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/lit/ - Literature

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8483887 No.8483887 [Reply] [Original]

Grab the closest book next to you and post the first sentence of the 43rd page.

>> No.8483908

'Why we'll throw out all the other contributors and we'll fill it with your own shit'

>> No.8483909

I am Duncan Idaho.

>> No.8483917

Starting from you, Phoibos, the deeds of those old-time mortals I shall relate, who by way of the Black Sea's Mouth and through the cobalt-dark rocks, at King Pelias's commandment, in search of the Golden Fleece drove tight-thwarted Argo.

>> No.8483926
File: 33 KB, 359x500, the-gardner(1).jpg!Blog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My father told me not to do it: "You must protect the ends of your fingers; if you expose them, you may ruin your sense of touch and deprive yourself of a great deal of pleasure in life."

>> No.8483929

...he became something of a celebrity and, though not rich, prosperous, he retained an ironic distance from his fame and a deep skepticism about human motives in general.

>> No.8483931

I mentioned above how unavoidable were the thoughts about food and favourite dishes which were forced into the consciousness of the prisoner, whenever he had a moment to spare.

>> No.8483938

...as if some special, decisive event were about to happen, which was not the case at all, this being simply a physical excitation with no psychological basis.

>> No.8483948

It was just before midnight when I left Cambridge and headed north on U.S. 93 toward Manchester—driving one of those big green rented Auto/Stick Cougars that gets rubber for about twenty-nine seconds in Drive, and spits hot black divots all over the road in First or Second . . . a terrible screeching and fishtailing through the outskirts of Boston heading north to New Hampshire, back on the Campaign Trail . . . running late, as usual: left hand on the wheel and the other on the radio dial, seeking music, and a glass of iced Wild Turkey spilling into my crotch on every turn.

>> No.8483956

I wanna kill myself desu senpai

-my dairy desu senpai

>> No.8483961

Spacing has no rule, just what suits us.

>> No.8483964


>> No.8483966

I believe that those who take the view that an experimental verification is of no interest since reasoning from the Strong Baseball Principle was impermissible all along miss something of central importance for an understanding of quantum phenomena.

>> No.8483971

closest book is my only book, the ego and its own, but i'm too druink, to get it

>> No.8483972

I knew I had to admit the danger I was in, even though I was aware it was madness to believe in an entirely nonexistent danger.

>> No.8483973

"The sun shines high in the sky and it seems to have no wish to set"
Pretty comfy to be honest

>> No.8483974

i just have a kindle, what i do ????

>> No.8483979

Do ye cross that river with yon filibuster armed ye'll not cross it back.

>> No.8483984

No te imagino convertido en esposo - apuntó Valdivia.

>> No.8483985

So do I (well, it's a Kobo to be honest). You can't go to the 43rd page? It's not that hard.

>> No.8483990

Thanne were they maad upon a creature

>> No.8483995

If I did not choose to be clean, to wear nice clothes, to wash and so on, I need not.

>> No.8484006

Several months later, when the depressed person's therapist suddenly and unexpectedly died--as the result of what was determined by authorities to be an "accidentally" toxic combination of caffeine and homeopathic appetite suppressant but which, given the therapist's extensive medical background and knowledge of chemical interactions, only a person in very deep denial indeed could fail to see must have been, on some level, intentional--without leaving any sort of note or cassette or encouraging final words for any of the persons and/or clients in her life who had, despite all their debilitating fear and isolation and defense-mechanisms and vestigial wounds from past traumas, come to connect intimately with her and let her in emotionally even though it meant making themselves vulnerable to the possibility of loss- and abandoment-traums, the depressed person found the trauma of this fresh loss and abandonment so shattering, its resultant agony and despair and hopelessness so unbearable, that she was, ironically, now forced to reach frantically and repeatedly out on a nightly basis to her Support System, sometimes calling three or even four long-distance friends in an evening, sometimes calling the same three friends twice in one night, sometimes at a very late hour, sometimes even--the depressed person felt sickeningly sure--waking them up or interrupting them in the midst of healthy, joyful sexual intimacy with their partner.

