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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 377 KB, 500x492, 20131011153017!Nobel_Prize.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8532730 No.8532730 [Reply] [Original]

It's only a couple weeks away. Who's it gonna be?

>> No.8532735

chinchon for bleeding edgelord

>> No.8532736

A white male

>> No.8532739

A black female.

>> No.8532742

an asian shemale.

>> No.8532756
File: 73 KB, 478x2364, possiblewinners.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf there are like two Estonian people here I've never heard of.

>> No.8532806
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>> No.8532812

Someone here pointed out last year that well known authors get lower odds than they deserve because people are going to bet on them anyway. Hence Murakami at the top.

>> No.8532813

>dabbing is basically the black version fo fedora tipping
Damn.. never even thought of it that way

>> No.8532817

When someone you've never heard of like Estonian author Doris Kareva is in the top 20 though then you can guess they'll probably win

>> No.8532825

I mean, well known authors barely even win

>> No.8532846

Well now that's not true. At least half of the last ten winners were quite well-known before receiving the prize.

>> No.8532850

I do remember that Alexievich was in the top ranks of the betting agencies the last time around and she won, so they're not wrong.
And Alexievich's writing is amazing, a well-deserved price, and I remember the tens of 'wtf who dis' threads here.
It was identical with Modiano, but he's shit.

god I've been here too long

>> No.8532857

I remember when people were bitching about Thomas the Transformer winning. You haven't been here long at all.

Also I hope someone who actually writes their own books wins this time.

>> No.8532863

Not Pynchon then.

>> No.8532865

Oh, /lit/ was very young when Transtroemer won, I don't think many people lurked here regularly back then

/lit/ was 'opened' in 2010, Transtroemer won 2011

>> No.8532869

/lit/ was created a week before J. D. Salinger died. That first week was the most fun and active this board has ever been.

>> No.8532897

you're mom

>> No.8532905

High hopes for Kraznahorkai, reading Satantango at the moment and it's brilliant. Hoping to read something I haven't seen filmatized by Tarr sometime soon after so I don't always have his images in mind when reading along

>> No.8532956
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>> No.8532964


>> No.8533151

Salinger posted here? neat. (RIP)

>> No.8533292

if my nigga kjell askildsen gets it imma celebrate for weeks on end

>> No.8533345

i fucking love thomas the transformer fampai

>> No.8533352
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>> No.8533440

I'd love to see Kraznahorkai get the Nobel!

>> No.8533626

I think he has a decent shot, there's never really been a hungarian winner before (or well depends on how you define nationality) and he still writes afaik. Would hopefully get more of his stuff translated, only Satantango and The Melancholy Of Resistance have been translated to my language. Reading in English is fine but I prefer reading translations in first language

>> No.8533944

id be happy if they gave it to him instead of felling pressured/obligated to give it to some african author or some PeruANO just because we had "too many europeans" lately

>> No.8534039
File: 105 KB, 960x720, 1452089219897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm from same country as Kjell
>I I live in his town every year
>I see him get posted on a 90s gay geology forum for a nobel prize.
>Yet I have never, EVER heard about him.

>> No.8534053

Bob Dylan

>> No.8534201


>> No.8534211

My money is on Thiong'o or Knausgard.
Thiong'o because of their idealogical agenda, Knausgard because they pive giving the prize to fellow Nordics with only the slightest of pretexts.

>> No.8534220

>Modiano is shit
>journalist deserving a prize in literature
Subtle troll is bretty gud.

>> No.8534225

All the transformers memes about his name were good, the discussion

>> No.8534229

I hope someone relatively unknown...two years after wining the Nobel my school bookstore with very small and shitty selection has multiple Patrick Modianos. Would be cool if the prize could lead to US stores actually carrying more contemporary translations.

>> No.8534230

Too controversial, they shy away from that these days.

>> No.8534239

>best case scenario
someone I haven't heard of who I then read as a result and it turns out they're great.
>worst case scenario

>> No.8534244

my money is on an unknown since svettis won last year they gotta surprise us this time

>> No.8534246

the US will remain a translation waste land for the foreseeable future. unless you live in a big city you're buying off amazon.

>> No.8534251

bad ass

>> No.8534260
File: 86 KB, 1200x675, Daniel+Swedin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>worst case scenario
It's not gonna happen, trust me.
They could surprise us with pinecone too, wouldn't have to be an unknown.

>> No.8534261


memes aside (though i do love the transformer meme) transtromer is legitimately sublime. highly encourage everyone with even a passing interest in poetry to check it out.

