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/lit/ - Literature

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8544448 No.8544448 [Reply] [Original]

>my teacher recommends to the class YA shit, I think because no one reads and YA is only good for entry level.
>praised for my writing, get motivated to try and be on friendly terms with the teacher.
>see my english teacher reading a Philip K. Dick novel
>im into sci fi too
>a few days later, muster up the nerv to ask her in class, what she recommends me to read.
>she recommends YA shit
>say I don't like books with a female protagonist.
>everyone looks at me, all girls gasp.
>teacher looks on me at horror, asks me why.
>i say the prose is always terrible, the characters are stupid and have incredibly unrealistic standards for life.
>she berates me for the rest of the lesson and now gives me the cold shoulder.
>everyone thinks i'm a misogynist

>> No.8544453

I for one have no idea where they would get such an impression

>> No.8544454

You could've just said you don't like YA shit. How is that hard? No need to sound autistic.

>> No.8544466

It's a sad day when recognising the inferiority of women is deemd misogynist.

>> No.8544474

It's hard to not be an autist when you're actually an autist, m8. Don't discriminate.

>> No.8544483

congratulation on being a retard OP

>> No.8544498

>my teacher recommends to the class YA shit, I think because no one reads and YA is only good for entry level.
>she recommends YA shit

She thinks you're entry level ...

>I don't like books with a female protagonist.

... because she sensed, or could see, that you are stupid. You only proved her right.

>> No.8544507

>be underaged
>say stupid thing in english class
>everyone makes fun of me because I'm too intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humour for them
Great story OP.

>> No.8544554

You should read a little more if you have such an opinion.

>> No.8544639

>thinking OP has actually read anything ever

>> No.8544660
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gee, i wonder why, op.
i can't think of any reason at all why avoiding books because of the protagonist's gender is misogynist.
litterally stumped here.

>> No.8544671


>> No.8544688

Maybe you could apologize for being a cock, OP

>> No.8544709

did you tip your fedora afterwards?

>> No.8544752
File: 763 KB, 1024x768, Koala.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tell everyone you hate women
>now everyone thinks you hate women
Wow how could this possibly happen???

>> No.8544754 [DELETED] 


Women protagonist are shit. "hurr where is my prince charming!! OMG like for realzz i dont kneed to be saved u fat neckbeard ugly frog!! LOL i go girl!!"

Literally all killyourselves you fucking plebs

>> No.8544757

>Women protagonist are shit. "hurr where is my prince charming!! OMG like for realzz i dont kneed to be saved u fat neckbeard ugly frog!! LOL i go girl!!"

You are either the high school student who made this thread or defending a high school student who posts here.

Either way you are wanted here less than our local population of women so could you please see to it that you leave for justifying our worse resident population


>Literally all killyourselves you fucking plebs

I see that answered our question.

>> No.8544759

Agreed OP. Don't worry. Read up a little on Bobby Fischer. Chess grand master and really mean misogynist person!!!

>> No.8544760


>> No.8544763

Why is /lit/ so easy to bait?

>> No.8544765

OP your threads been hyjacked by sjws, YA shit is garbage and women are the main perpetrators

>> No.8544766

Why haven't minors like yourself written any good books? Compared to women?

>> No.8544767

This thread is being hijacked by probable 501(c)4 Nimble America shills who saw something they liked.

>> No.8544780
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i know your a woman

>> No.8544788

If you're in high school and not even taking AP English, please just get the fuck out. Not only is that incredibly easy to attain, but knowing you're vast sum of knowledge of literature it should be easier.

This is rhetorical you need to leave /lit/ and post here when you come of age.

>> No.8544794
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Lmao, nice strawman.
You should take your advice and learn logic.

You know what I just did?

Just face it, women are shit at writing and should stay in the kitchen.

>> No.8544806


dude, you are getting baited

also, your*

>> No.8544812

And minors deserve a good beating when they behave counter to their parent's interests.

Muh baiting xDDdd

>> No.8544818
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>he knows he's falling into a trap, yet he can't help himself but find out what lays beyond the trap.


