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/lit/ - Literature

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848337 No.848337 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: List all the books on your bookshelf nearest to you, from that other people see if they can accurately guess what type of person you are.

pic unrelated

>> No.848348

All of them? That might take me awhile.

>> No.848362

Over 20 then.

>> No.848374

Who the fuck is going to type out 20 book titles just to have strangers try and guess what "type of person" they are?
And what does that shit even mean?

>> No.848386

Linux Network Programming, Oracle 8 programming, Oracle 8 Troubleshooting, Programming using the C language, Java: How to program.

>> No.848398

Lucifer at the Starlite - Kim Addonizio
The Egg and Other Stories - Sherwood Anderson
Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austin
A Clockwork Orange - Anthony Burgess
Junky - William S. Burroughs
Naked Lunch - Burroughs
Queer - Burroughs
The Soft Machine - Burroughs
Forty books by Bukowski that I don't feel like listing
A Happy Death - Camus
The Stranger - Camus
The Myth of Sisyphus and other Essays - Camus
The Fall - Camus
Journey to the End of the Night - Celine
The Mysteries of Pittsburgh - Michael Chabon
A Model World and other Stories - Chabon
Werewolves in Their Youth - Chabon
The Amazing Adventures of Cavalier and Clay - Chabon
The Perks of Being a Wallflower - Chbosky
The Apple That Astonished Paris - Billy Collins
Sailing Alone Around the Room - Collins
Nine Horses - Collins
Heart of Darkness - Conrad
Selected Poems - ee cummings
The Divine Comedy - Dante
Great Expectations - Dickens
Notes from Underground - Dostoevsky
The Idiot - Dostoevsky
In the Bedroom - Andre Dubus
We Don't Live Here Anymore - Andre Dubus
The Count of Monte Cristo - Dumas

I'm stopping at D.

>> No.848400

A faggot.

>> No.848406

Nice guess.

>> No.848407

Gee, I don't know.
A programmer?
A computer science hobbyist?

>> No.848414

Alright, top 5 most read. Usually these sort of threads are mildly better than all the other troll bait that seems to be on here.

>> No.848421


>> No.848470

Thoreau -Walden
Thoreau - Civil Disobdience
Kafka - Sämtliche Erzählungen
Kafka - Der Prozeß
Golding - Herr der Fliegen/Lord of the Flies
Schopenhauer - Aphorismen zur Lebensweisheit
Goethe - Faust 1+2
Huxley - Brave new world
Orwell - 1984
Orwell - Mein Katalonien/Homage to Catalonia
Orwell - Animal Farm
Roddy Doyle - A Star Called Henry
Moliere - Le Misanthrope
Moliere - Le Malade imaginaire
Moliere - Les Femmes savantes
Nabokov - Einladung zur Enthauptung/Invitation to a Beheading
Nabokov - Bend Sinister/Das Bastardzeichen
Some Murakamis
Michel Houellebecq - Ausweitung der Kampfzone/Extension du domaine de la lutte
Max Frisch - Homo Faber

Stat me.

>> No.848482

Monster Blood IV - Stein
Night In Werewolf Woods - Stein
The Tales of Beedle the Bard
Horror Stories Collection
A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Blank Book
Monster Blood II - Stein
Shadow Prey - Sandford
The Riddle - Croggon
Uglies - Westerfield
Esperanza Rising - Ryan
The Naming - Croggon
Leviathan - Hobbes
The Time Traveler's Wife - Niffenegger
The Lovely Bones - Sebold
Mr. Food Cooks Real American
The Legend of Zelda, Oracle of Seasons (manga)
Miki Falls (manga)
Maximum Ride (manga)
The Ersatz Elevator - Snicket
Angel Diary vol. 2 (manga)
11th Cat vol. 2 (manga)
Don't Say Any More Darling (manga)
Gunslinger Girl vol. 3 (manga)
Goosebumps - R.L. Stein
>A Shocker On Shock Street
>The Ghost Next Door
>Why I'm Afraid Of Bees
>Beware, The Snowman
>How I Learned To Fly
>Monster Blood
The Other Boleyn Girl - Gregory
Aliens - Foster
The Rhino With The Glue On Shoes
Holy Bible (King James)
Romeo & Juliet
The Singing - Croggon
Kamichama Karin (manga)
Specials - Westerfield
Mythology - Hamilton
New Moon - Meyer
The Wish List - Colfer
Stargirl - Spinelli
The Fat Girl - Sachs
The Interpretation of Dreams - Freud
The Golden Compass - Pullman
A Tale of Two Cities - Dickens
The Wind In The Willows - Grahame
Alien - Foster
Marked - Cast
The Crow - Croggon
Wings - Pike
The Hostile Hospital - Snicket
If Only It Were True - Levy
The Vile Village - Snicket
Frankenstein - Shelley

Holy cheese. I can't believe I just did that. Well at least I know what I have now. I've been using this bookshelf since like 6th grade. ._.

>> No.848493

ehh poetry of today
liber null
runes, simplified.
Understanding the runes.
The Tarot
Signs, symbols and omens.
Liber corpus nox
liber ABA
this is all
Collected works of Lord Byron

tell me, lit

>> No.848537

Why the fuck did I just do this?

1984 (George Orwell)
The Origin of Species and The Voyage of the Beagle (Charles Darwin)
The Prince (Niccolo Machiavelli )
The Qu'ran
God is not Great (Christopher Hitchens)
Deterrence (Lawrence Freedman)
Learning to Eat Soup With a Knife (John A. Nagl)
The Accidental Guerilla (David Kilcullen)
The Official History of the Falkalands Campaign Vol. 1 The Origins of the Falklands War (Lawrence Freedman)
The Official History of the Falkalands Campaign Vol. 1 War and Diplomacy (Lawrence Freedman)
The Road To Reality, a Complete Guide to The Laws of the Universe (Roger Penrose)
Crime and Punishment (Fyodor Dostoyevsky)
The Selfish Gene (Richard Dawkins)
The Extended Phenotype (Richard Dawkins)
The Blind Watchmaker (Richard Dawkins)
River Out of Eden (Richard Dawkins)
A Devil's Chaplin (Richard Dawkins)
Climbing Mount Improbable (Richard Dawkins)
Unweaving the Rainbow (Richard Dawkins)
The Ancestor's Tale (Richard Dawkins)
The God Delusion (Richard Dawkins)
The Greatest Show on Earth (Richard Dawkins)
Amoungst The Marines (Steven Preece)
Always a Marine (Steven Preece)
Contact (Carl Sagan)
Empire (Niall Ferguson)
Time Management For Dummies (Clare Evans)
Writing Essays For Dummies (Mary Page, Dr Carrie Winstanley)
Speed Reading For Dummies (Richard Sutz, Peter Weverka)
The Koran for Dummies (Sohaib Sultan)


>> No.848538

Are you a German?

