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/lit/ - Literature

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8538136 No.8538136 [Reply] [Original]

If /lit/ were to collaborate on another original novel, what would it be about this time?

>> No.8538150

Hopefully a nonfiction book on mass suicide

>> No.8538157

We should wait a bit and then write the first great post-trump novel.

>> No.8538165

Maybe a novel exploring the apocalyptic meme-tier, ramifications of a Trump Presidency, ala 'Trump Will Make Anime Real?'

Harambe could be a main character.

>> No.8538177

I was thinking more like the following the disillusioned former dreamers and how they deal anime never being real. Like hippies in the 70s.

>> No.8538271

We could* pretty much already write this tbqh

* Assuming we could write, which previous experiments haven't convinced me of, however.

>> No.8538335

anyone got the link for Dreamscape or whatevre it was called?

>> No.8538350

You're writting right now, aren't you?

I've only read TLoTiaT, and /lit/'s writting is passable and entertaining.

>> No.8538482

Dreamscape is dead and with it /lit/ collaborationist workshops.

>> No.8539386

I'm from the future. Quagga will be the last finished and published /lit/ work.

Screencap this.

>> No.8539596

Dreamscape was finished, but the original owner went quiet

>> No.8539986

i'm up for it

>> No.8540014

Can this also be a stealth /lit/ commune thread? Not going to lie, those threads recently with all the other vancouverfags is getting me hyped up over nothing

>> No.8540122

It's not finished (except maybe part 1). I stopped making topics because nobody was posting in them or editing the document.


>> No.8540399

that must be a lot of work, so I don't blame you.

What kind of editing process could we help with though? Surely you have a better sense of structure than the rest of us, and deliberating between anons would be difficult.

>> No.8540420

Not him but I was involved in the project, as well as a passive observer for a while. Long story short, we hit a lot of setbacks, people cleared the document and spammed gay memes, it was set to "comment only" mode which kind of defeats the purpose of a collaborative 4chan project (especially when you factor in that apparently commenting on google docs removes anonymity), and overall the project didn't look like it would shape up to be anything other than unfunny. So when the thread(s) got archived it was pretty much over.

It was a learning experience.

>> No.8540423

How are you going for book covers? If you're open to submissions gives us a trim template and some of us could try a cover for it

>> No.8540427

What's the point? /lit/ has become so overrun with illiterate shitposters recently that any actual effort is useless.

>> No.8540429

but there were two prior lit collabs so what made those work when dreamscape didn't?

>> No.8540451

and what is up with this, honestly?

Before I frequented /lit/ I would make an occasional troll thread, but a legitimate troll thread not frog posting or pol tier garbage. Maybe I am partly to blame, but that style of trolling is dying out as mindless idiots latch on to the concept and distort it with their autism.

>> No.8540574

The "structure" of part 1 is roughly that the protagonist, Jay Phaedon, is rescued by Nick Land and taken to a commune of new sincerists.

Anything which tightens up part 1 (makes the writing better) or makes part 2 more relevant to part 1 would advance Dreamscape.

Trim template? I'm not sure any cover right now would be faithful, since Dreamscape barely exists, but you're welcome to contribute in any way.

If you'd like me to open the doc again to public edits (rather than public suggestions) I'm happy to do that.

>> No.8540593

I hate memes.

>> No.8540635

Should I buy a copy of Hypersphere? Seems like it would be a cool thing to own.

>> No.8541132

Start with a tundra.

>> No.8541147


The next /lit/ collar won't be a novel, but a collection literary theory and strange fiction on the order of nick land, the coming together of cogent exegetical argument from the history and bizarre, dark-vaporware screeds on being a terminator from the future programmed to think you were born in the 80s

>> No.8541163

I support this if only to make /lit/ shitpost about books again.

>> No.8541369

>It could be said that Green suggests that we have to choose between the material paradigm of context and neocultural capitalist theory. Singlehandedly and without pretense arriving at the conclusion that we must imagine the scrambled eggs isolated and free to choose a gastronomical denomination. Ok? Ok.

really makes u think

>> No.8541393

It's takes very little effort on the shitposter's part to post a pepe and then talk shit about a popular author or discredit the Greeks.

>> No.8541430

what /lit/ really needs to focus on is getting Clif "I will not read unsolicited material for free" Cliffardly "Cliffster" Sargent to review our book.

>> No.8541488

But that's Hypersphere

>> No.8541597

I don't know, but who would even head such a project?

>> No.8541873

Man I need to finish reading Tundra. I stopped abruptly halfway through because I got involved in something else and because reading PDFs on my Kindle is annoying, and the time away has distanced me from it.