>> No.8544821

What trap. You can post more of a dead joke that hasn't had appeal in years

Oh fuck I'm scared dude bring up some ebaumsworld shit

>> No.8544822
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>first year of college
>the other students in my English class are barey literate
>the assignments are so easy it makes me want to cry (add commas to sentences, add adjectives)
>when I proof read their essays, they were literally only a 6th grade writing level, or worse
>teacher tries to discuss modern issues with the class but they're actually too stupid to understand or contribute, even when she obviously tries to lead them to the conclusion
>she asks if anyone has some recommended reading for the class
>l don't want to reveal my power level so I stay silent
>this one chick at least recommends entry tier stuff like 1984 and animal farm
>everyone else recommends YA fiction
>we now have to read John green and al this bullshit as a class


>> No.8544824
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Know ideya what the feuck you jizz said

but ur a stupopid woman

>> No.8544825
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>first year of college

Right off the bat

>> No.8544835

>learn logic.


>> No.8545019

Lol my man my issue is not with your misogyny it's the fact that you're blatantly underage, why else would your class be reading YA?

>> No.8545021

This is why underaged posters shouldn't be on /lit/.

>> No.8545037

this is actually very true

>> No.8545044

Why didn't you just tell her what you like, whether you've read some PKD stuff and go from there?

>> No.8545046

what kind of college is that? :DDD sound like 3rd grade desu..

>> No.8545054

>The entire chapter is a degenerate in diapers trying to justify his hatred for women
>he does this because women aren't attracted to him
>he does this by pretending he has another issue where women are indirectly involved
>It's o.k. to skip this chapter

>> No.8545055

i have no idea my dude. the story isn't even believable :/

>> No.8545058

"I was pretending the whole time" is the point of our irritation you fucking nit

>> No.8545064

>I don't like books with female protagonists
>I like stuff like Dick

>> No.8545069

>Generalizes books he hasn't even read
>Mansplains to class why books about women are bad
>Personally insults everyone in the room
>Becomes angry when he's called out for being a sexist piece of shit

>> No.8545084

Honestly since you're in high school, take the time to listen to your fucking teacher and what she has to say than be an indignant little shit. She probably has more wisdom on you and gets far paid less for it than you're able to get off free from your parents.

Don't be a spoiled little entitled shit and learn from being an idiot instead of being stubbornly indignant you might be wrong. You'll end up nowhere but more angry at nothing. This state perpetuates itself until you have an unwarranted sense of self importance and victim complex where every woman is personally evil and out to get you and weak and mom doesn't understand me.

It shouldn't take you halfway or more into high school to figure this out for yourself.

>> No.8545213

Its an HBCU with a 28% graduation rate. It seemed ghetto as fuck when I first got here. There's still quite a few loud and obnoxious ones, but most of the people seem pretty chill now. Im unable to determine if that's because the worst people got kicked out for drug/violence offenses, because I've gotten used to being around them 24/7 and my definition of ghetto has shifted as a result, or if maybe I just judge their character with less bias after being immersed in the culture. Probably a mixture of all 3.

Either way, the average student here is really below thenstandards, so most of my professors are forced to treat us like complete retards.

I didn't want to come here, but I fucked around in high school so this was the only place I got accepted.

>> No.8545221

You're in there for a reason, and it isn't because you are better. It is because you are the same.

>> No.8545267

Remember to sage and report

Threads like these belong on /r9k/ so if you don't want to discuss literature and instead want to discuss your lack of competence and intelligence then please remain on /r9k/ /pol/ /tv: and /b/. Thank you for your understanding and compliance.

>> No.8545939

>unironically using mansplains

Holy shit lit has been invaded by tumbletards


YA shit isn't literature retard.

>> No.8545980

We're more invaded by social organizations marketing the current election from r/thedonald and people from leftypol. The latter, at least, fucking reads

>> No.8545995

>doesn't share any characteristics with them
>goes to the same school as them
Well, case closed boys, they must be the same.

>> No.8546006

How do you not share characteristics. What gives you the sense of unwarranted self importance

>> No.8546029

> I don't like books with a female protagonist.
If only I could believe this shit is just bait.

>> No.8546031

>YA shit isn't literature retard

Can you even read? Why are you posting this here? Do you really have nothing better to do than to act retarded on /lit/ because if you're interested in acting and posting like an idiot then you should read my post again and go to one of the boards I mentioned.

>> No.8546036

These people hate Muslims but at the same time it seems their paradise would be fucking Sharia Law

>> No.8546039

I'm not the person you replied to. I'm just someone commenting that there's more to a person than what school they go to. There's no reason to believe someone is similar to the people that surround them if the only shared characteristic is that they go to the same school. There's probably a fallacy for believing that people in similar situations are similar in every other way.