>> No.848540

The bookshelf nearest to me is full of my art / graphic design books -

NiceToMeetYouToo: Visual Greetings From Business Cards To Identity Packages - Author N/A

North Korea - Philippe Chancel

Love Hotels - Misty Keasler

Baroque: Style in the Age of Magnificence, 1620-1800 - Michael Snoodin & Nigel Llewellyn (eds.)

Tragic Kingdom: The Art of Camille Rose Garcia - Author N/A

>> No.848541


A Choice of Enemies, America Confronts The Middle East (Lawrence Freedman)
War and Peace (Leo Tolstoy)
Anna Karenina (Leo Tolstoy)
Mein Kampf (Adolf Hitler)
The Art of War (Sun Tzu)
The Evolution of Nuclear Strategy (Lawrence Freedman)
A Brief History Of Modern Warfare (Richard Connaughton)
The Utility of Force (Rupert Smith)
A Shite History of Everything (A. Parody)
Global Warming and Other Bollocks (Prof. Stanley Feldman, Prof. Vincent Marks)
Commando (Chris Terrill)
History's Worst Decisions (Stephan Weer)
Empire of the Seas (Brian Lavery)
Dos Logos
Thus Spoke Zarathustra (Nietzsche)
The Iliad (Homer)
Oliver Twist (Charles Dickens)
Germs and Steel (Jared Diamond)
The Penguin History of The Second World War (Peter Calvocoressi, Guy Wint, John Pritchard)
The Lolita Effect (MG Durham)
The Rise and Fall of the British Empire (Lawrence James)
The Assault On Liberty (Dominic Raab)

>> No.848565

Under 25
Lower Middle Class
Not unpopular but not popular.

>> No.848575

About 25
College Student
You don't talk that much.

>> No.848578

all of you

>> No.848581

>The Selfish Gene (Richard Dawkins)
>The Extended Phenotype (Richard Dawkins)
>The Blind Watchmaker (Richard Dawkins)
>River Out of Eden (Richard Dawkins)
>A Devil's Chaplin (Richard Dawkins)
>Climbing Mount Improbable (Richard Dawkins)
>Unweaving the Rainbow (Richard Dawkins)
>The Ancestor's Tale (Richard Dawkins)
>The God Delusion (Richard Dawkins)
>The Greatest Show on Earth (Richard Dawkins)

A fag.

>> No.848584


>> No.848586

Good job, anon. I've actually read a good many more books than that, they were just library books.

>> No.848590


I'm gonna guess that you guys are . . . . the kinds of people who like to read books.

Was I close?

>> No.848592


>> No.848599

My list doesn't make any sense.

The Life Before Us - Romain Gary
Trainspotting - Irvine Welsh
Greek Myths and Legends
The God Squad - Paddy Doyle
Sin City - Frank Miller
Slaughterhouse Five - Kurt Vonnegut
Three Widows - Sholom Aleichem
The Quadroon - Thomas Mayne Reid
Brokeback Mountain - Annie Proulx
The Girl I Left Behind - Shusaku Endo
Emma - Jane Austen
Easy Way to Stop Smoking - Allen Carr
City - Clifford D. Simak
Tales of Italy - Maksim Gorky
Anastasia - Vladimir Megre
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary
Lord of the Flies - William Golding
The Martian Chronicles - Ray Bradbury
Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte
Tabliczka Marzenia - Halina Snopkiewicz
When We Were Orhpans - Kazuo Ishiguro
Trainspotting - Irvine Welsh (yes, twice)
Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck
Easy Way to Stop Worrying - Allen Carr
Girl from the Bar - Ha Khan Lin (?)
English-Hebrew dictionary
Die Bauern in der europaischen Geschichte - Werner Rosener
Daphnis and Chloe - Longus
Mastodonia - Clifford D. Simak
Omnibus for Tomorrow - Ray Bradbury
Sailors & Sea - Pierre & Gilles artbook
A Farewell to Arms - Ernest Hemingway
The Goblin Reservation - Clifford D. Simak
Three Men on a Boat - Jerome K. Jerome
Love Story - Erish Segal
New Writing 13 - edited by Toby Litt & Ali Smith
All-American Ads 40s
Complete Short Fiction - Oscar Wilde
The Plague - Albert Camus
Complete Short Fiction - Franz Kafka

>> No.848603

American Gods- Neil Gaiman
Berserk 1-3- some japanese dude
MPD Psycho 1-9- some other japanese dude
Norton Anthology of Shakespeare- Billy Shakes
Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters- Jane Austen and.... fuck it, I'm not moving to see the author.
John Dies at the End- David Wong
Anansi Boys- American Gods
Quiver- Kevin Smith

>> No.848607

Sabriel - Garth Nix
The Elder Gods - David Eddings
Prelude to Foundation - Isaac ASimov
Vampire Hunter D: Raiser of Gales - Hideyuki Kikuchi
Frankenstein - Mary Shelley
The Iliad and the Odyssey - Homer
Their Eyes Were Watching God - Zora Neale Hurston
A Cruel Wind: A Chronicle of the Dread Empire - Glen Cook

Thats all for my immediate surroundings.

>> No.848608

one tier of my bookshelf:
Burmese Days, George Orwell
The Year of Endless Sorrows, Adam Rapp
The American Character, D.W. Brogan
Love in the Time of Cholera, Gabriel Garcia Marquez
The Way the Crow Flies, Ann-Marie MacDonald
School for Barbarians, Erika Mann
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter, Carson McCullers
some books by Roald Dahl
Waiting for Godot, Samuel Beckett
The Kite Runner, Khaled Hosseini
What She Saw, Lucinda Rosenfeld
The Fountainhead, Ayn Rand (lol)
Ten Great Mysteries, Edgar Allen Poe
Selected Short Stories of Nathaniel Hawthorne
A Farewell to Arms, Ernest Hemmingway
Through a Glass Darkly, Jostein Gaarder
Catch 22, Joseph Heller
and a book about dinosaurs

>> No.848609

can I borrow Sabriel?

>> No.848612


>About 25
Yeah, near enough.

>College Student
No, but I do think about going back and doing a PhD or some other course.

Uh huh.

>You don't talk that much.
Depends a lot on the company I'm in.

>> No.848613


>> No.848617

Bumping list it took me 8 minutes to write out.

>> No.848620

Not even close but that's quite a compliment.

