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File: 25 KB, 303x424, borges-iii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8497225 No.8497225 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw I'm a virgin so I can't write about sex
Feels Borges man

>> No.8497227

Just watch porn you dip

>> No.8497233

Did Borges shack up with some fine brown 20 yo hunty when he was old and crusty af?

>> No.8497237

ayyyyyy lmao

>> No.8497253

Just read an 8th grade biology schoolbook about human anatomy

>> No.8497274

Do you honestly think porn is how sex actually is. I's not.

>> No.8497288


Honestly, quit porn entirely. You're raping your reward system.

>> No.8497290


I'm not virgin, OP, but before I lost my virginity I just used imagination to describe what/how would like to feel and how would I do it. Use your head!!

>> No.8497292

Watching porn doesn't matter but thinking it's indicative of how sex actually is, is the problem.

>> No.8497338

No one expiranced death and wrote about it afterwards either. If you really want to write about it just learn some facts and write about it in a intresting way. You don't have to expirance it beforehand. If writers (even the famous one) had to expirance something before writing about it there would be much less books and most of those that would still exist would be about mudane things. So go for it.

>> No.8497353


I've found I have much more energy since I stopped watching it, and also find more joy in trivial day to day shit. I used to be near anhedonic.

I don't buy in to the NoFap cult, but cutting out porn has been a pretty great decision for me.

>> No.8497375

>I just used imagination to describe what/how would like to feel and how would I do it

>> No.8497378

This. Absolute truth.

>> No.8497384


its going to be a rough road, though, writing about simultaneous orgasms and light touches afterwords without ever having experiencing any of that.

>> No.8497400


pick one

>> No.8497406

why would that make a ''fag''?

>> No.8497408

I agree but yet I still hold my opinion that he should at least try to do this, and read a good erotic novel before the atempt it (of course analyze it). Reading and writing about thing itself is expirance that will enchance his future work.

>> No.8497409
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john green does it
You do it
He is a fag
Therefore, you are also a fag

>> No.8497419

I guess then

>> No.8497569

>he doesn't know about amateur porn

>> No.8497692

Nah mane it's not all about the physical stuff. I'm attempting to write two short stories, one of each including erectile dysfunction and adultery between mature people (although that's a more or less dispensable detail tho) and the other one focusing on the shattering of some kind of fragile carnal-amatory-idealistic idyll. It frustrates me that, while being able to conceiving and setting up these phenomena as practical examples of what I want to express in the story, I may be uncapable of express it in a way that goes as convincing for a reader that has experienced such kind of stuff. You could also say the problem is not with vital experiences, but with not having felt the right stuff tho.

>> No.8497706

May sound stupid but if you really can't/don't want to have sex then asking other people or reading erotic books is the way to go.

>> No.8497730

Does it work if I only fap on weekends, and then only to my fantasy or to /aco/ or /h/ stuff?

>> No.8497736

I'm a virgin and write about sex all the time. Nobody has called me out on my virginity yet. I'm convinced sex is vastly overrated and people are willing to believe just about anything regarding it.

>> No.8497741


>Literally cucking yourself and wasting your libido for base pleasure fit for dumb beasts

>> No.8497746

I too was 15 once.

>> No.8497747

What are some good erotic books so I can get the picture?

>> No.8497751

sex is sweaty, and it can be very exhausting. it may hurt and it may feel uncomfortable or tedious. it never goes as planned and may totally alter an emotional connection with someone, in a good or a bad way. it can also have a lot of talking, or nothing at all. honestly as an ex-virgin I'd used to think i knew everything about it from fantasizing and watching amateur porn but even that is nothing like the real messy deal.

>> No.8497776

You seem to have managed it just fine.

>> No.8497895

Borges did write about sex though. The Sect of the Phoenix and Ulrikke.

>> No.8498190

>he thinks amateur porn is real

>> No.8498196

I'm a white male so I can't write about African woman or extraterrestrials.

>> No.8498265

>can't write about voluntary human interaction

>> No.8499411

Didn't Borges have a traumatic first time experience with sex?

>> No.8499495


I quit masturbating all together.

>> No.8499500

I might be crazy but hear me out:

I have a very vivid and lucid dream of me making love to a girl I knew from high-school, it was very grounded and I felt all the sensations one could feel during their first time. It wasn't just sex, but love making, I felt everything - the strongest memory being how she gasped when I nuzzled her neck. I woke up exhausted, I had not even the morning glory.

I'm a virgin, but I also lost my virginity - so to say.

>> No.8499503

>love making

>> No.8499506

Joke all you want man but it genuinely was, shit upset me when I realised it was all a dream.

>> No.8499509

s-x is for perverts

>> No.8499510

lol @ this fag

>> No.8499511
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Kek watch out guys, we gotta romantic up in here!

>> No.8499513
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>> No.8499635

How often do you masturbate? I was thinking of doing it once a week or once every 2 weeks, what is your experience with it? I cut out porn completely.