>> No.8546047

not an argument

>> No.8546051

I'm not saying it just because they go to the same school

>> No.8546053

OP made less of an argument he posted hoping for sympathy or attention whoring.

And you're defending him. It's unbelievable.

>> No.8546056

Well what else do you have to go on? The only information you have is that he goes to a school where he looks down on his peers, and you automatically made the assumption that it was unwarranted.

>> No.8546060

What argument are you referring to? Why are the mods leaving this thread up and why aren't you guys going back to /r9k/

>> No.8546062
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>he doesn't know I'm OP

how kute

>> No.8546064

What else has he to go on by the actions of his peers he thinks he's above? I'm judging him just as fairly

>> No.8546068

What's your high school gpa

>> No.8546071
File: 41 KB, 512x800, 1472748049067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in college fuckhead. 18 years old get fucked gaffot

>> No.8546074

I don't feel any need to argue against such blatant idiocy. I've read much more than he has, and his initial post told me everything I want to know about him.

>> No.8546076
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And it was 5.0. The higest in the entire world

>> No.8546080
File: 265 KB, 1280x854, Attolini .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>my teacher

MFW this is...high school?

So,YA would be appropriate for lower grades, at least, I guess.
Surely you study Shakespeare and at least modern classics, too, no? Which ones?
What grade are you in?

>> No.8546093

Don't even bother this thread is garbage and should be left alone

>> No.8546096

That is the saddest image ever created.

>> No.8546098

He has the actions of his peers, and you have one statement. It's not hard to realize your judgement is less founded than his. People know if their peers/coworkers are stupid or ignorant - it's not difficult to realize when you're constantly put into situations that test your intelligence, critical thinking skills, and knowledge of a subject.

>> No.8546116

How sad is it that the more girls I've been involved with the more I identify with that image. At the same time, though, I've come to realize that a lot of men have little to offer as well.

>> No.8546195

It's pretty fucking sad. It means that you arent being level-headed and you are just telling yourself that girls are all out to fuck you over.

People who believe this would stick to themselves if they actually believed it, they wouldn't go out and try to get another girl.

>> No.8546234

What's a good book with a female protagonist ?

>> No.8546236

No it's completely unrelated to girls trying to fuck me over lol. It just seems like every girl is very one-dimensional. I don't hate women, and I don't fit into your, "Why do women always turn me down?" narrative - I just find it kind of disappointing how girls like to be disrespected (by me) and think it's sad that many women seem to live lives that are very much oriented toward the same few things that many would say don't matter. You don't even want to know how many times I've heard the "I'm majoring in ____ but I really would love to be a fashion designer or an editor at [some quasi-indie fashion magazine]. Obviously not all women are like this, and I'm sure men have the same problem, but I just wish I could find more girls that I feel don't fit into that mould.

>> No.8546238

"I don't read anything written by a woman"
I try to say that every time I'm in a book store just to see people's reaction. It's comical but not as severe as you might expect.

>> No.8546267

Don't defend yourself to that retard. If you date a lot of girls then you know they're easy to predict and one dimensional. And you're right, they usually respond positively to being disrespected and talked down to, sometimes it seems like that's what they crave the most.

You can get a lot farther with a girl by telling her No one time than saying Yes thousand times. That's a philosophy I live by and it's never, ever lead me astray.

>> No.8546296

You ever feel like there are two separate halves of women - the half they want people to think they are, and the half that they truly feel? I feel like dealing with women is a sad reality. Like I don't prescribe to the /pol/ "I hate women" shit but I do think it's sad the state of the average American woman.

>> No.8546321

>One dimensional
>Think his one dimensional view of women isnt one dimensional.

You contradict yourself here. First you say that girls all seem to be the same and then you say you know they arent.

Of course not all girls are this way, and you speak to an idea that women are focused on things that don't really matter, but so are men. Sometimes more so.

Your hobbies are stupid shit in the eyes of a woman, and vice versa.

Your example of a girl saying that she wants to be a fashion designer or an editor doesn't mean anything until you tell me what your dreams are so that I can knock them down the same way.

>> No.8546332


In my opinion it may be because most people are very one-dimensional when younger.

>> No.8546357

It's not contradictory if I express that my surface understanding and my knowledge are at ends. But tell me, is there any male equivalent to fashion for men?

>> No.8546358

>The poor uneducated and emotionally abused girls I know are standard women.

A woman is raised just like a man is raised.