>> No.848621

Loyalists and Lovers - Michael Foot
Notes from Underground - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
The Outsider - Albert Camus
Inferno - Dante
Murmuring Judges - David Hare
Keats - Selected Poems
Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
Northanger Abbey - Jane Austen

>> No.848624

How are either of those things compliments? Not saying that either are bad.

>> No.848626

You are a very serious person.

>> No.848629

i think that you read books

>> No.848630

White knight
Bit of a hipster
Short hair
Still living with parents
over 18

>> No.848631

I dunno lol.

>> No.848635

Borderline psychopath, but close enough.

>> No.848640

Yeah, I can definitely see it.

>> No.848655

No, I am an Amerifag.

>> No.848660

Historical Illuminatus Chronicles - R.A. Wilson
BLAME! - Tsutomu Nihei
Dune - Frank Herbert
Dragonlance - Wiess & Hickman
Sherlock Holmes - A.C. Doyle
Conan the Cimmerian - R.E. Howard
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy - Douglass Adams
The Institutes of the Christian Religion - John Calvin
Discourse on Method - Rene Descarte
A Brief History of Time - Stephen Hawking
Man & His Symbols - Carl Jung
The Holy Bible - Various
A History of Pirates - Nigel Cawthorne
Calvin & Hobbes - Bill Watterson
Secrets of the Dead Sea Scrolls - Randall Price
The Selfish Gene - Richard Dawkins

Currently Unread:
The Hyperion Cantos - Dan Simmon
Critique of Pure Reason - Immanuel Kant
The World as Will & Representation - Arthur Schoepenhauer

>> No.848678

D&D, Vampire, Rifts, and Star Wars RPG sourcebooks; Imperial Ambitions (Noam Chomsky), Necessary Illusions (Chomsky), Midnight's Children (Salmon Rushdie), The Satanic Verses (Rushdie), The Physics of the Impossible (Michio Kaku), Chariots of the Gods (Erich von Däniken).

>> No.848685

Speak - Laurie Halse Anderson
Ulysses - Joyce
Breaking Dawn - Meyer
Hatchet - Paulsen
Haunted - Palachiuk
Catcher in the Rye - Saladinger

>> No.848687


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f qhn v ing xhap klnhv m orvo hj m l

>> No.848690

Typical Rifts player. ~20-25 years old, unless those are WEG Star Wars books.

>> No.848696


>> No.848698

Teenage. Interest in classics, but also poor.

>> No.848704

I'm super fucking bored, so here's the rest of them, at least until I get tired of typing them out:

The Waste Land - T.S. Eliot
Less than Zero - Bret Easton Ellis
Wait Until Spring, Bandini - John Fante
The Road to Las Angeles - Fante
Ask the Dust - Fante
West of Rome - Fante
The Big Hunger - Fante
As I Lay Dying - Faulkner
Absalom, Absalom - Faulkner
The Unvanquished - Faulkner
Selected Poem - Robert Frost
The Sorrows of Young Werther - Goethe
Looking for Alaska - John Green
The Mayor of Casterbridge - Hardy
The Sun Also Rises - Hemingway
In Our Time - Hemingway
The Old Man and the Sea - Hemingway
A Movable Feast - Hemingway
Hiroshima - Hersey
Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
The Doors of Perception - Huxley
M. Butterfly - Hwang
Four Major Plays - Henrik Ibsen
Never Let Me Go - Kazuo Ishiguro
Children of Men - PD James
Dubliners - Joyce
No One Belongs Here More Than You - Miranda July
The Metamorphosis and Other Stories - Kafka
Atop an Underwood - Kerouac
Visions of Gerard - Kerouac
Maggi Cassidy - Kerouac
Vanity of Dulouz - Kerouac
On the Road - Kerouac
>Shit more Kerouac
>Lesson learned: On the Road and The Dharma Bums are the only Kerouac "worth" reading
Killing Yourself to Live - Chuck Klosterman
IV - Klosterman
Into the Wild - John Krakauer
The Unbearable Lightness of Being - Milan Kundera
To Build a Fire and Other Stories - Jack London
Oleanna - David Mamet
Closer - Patrick Marber
Life of Pi - Yann Martel
Spoon River Anthology - Edgar Lee Masters
No Country for Old Men - Mccarthy
The Road - McCarthy
Tropic of Cancer - Henry Miller
Wilderness - Jim Morrison
American Night - Jim Morrison
Norwegian Wood - Haruki Murakami
Hard Boiled Wonderland... - Murakami
The Elephant Vanishes - Murakami
Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman - Murakami
After Dark - Murakami
Thus Spoke Zarathustra - Nietzche
Going After Cacciato - Tim O'Brien
>Some Palahniuk
Selected Poems - Ezra Pound

>> No.848705

I'm 33, and I never read Catcher even in high school. It was hard to stay focused on one book.

>> No.848709

The Collected Songs of Cold Mountain - Cold Mountain
Poems of the Masters - Chinese dudes
Collected Works - Arthur Rimbaud
Franny and Zoey - JD Salinger
A Sport and a Pastime - James Salter
Last Night - James Salter
Nausea - Sartre
>Shit ton of Steinbeck
Politics - Adam Thirlwell
Fear and Loathing - Thompson
The Death of Ivan Ilych - Tolstoy
Johnny Got His Gun - Dalton Trumbo
The Aenied - Virgil
>Shit ton of Vonnegut
Collected Poems - William Carlos Williams
Orlando - Woolf
Collected Poems - Yeats

>> No.848712

I lack a shelf right now, this is what is in/on my desk.

Pale Fire, Nabokov
Outsider Art: Spontaneous Alternatives, Rhodes
The Great Short Works of Franz Kafka
Machiavelli: A Brief Insight, Skinner
Haunted, Palahniuk
The Path to the Spider's Nests, Calvino
The Trial, Kafka
Atmospheric Disturbances, Galchen
Long Day's Journey Into Night, O'Neill
Amerika, Kafka
Candide, Voltaire
Weight, Winterson
His Illegal Self, Carey
The Theory of Light and Matter, Porter
The Complete Stories, Kafka
The Stories of Vladimir Nabokov
Maps to Anywhere, Cooper
Flying Saucers- Here and Now!, Edwards
Florence in the Time of the Medici, Chamberlin
Letters to the Air Force on UFOs, Adler
A Pocket Style Manual, Hacker
UFOs: A Manual for the Millennium, Cousineau
Introductory Statistics, Weiss

>> No.848713

You are also rich. Fuck you.

>> No.848715

BTW, what's WEG? I have Saga Edition. I never started RPGs until I was 24.

