


>> No.8548731

Dating someone who could be your daughter is good for an anglo but a continental would date someone grandchild aged.

>> No.8548745

That's not a continental thing.
It's just french people being french.

>> No.8548748

>I'm almost 30 and my wife is 17.
based bangladesh bro

how does it feel to have a wife that hates you

>> No.8548784
File: 132 KB, 472x329, 1463929019580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has there ever been a prominant Continental Philosopher who didn't get sweet ass on tap?

>> No.8548788

Lots if you don't consider boipuc to be sweet ass.

>> No.8548791
File: 13 KB, 184x233, foucault.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but you'd have to be a fool to think that

>> No.8548832
File: 52 KB, 960x912, AIDS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