If you let them believe this nonsense that they are allowed to do less, if you teach them not to worry about guy stuff, they become dependent women. Women don't do this on their own and it's a product of society, a lot of girls are trying to break out of that bullshit.

Women and men push these things on boys and girls.

But guys don't break out of their retarded "I'm strong and I'm a dude yeah man beer sports" attitude without getting called Nu male or pussy.

So what you have here, is a group of confused people trying to balance out the societal structure, and good fucking luck if you are poor.

You only think girls are one dimensional because they don't talk to you the way a man talks to you. You cant find common ground with some girl you find airheaded and ditzy, but you can relate to some airheaded asshole when he gets deep.

Its a gender bias and you could probably get out of it if you meet different women who you arent only meeting in the context of fucking.

They are taught to understand and only care about certain things.

>> No.8546378

>there are people right now but reporting an underage op

>> No.8546383

Everyone is one dimensional until you see their other dimensions. People have called this, "getting to know someone" for centuries.
Yeah plenty. Sports, Racing and Automotive care and design, Alcohol, Military. These are all things that a man sometimes dreams of because he doesn't have any other interests and doesn't care to find any. If you aren't interesting just find a team and you have friends. Talk about cars because they get chicks. Discuss beers and drink hard to show you can handle it. Join the army if you aren't a FUCKING pussy.

>> No.8546392

what kind of "girls" are you dating? underage or dumb? my gf goes to my college. every time i crack a joke about being too well-read, or about her being too dumb to comprehend her work, she'll call me out. and what do you mean by "disrespect?" If I am an ass with her, don't make efforts to plan things, withhold information in a shady way, ignore her at parties, boss her around, etc., she'll call me out every time.

this is the case with most of the girls i know here. at some point i get tired of this 4chan / r9k / b story that all women are predictable, simple-minded, submissive, inferior creatures.

>just wish i could find more girls that i feel don't fit into that mould
this is probably more of a reflection on who you are and where you hang out, than evidence for the nature of women

>> No.8546399

>Its a gender bias and you could probably get out of it if you meet different women who you arent only meeting in the context of fucking.
I meet literally thousands of girls a night. It's literally my job to converse and interact with them. I see the same type of behavior night after night after night and I don't hold any resentment about it, but it's simply not surprising. I agree with this right here:
>the half they want people to think they are, and the half that they truly feel?
I watch guys in my position go head over heels for girls because they believe what they see. I watch guys do all sorts of favors and give them special treatment hoping to impress them, so I've also see guys get stepped on and taken advantage of.

Now me, I say "no" I call them out, I make fun of them AKA treat them like i treat guys, and they always act so surprised, but relieved at the same time.

For the record I also apply the same type of philosophy towards dealing with black people. When they call out the "is it because i'm black blah blah" I say "yea i'm racially profiling" and they shut the fuck up because it felt good for them to be called out on their bullshit.

>> No.8546403

How can you be a well-read anon who has seen what is going on all over the internet and now know the dangers of violating political correctness publicly?

>> No.8546406

i think it was established that op is underage

>> No.8546411

>belittling YA
>Liking scifi
Op, you're truly a retard.

>> No.8546414

>she'll call me out every time.
hahaha yea and your reaction to her calling you out is more important that any of that other stuff. it's not the type of girls i'm dating. it's my age and experience. what you have with your GF is cool, but you'll understand what i'm saying one day.

i would hope you've had more than a few relationships at this point because if not why the fuck are you even commenting on relationships??

>> No.8546425

I think sports is probably the closest you can come to the penetration of fashion into female culture.

I've never dated a poor girl and I've never dated a stereotypically dumb girl. The last three girls I've had intercourse with and the ones I'm referencing went to Cal, UCLA, and Scripps. That's kind of what makes me sad - that "elite" women are like this as well. I already agreed with what you said, that's why I've never once said that it's a woman's fault, I've just said it's sad that I see women like this.

The experience with your girlfriend isn't really close to that of any girl I've interacted with; then again, my relationship with these girls have been more of erotic friendships than serious relationships.

>> No.8546430

You are lucky you see women like that.

>> No.8546432

Hows knowing you ain't gonna get laid ever feeling senpai jam.

>> No.8546437

....but anon, cal, ucla, and scripps aren't "elite".....

>> No.8546442

>I MEET thousands of girls a night.
>Literally literally
How? What is it you do, because I don't believe people can meet thousands of people everyday. They maybe see that many, I doubt you talk to all of them or hear most of them. But I do understand where you are coming from, people do sometimes act similar. I see men and women look like they are from cataloges.