>> No.848717

on the shelf above my computer monitor...
Gai-Jin, James Clavell
Taipan, James Clavell
Jealousy by Robbe-Grillet
Elenium series by David Eddings (meh)
Redemption of Althalus by David Eddings
The Daily Show and Philosophy (Christmas present from aunt who doesn't know me very well...)
The Prophet by Khalil Gibran
The New Joy of Words
Ender in Exile by Orson Scott Card

and on the floor nearby...

The Brothers Karamazov by Dostoyevsky
Islam and Revolution, writings of Imam Khomeini
America the Book
I Am America, and So Can You by Stephen Colbert
Winter's Heart by Robert Jordan

>> No.848718

>Sorrow of Young Werther
>No Faust


>> No.848720


What I put was on the floor to the right. on the left is Leviathan, Discourse on Method, and Cat's Cradle.

only for 3 more months

>interest in classics
yes, and books my English 1 teacher made me read five years ago


>> No.848721

Nah, the only thing I spend my money on pretty much are books and beer. I bought most of my books in high school, too, when my only other purchase was pot.

>> No.848727

There were 2 Wizards of the Coast Star Wars games prior to Saga.

Before WotC had the license, West End Games produced a game (commonly called SW D6 or soemthing similar) which used additive d6 dice pools.

>> No.848729

The Grey Knights Omnibus - Ben Counter (WH40k)
Tales - H.P. Lovecraft
The Norton Anthology of Poetry
Ethics of the Aristocrats and Other Satirical Works - Obeyd-e Zakani
Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
Neuromancer - William Gibson

>> No.848732


Third year English student in college.

>> No.848733


22 year old atheist.

>> No.848734

A complete nerd. Carry on, my good man.

>> No.848736
File: 7 KB, 170x284, m_3858b26cb7080b7fda0205e89429f196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guilty as charged.

>> No.848739

21, theist.

Having one book by Dawkins (and for that matter, one that has nothing to do with God) doesn't make you an athiest.

>> No.848740



>> No.848756


I was assuming based on the possession of multiple bibles. Theists usually stick to just one.

>> No.848758

My closest bookshelf is manga and comics... all of my novels and so on are in a different room. Too much effort to list books in another room. You still want to do this with illustrated books?

>> No.848760

Snow - Orhan Pamuk
Vanity Fair - William Makepeace Thackeray
The Flea Palace - Elif Şafak
Starship Troopers - Robert A. Heinlein
Diamond Age - Neal Stephenson
Viriconium - M. John Harrison
I, Claudius - Robert Graves
Claudius The God - Robert Graves
The Secret of the Kingdom - Mika Waltari
The Roman - Mika Waltari
Red and Black - Stendhal
The Kindly Ones - Jonathan Littell

>> No.848764

I only have one on the shelf. "Various" indicates the author.

>> No.848781

Atlas Shrugged - Rand
The Fountainhead - Rand
Vietnam: A History - Kenneth Starow
Khruschev Remembers - Brown Little
The Stranger - Camus
Crime and Punishment - Dostoevsky
The Brothers Karamazov - Dostoevsky
Notes From Underground - Dostoevsky
Lolita - Nabokov
War and Peace - Tolstoy
The Motorcycle Diaries - Che Guevara
Companero: The Life and Death of Che Guevara - George Castaneda
Malcolm X: Selected Speeches -
New Testament NKJ Translation
The Oxford Companion to the Bible
Les Miserables - Hugo
Of Mice and Men - Steinbeck
Their Eyes Were Watching God - Zola
For Whom The Bell Tolls - Hemingway
Homage to Catalonia - Orwell
Brave New World - Huxley
The Interpretation of Dreams - Freud
Thus Spoke Zarathustra - Nietzche

>> No.848785


Roughly 20, liberal, possibly nihilist, probably a hallucinogenic drug user.

>> No.848786

Band of Brothers (DVD box set),
Reflections in the Sea by D.Philips Burt,
The Complete Plays of Oscar Wilde,
Wind From The Carolinas by Robert Wilder,
The Interpretation of Dreams,
Tale of Two Cities
War & Peace
The Odysessy
Robinson Crusoe
Les Miserables Volume 2
Churchill's Bodyguard by Tom Hickman
To Have and Have Not, Hemingway
Motor Boat Yachting Logbook by my grandad
Hawaii by James A.Michener
Cruise of the Teddy by Erling Tambs
Across The River And Into The Trees by Hemingway
The Torrents of Spring
Royal Heritage by JH Plum and Hew Wheldon
Seven Pillars of Wisdom by T.E. Lawrence

>> No.848789

and no my books aren't kept in order.

>> No.848796

Kaffir Boy-Mark Mathabane
A People's History of the United States-Howard Zinn
The Godfather-Mario Puzo
Burmese Days-George Orwell
Nineteen Eighty-four-George Orwell
Down and Out in Paris and London-George Orwell
The road to Wigan Pier-George Orwell
The Book (which is the Bible reworded as someone from the 70's on would talk)-Who knows
Miriam's Song-Mark Mathabane
The Guns of the South-Harry Turtledove
The Plot Against America-Phillip Roth
Animal Farm-George Orwell
Essential Authors (7 books which I won't write because I'm lazy)-H.G. Wells
Dracula-Bram Stoker
The Prince and other writings-Machiavelli
[G]od is not Great-Christopher Hitchens
Frankenstein-Mary Shelly
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest-Ken Kesey
V For Vendetta-Alan Moore
Watchmen-Alan Moore
Batman The Killing Joke-Alan Moore
iRobot-Issac Asmiov
Brave New World-Auldous Huxley
Things fall Apart-Chiuana Achebe
My bookshelf is about to collapse becuase I have so many used books, therefore, I will not list them all.

>> No.848805

Gravity's Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon
Island by Aldous Huxley
Hunger by Knut Hamsun
In Praise of Idleness by Bertrand Russel
The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov
Gilbert and George art book
The Origin of the Species by Charles Darwin
Utopia by Thomas More
The Ominous Parallels (parallels between pre nazi germany and the us) by Leonard Peikoff
Beneath the Wheel by Herman Hesse
Why Socrates Died by Robin Waterfield
The Mystery of Banking by Murray Rothbard

>> No.848808

Joe Biden - Promises to Keep
Ian Kelly - Beau Brummell
George Carlin - Last Words
El-Hai - The Lobotomist
Christopher Gutierrez - On the Upswing
A. Scott Berg - Kate Remembered
Military Omnibus: The Last Days of Hitler/Last Days of the Reich
Jacobs - Holocaust Survivor
Edward M. Kennedy - True Compass
Michael Korba - Journey to a Revolution
Slavoj Zizek - Mao
Antonia Fraser - Marie Antoinette
Schecter - The Real McCain
Todd Mason - I Peroit
Harold F. B. Wheeler - The Story of Lord Roberts
Schaeffer - Crazy for God
Leigh - ARNOLD
Sidney Sheldon - The Other Side of Me
Simon Sebag Montefiore - Young Stalin
Amy Tan - The Opposite of Luck
Slavoj Zizek - Trotsky
Alison Weir - The Life of Elizabeth I
Robert Hutchinson - The Last Days of Henry VIII
Kate Beridge - Madame Tussaud
Carolly Erickson - Her Little Majesty

>> No.848811

Undergrad. Male. Bought most of his books all at once.

