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/lit/ - Literature

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8531667 No.8531667 [Reply] [Original]

what big words did you use today to display your superiority over non-readers?

>> No.8531672


>> No.8531678

Might I recommend you using the full form of "cuckhold?"

The more syllables the better.

>> No.8531681

Recursively axiomatized set

>> No.8531689


>> No.8531695


>> No.8531697

inefficiently masticate your phallus?

what? hahah

>> No.8531707
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I call anybody who disagrees with me petite-bourgeois or undialectical.

>> No.8531722


>> No.8531734

that's not what masticate means dumbass

>> No.8531740

What a qt wojak

>> No.8531766

if you don't understate the inherent humor in relating poorly chewing food to sucking you should buy an airsoft rifle and pull it on an officer of the law as soon as possible

>> No.8531784

bourgeois bohemian


propriety (and a lot of other words common in old british lit)

Though I'm shying away from such speech because it just means you go unheard and misunderstood. It's actually much harder to use strong, small, and intuitively understood anglo-saxon words vs. latinate garbage.

>> No.8531871

oh, my bad. here:

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahaha oh man that's a corker roflmao #holyiwantmore


>> No.8531880


Though i don't know the english for that one.

>> No.8531885

>using the word "inherent"
Quintessentially, you're a faggot.

>> No.8531895

sorry, I meant intrinsically

>> No.8531898

you really aren't good with words, are you?

>> No.8531902

I'm impeccable

>> No.8531918


>> No.8531919

sorry, I meant impregnable.

>> No.8531966

>petite bourgeois

such an appropriate term if you know what it means and therefore how to use it, but I'm ashamed to use it because it's origin is Marxist.

>> No.8532012

As in I can't be impregnated.

>> No.8532045
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>Teacher explains to college classroom what the word "vernacular" means

>> No.8532055


>> No.8532075

the hermenutics of Quaranic exegesis

>> No.8532191
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>bourgeois bohemian

>> No.8532305
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>> No.8532310


>> No.8532325

reread your comment and ask yourself if you're content with who you are.

>> No.8532344
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Language is communication nigger

If you use words that you know your audience won't understand you are no better than an illiterate phillistine

>> No.8532353
File: 161 KB, 663x512, Amphibian Morality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>bourgeois bohemian

I stole this from Peter Hitchens to use against Champagne Socialists, University/College Lefties, etc.

Works every time.

>> No.8532363

o rlly?

>> No.8532364

thats what i though ttoo kek

>> No.8532372


>not understanding that displaying a greater communicative capacity is a show of power and dominance

you have but an inchoate understanding of the social functioning of language, serf

>> No.8532373

Actually, using overtly complex words in a situation where its completely unnecessary just shows how you are ignorant of social culture and standard.

>> No.8532377

Do you mean "it's?"

or are you just submitting to the bastardization of language that other retards use?

>> No.8532378
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>This is what uneducated plebs actually think
>Implying you should ever lower yourself to the rabble's level, rather than demand they raise themselves to yours

>> No.8532380


>he thinks reading a couple of books now means he has an """""education""""
god you're embarrassing

>> No.8532384


>he thinks reading no books now mans he has an """"education"""""
god you're embarrassing

>> No.8532386

The purpose of language is literally to communicate. If you use words in a context where you know the other person wont understand them, you are actually being a fucking retard. Strong vocabularies are useful, but only if the person you're talking to understand the words.

This thread smells of /r9k/, people trying to grow a superiority complex based on something completely fucking asinine.

>> No.8532388

is that really the best you can do? lmfao

nothing like trying to feel superior, getting called out, and reverting to literal schoolyard insults. grow the fuck up manchild

>> No.8532390


>> No.8532391
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>> No.8532392

You are typing with the pseudointellectualism of a 15 year old who just discovered Athiesm. I URGE YOU TO RECONSIDER.

>> No.8532408

Maybe 200+ years ago, when people spent the majority of their time around other people
Today you can get by with a couple of sentences a day
Lingual finesse (along with literature) is becoming/has become a niche interest, pleb

>> No.8532491

I fervently maintain the conviction that one who studies the works of able writers has an obligation to utlise the much neglected words in whatever language they so happen to speak. If the person whom one is conversing with fails to comprehend, then it becomes their obligation to remedy that. Their is a point at which one is merely insulting that person, maybe be utlising archaic terminology, but their is no sufficient argument against speaking those words still used in academe or literary novels of the day. Unless the person becomes agressive of course.

>> No.8532507
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>> No.8532572


>> No.8532578

True patrician.

>> No.8532605


>> No.8532614

"Vive Dios que me impele a cogitar" for "Really makes you think".