Read Schubertiana while listening to this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbwPQ-s37p4



In the evening darkness in a place outside New York, a viewpoint point where
one single glance will encompass the homes of eight million
The giant city over there is a long shimmering drift, a spiral galaxy seen
from the side.
Within the galaxy coffee-cups are pushed across the counter, the shop
windows beg from passers-by, a flurry of shoes leave no prints.
The climbing fire escapes, the lift doors glide shut, behind police -
locked doors a perpetual seethe of voices.
Slouched bodies doze in subway cars, the hurtling catacombs.
I know too – without statistics – that right now Schubert is being played
in some room over there and that for someone the notes are
more real than anything else.


The endless expanses of the human brain are crumpled to the size of a fist.
In April the swallow returns to last year’s nest under the guttering of this
very barn in this very parish.
She flies from Transvaal, passes the equator, flies for six weeks over two
continents, makes for precisely this vanishing dot in the land-
And the man who catches the signals from a whole life in a few ordinary
chords for five strings,
who makes a river flow through the eye of a needle,
is a stout young gentleman from Vienna known to his friends as `The
Mushroom," who slept with his glasses on
and stood at his writing desk punctually of a morning.
And then the wonderful centipedes of his manuscript were set in motion.


The string quintet is playing. I walk home through warm forests with the
ground springy under me,
curl up like an embryo, fall asleep, roll weightless into the future, suddenly
feel that the plants have thoughts.


So much we have to trust, simply to live through our daily day without
Sinking through the earth!
Trust the piled snow clinging to the mountain slope above the village.
Trust the promises of silence and the smile of understanding, trust that
the accident telegram isn’t for us and that the sudden axe-blow
from within won’t come.
Trust the axles that carry us on the highway in the middle of the three
hundred times life-size bee swarm of steel.
But none of that is really worth our confidence.
The five strings say we can trust something else. And they keep us com-
pany part of the way .
As when the time-switch clicks off in the stairwell and the fingers –
trustingly – follow the blind handrail that finds its way in the

>> No.8534265

Did you get the joke?

>> No.8534267



We squeeze together at the piano and play with four hands in F minor,
two coachmen on the same coach, it looks a little ridiculous.
The hands seem to be moving resonant weights to and fro, as if we were
tampering with the counterweights
in an effort to disturb the great scale arm’s terrible balance: joy and
suffering weighing exactly the same.
Annie said, `This music is so heroic,’ and she’s right.
But those whose eyes enviously follow men of action, who secretly
despise themselves for not being murderers,
don’t recognize themselves here,
and the many who buy and sell people and believe that everyone can be
bought, don’t recognize themselves here.
Not their music. The long melody that remains itself in all its transfor-
mations, sometimes glittering and pliant, sometimes rugged
and strong, snail-track and steel wire.
The perpetual humming that follows us – now –
the depths.

>> No.8534270

what joke, that picture was cool

>> No.8534281

The opening line of his first book is
>Awakening is a parachute jump from the dream

>> No.8534288

bad ass

>> No.8534361

Is swear to god, if Murakami wins over Marilynne Robinson or Pynchon, I'm killing myself.

>> No.8534367

I just got an inside source that Murakami won, start a livestream

>> No.8534401

thats b/c ur pleb

>> No.8534409

In Sweden he's basically the litmus test for if you're a '>watches babel and likes it' middlebrowfag or actually highbrow. He's not gonna win it, I'd be willing to bet a kidney on it.

>> No.8534414

Why does /lit/ have such a hateboner for Murakami? I have After the Quake sitting around but I've never actually read it.

>> No.8534420

he's not good and his reputation relative to his quality is one of the most mismatched among all authors

>> No.8534421

in japan he is no person

>> No.8534424


it isnt a /lit/ thing. It happens in all countries and continents. He is suspicious among literature fans because of his best seller status and the kind of people who buy his books.

>> No.8534431

bc he's the go to author for a certain kind of philistine who wants to appear literary and worldly, which isn't really his fault, his books are also repetitive (w/ plot and whisky-jazz-pasta-hot young girl-'magic'-blah blahwise) and sometimes bad which is though

his non-fiction book on the gas attacks is severely underrated, even haters should give it a try

>> No.8534440

>bc he's the go to author for a certain kind of philistine who wants to appear literary and worldly
And because we want to suppress the idea that we are such philistines ourselves.

>> No.8534787

Nobody in his home town talk about Kjell. They hate him because he wrote lewd stuff.

>> No.8535028

he and knausgaard are both to young. I don't think the nobel committee are likely to give the prize to young writers anymore desu; i thin the winner is probably going to be Adonis or Thiong'o, both of whom have been favourites for years. If its any english speaker it will be Ashbery. Geoffrey Hill died before he could get the prize unfortunately

>> No.8535033

Thiongo's mos famous books are in English.