>> No.8484011

What the fuck.

>> No.8484014

And now they imagine, she and mother, that one can also endure Mr. Luzhin, expounding his theory about the advantages of wives rescued from destitution by their benefactor husbands, and expounding it almost the moment they first met.

>> No.8484017

But if it is really intermediate, in this way too there would have to be a change to white, which was from not white; but as it is, this is never seen.

>> No.8484021

His face resembled coiled intestines, and he possessed killer rays.

>> No.8484022

J'entends dans le lointain des cris prolongés de la douleur la plus poignante.

>> No.8484056

As stated earlier, interviews usually start and end with "chit chat" or "soft skills."

>> No.8484067

Tub's eye was red and swollen and dead-looking, and he was acting strangely, turning right when I pulled left, stopping and starting of his own accord, and walking sideways

>> No.8484068

There are several ways to prepare good coffee. There is the caffè alla napoletana, the café espresso, café turque, cafesinho do Brasil, French café-filtre, American coffee. Each coffee, in its own way, is excellent. American coffee can be a pale solution served at a temperature of 100 degrees centigrade in plastic thermos cups, usually obligatory in railroad stations for purposes of genocide, whereas coffee made with an American percolator, such as you find in private houses or in humble luncheonettes, served with eggs and bacon, is delicious, fragrant, goes down like pure spring water, and afterwards causes severe palpitations, because one cup contains more caffeine than four espressos.

>> No.8484069


>> No.8484086

Krok, who had by now realized what Toke had in mind, signed to him to come down, whispering tat they would have to start hammering now, even at the risk of disturbing certain sleepers from their slumber.

>> No.8484095

>What do I say?
unless you have the book on hand right now, you probably wont guess it

white noise, if you are curious

>> No.8484097

He was not successful and became deeply in debt.

>> No.8484098

Der Himmel erinnert den Menschen an seine Bestimmung, daran, daß er nicht bloß zum Handeln, sondern auch zur Beschauung bestimmt ist.

>> No.8484100

"Almost two years of doing this, it's time. He smears an entire industrial sized barrel of Crisco oil, K.Y. jelly, olive oil, and of course five gallons of coconut oil. He dips his butt in the barrel and sucks as much in with his oft-gaped butthole as he can. He knew this would be no easy tribulation. He goes to the cave leaving a trail like a slug."

One of my favorite stories ever written. Michael and the Sex Goblin on wattpad.

>> No.8484103

Haha! - Warum steh' ich denn noch immer?

>> No.8484104


CHAUCER on the subject of dicks

>> No.8484106

>You're a big guy.

>> No.8484109
File: 321 KB, 1536x1030, kubrick's ugly brother.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

devolver el toro al mar y el mar al cielo, vejó a la Maga en una larga noche de la que poco hablaron luego, la hizo Pasifae, la dobló y la usó como un adolescente, la conoció y le exigió las servidumbres de la más triste puta, la magnificó a constelación, la tuvo entre los brazos oliendo a sangre, le hizo beber el semen que corre por la boca como desafío al Logos, le chupó la sombra del vientre y de la grupa y se la alzó hasta la cara para untarla de sí misma en esa última operación de conocimiento que sólo el hombre puede dar a la mujer, la exasperó con piel y pelo y baba y quejas, la vació hasta lo último de su fuerza magnífica, la tiró contra una almohada y la sábana y la sintió llorar de felicidad contra su cara que un nuevo cigarrillo devolvía a la noche del cuarto y del hotel.

>> No.8484113

I'm always trying t find good wattpads and I can already tell I'll enjoy that story.
Who doesn't like a bit of obscene humor every now and then?

>> No.8484118
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>> No.8484122


for story in general

for the wattpad if you want to read more stuff from him. It's rather good, I'd like to see a serious story written he has the right ability... Just the content is basically smut, but damn do I love it.

>> No.8484131

British teenagers are now the heaviest drinkers, smokers and drug-takers in Europe

>> No.8484149

In the lamplight spilled water shone like jewels in his beard.

>> No.8484155

What's wrong, lads? :(

>> No.8484172

The girl's face was covered with black, sticky tar.

