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/lit/ - Literature

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8486070 No.8486070 [Reply] [Original]

Is there really anything better in this world than reading? I've been out of high school for 4 years, tried college 3 times but quit because of stress and anxiety and depression. During the past year I've just lived in an apartment alone reading books and listening to music and drinking coffee, it's been the best years of my life. How could going out to get some soul sucking, boring, dreary job ever give you the same fulfillment as reading a really good book? I've never fit in, I never wanted to be anything, I just want to read books.

>> No.8486075

There are jobs where you can just sit there and read books, too.

>> No.8486079

Not good ones.

>> No.8486080


Also, living life is better than reading, all you are doing is being an escapist, and you are on the same tier as 10 hour a day WoW gamers.

>> No.8486082

Living life is miserable.

>> No.8486084

>10 hour a day WoW gamers.

Only 10 hours a day? WoW gave me the best, most unproductive years of my life.

>> No.8486085
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I just want to stay up all night reading and taking notes, drafting little poems, scribbling down thoughts, acting out scenes, dreaming about fantasy worlds, applying philosophy to diverse genres, planning out booklists, catch a little smut, underline sentences I'll never read again, dream up novels I'll never write, and think about the poetry I'll never finish.

>> No.8486087

How is living life better than reading? I created this thread to know, so do well by me and answer.

>> No.8486094


Lit is so far beyond the texture a video game can give you. The depth of feeling and thought, the subsummation of self into dream -- unparalleled.

>> No.8486106

Different anon, but firsthand experiences are far more stimulating and emotionally stirring when you're actually physically involved than reading secondhand accounts of other people's actions and lives.

>> No.8486115

How do you live alone if you dont have a job?

>> No.8486124

I have well to do parents. They're understanding of me and very supportive. They're happy to see that I'm happier these days.

>> No.8486128

Can you give me some examples of "real life" fun things, besides sticking your dick in a smelly mucus covered hole or doing harmful drugs?

>> No.8486142

Climbing a mountain with buddies, seeing the great historical monuments of humanity, seeing natural wonders, drinking moderately with friends while eating healthy snacks and talking politics books and art, succeeding at goals you set for yourself, carving your body into iron, falling in love with a an asexual for you girl to hold hands with and having a child together, taking part in community activities, volunteering your time, taking a college course on astronomy and buying a telescope, traveling across Europe sampling foods, starting a business and seeing it thrive, etc etc.

If you do nothing but read you are just a gussied up voyeur on others experiences. The things you are enjoying in books were enjoyed or suffered 10 fold.

The escapism from failure is the same, even if OP gets to be smug about it.

>> No.8486171

Lucky you. What happens when one of them dies unexpectedly? And the other grows deep into depression. What happens then OP? What happens when you cant stand books anymore, not for a second more and all that's left too think about is of the life you live and how its going by? What happens then? What happens when you think of your life and you cant find any resolve? When you hang a looped belt from a hook on the inside of a closet door and place your neck inside that loop? What happens then OP? When you break down on the floor and cry for the ordeal you are experiencing and you haven't the guts to pull through with that one final act.

What happens then?


>> No.8486182

You're living the dream Anon. Don't let anyone put you down. If your parents support you, you'll be fine. Also, this could be a phase and after some time you might eventually change. People change. On the good side, take it from a guy who knows: being literate and well read, having strong powers of text comprehension and being articulate will become an asset in your future that you'll be able to use to tour benefit.
But bear in mind, these NEET years will be viewed terribly negatively by people around you, if you care about that. I did something similar for a while and I found even good friends had much less respect for me because hurr durr improductive to society. Even if you don't care about that, it will have an impact on you if those around you do. But then again, if you're a complete antisocial, none of this matters. Just make sure you have some sort of inheritance when your parents die.
Btw, how old are you

>> No.8486197
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>Living the dream
hahaha, yeah living the dream!
Hey Mom and Dad! I'm living the dream!
Aint no one gonna put me down cause I'm living the dream!

Living the dream: having your parents torment themselves with thoughts of your child's future whom is still just that, a child, and no maturity in sight.

Living the dream: Absolutely no potential for engaging in a relationship with not just friends but a romantic other as well.

Living the dream: Growing older and older but lacking more and more social skills,life skills and skills in general for this matter.

Living the dream: Your Life being a tiny insignificant blip in this world that is wasting away (when there is so much room for experiences )but its all good cause I'm reading books right?

If this is your idea of 'living the dream' then I believe you're terribly disillusioned.

>> No.8486220


define failure, spooklord

>> No.8486228

Being a parasite on your parents, and justifying it by calling them well off for one

>> No.8486240


Who's doing that?

>> No.8486255

Because, usually, what you read being described in books are actual things that other people felt. What I mean is that you could be feeling for yourself, instead of relying on other people descriptions to have a glimpse of what a real life is.
I've read like a maniac since I was nineteen, out of pure interest, but I could never get from books what I got from having a playful childhood, countless afternoons and nights with friends laughing, moments of just be hanging around with a girlfriend.

>> No.8486268

Well maybe one day I will be making fun of people's supposed lack of maturity on an American bullying bulletin board instead.

>> No.8486279

there's nothing quite heartwarming as having fun cozy times with your friends

>> No.8486307

>Climbing a mountain with buddies,
seeing the great historical monuments of humanity,
>seeing natural wonders,
>drinking moderately with friends while eating healthy snacks and talking politics books and art,
>succeeding at goals you set for yourself,
>carving your body into iron,

>piano starts playing

>falling in love with a girl to hold hands with and having a child together,
>taking part in community activities,
volunteering your time,
>taking a college course on astronomy and buying a telescope,
>traveling across Europe sampling foods, starting a business and seeing it thrive,

>etc etc

>shrill digital sounds

>guitar rattle
>ding di ding di ding di di ding di ding

>I will stop
>I will stop at nothing
>Say the right things
>When electioneering

>> No.8486327

leave your fucking apartment and live life

living life isn't going to school, by the way, it's having friends and doing shit, going to new places or trying new things

>i live in this black box with light outside
>idk if there's light because i never leave the box

>> No.8486338

>>asks how
>just restates the claim

>> No.8486508

Made me laugh. You hit the nail right on the head.

Though some of those things could be enjoyable I think that some people are better equiped to harvest the fruits of life than others and for some people you'll get more out of a sheltered existence than failing at a "real" life.

>> No.8486610
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>Life is having friends and doing shit

>> No.8486937


Wow, someone is resentful with life

>> No.8486943

the laws of God, as written in the Noble Qu'ran