>I see guys get taken advantage of for trying to be nice to girls.

Were you the guy who said that you girls like to be mistreated? Doesn't this make you a hypocrite if you are?

Imagine a girl treating guys like girls. How would you feel? Would you be suprised?

I treat white people the same way man. When they start to say something where they imply that they are infallible and nothing will ever convince them that they incorrect, I call them on it. I say "yeah just because you believe it doesn't mean it's the truth." And they shut the fuck up because it feels good to be called out. Never mind, they just do it somerwhere else, just like the black folk in your story.

>> No.8546457

>Sports is the only one.
All my examples are male fantasies that I hear about all the time.
>Going to a expensive school means that you were taught anything.

Again, it's about how you were raised. It's really sad for me to see you, because you strike me as one of those guys who fucks girls casually but thinks they are whores if they have multiple partners. And im not white knighting, if she wants to make bad decisions that's her fucking problem. It just seems like its no less shallow than the women you describe.
>Erotic friendships.
Try meeting a girl with your head and not because you want to see her tits. Maybe you and the ditzy girls deserve each other?

>> No.8546487

I've also had a relationship with a girl from Stanford if you'd include that as "elite". It was about a year ago, but she fell into the same category.

>> No.8546512


>> No.8546518

I think it's pretty unfortunate.

Yeah, I just thought that sports is the most fitting because it's what a large majority of males, at least where I'm from, occupy themselves with. Also, I'm monogamous with a specifc girl at a time, and I don't look down on girls who have had multiple partners - they're free to do as they like just as anyone is.

>Try meeting a girl with your head and not because you want to see her tits
I don't think I've ever even pursued a girl just because I wanted to have sex with her. I usually just start talking to girls and continue talking to them because I enjoy it, and sex just comes along with that I guess. It's like I look for girls hoping that they're different but many of them turn out to be relatively the same. I'm starting to talk to a girl more who I think might be different, which is cool.

I wouldn't be posting in this thread if I hated women and thought they were only useful to fuck. I posted in here because I'm concerned that I feel like many women are comfortable being disrespected and with being dependent on and subservient to men - I realize these are just my experiences and that they aren't representative of every woman. I've also come to realize now, more than ever before, that I'm pretty much just going to have to continue doing this until I meet my ideal girl who is, admittedly, rare.

>> No.8546533

All good people are rare. Being a good person takes effort. For my part I was being a cunt, and I'm sorry. Hope you find that girl.

>> No.8547125

If a thread generates decent discussion I don't really care, desu.

>> No.8547668

>There's no reason to believe someone is similar to the people that surround them if the only shared characteristic is that they go to the same school

Children of school age in any given nation aren't usually significantly different from each other.

>> No.8547710
File: 658 KB, 2800x4440, page1-2800px-Madame_Bovary_(sv).djvu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They think you're a misogynist, but more importantly they think you're a condescending neckbeard with a bad taste in literature

>> No.8547729


That is a literal cuckold's book, and written by a man so no wonder it isn't shit.

>> No.8547730

I am in agreement with OP. I even think Emily Bronte felt the same way.

>> No.8547738

Wow, great job defining an average. What you've said is essentially, "people are relatively similar." The point being made was that just because someone is surrounded by people who they perceive to hold certain characteristics doesn't necessarily mean that they also hold them.

>> No.8547741
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These threads are always shit. The trouble is that the /r9k/ retards are usually right, albeit in the wrong way.

The debate is almost entirely anecdotal. In my own experience, most of the women whom I encounter in life are stupid as fuck. Literal herd animals in the Nietzschean sense, with plebeian tastes. One of the few intelligent women I've ever met was one of my old hyper-feminist lecturers.

Most women don't deserve that much respect, putting it bluntly. The same goes for men too. With regard to both sexes, patricians are extremely rare, but female patricians are still much rarer. Women, for the most part, deserve little more than the basic courtesy which civilized society demands. If you are a man who devotes time and effort to his mind and body, you are well within your right to treat women as a means to your (sexual) ends. The same is true of some women too, though their standards are almost always much higher than they have a right to set.

Be an equal opportunities, albeit realistic, patrician. But remember, the best woman almost always exceeds the best man.

