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8508784 No.8508784 [Reply] [Original]

i just bought this and if it sucks im going to be pissed.

how does /lit/ feel about meme books in general, such as bottom's dream, jerusalem, and dhalgren?

have you read any? were you disappointed? discuss.

>> No.8508820

it's doubtful anyone has finished bottom's dream (in english), much more doubtful that anybody is equipped to comment on it. maybe somebody has finished jerusalem, it sounds like memetrash by an author of picture books for kids.

>> No.8509791
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It's a one-off read that you won't want to read again, but it's an experience on that first try

>> No.8509797

dhalgren isn't a meme book, and whenever you post it everybody cares even less

>> No.8509824

This is literally outsider art.

I have a signed copy, and it's amazingly lucid at points. But it's not going to be a compelling read like most people would like from a book.

It's very interesting to see how ulilillia can write a scean with autistic measurements. Character interactions are sometimes a laugh as well.

Keep in mind we are talking about someone who enjoys RPGs only to discover the most effective grinding patterns.

If you are going to be entertained you better enjoy grinding

>> No.8509839

I commend Uli for writing the least offensive/annoying black women in all of literature

>> No.8509844

>someone who enjoys RPGs only to discover the most effective grinding patterns.
I've found there's an unsuspected amount of those

>> No.8510318


>> No.8510351

and yet he hasn't even come close to discovering life's most effective grinding patterns

>> No.8510925

Could you imagine if somebody could convince him that IRL grinding is a worthy use of his time? He'd be built like Arnie in his prime and running the Committee of 300 within a decade.

>> No.8510959

>bottom's dream
Has anyone made an epub on the book yet? I really don't want to buy a full hardcover of a meme book when I can't read a bit of it first.

>> No.8510969

It's a story about 10 elemental masters

>> No.8511086

>not degreasing your pizzas

>> No.8511136

I have been doing this for years.

>> No.8511843

i read his blog, he clearly can't write and has nothing to say. i don't think there's any decent reader here who takes him seriously

>> No.8512031

anyone here read Dhalgren? I've had it on my shelf for ages but haven't got around to reading it, is it as dense as everyone says it is?

>> No.8513212

That's what they said about Joyce too.

>> No.8513219

Joyce's blog was crap though, you can't blame them for calling it like it was.

>> No.8513228

for what purpose

>> No.8513232

To make them less greasy.

>> No.8513247

He uses almost an assload of paper towel for ONE pizza.

>> No.8513269

That is wild.

>> No.8513280

this is strangely relaxing

>> No.8513436

Could this be a character in a book. A multibillionaire investor with Arnie body and all around uber-Chad who inside is really just a Ullulluilalia who someone convinced to grind at life? His true joy in life is playing is imagination games and developing the most efficient system for dabbing grease off of cheese pizza (which he can no longer eat due to the need to maintain his physique)

>> No.8513463

That's basically Forest Gump with no Jenny

>> No.8513518

Oh shit

But in the Ulluoluluilliiia story he could have a small but significant role in every modern event from the year 2000 on.
>programming some computer game and inadvertantly stops the Y2K crisis from happening
>Then he is at the WTC on 9/11 for a field trip but is rescued by Chad the firefighter
>Chad grievously wounded in the process
>makes Ulluluolulllulia promise to grind at life
>due to autism, ULllluoulullia is incapable of breaking promises
>starts lifting, steroids, and hedge fund

Some other shit happens, he is somehow involved in the financial crisis, Obama, and some other shit. I smell oscar

>> No.8513630


>meme book

Get the fuck out. Nick is legitimately a visionary.

>> No.8513647

I'm not even joking when I say this will be looked back on as one of the prime period pieces of the 2000s

>> No.8513790

And there aren't any decent readers who take him seriously.

>> No.8513836

He eats nothing but pizza and hamburger helper. He started putting on weight, so he began degreasing his pizzas to reduce the fat content.

>> No.8513843


pls go nick

>> No.8513857

That two-parter on hamburger helper is pure fucking gold.