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File: 868 KB, 1445x1820, Saint_Francis_of_Assisi_by_Jusepe_de_Ribera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8531033 No.8531033 [Reply] [Original]

In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti


>> No.8531041

Fucking loved the boondock saints too!!

>> No.8531042
File: 310 KB, 800x812, re4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Padre, why does God let women age like milk?

>> No.8531056

1Judge not, that ye be not judged. 2For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. 3And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? 4Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? 5Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

>> No.8531092
File: 238 KB, 540x457, stopit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>god not only allows evil to exist (wrinkled old bags), but IS himself evil (wants to force me to fuck wrinkled old bags, because not to do so is "judging" them)


>> No.8531103
File: 87 KB, 380x480, asketic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jokers on you, this is a buddhist thread!

>> No.8531120
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All ascetic traditions are great.

>> No.8531141

Reminder that if you're not a Catholic you belong to a pagan sect

>> No.8531166
File: 82 KB, 959x638, kissing.feet_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your fake Antichrist pope is literally a traitor, Muslim kissing devil.

The Orthodox Church is the only real Church.

>> No.8531231

see >>8531166

Pope Francis should be hanged for his crimes against humanity.

>> No.8531238

This Pope was an error, I'll admit that

>> No.8531247

Eschatology not even once...

>> No.8531248

He looks like was left under the heat lamps a lil too long.

>> No.8531257

Why is it an error to follow the teachings of Jesus and love your neighbor? To care for the homeless and the hungry? Is the Sermon on the Mount not the most important part of biblical Christian doctrine? Or is this religion thing just a pretense for you to hate people who are different from you?

>> No.8531262
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I will rejoin the Catholic church when a Pope that loves humanity leads our faith. Until then I will practice my good faith and temperance in solitude. My ancestors didn't die for our land to handed over to the enemy.

I will hang him up high and call god as my witness should I be given the chance.

>> No.8531269
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Idk ask the muslims.

>> No.8531286
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>> No.8531304

Catholics pronounce Latin wrong

>> No.8531318

Illogical, try again shithead.

>> No.8531336


>> No.8531370

Catholicism has always been an international religion. Either you honor you ancestors by preventing any other people from moving there, or you honor your faith and welcome humans in need from other countries. You can't logically do both.

>> No.8531373

False dichotomy snakeposter

>> No.8531610
File: 93 KB, 620x413, 1468801248508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Humans in need
Top kek you fucking nigger lover. I wish no harm on the sand-niggers in their own country and condemn any acts of my own government to subvert them, but I will not stand by and watch unwashed hordes of violenct primitive shitskins flood my streets and destroy my culture and country.

I am fine with you rolling belly up and unguarding your throat to the enemy, but I am not going to ignore the harm mass migration is having on the West.

Oh please rape my wife, I must atone for my ancestral success and your ancestral failures. Oh please take my money and my land, I must atone for my ancestors killing you for invading us and killing us for our beliefs. Oh please take my life, I may not understand your archaic beliefs and social ideas
I will submit and let the strong in my society fight for me, for I can't see past my own self-righteousness before it kills me.

God forbid shitskins help themselves, instead on constantly killing eachother.

>> No.8531639

>"racism is good"
>middle-easterner kills white people based on race

>> No.8531658

do you even watch the news?
muslims will not stop until every white person is dead. blacks also want every white person dead. mexicans are breeding whites out of existence. women are cucking whites birth rates and creating an army of shitskins.
do you even watch the news?

take the redpill faggot

>> No.8531666

so you're telling me that racism is bad

>> No.8531679

>devils trips

Racism is the only way we can do what the news people want. Do you even watch the news? How are you not outraged? How are you not nervous?

>> No.8531687

Racial hostility, rather, which would not exist if races were not influenced to mingle by the [triple_opening_bracket]elite[triple_closing_bracket] and instead kept to their own lands.

>> No.8531696

but you're outraged at the racism of non-whites, so you are saying racism is bad and that if no one was racist we wouldn't have these problems. instead your answer is 'we need to be racist!' despite the causes of these problems being racism

also imagine you're living in the middle east and surrounding villages keep getting bombed by drones and you can't do anything about it. would you think that white people won't stop until the entire middle east is destroyed?

>> No.8531708

by 'keep to their own lands' you mean whites should make a grand exodus back to europe?

by 'elite influence' you mean the proliferation of fast travel and the increased labour flow caused from the west exporting capitalism across the globe?

>> No.8531720

>They come to our land and kill use
>Omg we can't ban them, thats racist


Please tell me more about how white people are all racists. Tell me more about how we don't pay welfare toward shitskins livlihoods in massive amounts helping their inferior nigger brains get by without all robbing and killing. My mommy raised me to heil hitler and snap nigger necks like a good boy.

