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852736 No.852736 [Reply] [Original]

ITT books that would be great movies, but would be fucked up by the hollywood machine

Paradise Lost
The Illiad (lol Troy)
American Gods

>> No.852742

The first three would be very difficult to film without adaptation and distortion so intense that the movie would be "a performance on the occasion of" the Iliad, or "adapted from part of" the Iliad, or "inspired by" the Iliad. Which is fine, but they're not obvious prospects.

>> No.852745

neil gaiman is a hollywood machine, and ulysses would make a terrible movie.

paradise lost or the illiad would be cool in 3D though.

>> No.852749

The Phantom of the Opera.
Oh wait, it was turned into a faggy musical....and THEN destroyed by the musical machine.

>> No.852752

The Dark Tower series

>> No.852754

phantom, the book, was amazing. amazingly enough, i have never seen the play, opera, movie, anything. only read the book. i feel privileged to have experienced it without cultural bias.

>> No.852753

The Golden Compass could have been a great movie, but something went terrible wrong.

>> No.852757

Gaiman is a Hollywood Machine, but I'd say American Gods would be pretty unfilmable. Too much going on. Anansi Boys or Neverwhere would work, although the first is a miniseries in developmental hell, and the other is a miniseries that is apparently terrible.

>> No.852759

The Invention of Morel

>> No.852760

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.852761

>American Gods

That wouldn't make a good movie...it sure as hell didn't make a good book.

>> No.852766

What're you talking about, American Gods was one of the best books I've read. Amazing travel with divine allegory in between.

>> No.852775

It had possibly the most boring vanilla protagonist ever put to fiction. It had a twist that was obvious a mile away. It felt like half the time he was just adding new gods to either pad out the book or as a showy display of erudition to prove he did some research. Plus the whole concept of the book was far too similar to Sandman, so it just felt like him retreading something that worked before.

Did you really care about any of the characters? Didn't you feel like alot of the book was just shadow reacting to weird shit? As soon as you found out Loki was in the book didn't the ending twist just seem obvious to you (if it wasn't before)? Plus his wife annoyed me greatly

>> No.852777

Harry Potter. Especially if they made the first movie before the fourth book was released.


>> No.852780

House of Leaves.

>> No.852779

>I didn't like it and neither should you!

Your opinion, man.

>> No.852785

yeah, 'cause only the navidson record would be a decent one....even if it's shaky-cam.

>> No.852788


that would make a fucking weird movie. I guess if you made Johnny's parts a video diary or something it could work.

>> No.852791

>>It was rumored that there was going to be a movie adaptation of Anansi Boys (from the radio play), but the "moviemakers wanted to change the lead black characters to white or drop the magical elements altogether". Gaiman claimed not to need the money, "Not needing the money puts me in a magical place because I can say no. I like the idea of having good movies made or having no movies made."


>> No.852792

I am sorry if you thought I was saying you shouldn't like it.

When you said "What are you talking about" I assumed you wanted me to explain my problems with the book.

I only asked questions because I wanted to see what you like about it and further discuss the book.

I apologize if I offended you or appeared dismissive.

>> No.852793


>> No.852794

Neil Gaiman confirmed as a bro.

>> No.852803

>>or drop the magical elements altogether


>> No.852810
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>moviemakers wanted to change the lead black characters to white or drop the magical elements altogether

God damn hollywood.

>> No.852813

The Corwin Cycle of The Chronicles of Amber.
Just the special effects potential of moments like Corwin fleeing from Benedict is enough to blow shit like Lord of the Rings out of the water.

>> No.852817

>books that would be great movies

Are you serious? Ulysses is focused upon people's mental lives - something that a film adaptation would struggle to convey.

>> No.852819
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>> No.852821

a non-shitty film adaptation of call of cthulhu prease

>> No.852824


>> No.852832

>he reads fantasy

confirmed for faggot fairy

>> No.852834
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>he thinks you can know the personality of someone you've never met based entirely on what books they read

>> No.852845
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>he thinks you cant

>> No.852846


>> No.852850
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>he thinks personality can be distilled down to something as simple as taste in literature

>> No.852855
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>he thinks it cant

>> No.852856
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>> No.852857

Gentlemen please! You're BOTH faggots!

