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File: 46 KB, 480x640, Michel_Houellebecq_Fot_Mariusz_Kubik_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8515333 No.8515333 [Reply] [Original]

How do you go from this...

>> No.8515336
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...to this

>> No.8515340
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to this

>> No.8515347
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to this

>> No.8515368
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>He famously claims to be indifferent to the honours and attention he attracts. As we chat on the steps, a BBC film crew buzzes around us. Houellebecq waves them away with his fag smoke and we start to talk about dogs, in particular, his faithful pet, a Pembroke corgi called Clement, who has been left behind in the author's home near Dublin.

>'This is one of the difficulties of fame and travelling,' says Houellebecq. 'It is always hard to abandon him.' Houellebecq reminds me that this is the same breed as the Queen's dogs ('I am more English than the English', he jokes lamely). Then, for a brief moment, he looks genuinely near to tears, raising his doe eyes heavenward. 'The love of a dog is a pure thing,' he says. 'He gives you a trust which is total. You must not betray it.'

>> No.8515373
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His dog died please do not bully it was his only real friend.

>> No.8515377

You remove your glasses, grow your hair out, smoke a cigarette, and change your clothes.

>> No.8515380


>> No.8515558
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Really makes u think.

>> No.8516932

>puppers die

this world is objectively malign

>> No.8516958
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Tfw your vacuum still smells like your old pupper. Tfw certain foods make you sad because you know they were his favourite.

>> No.8517028

please stop i just teared up reading your post

dogs are the best people they should not suffer

>> No.8517783

Cancer is how. Chemo is fucking hard on the body, even if you live.

>> No.8517790
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>> No.8517796
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Just be happy they exist at all.

>> No.8517813

I fucking hate all of you

>> No.8517880


I have had Whatever on my shelf for a year and I really must read it. Happily I have actually been reading a number of other short books in succession during that intervening year and so I have not been wholly inert.

>> No.8517896 [DELETED] 

why do you type like such a faggot

>> No.8517898
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restar vivant!

>> No.8519012

that corgi looks like a hijinksy goof

>> No.8519302

Does anyone have a recommendation for a dog ownership / training guide?
I've never owned a dog and don't know anyone that does, but I'd really like a dog because I love them and I think it'd be good for my mental issues

>> No.8519420

ChuckLEd hard

>> No.8519496
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i dunno, but houellebecq was really depressive after the birth of his first child. maybe there are some accidents that trigger his depression like the rise of islam or something equivalent.

>> No.8519499

is he sick? holy shit

t. pleb who knows nothing about this nigga

>> No.8519504

>he jokes lamely

>> No.8519509

as i said he may have a severe depression, which results in his declining outward appearance

>> No.8519511
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his dog died which was his only friend in the whole world

>> No.8519565

can someone look more french?


>> No.8519572

>this is a 10/10 in France

>> No.8519586
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>> No.8519594

Why is his upper lip so puffy?

>> No.8519623

chewing tobacco m8

>> No.8519629

holy fuck. lmao fuck. laughed too hard at this. he actually does kinda look like him. fuck.

>> No.8519693
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I didn't even cry when he died, because it was long past his time and he'd been suffering so much. I was just relieved. In the following weeks I would come home and expect to see him waiting at the door, or I would peel a banana and expect him to come and ask for a slice, but he wasn't there. Months later I had a dream that he had gone away to live on a special ranch where he was reasonably happy, and where he would remain. That afternoon I found a private moment and choked up for a few minutes.

I'm glad they probably don't have staircases or Girl Guides at that ranch.

>> No.8519744

Exactly. Lost mine recently too, she was 19 and very ready to go.

>> No.8519943

how many kids does the goblin have?

i would have thought him an antinatalist

>> No.8519947

that's very old. what race?

>> No.8519977

Chemo + 20 years more

>> No.8520168

he has one son

>> No.8520239

does he have cancer or is it just pre-emptive?
i didnt find any cancer references on his wiki page

>> No.8520288

mudslimes are putting cancer on his food.

>> No.8520324

You do realize he isn't exactly anti-Islam anymore?

>> No.8520382

reminds me of myself.

I hope I don't scare people

>> No.8520409

He has only one and had him when he was 25, long before he developed his worldview. His first novel only came out when he was 38.

>> No.8522141

assure yourself

>> No.8522289
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Terrible taste in dogs detected.

>> No.8522304
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>"taste" in dogs

Theyre not ornaments you fuck. Sure some are bred that way but that itself is terrible. They dont exist for aesthetic value.

>> No.8522315
File: 1.06 MB, 2560x1920, IMG_20160705_205354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mutt, golden retriever and border collie. She had many health issues, arthritis that was treated with medication, and developed old dog vestibular disease for a bit. I didnt mind nursing her and understood where this was going, I was just so happy to have her around as long as I did. Pic related

>> No.8522329

lol, hitler had a schäferhund. it´s the most obvious choice

>> No.8522343

Cats are better

>> No.8522349

everything exists for aesthetic value faggot

>> No.8522356

Sean Penn?

>> No.8522395

I am trying to develop a pet with the aloofness of a cat but the level of dependency of a dog.

>> No.8522406

So you want a pet that needs you but resents you for it?

>> No.8522420


>> No.8522422

Yes but also cute. The neet population won't be able to compete.

>> No.8522428

Sounds like you just need a leech gf.

>> No.8522434

I don't think a leech/gf chimera would be viable.

>> No.8522435

A girlfriend then?

>> No.8522454

google images disagrees

>> No.8523107


>> No.8523136

looks very cute, sorry for your loss anon

>> No.8523142

All okay. She was very old and had a good life.