>> No.848814


>> No.848822

OR kept all of his required reading from high school, then went on a Russian lit kick and bought the usual undergrad books (huxley, rand, etc).

>> No.848852

huxley was english though so how would that matter with russian lit...i agree though mostly a person that thinks THESE ARE SKOOL BEWKS I MUST BE SMURT IF I READ THESE

>> No.848854

guise it too tiring to list all of the books on my 6 bookshelves and all the ones available in my library district. lets just say that ive got all the books i could ever want or need. what does that make me

>> No.848860

the nearest one, not all of them.

>> No.848862


or someone who is trying too hard

>> No.848863


ive got 3 cases within arm's reach, with 4 shelves each

>> No.848865

2666 - Roberto Bolano
Wind-Up Bird Chronicles - Haruki Murakami
Hardboiled Wonderland and the End of the World - Haruki Murakami
South of the Border, West of the Sun - Haruki Murakami
Almost Transparent Blue - Ryu Murakami
Coinlocker Babies - Ryu Murakami
Lolita - Nabokov
Pale Fire - Nabokov
Ada or Ardor - Nabokov
The Defense - Nabokov
Blood Meridian - McCarthy
All the Pretty Horses - McCarthy
The Road - McCarthy
100 Years of Solitude - Marquez
Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test - Wolff
I Am Charlotte Simmons - Wolff
Mrs. Dalloway - Woolf
To the Lighthouse - Woolf
Naked Lunch - Burroughs
>The Scarecrow Walks at Midnight - R.L. Stein
Don Quixote - Cervantes
The Castle - Kafka
Neuromancer - Gibson
Count Zero - Gibson
Monalisa Overdrive - Gibson
Pattern Recognition - Gibson

I really need to but these in alphabetical order :/

>> No.848866

I moved recently, so most are on the floor, but the small shelf near me has:

In Search of Myself - Frederick P. Grove
By Grand Central Station I Sat Down and Wept - Elizabeth Smart
Tomfoolery - Alvin Schwartz
In Praise of Idleness - Bertrand Russell
Yes Sir, That's My Wolfgang - G. Welton Marquis
Late Night Thoughts on Listening to Mahler's Ninth Symphony - Lewis Thomas
A Short History of Progress - Ronald Wright
Jewish Music - Abraham Z. Idelsohn

>> No.848870


>> No.848871

>>848865 here
Cut off the end when I c/p. The whole Song of Ice and Fire series is there too

>> No.848874

MOST LIKELY A CUNT, shitty over rated books and authors except gibson

>> No.848875

a jewess

>> No.848879

>my face

>> No.848883

sorry i was bombarded by pretentiousness i must have missed rl stein

>> No.848891

nearest bookshelf is my fathers

one shelf devoted to woodworking, one shelf devoted to history, one to politics, then a mix of philosophy, novels, and books on spanish culture.

easy- history/political science college dropout who turned to carpentry and married a hispanic woman.

>> No.848896

the penguin book of romantic poetry and capital which is apt since Im cant afford any more books

>> No.848923

I think you must be a troll. I love Gibson, but how can you say he's better than the rest of that list?

Also I'm not a woman :x

>> No.848933

And struck by blindness, apparently. It's the only one in green.

>> No.848936

Radford - Transformational Grammar
Stanzaic Morte d'Arthur
Chomsky - On Language
Beckett - Endgame and Act Without Words
Sartre - No Exit and Three Other Plays
Russell - Power
Bryson - Mother Tongue
Goethe - Faust
Hemingway - The Old Man and the Sea
Woolf - To the Lighthouse
Aurelius - Mediations
Wilde - The Picture of Dorian Gray
Toole - A Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.848940


Freshman in college, linguistics major.

>> No.848955

Ghost Rider by Neil Peart
Level 7
The Zombie Survival Guide
Earth Abides
I Me Mine
A Clockwork Orange
The Man in the High Casle
If This is a Man/The Truce
Animal Farm
Brave New World
The Stranger
The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Atlas Shrugged
The Divine Comedy (Volume I)
Lucifer's Hammer
Dead Sea
All Quiet on the Western Front

and currently loaned out are:

World War Z
Johnny Got His Gun

>> No.848956

I would appreciate my list being evaluated.

>> No.848970

1776 - David McCollough
The Sylph - Georgiana Duchess of Devonshire
Candide - Voltaire
Common Sense - Thomas Paine
Catcher in the Rye - J.D. Salinger
This Side of Paradise - F. Scott Fitzgerald

>> No.848974


Mid 40s, right leaning, lives in the countryside, doesn't go out much.

>> No.849063

War & Peace
Anna Karenina
Crime & Punishment
The Brothers Karamozov
The Last Watch - Sergei Lukyenenko
The Once and Future King- T.H. White
Dress Your family in Corduroy and Plaid- David Sedaris
Travels with Charley- John Stienbeck
The Complete Works of Shakespeare
Estravagario (Bilingual edition)- Pablo Neruda
Canery Row- Steinbeck
Collection of Short Stories- Stienbeck
The Department of Mad Scientists- Michael Belfiore
The Shadow of the Wind- Carlos Ruiz Zafón
Three Act Tragedy- Agatha Christie
Maus- Art Spiegelman

I am at work right now and these are the ones I can remember off the top of my head. I know I am missing quite a few.

>> No.849068

do mine you worthless shits

>> No.849085

The last part is right but the rest is wildly inaccurate. Thank you for your evaluation.

>> No.849087

nabokov=shit over rated pretentiousness tier
just like most of the others you have on your shit tier book shelf

>> No.849095


Uperclassman at a Liberal arts college.

>> No.849100

nope actually i am 17 year old hs drop out

>> No.849105


Same thing.

>> No.849109

Above my head right now there is, from left to right:

Lord of the Rings
The Silmarillion
Harry Potter (Books 4 - 7)
A Clockwork Orange
Song of Ice and Fire Series
10 Discworld Books
Good Omens
Animal Farm
Notes From Underground & The Double
Crime and Punishment
The Brothers Karamazov
The Prose Edda
Hitchhickers Guide
4 More hardback Discworld books.