>> No.8484174
File: 19 KB, 225x225, 13626587_10153788188795835_4897971489230952611_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Sin duda que está muy bien eso de ser capitalista; pero con la elocuencia puede conseguirse no poco de un francés."

>> No.8484183

"PLEASANT DREAMS, KIDDO," had been Mistress Fowl's last words to Jacob Two-Two, and Jacob Two-Two, his supersonic bleeper secured in his ear, did have pleasant dreams, in spite of his squalid surroundings.

>> No.8484203
File: 31 KB, 220x328, WesternLands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neferti is eating breakfast at a long, wooden table with five members of the expedition: English, French, Russian, Austrian, and Swedish.

I'd really like to know what
are from

>> No.8484210

has you seen how bloody quickly the price of freddos has jumped up

>> No.8484215

The glowing green eyes stare back at me amid glints of metallic gold.

>> No.8484228

Tы гoвopи́шь oб Áннe?

>> No.8484244

the reflections on that half-closed laptop are wrong

>> No.8484252
File: 34 KB, 388x500, the-cook(1).jpg!Blog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one I posted is from Renoir, My Father by Jean Renoir

>> No.8484274
File: 127 KB, 612x631, bolaño.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

puesto, no dieron nombres ni fechas, se hubiera podido decir que hablaban en términos abstractos, pero de todas maneras, pese a la exposición aparentemente fría de desgracias, la conversación y el paseo sólo contribuyó a sumirlos aún más en ese estado melancólico, a tal grado que al cabo de dos horas ambos sintieron que se estaban ahogando.

>> No.8484291

The Pope had learned that a German invasion of Belgium was "imminent".

From a biography of Winston Churchill.

>> No.8484348

>the one with the blood bath, you actually gave her my number too?
Hint: it's a lesser talked about novel of a meme author here.

>> No.8484358

His heavy steps rang on a flagged yard, then on wooden stairs; and then I heard no more.

>> No.8484393
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"Thus when a lad has been circumcised and the wound is not yet healed, his mother may not eat opossum, or a certain kind of lizard, or carpet snake, or any kind of fat, for otherwise she would retard the healing of the boy's wound."

>> No.8484407

El muchacho estaba acurrucado detrás del retrete y no vio ni oyó nada.

>> No.8484434

keep Your finger nice'n'quiet please Fränzel)) »And so there's the three year old — (and, for all I care, a little feverish; cause in that case it certainly requires a mother's care!) — in his little washbasket resting in the wings ...« — / »Why a washbasket?

/lit/'s dank new meme coming through

>> No.8484439
File: 29 KB, 400x576, Abraham_copy__58044.1442764602.1000.1200_grande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The Lord, the God of heaven, who took me from my father's house and from the land of my birth, and who spoke to me and swore to me, 'To your offspring I will give this land,' he will send his angel before you, and you shall take a wife for my son there."

Genesis 24:7

Oxford Annotated Bible w/ the Apocrypha

>> No.8484447

>anything but KJV

>> No.8484469


'Hunting rats is a much-loved change from the tedium of sentry duty'.

>> No.8484473
File: 155 KB, 1280x853, 14107829_1769629569916836_8895857159441204091_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah! Destierro! Ten compasión! Di que me ha condenado a muerte, porque, en realidad, el destierro es más aterrador, mucho más, que la muerte! No digas <<destierro>>!

Oh! exhile! Have mercy on me! Please say they doomd me to face death, because, the exile is much, much more than death! Dont say <<exile>>.

Good luck trying to translate to english a spanish translation of Shakespeare.
You asked for the nearest book.

>> No.8484481

this is nice

>> No.8484483

Abruptly, he gave an old man's snigger, unspeakably lewd.

This is the most Hunter S. Thompson sentence I've read in my life.

>> No.8484484

"We have the luxary of a walled garden."

>> No.8484487

There was once a little Brother who took his Sister by the hand, and said, "Since our own dear mother's death we have not had one happy hour; our stepmother beats us every day, and, if we come near her, kicks us away with her foot.

