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File: 16 KB, 374x547, iliad-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8543662 No.8543662 [Reply] [Original]

What are some pleb/pseud filter books?

Is pic related (without any kind of annotation) a pleb filter?

>> No.8543678
File: 184 KB, 565x747, 1447582609673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only in the Greek or Rodney Merrill's translation

Fagles and such do not filter plebs

>> No.8543693

Most of the higher-tier stuff on the /lit/ Top 100 is too much for plebs or pseuds to handle. Recently someone posted something like an "exit level" chart that looked pretty hefty. I should have saved it. Some of the books on there were books that I myself haven't been able to finish. Guess I'm a pseud then.

>> No.8543711

Odyssey filters better

>> No.8543720
File: 36 KB, 306x500, Middlemarch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8543724

>tfw bought a random translation of the Iliad from amazon because I was born with a few too many chromosomes
>its the fagles version
>tfw just read snippets of other translations that are more true to the poetic ancient Greek and it was amazing
>fagles is apparently nothing like this


I'm not going to enjoy this am I

>> No.8543730

The Fagles Edition is p great, man. Unless you need archaic language or something, it shouldn't be an issue.

>> No.8543778

Orlando Furioso
The Peloponnesian Wars
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
A Hero Of Our Time
Don Quixote

>> No.8543786
File: 29 KB, 324x499, 41IohNyHbxL._SX322_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A Hero Of Our Time

Still funny

>> No.8543788

untranslated borges, second part of faust, second and third part of the divine comedy

>> No.8543984

>Peloponnesian wars

nice job ironically outing yourself as a pseud

PS Even disregarding that, Thucydides is entry level ancient world. He's great, but merely reading him doesn't mean you're worth your salt.

>> No.8543985

Fagles is good, cunts.

>> No.8544016
File: 253 KB, 1031x601, Merrill vs Fagles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get rekt

>> No.8544030

It was the third translation I've read so far.
Its fucking pig disgusting.

>> No.8544035



>> No.8544039

Call be a pleb faggot piece of shit, but the barnes and noble enis rees translation has been my favorite.

>> No.8544041

Rodney Merrill is the only one in dactylic hexameter that's enjoyable to read. It's also extremely literal, not only is it literal, but it is also consistent--by that I mean, he translates the word almost always in the same way way regardless of context, instead of changing translation as a crutch.

>> No.8544234
File: 29 KB, 460x259, MFW Bemused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that wassn't what wass assked
mfw when you hoped I'd be concerned about your validation

>> No.8544243

How's the George Chapman translation lads?

>> No.8544252

Joyce Carol Oates

The true dominatrix of literature.

>> No.8544255

Just thank your stars it wasn't Fitzgerald.

Lattimore is objectively the best btw.
Lattimore. Or Merrill, apparently, though I've never heard of him. The important thing is to get a literal translation which uses Homer's imagery, rather than their own, inferior spin on it.

Then read Pope, for the exact opposite reasons.

>> No.8544260

Lattimore is definitely the second best. Merrill is only better because he's just a much better poet, but both are extremely faithful.

>> No.8544261

Exclusively read by pseuds and special snowflakes.

>> No.8544262

You're repeating yourself.

>> No.8544266

Special snowflakes read Chapman because they have to use the "different" version, which nobody now reads.

Pseuds read Chapman because they want to look like they use the different version, and also because they've genuinely fallen for the "masculine" meme.

>> No.8544267

You're pretending not to be a pseud.

>> No.8544272

What a pseud.

>> No.8544274

Someone who pretends to be boring.

>> No.8544275


You people disgust me. Cunts

>> No.8544277

I said what a pseud, not what's a pseud.
What a pleud.

>> No.8544278

Just wondering because I bought a version translated by him a few weeks back for like 50c at a garage sale. What exactly is problematic about the translation itself, aside from your perception of it being associated with 'pseuds'

>> No.8544279


Related question but how does everyone like the new Anthony Verity translation for OWC?

>> No.8544284

Nothing, if that's why you got it. But it itself isn't anything better than the standard fare today, so deliberately seeking it out is a surefire signal of pseuditry.

>> No.8544285

You're not a pseud. You're a normie.

>> No.8544288

What a normalfag.

>> No.8544290

It's you.

>> No.8544293

I said what a normalfag, not what's a normalfag.