>> No.852858

we really can't find a way to bring the Quixote to the screen?

>> No.852859
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>The direction this thread is taking
sure is troll in here

>> No.852861


>> No.852864
File: 24 KB, 400x395, 1276352820325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks everyone has a flat, lifeless, one-dimensional personality like his where they define themselves and are defined by others in terms of a single trait

>> No.852869
File: 13 KB, 256x181, highthang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks everyone doesn't

>> No.852875

Protip: you are being trolled newfag

>> No.852887
File: 126 KB, 1260x710, 1272403354707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know. But I'm enjoying myself, so fuck you.
>He projects his own one-dimensional nature on everyone around him!

>> No.852890

No one else is enjoying it. You're just shitting up the thread.

>> No.852894
File: 39 KB, 261x380, fatgiraffe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he denies truth by accusing people of projecting

>> No.852893


to some extent, but there's really no way around the fact that Neil Gaiman is a mediocre writer.

>> No.852903


does that mean he thought stardust was a good movie?

>> No.852904
File: 66 KB, 356x500, Crooked_Little_Vein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crooked Little Vein.
A nice little R-rated detective comedy that wouldn't cost much but would generate some profit most likely.
But the machine would probably try and enforce a PG-13 rating, throw to much money at it since it's made by a comic book writer, tone down the subplots to focus on what they'd see as the "serious" main storyline and put Nicolas Cage in the main role.

>> No.852906
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>he doesn't know what truth is

>> No.852911
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>he's a doublenigger

>> No.852915

Jesus fuck you two, stop shitting up a good thread.

No one gives a fuck if you like fantasy or not. Anyone who says differently is trolling.

>> No.852917
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>he mad

>> No.852919

>>852813 here
Just want to make it clear that I'm not the faggot bickering with the troll, and also:

Has there ever been a Romance of the Three Kingdoms series/movie/something? There ought to be.

>> No.852920
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>he thinks i mad

>> No.852923
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>he thinks he can hide it

>> No.852924


This. Made. Me. Angry.
Don't forget that they could have had actors and a director that knew what the fuck they were doing.

>> No.852928
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>he thinks i have something to hide

>> No.852930
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>he thinks he can hide his secrets from me

>> No.852935
File: 20 KB, 500x310, ambienwalrus.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he has no idea what i secretly think about him

>> No.852940
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>he thinks I don't know what he masturbates about

>> No.852941

I thought the movie/tvshow was quite good

>> No.852943
File: 41 KB, 368x400, scalabrine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks people masturbate about things and not to them

>> No.852947
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>he thinks the meaning of the statement is significantly changed by a single word

>> No.852957

>he thinks he could say any of this to my face irl without getting raped cos im hyooge

>> No.852959

>he thinks 5 feet 4 inches is huge

>> No.852963
File: 158 KB, 400x386, catnigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks it isnt

>> No.852967

>he's asian

>> No.852979
File: 76 KB, 460x677, bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks it isnt fap/nap tiem

good day sir.

>> No.853073

>implying wow

>> No.853144



>> No.853272

I think there's a Paradise Lost adaptation in development. Could be pretty cool if they did it in a LOTR-style epic, war in heaven and all that jazz.

>> No.853277

This, a million times.

>> No.853281

Wheel of Time series. Think Lord of the Ringsx10

>> No.853293

Times 10 in length and expense, presumably

>> No.853300


>> No.853303

I could easily see this killing movie-bingers on a marathon.

>> No.854442

I read all of Gaiman's other stuff, and then read American Gods. By itself it was so so, but compared to his other stuff it sucked.

As for books-turned-movie, why not some of Oscar Wilde's stuff?

>> No.854507

Theif of Time, and really any of the Pratchett books.

>> No.855114

Blood Meridian

>> No.855144


the settings are so varied. it could be like back to the future but less campy/ more serious and cerebral

>> No.855159

you shouldn't ever make a movie that relies on a sequel. unless you have been green lighted for a sequel. and even then its a dick move.

>> No.855174


ulysses would be a good movie? oh my god you're an idiot.

>> No.855179

Brave new world. True story.
hrrrm alllow me to think...