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8499716 No.8499716 [Reply] [Original]

Mentally ill authors?

>> No.8499718

Any that are worth a shit throughout time are mentally ill to some capacity. Definitely depression.

>> No.8499729


>> No.8499742

Everyone has depression that doesnt count

>> No.8499745


>> No.8499796

Artonin Artaud was pretty mentally ill, I don't know that he qualifies as an author though.

>> No.8499803

Hemingway probably had bi polar disorder

It can be argued that most people who kill themselves have some kind of mental illness, besides from the obvious fianically ruined styled suicide, a lot of writers have killed themselves

>> No.8499810

Virginia Woolf

>> No.8499832

>mentally ill

>> No.8499837
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Her entire oeuvre consists of "nO mATTER tHE qUALITY oF gENTLEMAN aVAILABLE i WANT to fUcK MY dADDY, looo looo looo"

>> No.8499840
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>> No.8499843

Henry Darger

J.D. Salinger definitely had some form of mental illness.

>> No.8499859

Leopoldo Maria Panero
Angelo de Lima
Lima Barreto

>> No.8499860

Jack Kerouac

>> No.8499861

You're confusing mental illness with perceptiveness.

>> No.8499908
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>> No.8499913

Me - My Diary desu

>> No.8499919

>believing depression is a mental illness

Spook of the century

>> No.8499923

Lena Dunham
Amy Schumer
Laurie Penny
Lindy West

>> No.8499931

if you need happy pills to get out of bed in the morning and not kill yourself during the course of the day, you should be sterilized

>> No.8499942

Still waiting to hear what makes it irrational friend

>> No.8499948

define mentally hill

>> No.8499960

>define mentally hill

suffering from depression, bipolar or any other nutzoid disease

>> No.8499962


Carneades needed hellebore just to think straight. Burton used all sorts of antidepressant herbal remedies and ended up killing himself anyway.

>> No.8499964
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>> No.8499966

and who is the one who says who the sick is?
a sane member of a sick society or a sick member of a sick society?

>> No.8499970

You're speaking with a spooked up mongoloid and probably a /pol/tard, don't waste your time

>> No.8499981
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>muh spooks

>> No.8499992
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>mentally hill

mfw the boy aint right

>> No.8500016

Ya'll dumb

>> No.8500022

What about James Havoc.

>> No.8500160

top kek

>> No.8500222

aspergers isn't mental illness

>> No.8500227 [SPOILER] 
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judging by his reclusiveness and writing he's got either paranoid or schizotypal personality disorder

>> No.8500347

those aren't writers