>> No.8544294

fucking bluepilled cuck

>> No.8544297

lol you're not doing any fucking, blueballed cuck

>> No.8544299

What a pleud?

>> No.8544301

No, that's >>8544290

>> No.8544304

Greek Tragedy

Concerning the issue here of translation, if you are reading Homer in English, there is not a single reason, apart from class prescription, to read any version other than Merrill's, which is both the most accurate and most enjoyable by far, by comparison, none of the others are even worth consulting.

>> No.8544305

Is this that drunk guy from Ireland again?

>> No.8544309

What a drunk guy from Ireland.
He's hard to find, pirated and legitimately.

>> No.8544310

He's someone who has the same rhythm, just varies the words.

>> No.8544313

That doesn't sound like a good way to translate Homer.

>> No.8544315

good and "pseud" are not compatible.

>> No.8544316

Nobody says pseud any more, old man. Street lingo's all about the pleud.

>> No.8544317

Until you pass out.

>> No.8544320


>> No.8544327

I never pass out.

If anything, I pass in.

>> No.8544332



>> No.8544334

You, sir, are an enemy of reason. I do not deign to speak with you. You are deignless.

>> No.8544336



>> No.8544337


>> No.8544338

There's not enough caps and exclamation marks in the world for you.

>> No.8544340

I like to wear things on my head. Is that really such an evil?

>> No.8544342

I've taken to using a Game of Thrones dust jacket over all my books when reading outside to keep people like you away from talking to me.

>> No.8544343

omg so randum

>> No.8544345

This shit is why you don't get any caps.

>> No.8544350

Put a cap on your bottle.

>> No.8544352

That would be obscene.

>> No.8544358


>> No.8544359

What an addict.

>> No.8544361


>> No.8544365
File: 8 KB, 202x250, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can always tell a pleb by how they react to pic related, I worked out today.

>> No.8544366

the smartphone thing?

>> No.8544367

Fuck you.

>> No.8544368

thank you.

>> No.8544370

Until you pass out.


>> No.8544371

You wish.

>> No.8544373

Put a cap on your bottle.

>> No.8544376

I have no idea what you mean

>> No.8544378


>> No.8544380

Now he's talking like me.

>> No.8544381

He's someone who has the same words, just varies the rhythm.

>> No.8544385

>How to spot the pleb.

>> No.8544388

A rhythm of zero is no rhythm at all.

>> No.8544391

How is the one to the left better in anyway?

>> No.8544397

I bet you read Fagles.


>> No.8544399

I like both.

>> No.8544433

>get rekt xD

>posts both equally beautiful passages

>> No.8544440

Yeah, I think most ancient Greeks would agree with you.

Because most ancient Greeks were plebs.

>> No.8544456

I'm struggling through it in Greek. What the hell is the point of a dual number? Who in his right mind would ever have the need to say "Let those two be in a state of having loosened for themselves", and what species of madman would come up with a way to say that with one word (λελύσθων)?

It's cool though, very beautiful, very forceful, swift and concrete, it makes me really hear the beating of waves on the shore, and the smell of pine trees (I don't even know if there were pine trees in the Troad but that's the association for me), and all that sort of thing.

αὐτὰρ ἔπειτ' αὐτοῖσι βέλος ἐχεπευkὲς ἐφιεὶς
βάλλ': αἰεὶ δὲ πυραὶ νεkύων kαίοντο θαμειαί.

That's really cool, the verse beginning with βάλλ', like you can hear the twang of the bow of Apollo.

>> No.8544461


>> No.8544469


Would also like to know. Anyone?

>> No.8544703


>> No.8544890

Merrill seems overly wordy and has a dull rhythm. It reads like a prose translation. Epics are meant to be memorised and sang, Fagles reflects this. Try reading any passage from both versions out loud, and you'll see.

>> No.8544895

That's why you also read Pope.

>> No.8545327

Merrill's translation is nothing like prose. If you have trouble picking up the rhythm (which can definitely be sung, Merrill translated it with the intention it be read aloud and even "sung), take a brief pause after each line, and read each either at a brisk pace, or slowly enough to sing

>> No.8545466

>tfw I can read untranslated Borges since I'm Argentinian
>tfw I haven't beacuse I'm a lazy cunt

>> No.8545476

If you can read English there is no filter.

Books don't become popular by being cryptic and unrelatable.

Pretentious idiots.