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File: 375 KB, 639x910, Karl_Marx_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8528817 No.8528817[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the reason behind people who keep trying to implement it again and again and again and again and again and again and again, despite it failing every single time?

>> No.8528878


It hasn't failed because it hasn't really been tried yet. That shit was just CINO. Capitalism is shit and if you support it you are an idiot who likes being exploited.

>> No.8528887

>It hasn't failed because it hasn't really been tried yet.
If I had a penny for every single time I've heard this

>> No.8528891
File: 103 KB, 1200x892, communism has never been tried m8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Pic related

My retort is usually this. Let's admit, for the sake of argument, that Communism hasn't been tried. What we can say however, is that every attempt to implement it has been so fucking awful that we can reasonably question if it's ever worth trying.

>> No.8528899


It's not awful though. You are too brainwashed and programmed to like shitty capitalism because it is all around you. Do you enjoy being exploited?

>> No.8528914

I can see the arguments of people who are against communism. But do you think capitalism is the one we should stick with till the end? Why? Also, post some good books in defense of capitalism (just to keep this /lit/ related).

>> No.8528919




No, I actually don't give a shit about Capitalism either. Just as Nietzsche professed himself to be anti-political, I think of myself as anti-economical. I just don't care about whatever economic system a country may have that much, and the economy in general seems to be given too much emphasis. "That dismal science", as Carlyle called economics. Still, Capitalism does seem to be the best of a bad bunch.

>> No.8528925

Pro tip kiddo: communism isn't the only system that can replace capitalism. I'd rather see it replaced by corporatism or syndicalism myself

>> No.8528960

>Just as Nietzsche professed himself to be anti-political, I think of myself as anti-economical.
>when talking about a political-economic system

>> No.8528962

We tried corporatism and it failed.

>> No.8528964

>Capitalism is shit
True, but I don't see how you could justify forced redistribution either.

>> No.8528966

>deregulation didn't work?
>the problem is we didn't deregulate enough!
>tax cuts for the rich didn't work?
>the problem is we didn't cut enough taxes for the rich!

>> No.8528968


I don't give a shit about politics or economics.

>> No.8528970

Who argues against shit like reparations?

>> No.8528972

Then >>>/out/

No one should force you to discuss them :^)

>> No.8528979

What do you mean?
Maybe from you should out of moral duty pay reparations but in no way is it justified for someone to be forced to do so.

>> No.8528989

Can you name a time where capitalism worked? Just once? Capitalism in India has killed more people since the 1940's than communism has killed in it's entire history. I mean I'm only barely a socialist, I think parts of the system are stupid or even unworkable, but defense of capitalism is flat out retarded.

In America there are more empty houses than homeless people and more food wasted daily than it would take to feed all of the hungry hundreds of time over. Isn't this a fundamental failing? Capitalism makes only a little more sense than feudalism. It was always meant to be transitional.