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File: 47 KB, 1200x900, a-chronology-of-terence-mckenna-related-books-ideas-people-and-other-things-1413236346287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8537923 No.8537923 [Reply] [Original]

>What did he find out about the truth and rules that our universe abide by?

>> No.8538557

Truth is only spoken in silence.

>> No.8538568

eat 5 grams of psychedelic shrooms and find out for yourself, you pussy

>> No.8538586

are all these mckenna posts the same anon? genuinely curious to know if that's the case or if there's a legit amount of interest in him. i used to listen to his recordings when i was into the deep trip, wondering if it's worth it to revisit just because he's an interesting guy. still sort of have ptsd from his fucking voice. also the psychedelic podcast where people would call ayahuasca an entheogenic tea. aha, it did allow me to commune with god for a week though.

>> No.8538594

what did god tell you?

>> No.8538622

i dont remember - the maoi part that makes it orally active is itself intoxicating, so its difficult to take specific things out of the trip. i remember a sort of ethereal green entity, like something you'd see in photos of the aurora borealis, would enter my body and for the moment it was there i'd feel one with the universe.

>> No.8538628

then a shaman would blow hia mapachonin my face and id roll over to the other side of my mat and vomit.

>> No.8538638

had the same feeling with one tab of street acid but without the god part, just tons of anxiety and wall breating/melting
maybe i should try ayahuasca, but im not sure i can handle seeing god with my own eyes, or soul
maybe i should just get a job and live a simple life and stop thinking about getting stuff in my brain, but is so much fun, ugh

>> No.8538651

if you liked acid, and feel comfortable with the deep trip - i highly recommend it. though if you get anxiety youll probably want to work through that first. friend and i went down to iquitos to stay with a shaman for a couple weeks, doing a 'ceremony' every other night.

>> No.8538681

i think i've got a better control over my anxiety over time, i also think that with every trip you get at least some anxiety, it seems like i get more than most people, but it also seems like i can handle it
do you think you can get a "bad trip" on ayahuasca?
where you chill while on it? acid always feels like heaven and hell for me

>> No.8538715

when you take it you just lay there with your eyes closed for 2-3 hrs, only getting up to diarrhea and vomit - you dont talk to anyone else or anything until youre coming down, at least not in the ceremonies i saw. but its powerful- i imagine if you were keeping something from yourself, or had something it was really painful to think about, it could be unpleasant. ive never really had a bad trip in terms of thinking the effects were permanent or anything - i didnt then, but in general, always good to have a xanax close at hand. benzos are like eject buttons and will end trips if you want to. also nice to take adterwards when your adrenal system is spent.

>> No.8540010
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go to bed, tao.

>> No.8540029

Lovely man, but in the final analysis a failed mystic who didn't have the self-discipline to learn how to meditate.

>> No.8540180


It sounds crazy but basically this.

You're not going to discover the mathematical principles unless of course you're already a brilliant mathematician, but you are going to experience a more visceral and 'true' aspect of reality. When you're on a dose of psilocybin like that the areas of the brain that keep the personality together are almost completely shut off while the visual/spatial areas light up like crazy and the shattering reality of the perception without a perceiver happens. I can't really say it happens to 'you', but you will have memories of the experience when 'you' begin existing again. You will have a true psychedelic experience, the mind will manifest itself to itself, no (You) required.

How does this relate to the 'truth' of the universe? It's easy. It's true. There is no individual there perceiving the universe outside itself. All that is going on is perception without a perceiver, the universe looking in a mirror. The idea that arises about some 'self' thing coming about, namely you, that perceives the very thing being perceived as other is a phantasm. That's the hallucination, truly, not the experience that occurs when the 'person' is turned off momentarily.

This is all very strange, easily disputed, and possibly unsettling to those without the experience.

>> No.8540366

Kiddie using druggies rationalizing his shitty decisions.

>> No.8540409

Youre trying to say meditation can ever deliver the ego death of 5 grams in the dark? I think you oughta try it

>> No.8541048

drugs are for hedonist

>> No.8541080

Meditation without psychedelic experience is like wearing a condon and not having sex
How can they be hedonistic if they dont produce pleasure?

>> No.8541144


Wtf are you talking about? I'm 30 years old and have a family.

>> No.8541151


>all drugs are the same

Ok, next time you have a toothache you should probably take some viagra since all drugs produce the same effects.

Your ignorance and off-hand rhetoric is appalling.

>> No.8541565
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>> No.8541614

it can do a lot more than that my friend. the psychedelic ego death is essentially a distorted preview of the states of consciousness you can and will reach through diligent meditation practice. its actually an open secret right there in the theravada buddhist canon, in the suttas the buddha constantly refers to highly absorbed states of consciousness, the "jhanas," often referred to as "samadhi" in the hindu literature, with qualities like the 'plane of infinite consciousness' or the 'plane of infinite space' - sound familiar? these are real places of mind that you can reach through proper mental training, the drugs are just giving you a sneak peek into the latent abilities of your own mind. you don't need the drugs, you ARE the drugs.

as for trying psilocybe, I took mushrooms 40 or 50 times from the ages 16 to 23, and plenty of those trips were >5g. I loved mckenna during that time, I'd listen to his lectures while I went for morning runs 3 or 4 days a week.

you're skeptical of meditation because you haven't tried it yet, for which i don't blame you. it requires a lot of effort and it just doesn't seem intuitively possible that it could have effects as strong as drugs... but it does, and in fact will take you much deeper (and with a much clearer mental state) than even the strongest drugs can, and the psychological benefits are much more durable.

