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/lit/ - Literature

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8516021 No.8516021 [Reply] [Original]

What are you reading /lit/?
Pile them up and show us.
Maybe some opinions too.

>> No.8516049

Books are:
Canterbury tales (not complete translation)
Please Sir!
And Confucianist stories

Canterbury tales is great.makes me feel so happy when I read it.Like I'm sitting at the table in a medieval feast and hear the people tell their stories.

Please Sir! is funny,reminds me of my schoolyears,even if it was written in a somewhat different age

Three poets is okay.

Confucianist stories is a bit boring,but I like it despite it being somewhat dry.

>> No.8516093

Reading Gravity's Rainbow currently, about 130 pages in do far and it isn't nearly as hard to read as everyone says it is. Time consuming, but not too hard to understand what's going on in a scene. Is it going to get harder? I'm also reading Catcher In The Rye as a side book. About 80 pages in and nothing of real interest is happening. Just some autistic fuck dicking around and pissing everyone off.

>> No.8516109

Naked Lunch. I've already read Junky and Queer so it feels like I'm reading the same book again. He writes the same thing every time.

>> No.8516119

Last: The Republic
Current: The Brothers K
Next: Foucault on prison I don't remember what it's called

>> No.8516138

It gets really weird at the very end, but that's the only part of the book that's actually difficult.

>> No.8516145

If you liked the Confucian Analects i suggest reading tao te ching and Zhuangzi

>> No.8516150

Lol i remember the first couple hundred pages of gravitys rainbow. Just don't think too linearly about it the further you get along

>> No.8516153


>> No.8516157

1. Ratners star
2. Through the looking glass
3. Being and time
4. Descartes writings

>> No.8516169
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I've been reading Ficciones (in Spanish), but the Tunnel just arrived in the mail yesterday and I'm trying to decide whether I should finish Ficciones first or read the Tunnel while simultaneously continuing my Spanish studies. I'm not good at making these types of decisions. Somebody help me.

Also, ignore the Kafka book. I regret getting an English translation and I'm planning on replacing it with the original German versions once my Spanish gets to a good level.

>> No.8516196

That is not the Annalects.
Just little stories starring confucius,his students and their morals.
Cautionary tales.

>> No.8516262

Otaku: Japan's Database Animals

>> No.8516318

is there an english ebook version of that?

>> No.8516366

I don't think so.
The about the author part say it's an anthology of sorts made for hungarians by the Chinese International Radio.
You could try looking for just confucianist tales but I honestly have no idea.

>> No.8516396

Finish Ficciones first. It's not long, and zhe Tunnel is.

>> No.8516408

That was my plan at first, but I don't want my Spanish to get rusty while I'm reading a long book. There are too many Spanish books I want to read.

>> No.8516427

If you're a good boy at university, the world of Spanish is your willing oyster.

>> No.8516457
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almost done with L'Étranger, reading Candide in English to help me understand it before i read it in French.

Thus Spoke Zarathustra is for /r/philosophybookclub, I'm catching up today so I can discuss this week's reading...

And The Portrait of a Lady is for school. I have like 300 pages to catch up on lol.

>> No.8516459
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The lovecraft was a pretty whimsical pick, but 8 bucks at a rummage sale is hard to refuse; it's interesting enough thus far. I'm really enjoying Mrs Dalloway and am working on the Kierkegaard. Haven't read him as a primary source outside of Fear and Trembling.

>> No.8516501


>Les Miserables
Very gripping and I love the theme of can a man out run his past and how all the stories it branches off on a small tangent connect together sublimely.

>The Magic Mountain
It pains me /lit/ never really discuss Mann outside of Nabokov threads but I'm surprised Settembrini's essay on literature and civilization isn't more spoken about in the same manner as Ivan's The Grand Inqusitor, it's just as magnificent.

>Infinite Jest
Wallace's attention to detail are incredibly, especially how he makes a note to go into great lengths of describing the mannerisms and habits of the users, the vignette chapters are also really funny and I like how the stream of consciousness in a few of them becomes gibberish to make it more in line with the character's brain turning to mush when they've had too many drugs.

>The Name of the Wind
Descriptions of the inn are very warm and inviting, incredibly cozy too. I don't like how everyone is incredibly witty for the purpose of being witty though. Feels too Joss Whedon but other than that it's alright.

>> No.8516505

Satanic verses
Generation X

>> No.8516510


>mrs dalloway


I love that book. She writes things so beautifully that I didn't even know I felt. I'm sad to say its the only Woolf i've read so far.

>> No.8516567

I'm in the same boat unfortunately. And you're so right, I'd never read any Woolf before and several sections thus far have felt absolutely exhilarating. It's so good.

I've got to read more of her desu

>> No.8516584

mfw I recognize this from goodreads.