>> No.8547784

>feel superior to people who read YA
>have a one dimensional view of every book ever written with a female protagonist
>actually dumb enough to share that view in class, with a female professor
the only cringe here is you OP

>> No.8547921

Not OP, but I'm 18 and my class is reading Hunger Games at the moment.

>> No.8547922

>Nietzschean sense

You are a high school student as well

>> No.8547928

>pussy whipped

>> No.8547931

In what sense is talking to women being pussy whipped. It sounds like you are just pussy-less

>> No.8547932


>> No.8547934

Yes that's bait and not the flood of 501(c)4 Nimble America shills, IRC shills, r9k leddit shills, and you, fucking this board up.

>> No.8547935

you let your woman boss you around. your a fucking beta


>> No.8547936

>you let your woman boss you around

Oh my god I'm talking to it's like I'm at a bdsm club she's such a dominatrix, we talk all the time and she makes me submit to her dominatrix will by just talking to me. It's really fucking kinky.

>> No.8547940
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i no your a woman

>> No.8547945
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Nope. If highschoolers like Nietzsche, they more than likely didn't understand him.

>> No.8547946

Are you being a cuckold by talking to me? It's really kink

>> No.8547947

>Nope. If highschoolers like Nietzsche, they more than likely didn't understand him.

That's the point

>> No.8547950
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>projecting this hard

>> No.8547951


>> No.8547974

You phase your response in such a terrible manner, so apt for misinterpretation. You should have answer why you don't perceive YA novels as work of merit instead of putting emphasis of the characters gender of such works.

>> No.8548055

>I don't like books with a female protagonist
that's really autistic

>> No.8548445

name me one good book with a female protagonist

protic u cant

>> No.8548542

>And you're right, they usually respond positively to being disrespected and talked down to,

Once you get out of high school, you'll realise only the girls you don't want to be around respond well to this. Learn it sooner, and you'll get higher tier women, earlier on.

Do yourself a favour.

> If you date a lot of girls then you know they're easy to predict and one dimensional.

You don't date a lot of girls.

>> No.8548575

Not him, but I'm slowly trying to overcome my bittnerss with people after years of bullying. Is it true that there are women who are good people?

I've spent my teen years on this place and so I have had a warped view of the world for a long time.

>> No.8548590

>Is it true that there are women who are good people?

Do you seriously need to ask.Yes.

>> No.8548595

Anna Karenina
Wuthering Heights
Pride and Prejudice
Jane Eyre
Daisy Miller
Dubliners has some good stories
Shakespeare has plenty -- Taming of the Shrew, Twelfth Night, Measure for Measure, All's Well That Ends Well, Cymbeline, Etc
Argonautica (arguably)

Get out of here

>> No.8548606

>but I'm slowly trying to overcome my bittnerss with people after years of bullying.

I'm the anon you replied to, and I understand where you're coming from. Early on in my high school years I was bullied.

If you're still an adolescent, realise its pretty fucking normal for teenagers to hate girls, and for girls to hate boys, because neither have worked out how to get along and see each other as people. Both are stupid and immature, but neither realise it about themselves.

>Is it true that there are women who are good people?

Yes. Women aren't that that different from anyone, and if anything they tend to be more caring, and empathetic overall. When they're mean, it's often the story of that they're just a shitty individual, or they're just doing that cliquey thing, the meanness of trying to fit in, responding to their own insecurity, just as a lot of young teenage boys do to both girls and boys.

You'll hear both women and men say the other are all mean assholes. But use your brain, you know it's not true.

>> No.8548633

i would agree in most cases.

>> No.8548645

Women can't write. 99% of the greatest writers were men. Sure, there's always going to be exceptions. Shakespeare was a man, the greatest playwright. Cervantes, Dante, Montaigne. Women are way behind, and most of them are only capable of producing Hunger Games and Twilight material. No man wants to write about a woman, because they're inherently not as interesting as men. What have women done throughout history? They stayed at home and breastfeed the children or complained all the time. It wouldn't be realistic to have a female protagonist.

>> No.8548657

Equating YA trash to any book with a female protagonist is stupid, anon.

>> No.8548663

>omen can't write. 99% of the greatest writers were men. Sure, there's always going to be exceptions. Shakespeare was a man, the greatest playwright. Cervantes, Dante, Montaigne. Women are way behind, and most of them are only capable of producing Hunger Games and Twilight material. No man wants to write about a woman, because they're inherently not as interesting as men. What have women done throughout history? They stayed at home and breastfeed the children or complained all the time. It wouldn't be realistic to have a female protagonist.