>> No.8541812

Peeps in their middle age crisis rationalizing their shitty decisions.

>> No.8541854
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>> No.8541985

Teenager-level aimless angst

>> No.8542002

>I was told as a child that drugs are bad mkay and haven't challenged that idea since, everyone else is wrong not me

>> No.8542008

this is top-tier advice, psychedelics are the fast "dangerous" lane, meditation is the slower "surer" way.

>> No.8542475


[will take you much deeper (and with a much clearer mental state) than even the strongest drugs can

That's completely retarded. Drugs actually force chemical processed to change dramatically in the brain, you can't get anywhere close to them with meditation. Meditation is its own thing. It can give you opioid like effects after a really long time but you're not going to have a DMT trip from meditating unless you're schizphrenic.

>> No.8543723

>Drugs cure cancer brah
>I feel like, a new man bruh, like the universe like bruh like memes
>Like bruh pharmaceutical companies and like all modern research wanna like bruh us not use drugs but they liars man
>Like bruh you can't ever understand bruh bro

>> No.8543744
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>>Drugs cure cancer brah

>implying anything else other than drugs cure cancer

What the fuck are you even on about? You're the first person to even mention cancer. You are clearly a dumbass as you don't even realize what you're saying. It sounds like you're suggesting that you can cancer just gets better by itself.

>>Like bruh pharmaceutical companies and like all modern research wanna like bruh us not use drugs but they liars man

Again you're the first person to start talking about conspiracy theories

Also, what is with all the >like bruh?

It seems you can only speak in memes.
Maybe you should do everyone a favor and stop posting on the internet for a few days and actually read things before you post. If you are going to try to insult someone with stereotypes at least make sure they are even being remotely stereotypical otherwise it just makes you look like a raging idiot.

I'm not even mad here, maybe 2/10 mad, but I'm mainly just confused and a little sad for you. I literally do not know what you are even trying to get at.

It seems to me your argument boils down to this: "You ingested a drug and had an experience, therefore you are stupid"

Am I close? You should realize by now that you're the ignorant one.

>> No.8544649

>Bruh people are ignoring for not taking drugs to enhance their perception of the universe and shit.

>> No.8544867


You're a waste of resources, honestly.

>> No.8544868
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Reminder that McKenna had a bad trip in '88 and never took them again - while recommending them to everyone.

Read Ken Wilber instead.

>> No.8544870


Btw, I'm not calling you ignorant for not taking drugs, I'm not one of those jackasses. I'm calling you ignorant because you don't really have anything to say and only seem capable of speaking in memes.

>> No.8544875

>I'm so boring I need to poison my neural system to alter my perception of life.

>> No.8544877

>Reminder that McKenna had a bad trip in '88 and never took them again - while recommending them to everyone.

He still did shrooms, and a hell of a lot of other drugs, mainly DMT and Salvia. He just did lower doses of shrooms and less frequently. He still believed they could help other people but he crossed a line that one night and couldn't go back.

>Ken Wilber

Can vouch for that.

>> No.8544886



The LD50 of psilocybin for humans is off the charts. You'd have to eat an incredible amount of mushrooms to ever get to a poisonous dose. Psilocybin is orders of magnitude less poisonous than aspirin.

I guess you're one of those people that don't even drink alcohol.

>> No.8544891

You can do it to have a good time but don't pretend it's some miraculous spiritual experience, that's some hippie bullshit.

>> No.8544893


>muh ego death

Nigger nobody cares about the fact that you took a moderately high dose of mushrooms. I've taken so many psychedelics I've gone completely insane for weeks and all those experiences do is give you a nudge in the right direction. They can give you a broader perspective on yourself, some inspiration, some mystical ideas that are more or less ineffable, but if you really want to explore this stuff you have to do more work than that. Psychedelics can actually turn on you in a very nasty way if you keep going back to them, which is what happened to McKenna. Have you read anything he wrote? 90% is gibberish. He thought the eschaton was coming in 2000, how's that working out? All I see is a bunch of people glued to their iPhones.

>> No.8544898

>miraculous spiritual experience

It can be a miraculous spiritual experience if you take a sufficient dose and have the right setting. Look I get that it sounds kooky but it can absolutely earth-shattering my friend.

I get its a completely subjective experience, but hell so is everything.

>> No.8544899
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b-but muh Timewave

>> No.8544903

Nick Cave's son died because of people like McKenna

>> No.8544908

Nick Cave's son died because of people like Nick Cave
>muh counterculture outlaw poet

>> No.8544912

So LSD also makes you an asshole, good to know.

>> No.8544920

About as much as alcohol does.

I'm pretty sure being an asshole makes you an asshole.

>> No.8544923

Do not shit on Nick Cave straight edge asshole

>> No.8544929

Don't touch the stuff.
But if McKenna gets it for LSD, why doesn't Nick 'heroin chic' Cave deserve blame?

>> No.8544944

Cave never endorsed heroin

Not to imply an equivalence between heroin and LSD

>> No.8544951

When Cave made his mark in the mid'80s, he was certainly seen as a drugged up madman. You think that didn't influence dumb 15 year old goths all over the world? He didn't have to proselytize - his successful persona did that.