>> No.8516602



>> No.8516612

Godel Escher Bach (I know it's pop-math but it looks engaging enough)
One Dimensional Man
Auto Da Fe

>> No.8517023

I don't know what that's supposed to mean. But right now I'm going to community college and hoping to transfer later.

>> No.8517029

Currently reading

White Noise
Early Greek Philosophy
Richmond Lattimore's New Testament (honestly stunning. Whoever has been memeing it will be spending much less time in purgatory.)

>> No.8517031

why are you reading one book in french while also reading an english translation of a french book

>> No.8517059

>White Noise
me too

i dont like davy faustercare wallbert, but he was right about dilillo

>> No.8517097

i...i explained that, i am learning french and want to read Candide in english first so i get it, which will make reading/understanding it in french easier

>> No.8517106

Just Lord of the Flies. I never read it in school for some reason and it's pretty short, so I picked up a copy at Barnes and Noble a few days ago.

>> No.8517110
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I read the first two books, and then for very silly reasons didn't read the remaining ones, but I picked this up and plan to finish the series.

>> No.8517246

,what did he say ?

>> No.8517344
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>> No.8517360

Highly patrician my friend.

>> No.8517386
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>Through the looking glass
>Being and time
What other books in spanish would you like to read?
How's Candide so far? I've put it off for a long time
How much did you pay for Pound's biography?
I've only read to the lighthouse, is Mrs Dalloway as good as that one?
I appreciate that you take the time to write your impressions on your readings. I'm intrigued by the magic mountain, desu I've only read Death in venice and other stories
I'm jelly, and how much for that Oxford Shakes? it looks pretty nice
Justine (in spanish tho, I didn't find it on english)
Ruben Dario's poetry
El matadero
All the pretty horses
La cabeza decapitada
The road not taken
Amor de Artur
Naked masks
El laberinto de la soledad

What should I read next?

>> No.8517434

>how much for that oxford shakes
It's ~$25 new but I got it used for about $10, and I'm definitely glad I got it.

>> No.8517477

>What other books in spanish would you like to read?
Don Quijote, Cien años de soledad, Pedro Páramo, 2666, and Museo de la Novela de la Eterna, just to name a few.

>> No.8517496
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Just finished The Glass Bead Game, my third Hesse book. I really dig his philosophy so I've thoroughly enjoyed all three.

The John Dewy little book of philosophy of education is actually very digestible.

I also just finished the giant graphic novel on the bottom, Big Questions by Anders Nilsen. I liked it. Very easy to read. Kinda depressing.

The black book is Syllabus by Lynda Barry. Interesting notes and exercises from her classes, inspired me to create a few shitty comic strips in my notebook.

The Luminaries is my next fun book.

Schopenhauer and Foucult and maybe Fear and Trembling are my next philosophy books.

>> No.8517531
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I've read Infinite Jest and The Brothers Karamazov. What do I read next?

>> No.8517557


You're done. There's nothing left to read.

>> No.8517580

Damn that's a steal... I wish I could get deals like that
>Museo de la Novela de la Eterna
I'm impressed, not many people know him, not even latin americans.
I've never liked Garcia Marquez (hopefully you will) so i'd recommend you Alejo Carpentier's El reino de este mundo. Rulfo is already great and I would also suggest to read Los detectives salvajes before 2666, you'll get more enjoyment out of it instead of just jumping right into the masterpiece (plus Bolaño has some p. nice books outside of these 2)
Interesting choices, I like it
Stoner or JR

>> No.8517776
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Libra is a reread.

>> No.8517852

I can clearly read books in English but I'll just read on of the greatest works of English poetry in translation to my irrelevant language instead.

>> No.8517859
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My recent purchases/upcoming read pile.

>> No.8517878

You forgot your meme arrow faggot

>> No.8517892

What are the two oriental books?

>> No.8517893

fuckin aye, everymans are sexy. whats the translation on Tolstoy

>> No.8517905
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>> No.8517921

Spice and Wolf volume 18 and a side story/spinoff Parchment and Wolf.

Maude, it seems to be the most respected translation.

>> No.8517957

>currently reading

if on a winter's night a traveler

>want to read soon

autobiography of alice b. toklas
light in august
the castle
the notebooks of malte laurids brigge
the waves

help me decide what to read next please.

>> No.8519030

the castle is rad.

>> No.8519080

Matisse on art
De Kooning
Dubuffets lithographs
The tunnel
The atrocity exhibition
City on fire

>> No.8519085

The waves blew my mind and changed my ideas about art and literature, one of my favorite novels of all time

>> No.8519721
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Is Diamond a hack?

>> No.8520182
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>> No.8520351

candide is ...not what i expected. kinda funny, seems like an easy read as far as getting through it. as far as understanding it...he seems to be pretty straightforward about the sarcasm and what he's attacking. I'm not very far in at all yet though.