>> No.849111
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All of Tolkien's ME work
Plato through Dante, selected chronological philosophy (inc. Nicomachean Ethics, Analects, etc.)
War & Peace - Maude translation

Currently Reading:

The Dead Hand - David E. Hoffman
The Essential Engineer - Henry Petrowski

>> No.849112

The Gargoyle
Time Travelers Wife
A Bowl of Cherries
Gravity's Rainbow
The Tommyknockers
Life of Pi
The Hollow Chocolate Bunnies of the Apocalypse
The Call of the Wild / White Fang
Night Angel Trilogy
The Android's Dream
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
The Outsiders
A Case of Exploding Mangoes
Shutter Island
The Anthologist
A Million Little Pieces
The Hobbit
The Zombie Survival Guide
The Average American Male
Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency

>> No.849122

Do mine!

>> No.849131

hannibal thomas harris
about face col david hackworth
soul catcher alex kava
big bad wolf james patterson
100 best irish limericks
cell stephen king
cadillac beach tim dorsey
wicked maguire
theodore rex edmund morris
the first five henry rollins
shutter island dennis lehane
stiff mary roach
complete tales and poems poe

>> No.849136


Someone with really bad taste.

>> No.849140

they are books i own, not ones i like. i thought it was the shelf closest to you? the books i like aren't on that shelf.

>> No.849149

Most of the books I read are under my bed. Mostly fantasy/sci-fi/urban fantasy. The novels and shit are in the front room in a book shelf. To many to list.

>> No.849156


17-18 years old, just graduated from high school, picked up Brothers Karamazov for some summer reading.

>> No.849167

Bookshelf nearest to me is paperbacks:

Go Ask Alice - Anonymous
I, Robot - Isaac Asimov
The Handmaid's Tale - Margaret Atwood
Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury
The River of Time - David Brin
The Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown
The Perks of Being a Wallflower - Stephen Chbosky
2001: A Space Odyssey - Arthur C. Clarke
Jurassic Park - Michael Crichton
Sphere - Michael Crichton
Artemis Fowl - Eoin Colfer
Artemis Fowl the Artic Incident - Eoin Colfer
Artemis Fowl the Eternity Code - Eoin Colfer
Artemis Fowl the Opal Deception - Eoin Colfer
Neuromancer - William Gibson
Memoirs of a Geisha - Arthur Golden
I Never Promised You a Rose Garden - Joanne Greenberg
The Kite Runner - Khaled Hoseeini
Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
Island - Aldous Huxley
Howl's Moving Castle - Dianna Wynne Jones
Girl, Interrupted - Susanna Kaysen
The Gunslinger - Stephen King
A Wrinkle in Time - Madeline L'Engle
Darkly Dreaming Dexter - Jeff Lindsay
Dearly Devoted Dexter - Jeff Lindsay
Life of Pi - Yann Martel
What Dreams May Come - Richard Matheson
A Canticle For Leibowitz - Walter M Miller
The Temple of the Golden Pavillion - Yukio Mishima
Convergent Series - Larry Niven
The Time Traveler's Wife - Audrey Niffenger
Hatchet - Gary Paulsen
Night Watch - Terry Pratchett
Going Postal - Terry Pratchett
Frankenstein - Mary Shelley
Contact - Carl Sagan
Kokoro - Natsume Soseki
The Hobbit - JRR Tolkien
The Invisible Man - HG Wells
The War of the Worlds - HG Wells

>> No.849170

Any guesses, /lit/bros?

>> No.849179


Actually 21, left school 5 years ago.

>> No.849180

Do it anyway. I can judge based on taste in manga.

>> No.849182

I'll lol irl if someone knows what the hell I'm talking about:

Ana Wambrechtsamer: Danes grofje Celjski in nikdar več.
Levsti: Martin Krpan
Ivan Cankar: Izbrana dela (1-8, I'm missing 9-10 :,,,,( )
Prešeren: Poezije
Bartol: Alamut
Lian Hearn: Grass for His Pillow, Brilliance of the Moon (gah)
Richard Brooks: Producer
Umberto Eco: Baudolino

...thats closest to me.

>> No.849201

moar pictures

>> No.849205

I'm going to say 21-22, somewhat of an intellectual, but still fascinated by the unknown. Possibly sociable or at least a good conversationalist with close friends.

>> No.849213

About college age, male, just recently got back into reading, friendly.

>> No.849227



>> No.849252

You buy far more books than you actually read, you're young, in your first job, dark short black hair, not very confident.

>> No.849272

Well, you can speak at least 2 languages, so I'll say you are intelligent and probably male.

>> No.849282


I have read all but War & Peace and The complete Works of Shakespeare and Department of Mad Scientists.

I am 28.

I have been working as an Editor in Hollywood for about 3 years now, before that I was a Teacher in Spain (thus bilingual spanish poetry) and before that was a Journalist for several years.

I do have Black hair. but it is kind of shaggy at the moment.

>> No.849285

crime and punishment, brave new world, the fountainhead, jpod, waiting for godot, notes from underground, thus spoke zarathustra

>> No.849299

Do me?

>> No.849303

seventeen year old male, probably plays a lot of video games

>> No.849310

Beckett - complete plays
FSFitzgerald - Great Gatsby
Foucault - Madness and Civilisation
DFW - Infinite Jest
Learning Greek - Text and Vocabulary (JACT)
Three restoration comedies.
Woolf - Orlando
Woolf - To the lighthouse
Joyce - Dubliners
Rushdie - Satanic Verses
Four Revenge Tragedies.
McCarthy - The Road
PG Wodehouse - Carry on Jeeves
Fry - The Liar
Fry - The Ode less travelled.

>> No.849311

tits or gtfo

>> No.849315

But I'm a man :(

>> No.849317

What is this I don't even

>> No.849319

I am going to say you are either 30 or just turned 20, and an intellectual or a burgeoning one.

>> No.849322

I think it was the Heinlein.

>> No.849328
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>> No.849330

Pretty close, 21. Can't really call myself an intellectual without transgressing modesty, but it seems to fit.

>> No.849331

Moers - Rumo und die Wunder im Dunkeln
Moers - Die Stadt der träumenden Bücher
Moers - Der Schrecksenmeister
Moers - Wilde Reise durch die Nacht
Goethe - Die Leiden des jungen Werther
Goethe - Faust II
Tolkien - The hobbit
Tolkien - The silmarillion
Nietzsche - Also sprach Zarathustra

My other books are in my other apartment. Also, I'm too lazy to look the english names up.

>> No.849334

To add to this list:
Huxley - Brave new world

>> No.849341

I'm thinking male, mid 20s, arts graduate or student.

