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File: 99 KB, 900x750, lao-tzu-laozi-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8511390 No.8511390 [Reply] [Original]

Taoism is the best religion/worldview.

Proof me wrong.

Protip: You can't

>> No.8511394

Except you can't really understand Taoism without meditating your ego off and adopting a minimalist, preferably vegan, diet.

>> No.8511398

Redpill me on taoism; must-read titles (and why)?

>> No.8511400

What methods and criteria did you use to verify or judge Taoism to be "the best religion"? Certainly not by the population of its adherents since there are 31% more Christians than there are Taoists in the world.

>> No.8511405

Taoism is a western meme and doesn't exist separately of Chinese Folk Religion.

>> No.8511407

I like it for it's simplicity.
Incorporating it into my daily life paid off rather well.

>> No.8511411


>> No.8511415

>Taoism is the best religion/worldview.

this really doesn't sound like something a taoist would say

>> No.8511417
File: 24 KB, 240x240, 1470201277974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alan Watts

>> No.8511424

Wtf are you talking about you stupid anime poster?

>> No.8511440

If you think Watts beliefs resemble anything even close to Taoism you know nothing of either Watts or Taoism.

Watts opinions are more aligned with heavily bastardized Hinduism.

>> No.8511478
File: 15 KB, 134x179, 2016-08-31 20.41.19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alan Watts

>> No.8511481

>Alan Watts

You need to be at least 18 to browse 4chan.

>> No.8511483

At least he answered my post. But feel free to come with better sugestions; I'll be lurking.

>> No.8511542


I'd recommend "Taoism For Dummies"
By Jonathan Herman, It's basically "Fuck your western boomer hippy bullshit".

for example:

>Many people tell me that Taoism is more like a philosophy than a religion, or that it's not a religion at all. They seem to mean that Taoism includes ideas, attitudes about the world, or just an overall way of approaching life. They also seem to mean that Taoism doesn't have all the stuff - usually stuff they don't care for - that they associate with religious institutions, like lots of doctrines and rules, clergy telling people what to do, and ceremonies that have to be done a certain way. This misconception when the first European scholars of China bought (and sold) the notion that the texts of Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu made up "real" Taoism

The author is a accomplished scholar, prolific author and hardass.

>> No.8511583

Hahaha, that's great. Any more snippets worth sharing, and has he published anything similar on the subject?

>> No.8511674

Ok so does he go on and refute all those things?

>> No.8511696

Have you ever left your village, OP?

Because that's a big no-no in Taoism. It should be enough for you to see the smoke of the neighboring village drift on the horizon, barely visible in the late afternoon sun. Nothing is more harmful to the spirit than the desire to travel.

>> No.8512294

>implying taoism is not a part of the larger chinese worldview.


>> No.8512713



>> No.8512976



Less said, better.

>> No.8512996

Taoist, here. Taoism is the result of observing the body and all the things that impact it. This includes the brain, other people, the world, etc.

After observation, one needs only to live in harmony with what brings you and others good health and happiness. The prescription that Taoism offers is observation, and preventing abstinence from observation. With experience of clear observation what you should and should not do become obvious.

Basically, if you look carefully enough, you won't need some doctrine to tell you how to live your life. Your own biology has a programmed doctrine, just like any other organism does. If you listen to it, and live in harmony with it, you'll be happy and healthy.

>> No.8513018

Did you have your Ajna chakra opened by a seasoned monk?