Deeply ignorant and objectively wrong.

>Cervantes, Dante, Montaigne

Women didn't write during this period because they largely weren't allowed to.

>Hunger Games and Twilight material

Genre stuff. You know there are plenty of female literary writers right? And that there are shit loads of contemporary literary works by women. Some of the best stuff is currently being written by teh gurls.

>> No.8548664

And most 'good' female writers are sorta 'semi-men' because they were mostly homos/bi - e.g. Virginia Woolf, Colette, Gertrude Stein, Katherine Mansfield. My main problem with female literature is that it is never original and never humorous and frequently boring as fuck.

>> No.8548688

>never humorous
What is Jane Austen. What is Zadie Smith.

>never original
What is Jane Austen. What is Mary Shelley. What is Hilary Mantel. What is.. etc etc.

> frequently boring as fuck.

You just aren't open enough to life experiences, perspectives and perceptions other than your own.

>> No.8548690

Women weren't allowed because they're a weak gender. Otherwise, patriarchy wouldn't exist but since it does it signifies male superiority. Those that are superior conquer. For every good female writer there's hundreds of good male writers. Comparatively, women are just the worse gender. The Greeks were all male except literally only one female, who is not even as influential as the males, and they're the foundation of Western society. Women are just a footnote. You literally have to have a class on women to even have a discussion on women writers, because otherwise it'd be 100% male; they need to call in "diversification" to even have women mentioned. I wish women were better writers because the idolization of male writers feels gay.

>> No.8548700

lol you sound like a dickhead

>> No.8548716

Autism Speaks

>> No.8548721

You do realise there are probably more decent young female literary authors right now than there are young male writers don't you?

>> No.8548734

"Right now." I'm talking about all of history. But I'm not sure you're right about that anyway.

>> No.8548737

Can anyone even name a good book with a female protagonist?

>> No.8548815

>"Right now." I'm talking about all of history

Again, for the most part, women weren't allowed to write in western society. Saying that they weren't allowed to because they're "a weaker gender" doesn't have any bearing on their potential for literary ability.

>> No.8548845

The hunger games was a great series win a strong female protagonist. One of my favorite books ever. Also maximum ride and twilight.

>> No.8549219
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>> No.8549231

Why not reveal your power level? Do you actually like any of these people?

>> No.8549240

I agree with your opinion. Books with female protagonists are almost always poorly written wish fulfillment.

>> No.8549694


>> No.8549700
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When will you people just commit suicide already

>> No.8550014

No, I don't like any of them, but it's a class filled with hyper SJW girls and a female professor. The only other guys are a flaming homosexual, a weeb, and 1 normal one.

Nothing good would come out of revealing any kind of hot opinions, even ones as benign as not liking YA fiction. In my experience, when you're surrounded by this many girls, it's best to avoid ever saying anything against the popular opinion.

Going against the group opinion is a quick way to being treated with hostility and resentment. This effect is magnified by the fact that I'm pretty unattractive.

>> No.8550027


>never been more... not connected

this is solid gold kek

>> No.8550038
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>It's another 15 year old pretending to be in college who has an unwarranted sense of self importance or a college student who has somehow been unable to mentally/socially advance from being 15 and having an unwarranted sense of self importance

>> No.8550069

What part of what I said was untrue? Maybe you're from somewhere else, but I am pretty in tune with the social climate where I live. I know better than to make ripples. I'm already a bit of an outsider, there is no benefit to be gained by drawing attention to myself. Right now I'm tolerated at least, no need to say anything that would only hurt my social standing. If I were to express my dislike of the books they wanted to read, it would only paint me in a negative light, which could come back to bite me in the ass in the future.

>> No.8550074

>What part of what I said was untrue?

The part where you weren't the most obnoxious mother fucking dick for brains in the room.

>> No.8550117

>tfw I read this thread when it was first posted
>Come to /lit/ today
>This thread still exists
Thanks OP, your autism is extremely humorous to me

>> No.8550290

Op here

I made the shit up, had no idea lit was this stupid

>> No.8550600
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>Trust me I was just acting retarded
Thanks for the kek

>> No.8550928


>girls dated have been shit-tier

could it possibly be because you're probably shit? There are plenty of proper girls out there if you're not ugly or an autismo. That picture is fucking pathetic lmao it just how a beta or reddit-user wished they could get their way with a sense of smug self-satisfaction.