>> No.8535035

*too young, is what i meant to say

>> No.8535036

oh shit i had no idea, despite hearing about the guy for years i haven't read any of his books yet

>> No.8535062

His books in Gikuyu are translated into English by himself too.

>> No.8535069

which of his books would you say is his best?

>> No.8535112
File: 1.80 MB, 318x222, kommentár nélkül.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Crashin Urukhai wins

>> No.8535122

I've only read The River Between. It was very good but I think A Grain of Wheat is supposed to be his best according to the meme.

>> No.8535136

Trump, Peace prize.

>> No.8535150

Ko Un will win

>> No.8535167


>> No.8535195

Thiong'o is:

Oppressed by his government
Politically palatable
an amazing author
a comic author at points

He is the ideal candidate and will win in the next 5 years.

Roth will never, ever, ever, ever, ever win

>> No.8535203

Wizard of the Crow is fantastic, and Petals of Blood is loaded on my kindle now.

>> No.8535229

>a comic author at points
Is this really to his advantage? The nobel commitee seems to like total seriousness.

>Roth will never, ever, ever, ever, ever win
Thank God. I feel bad for americans for Nabakov being snubbed in favour of two non entities from the academy, but giving it to Roth is not the way to repay.

>> No.8535245

they should give it to Nicanor fucking Parra he's 102 yo I don't think he can't wait that much longer

>> No.8535246

I think so since his comedy is a more "popping jokes at the expense of security force officers while you are being tortured" type

>> No.8535307

>Haruki Murakami
This cannot be real.

>> No.8535319

what do the numbers mean

>> No.8535321

u don't even know what betting odds are.. jesus christ

>> No.8535336

yeah I also suck at math
so, what do they mean?

>> No.8535339

nisio isin

>> No.8535345

fuck off

>> No.8535374

for every dollar that you put down you'd get five in return, if Murakami won. If Dylan won you'd get fifty for every dollar.

>> No.8535384

hi newest nobel prize winner here

ask me anything

>> No.8535389
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>> No.8535395

How does it feel to know that your work was selected due to anti putin sentiment over objective quality?

>> No.8535396


>> No.8535397

which minority do you represent

>> No.8535404

who said i had anti putin sentiment in my work

the 1%

>> No.8535411

Can this meme just die already? It's not even accurate.

>> No.8535415

It doesn't matter if it's accurate so long as it's redpilled

>> No.8535448

not Borges

>> No.8535463

would be cool, maybe in 20 years
it's been like that every year

>> No.8535530

It's going to be either Bei Dao or Ko Un.

>> No.8536141
File: 479 KB, 598x442, 1316765046235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this image gave me aids. I legitimately cannot believe this made money. People spent money to see this, people spent time working on this and got paid for it. Fuck.

>> No.8536152

John 'Jiahd' Green and Junot 'Middlebrown' Diaz

>> No.8536154


lel you're delusional if you think the work of women and brown people aren't judged according to an entirely separate set of standards

>> No.8536661

>person who whines about women and minorities
>misses the point
such surprise

>> No.8536783

faka u bitch

>> No.8536825

Never read Knausgard, what's wrong with him?

>> No.8536833

i came across a clip of junot diaz speaking/interviewed, he speaks in his writing voice

>> No.8536835

This. Ingen blir profet i eget land.

>> No.8537211

Does anyone here know how one gets access to the old nomination lists?

>> No.8537261

His only work that ive read that is Nobel quality is Underground.

All of his magical fiction about angsty young boys sucks.

>> No.8537266

Garry Johnson

>> No.8537282

>pynchon has the same odds as bob dylan

>> No.8537285

Lol, every year when swedish culture people get to say which one they hope will win there's a couple of people who were young in the 60s hoping for Dylan. They even think he has chance; it's super cute.

>> No.8537290

>Bob Dylan comes to my home town
>Pretty excited, love his early albums and some of his big hits
>Go see him
>all old hippies smoking the joints
>bandannas everywhere
>he sounds awful
>only does stuff off his new album
>40 minute set

>> No.8537301

What did you honestly expect?

>> No.8537312


I thought he might put some effort in

>> No.8537339

Benno von Archimboldi

>> No.8537347

Would be more deserved than Russel.

>> No.8538042

He doesn't need to even try anymore
He can do literally anything and make money with it

>> No.8538066

He deserves it.

>> No.8538075


>> No.8538128

True, I understand it all fits into his image and all, but really he could at least try