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/lit/ - Literature

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8523877 No.8523877[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I feel so disconnected from this generation. I don't have friends or girlfriend, I just find people of my age (20) shallow and boring, nobody at college cares about current events, politics, history, literature or philosophy.

I wish I could join a group or party of interesting people with the same interests as me, but I live in a small city in a third world shithole with nothing but misery and ugly brown people.

I guess joining a church is the closest thing I will have to that experience, maybe the mormons.

>> No.8523880

you aren't as interesting as you think you are

>> No.8523887
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just bee yourself as hard as you can and people will be turned onto your ways

>> No.8523894

The vast majority of people the world over have never cared about philosophy, history or academic subjects.

This is fine; the world has more need of farmers than theologians.

>> No.8523912

I don't care, I just need to find people like me

>> No.8523922

This has nothing to do with /lit/, fuck off. You're in need of a dire change of environment, get a yob and start traveling more often. Also, it's more than likely this: >>8523880

>> No.8524002


>> No.8524031


>> No.8524038

not op, but i do both :p

>> No.8524049

None of those things really matter.

hurr durr le trump
hurr durr this election is le dumb
hurr durr le nazis and le crusade were bad fuck christians
hurr durr le russians so deep man
hurr durr le existentialism just take responsibility bro
etc., cut this posturing already.

>> No.8524055

where you from, OP

>> No.8524064

And so you full well know which cannot be done without.

>> No.8524072

Just embrace vapid hedonism.

>> No.8524082


>> No.8524095
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Dear OP, you need to know you're just a boring kind of people. As >>8523880
said, you must believe you are oooh very interesting and stuff and you probably can talk about literature, music, etc. but you still a boring heck.
>In a third world country and ugly brown people
I live in a third world country and I'm not saying ''huurr brown people everywhere'' because in my around (my friends) are not like that and even if they are i would not be a racist fuck.
I would recommend to re-evaluate your values and yourself

>> No.8524123

well yes, food is important, but nothing is more important than God, and our understanding of the divine

>> No.8524126


Not being racist is intensely boring. It's also insupportable in the 21st century.

>> No.8524132

>Even if it's true I won't say it because waahsism

I think op is sick of your kinds desu

>> No.8524137


>> No.8524140

see >>8523912

>> No.8524155

see >>8523912

>> No.8524168

>gente como yo

Te refieres a gente blanca y que hable de política y de chucherías así lol
está a la vuelta de tu casa, papi. Lo único que necesitas es dejar de quejarte y salir :-)))

>> No.8524175
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No soy el OP, pero sepo como se siente, afortunadamente soy un chicANO

>> No.8524182

I'll have a taco and a big coke, please.

>> No.8524185

el americANO seniores

>> No.8524191

>big coke


>> No.8524208

We all feel alone Anon and nothing you will do will make you feel feel wanted or needed with an exception of having children but then after 18 years you are alone again unwanted and unneeded by anyone. Fuck it all and embrace your loneliness.

>> No.8524211

just wait until you're 40 and unmarried, surrounded by books and cats. that's when you'll know true loneliness.

>> No.8524230


What makes a Chad interesting?

His personality? Anyone can be out-going and sociable.

His clothes? Anyone can dress nice.

What makes a person interesting in a hedonistic world?

Do tell. Certainly, reading is no gurantee for being interesting, as is music taste or anything else.

Is it the good job? The out-going personality? The travel experience?

>> No.8524239

realmente te hace pensar...

>> No.8524317

not OP but you dont have to be interesting yourself to desire high society. if you have a real desire to cultivate yourself and make a serious effort at it, it can be discouraging to see the complacency of your peers. Pedastery was common practice in ancient Greece, and tutelage was common practice in European royal courts for a reason- one becomes cultured much more quickly through prolonged exposure to generous and cultured people.

Long ago, you could go to the money-changing tables in Athens and learn from Socrates. In current times the "upper crust" of intellectuals have walled themselves off- literally or figuratively, within gated communities, or through the paywall of the university. There is limited access to high culture for the socio-economically disadvantaged.

>> No.8524415

First post utterly blown the fuck out

>> No.8524424

Nowadays, how does one find a mentor to penetrate oneself with his knowledge?