>> No.8499660

>tfw I'm a social recluse so I can't write about people interacting

>> No.8499663

>tfw I'm a civvie so I can't write about military

>> No.8499786

Yep, his daddy took him to a brothel, he came in matter of seconds and freaked out

>> No.8499809

>tfw I never leave my room so I can't write about anything outside of my room

>> No.8499814

>writing about sex

>> No.8499842

>I had not even the morning glory
guffaw guffaw gentisir

>> No.8499846

You raped the girl.

>> No.8499848

If you wake up after sex with a sticky pool in your bellybutton, it wasnt sex

>> No.8499849

>Dr. Jerk-It & Mr. Hymen

>> No.8499851

I've had a dream like, they hurt the most because they feel so real, then you wake up.

>> No.8500067
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He was one of us.

>> No.8500070

>12 year old Anon has first wet dream
>thinks it's some transcendental experience

you're just another horny kid.

>> No.8500233


I had a very vivid dream of me fighting against nazis and then there was this smoking hot redhead bitch in a black leather bodysuit and I shot her dead, tore off the costume and fucked the corpse in the asshole. It was very grounded and I felt all the sensations one could feel thrusting their throbbing hard member into a tight meathole. It wasn't just sex, but something extremely brutal and primal. I woke up coming literal buckets and that was my first wet dream at the age of 17 or something, though I didn't find it all that erotic after waking up and felt sick for a week.

>> No.8501744

I've head wet dreams before, that wasn't one.

>> No.8502038

...so that's how he became a master of the short story.

>> No.8502047
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That was the first laugh I haven't had to fake in days. Thanks anon.

>> No.8502061

>does it work if i replace real human (hopefully) porn with cartoon porn
gee i wonder

>> No.8502063

This is true. If it's with the right person, right feelings beforehand, right timing, all of that, it can be a beautiful and positive experience for both partners, but that doesn't change the fact that it's messy, smells weird afterwards, and can actually be work to get through sometimes

>> No.8502065


>> No.8502352
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>> No.8502682

>OPs pic
>everything looks exactly the same

>> No.8502692

OP just seek out the girls in your English courses who are also probably virgins and strike a deal with them.

You both get laid and you both get to expand the parameters of your writing. This will work best in an intro to creative writing workshop. Just be smooth about it and any girl will go for it, even if you misread and she's not a virgin, she'll jump at the bit for the experience of taking some nerd's virginity.

>> No.8502702


>> No.8502917
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I was being serious

>> No.8503271

sex is ubiquitous you faget, you´ve already written a line about virginity, hence about sex, you hypocrite

>> No.8503439

Here is my most vivid sex dream, from high school
>in a room somewhere in school
>girl I know is coming on to me, takes off her clothes
>lies down naked on the floor
>take off my clothes and the door squeaks open
>Christian Bale walks in and looks at the scene
>turn back and the girl is now a blow up doll, but I pay no mind
>lie down and fuck doll missionary
>look up at Christian Bale and he is watching me
>"you should really not do that"
>keep going even though Christian Bale doesn't want me too
>wake up while thrusting with a boner

>> No.8503440

The celeb ones always go weird.

>> No.8503458

don't watch porn. I'm a kv but not watching porn makes me feel so much happier and more energetic.

>> No.8503472
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>> No.8503475

they won't fuck me because I'm ugly

>> No.8504044
File: 173 KB, 1000x1000, Food Brett.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The next John Green. You're gonna go far kid.

>> No.8504276

Nigga there ain't such thing as shy, nerdy English students in my country. Every girl I've known who happened to do something vaguely related to creative writing had a very active Twitter account and hordes of more romantically efficient guys than me wishing to lick her feet.

>> No.8504282

>I felt all the sensations one could feel during their first time
>I'm a virgin

>> No.8504356
File: 26 KB, 720x405, 1464392608802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>tfw 23 kissless virgin
>tfw people always assume I lost my virginity years ago and that I'm in a relationship

It's a weird feeling

>> No.8504369

Same here. I kissed a girl multiple times however. But when it comes to sex, my lack of virginity is a given to most people even though the closes i got was making my ex cum via sexting. good looking losers like us always pass as non-virgins

>> No.8504377

>tfw lost my virginity this year and I'm now onto girl number 2
she's a degenerate slut too so I might get some threesomes

>> No.8504401


I'm quite average in looks but I am, thankfully, quite sociable.


>making ex cum through text
>still virgin

U fking wot m8?

>> No.8504433

How old are you? Do you like Borges?

>> No.8504434

it does matter. it fucks with how your brain works.>>8497288

>> No.8504436

I know that feel. Or at least I would if I wasn't equally repulsive on the inside, making it meaningless to name a single reason.

>> No.8504455

never read him

>> No.8505618

>not becoming the ace of microfiction

>> No.8506646

new copypasta?

>> No.8506656

lots of virgs wrote about sex dummy
and no one wants to read descriptions of how sex feels anyway unless it's literally erotica and you can just learn from reading that what's expected in the genre

>> No.8506723

I've never had a wet dream before. Not even a virgin or anything. Its just never happened.