>> No.8531723

Reminder: not hating every member of another race and preparing to defend yourself against them should some event randomly occur is literally falling for the elites plan. #randpaul2012 #trump2016

>> No.8531724

desu i'd kiss that woman's feet

>> No.8531729

speak american, you pinko trash

>> No.8531731

call me when middle-easterners have killed 4 million whites like whites have done to them in their own countries

>> No.8531736
File: 115 KB, 827x492, 1465823078982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahaha Oh god, are people like you even human? My dog has more logic.

>> No.8531744

my bad i forgot they don't show that on the news

>> No.8531746

he's saying murdering/outbreeding of whites=bad

>also imagine you're living in the middle east and surrounding villages keep getting bombed by drones and you can't do anything about it. would you think that white people won't stop until the entire middle east is destroyed?

muh product of my environment

>> No.8531755

Say 'muh ___' doesn't stop it being valid

>> No.8531764

he's saying racism towards whites is bad while racism towards non-whites is good. it would be more sensible to say that racism against whites and non-whites both is bad, because racism is bad

>muh product of my environment

what? can you not see the parallels? both sides saying "they won't stop until we're all dead"? it never ceases to amaze just how dumb people on this site are

>> No.8531768

See I believe politics is a zero sum game: if I don't deny nonwhites of rights, they will deny me of rights and so on. A rising tide lifts all ships, my ass. The founding fathers were librul cucks. Muslims don't want to be bombed they should try being white, or not bombing us in the first place. 911 was done by nonwhites. How are you gonna debate me on this? Are you a paki?

>> No.8531774

>not being racist

literally how?

>> No.8531778

On 4chan it does.

Anyway they get droned because they're terrorists.

You're using the same retarded argument that liberals use when trying to explain the out of control crime rates in black neighborhoods
>they're comitting crime because they're poor

No, they're poor because they're comitting crime.

Their high crime rates caused their neighborhoods to become impoverished.

Their Islamic fundamentalism caused their neighborhoods to be droned.

>> No.8531783

>whites and middle-easterns didn't interact until 9/11 when they bombed us first for no reason

the american mind at work

>> No.8531790

Nope. He's saying crimes towards whites and the destruction of white countries are bad.

Hence racism towards non-whites(specifically Muslims) are good.

>> No.8531791

where are you taking those goalposts?

>> No.8531794

So you're against the wars with Iran and Syria then, right? Are you an isolationist?

>> No.8531797

>crimes towards whites

oh you mean racism?

he's saying racism is bad, therefor racism is good.

>> No.8531806
File: 39 KB, 500x329, 1433774937282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>oh you mean racism?
>racism is a crime

>> No.8531807

my own opinions are irrelevant, i'm pointing out logical flaws in someone else's

>> No.8531811

crimes towards whites based on... luck?

>> No.8531821

I'll try to explain since you can't seem to be able to seperate racism from crime

>racism towards whites
irrelevant, not inherently bad

>crimes towards whites

>> No.8531824

911 was the beginning of this whole thing asshole. What? Are you some conspiracy theorist? Haha, fag. If you don't believe Muslims want us whites dead your a zionist cuck. I was born in 1999, that was a long time ago, but I remember it like it was yesterday fag.

>> No.8531829

Is racism ill-intent expressed between different ethnic groups, or is it the belief that different ethnic groups possess different psychological characteristics?

>> No.8531836

No, whites (Americans) should go for the high score. BAZING!

>> No.8531838

pick up a history book retard. muslims have wanted nothing but peace on this earth but have constantly faced antagonism from the west ever since descending from the heavens 40 years ago

>> No.8531845

>you can't seem to be able to seperate racism from crime

that was your misreading of my argument. i'm talking about crimes based on racism hence >>8531811

i don't think racism is a crime and i've never said anything from which you can logically infer that argument

>> No.8531847

If you're trying to make a point then stop writing like you're taking a spiked dildo

>> No.8531853

>won't be happy until more people die as long as they are white

I rest my argument, history will absolve me.

>> No.8531854

race and ethnicity aren't the same thing though often they are conflated. of course biological difference exists; acknowledging this doesn't make you racist

>> No.8531857

Bin Laden literally said it was because the US was/is maintaining bases in Saudi Arabia.
>go to beginning. Things before the beginning was due to something something oil something something Iran and exploiting the different branches of Islam's antipathy.
He also said the plan was to draw us in to extended conflict that eventually bankrupts us so maybe we should be listening.

>> No.8531861

>imagine if people stopped killing each other

enjoy your news

>> No.8531864

Racism is a refusal to acknowledge western civilization.

>> No.8531903

Yea, in a perfect world, atrocities would decrease if we become more tolerant of other people's interests. The world is seeing different, though.

>> No.8531905

I wish your people a firey death from the skies.