>> No.849342

But it's still only Heinlein, not... HALO, or something.
no, no, and no.

>> No.849344

yes, no, not yet.

>> No.849351

I'll give you a nicer one then - possibly 22-23, male, well rounded, enjoyable to be around in small amounts.

>> No.849352

Books in my reading pile next to my desk:

Welcome to the Monkey House- Vonnegut
Catch-22 -Heller
1984 -Orwell
Zoo Quest for a Dragon -Attenborough

>> No.849357

Joseph Heller - Catch-22
Bill Bryson - A Walk in the Woods
Nick Hornby - High Fidelity
Hermann Hesse - Steppenwolf
James Lee Burke - The Neon Rain
Margaret Atwood - The Handmaid's Tale
Jon Courtenay Grimwood - Pashazade
Mark Haddon - The Curious Incident...
George Orwell - Nineteen Eighty Four
H.E Bates - Fair Stood the Wind for France
Tom Wolfe - The Bonfire of the Vanities
Audrey Niffenegger - The Time Traveller's Wife
Joseph Heller - Something Happened
Aldous Huxley - Brave New World
Kurt Vonnegut - Slaughterhouse 5
Plus a bunch of academic books

>> No.849358

The first 29 Discworld novels - Teryy Ptactchett
The Dark Tower - The Gunslinger
The dark Tower - The Drawing of the Three (currently readng)
Fight Club
Long Walk to Freedom - Nelson Mandela
Outliners - Malcolm Cladwell
On Writing - Stephen King
The Liar - Stephen Fry
Moab is my woshpot - Stephen Fry
Dune - Frank Herbert
Then a ton of reference and art books, mainly Andrew Loomis.

>> No.849362

I'll say 20, male, also just got back into reading again recently, vaguely hipster, but occasionally genuine.

>> No.849368

Basically exact

>> No.849393

Jean Paul Sartre, Existentialism and Human Emotions
Marquis De Sade, Justine, Philosophy in the Bedroom and Other Works
Foundations of Western Thought: Six Major Philosophers
The I Ching
Two Zen Classics
The Tibetan Book of the Dead
Jean Jacques Rousseau, The First and Second Discourses, and an Essay on the Origin of Languages
George Woodcock, the Anarchist Reader
Frege, The Philosophy of Language
David Hume, Treatise on Human Nature
Irving Copi, Symbolic Logic

>> No.849409

The Eye of the World - Robert Jordan
The Great Hunt - Robert Jordan
The Dragon Reborn - Robert Jordan
The Shadow Rising - Robert Jordan
The Fires of Heaven - Robert Jordan
Lord of Chaos - Robert Jordan
A Crown of Swords - Robert Jordan
The Path of Daggers - Robert Jordan
Winter's Heart - Robert Jordan
Crossroads of Twilight - Robert Jordan
Knife of Dreams - Robert Jordan
The Gathering Storm - Robert Jordan/Brandon Sanderson

>> No.849412

Philip K. Dick Collection
The Divine Comedy-Dante
Watership Down-Richard Adams
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy-Douglas Adams
Ender's Game-Orson Scott Card
A Confederacy of Dunces-John Kennedy Toole
Stranger in a Strange Land-Heinlein
The Koran
The Bible
The Road-Cormac McCarthy
Snowcrash-Neal Stephenson
A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius-Dave Eggers
And A bunch of Books by Alastair Reynolds

>> No.849419

Just a guess

You like Jordan...you also need to expand your horizons unless that happens to be your Jordan shelf and you have about 1000 similar shelves of particular authors around your impressively large house.

>> No.849426


>> No.849437

I'll back this comment up with likely a douche as well.

>> No.849447


Late teen or early twenties guy who has faith but tries not to dwell on it.

>> No.849451

As I Lay Dying and Rabbit, Run.

Those are the books on my nightstand, so that's close enough I guess.

>> No.849456

Got the age right(but then again you could put that on almost any post on 4chan and have a 70% chance of that being right). And I don't really have any faith, I'm more or less Deist. I'm curious as to how you came to that conclusion though.

>> No.849461


Well just the religious books and stuff like SIASL which has its own religious connotations.

Not trying to make an exact science out of this!

>> No.849464

...My highschool English teacher?

Seriously he like jerked off to these two books.

>> No.849466

For Whom the Bell Tolls - Hemingway
The Book of Lies - Crowley
The Bell Jar - Plath
Crónica de una muerte anunciada - Garcia Marquez
Finnegans Wake - Joyce
Skeleton Key to Finnegans Wake - Campbell
Crow - Hughes
Carrier of Ladders - Merwin
Lice - Merwin
Birthday Letters - Hughes

>> No.849469

Remington Norman-- The Great Domaines of Burgundy
Parker-- Bordeaux (4th Ed.)
Parker-- Wines of the Rhône Valley & Provence
Schoonmaker-- Encyclopedia of Wine
Harm Jan de Blij-- Wine Regions of the Southern Hemisphere
Johnson-- World Atlas of Wine
Duijker-- Bordeaux Atlas & Encyclopedia of Châteaux
Benson & Mackenzie-- St-Emilion & Pomerol
Lichine-- Wines & Vineyards of France
Benson & Mackenzie-- Sauternes
Parker-- Bordeaux (2nd Ed.)
Coates-- Côte d'Or
Coates-- The Wines of France
Blanchet-- Vins de Bourgogne
de Siber-- Prestige du Bordeaux
Robinson (Ed.)-- Oxford Companion to Wine
Robinson-- Vines, Grapes, and Wines
Coates-- Grands Vins
Moreno-Arribas-- Wine Chemistry & Biochemistry
Ribéreau-Gayon (Ed.)-- Handbook of Enology (Vols. 1 & 2)
Burton Anderson-- Wine Atlas of Italy

That's the shelf directly over my head in my office. Guess what business I'm in.

>> No.849470

In which state did you go to highschool?

>> No.849474

Gray's Anatomy
Hot Zone
Panic in Level 4
Demon in the Freezer
Molecular Cell Biology, 4th edition
Stedman's - Medical Dictionary
Autobiography of Chuck Yeager
and a worn out edition of Shantaram

(just to name a few)

>> No.849478


>> No.849485

Oxford Book of Modern Science Writing - Richard Dawkins
Sleeping on the Wing - Kenneth Koch
Abraham Lincoln:His Speehes and Writings - Roy Basler
I Think I Am Philip K.Dick - Laurence Rickels
Goddess of the Market:Ayn Rand and the American Right - Jennifer Burns
A Treasury of American Literature 1 & 2 - Davis,Frederick,Mott
Come Hither:A Family Treasury of Best Loved Rhymes and Poems for Children - Walter de la Mare
The History of Latin America - Marshall C. Eakin
Existentialism - Robert C. Solomon
Mind of God - Paul Davies
Art in Mind - Ernst Van Alphen

>> No.849488


>> No.849494

Yeah there's actually highschools there...and they have BOOKS!