>> No.8520356

nice looking books! i like everymans too,

can i ask how much those bookends ran you?

>> No.8520574

For leisure: Dangerous Liasons - Choderos de Laclos

Lolita - Nabokov

The Art of Rhetoric - Aristotle

For class: the Nichomachean Ethics - Aristotle

Rate me

>> No.8520591
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I've bought every known English translation of Kawabata. What other authors would be similar in prose?

Doesn't have to be nip-specific, I just like the style of their post-war authors. The subtle moral and social nods without having to spoonfeed the reader.

>> No.8520689


>> No.8520698
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like 250 pages in. he's such a fucking nerd

should i go to /his/

>> No.8520717
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Currently reading The Righteous Mind. It's interesting but I don't know if I can remain interested in it its topic for 371 pages. I sometimes have trouble sticking with non-fiction books.

What should I read next out of the stack?

>> No.8521044

$50, I found them at a local furniture store.

>> No.8521111
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Stack beside my usual reading spot... And, PLEASE, reply with something constructive, instead of with "DUDE." I have plenty of other books besides the two there on cannabis.

Am I a fag for liking Jack Kerouac this much?

>> No.8521115

Eight bucks for any book at a garage sale is outrageous. Should have been a few bucks at most.

>> No.8521165

dude, weed LMAO

>> No.8521419

Why you would buy a book on weed culture. Just smoke weed lmao.

>> No.8521426

I really don't know why I bought it. I just thought it would be fun. It's a quick read.

>> No.8521429

Sorry for giving you a hard time, hope you enjoy the book.

>> No.8521453

tfw read a shitty used Knopf print of JR rather than that beauty.

>> No.8521460

Really? I hate Dalkeys. They're too thick and the covers feel weird.

>> No.8521462

>currently reading
T. Pynchon - The Crying of Lot 49
M. Dizdar - Stone Sleeper
J. Hašek - The Good Soldier Švejk (first book)

>want to read
J. Baldwin - Giovanni's Room
T. Bernhard - The Loser
I. Calvino - If on a Winter's Night a Traveler
L. Krasznahorkai - Satantango, The Melancholy of Resistance
G. Perec - Life: A User's Manual

>> No.8521470

>the covers feel weird
I can see why anyone would think that, but I love the feel.
>they're too thick
Also love working through a brick of a book, and the weight of it.

It's okay there is likely something wrong with me.

>> No.8521486

I see you just graduated high school.

>> No.8521530

>still falling for the kjv meme

>> No.8521580




>> No.8521631

which do you prefer?

>> No.8523043
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>> No.8523057


>> No.8523086


No, you're a fag for buying an idiot's guide to ____ when you clearly don't need any outside advice on how to be an idiot.

>> No.8523129
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Jaw dropping honestly

>> No.8523143
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Hiking season is back.

>> No.8523299
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Already read the play, so I'm reading the introduction.

>> No.8523350


>> No.8523357
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>that disgusting finger

How do you live with yourself?

>> No.8523404

>he doesn't have fingers


>> No.8523609

Jó a tanár úr kérem? Nekem mindig ilyen ifjúsági hülyegyerek-könyvnek tűnt, mint a Tüskevár meg ezek

>> No.8523623
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>> No.8523664

Not really. Post yours.

>> No.8523746

Finished Atlas Shrugged today and picking up the Simarallion tomorrow. I'm not completely brainwashed by Rand but I thought it was compelling. Tolkien, absolutely brainwashed.

>> No.8523833
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About halfway through. Pretty good so far.

>> No.8523836

Wait, you guys read multiple books at the same time? I'm definitely too stupid to do that.

Catcher in the rye is YA literature. You're supposed to relate to Holden's angst, or at least remember the feeling if you've matured. I loved it when I was 14. Now, I just think it's decent, a step above mediocre.

>> No.8523926
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Working my way through this monster

>> No.8524328

are you me? I just read all of those books very recently

>> No.8524643
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Is this stack any better, you fucking mongs?

Also, check'd.

>> No.8524744

Meg alig 90 oldal,szóval 2 nap alatt végzel vele,ha akarod.
De egyébként remek könyv.

>> No.8524933
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>> No.8524935
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>> No.8526435

This thread is too young to die.

>> No.8526779

No way dude I'm reading it too! I got it for four bucks at a used bookshop like a month ago. Cool.

>> No.8526814

It's great stuff, on the whole. Will follow it up with these at some point:



>> No.8528289

reading this too. love it even though i dont get a lot of it yet...but the depth is so great, and i love the things Z says, the connections he makes

>> No.8529256

>love it even though i dont get a lot of it yet
He was out of his mind when he wrote it, likely due to syphilis, which he perhaps treated with mercury.