>> No.849503

Gross Psychology
The world's most haunted places
Training your pet rat
Beginners Russian script
Ferret care for beginners
Left 4 dead Prima guide
The practical archaeologist
Florida's ghostly legends and haunted folklore
The highway code
English Dictionary
Silent witness
The zombie survival guide - Recorded attacks
Mastering you digital SLR
Foul deeds and suspicious deaths in London's East End
Rats - popular pet series
In the minds of murderers
Ancient Egypt
Ferrets for dummies
Russian dictionary
Essex - Sumfing else!
Jack the ripper's London
Haunted London underground
The subtle knife
The wish list
Artemis Fowl - The opal deception
Textbook of Medical physiology
Russian dictionary
Ancient myths
Prince Caspian
8 Simple rules to dating my teenage daughter
Encyclopedia of ghosts and spirits
Half moon investigations
The supernaturalist
The hobbit

>> No.849504

1984- George Orwell
Day of the Triffids- John Wyndham
The Zombie Survival Guide- Max Brooks
World War Z- Max Brooks
Consider Phelbas- Iain M Banks
Matter- Iain M Banks
The Algebraist- Iain M Banks
The God Delusion- Richard Dawkins
The Ancestors Tale- Richard Dawkins
The Greatest Show on Earth- Richard Dawkins
River Out of Eden- Richard Dawkins
Choke- Chuck Palahniuk
God Is Not Great- Christopher Hitchens
The Lost Continent- Bill Bryson
Notes From A Big Country- Bill Bryson
At Home- Bill Bryson
Mother Tongue- Bill Bryson
On The Origin Of Species- Charles Darwin
The End of Faith- Sam Harris
Breaking the Spell- Daniel Dennett
Brave New World- Aldous Huxley

Stopping there, cannae see the rest of the shelf.

>> No.849508

*There are.
I'm more than aware; I'm the person you replied to. There are probably plenty of other highschool teachers in Missouri who love those books though. I doubt I was your teacher.

>> No.849537

If you teach in the Rockwood school district I'm going to feel very awkward.

>> No.849585

the United Kingdom looks like a giant bunny rabbit.

>> No.849599

And this conversation is over.

This site's supposed to be 18+?

>> No.849602

I can only see a witch on a pig.

(not including ireland here)

>> No.849607

Oh lord...I hope those are popular books with English teachers.

Also I'm older than 18 now.

>> No.849623

nice list.
every read Chomsky's work on linguistics? >>849426
my boss calls me that all the time. you're both bastards.

>> No.849634

I'm just going to list one of the shelves, haha.
Wormwood 1,2 & 3
Nevermore, a Graphical Adaptation of Edgar Allen Poe
5,7 & 12 from Britannica's Great Books Collection
Writing poems
Nabokov's Lolita: A Casebook
501 Italian Verbs
Literary Theory
Existentialism and Human Emotions
The Major Works of Lord Byron
The Graveyard Book
The Penguin Dictionary of Literary Terms and lIterary Theory
The Complete Stories of Franz Kafka (two different editions)
Paul Auster's Collected Prose
The Collected Poems of W.B. Yeats

>> No.849642

Good guess, I'm about to go into University for English. Indeed friendly, but I've been a constant reader. I get books pretty much once a year, so I can see where you guessed that. Pretty much spot on.

>> No.849649

Smells like trolling

>> No.849696

I have the book "K Blows Top" on my desk right next to me. Shit's hilarious, Khrushchev is a master troll.

>> No.849705
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Forgot picture

>> No.849713

all acquired in the past 2-3 months:
Ender's Game (plus entire Ender universe) - Orson Scott Card
120 Days of Sodom - Marquis de Sade
Books of Blood Vol. 1-3 - Clive Barker
The Collected Poems and Short Stories of Edgar Allen Poe
Catcher in the Rye - J.D. Salinger
The Bluejacket's Manual

>> No.849733

I am without a bookshelf so here is my closest stack of books.

Folklore and Fables: Aesop, Grimm, Andersen.
Catch-22. Joseph Heller
Bitter Fruit. Schlesinger and Kinzer
Crime and Punishment. Dostoyevsky
Essays. Emerson
Walden. Thoreau.
Thus Spake Zarathustra. Nietzsche
Beyond Good and Evil. Nietzsche
The Genealogy of Morals. Nietzsche
Ecce Homo. Nietzsche
The Birth of Tragedy. Nietzsche
Cat's Cradle. Vonnegut
Something Happened. Heller
Gulliver's Travels. Swift
The Doors of Perception. Huxley
Heaven and Hell. Huxley
Jacob's Hands. Huxley and Isherwood
Island. Huxley
Picture This. Heller
The Brothers Karamazov. Dostoyevsky

>> No.850089


>> No.852250

Notes from The Underground
The Roald Dahl Collection
The Iliad
The Odyssey
Animal Farm
The Communist Manifesto
The Man in the High Castle
The Metamorphosis
The Outsider (Camus)
The God Delusion
The Greatest Show On Earth
Heart of Darkness

>> No.852280

Ugh I only have a little stack next to me.

Collected O. Henry Stories
Gun, With Occasional Music
The Vintage Bradbury
The Invisible Wall
The Catcher in the Rye

>> No.852321

The Illiad
Moby Dick
Of Mice and Men
The Twilight Saga

>> No.852337

Crime and Punishment
The Brothers Karamazov
Notes From Underground
The Idiot
The Stranger
The Plague
The Fall
The Myth of Sisyphus
Exile and the Kingdom
The Trial
The Castle
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Journey to the End of the Night
World War Z
Breakfast of Champions
Slaughterhouse 5
Cat's Cradle
The Unbearable Lightness of Being
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
The Road
Le Miserables
The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao
The Good Earth
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Infinite Jest
Johnny Got His Gun
Anna Karenina
Atlas Shrugged
One Hundred Years of Solitude

>> No.852351


Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, Ubik and A Scanner Darkly by P K Dick.
Awakening to the Tao by Liu - I Ming
Illuminatus! Trilogy
Wind up Bird Chronicle
Animal Farm
Gravity's Rainbow
Against the Day

>> No.852360


>> No.852364


Err, no?

>> No.852367

Get back to bed you shit

>> No.852382


>> No.852386

That was a good book indeed

>> No.852390


>> No.852391

Niggers gonna nig?