>> No.8484489

As such, our discussion may sometimes read like an improbable cross betwixt some old-fashioned meditation on Man’s condition (in the mode of Hume or William Hazlitt, say) and Ingenious Mechanisms for Inventors, since much of our argument for a wary approach to language’s complexity rests upon the subtle engineering that successful descriptive strategies mandate.

>> No.8484490

This example shows how to design a finite automaton E to recognize the regular language of all strings that contain 001 as a substring.

>> No.8484491

τότε ἀποkριθεὶς ὁ Ἰησοῦς εἶπεν αὐτῇ· ὦ γύναι, μεγάλη σου ἡ πίστις· γενηθήτω σοι ὡς θέλεις.
--Μαθθ 15:28a

>> No.8484498

i never learned french, but its so similar than catalan, let me try:

i understand in the distance their prolonged cries of pain..wat?

>> No.8484499

but they feel completely hopeless and uninspired inside, and they're not at all sure of, what the inner core of belief really is.

>> No.8484506

y esa foto compadre

>> No.8484511

j'entends there means 'hear', in french you could also say 'j'etends par..' to be 'i mean by'

>> No.8484519

same as catalan, but less used is more for a cult sentence.

im really decided to learn french, this gotta be eazy for me.

ty btw

>> No.8484523

A child cannot quarrel with its elders, as I had done; cannot
give its furious feelings uncontrolled play, as I had given
mine; without experiencing afterwards the pang of remorse
and the chill of reaction.

>> No.8484541

Plate 7, Plovers and Phalaropes

>> No.8484547

Music swelled - again, it was immense music, immense chords. And behind
the man, slowly, three tall pillars began to emerge out of the immensely
swirling mist.

>> No.8484578

no problem. There is so much great french literature it is definitely a good language to learn

>> No.8484674

Rawlins sat smoking. He didn't answer

>> No.8484746

Noses even come in different placements.

>it's a book on the anatomy of dogs

>> No.8484766

"And Isaac trembled very exceedingly, and said, Who? where is he that hath taken venison and brought it me, and I have eaten of all before thou camest, and have blessed him? yea, and he shall be blessed.

>> No.8484768



>> No.8484777

I thank there, gentle Percy, and be sure
I count myself in nothing else so happy
As in a soul rememb'ring my good friends.

>> No.8484786

Those truth-possibilities of its truth-arguments, which verify the proposition, I shall call its truth-grounds.

>> No.8484791

dead meme pls go

>> No.8484812

The display window of Needful Things had been cleansed with soap, and a dozen or so items had been set out there - clocks, a silver setting, a painting, a lovely triptych just waiting for someone to fill it with well-loved photographs.

>> No.8484830
File: 1.19 MB, 1473x753, MuirRooseveltYos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dixon, think,- what if they should say yes?

>> No.8484848

"The insectoid Klackons are as uncreative in the scientific arena as the Psilons are creative."

>> No.8484885
File: 303 KB, 1803x1200, the-parquet-planers-1875.jpg!HD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"It is a schizoid work par excellence: it is almost as though the author's guilt, his confessions of guilt are merely a sort of joke."

>> No.8484890

Deux Irlandais, nous, Irlande, vous savez?

>> No.8484891

But as soon as he was killed the people rose up and killed all the Canneschi.

>> No.8484894

Hal Incandenza's brother Orin wakes up alone at 0730h. amid a damp scent of Ambush and on the other side's dented pillow a note with a phone # and vital data in a loopy schoolgirlish hand.

>> No.8484895

Their overthrow did not come as the result of domestic rebellion but, as in the case of nearly all institutionalized modern European authoritarian systems before 1975, of foreign military defeat.

>> No.8484903

The divine Augustus will visit you in ten days' time.
But only if you reply "Hail, Augustus!"

>> No.8484912

Some terrible Italian boy had cursed a terrible curse at her!

>> No.8484916

Meanwhile, a messenger arrived from King Royns of West Britain.

>> No.8484936

It was the mannerism of a poor teacher who had grasped the point about making children find out for themselves but not the technique of making them want to ask suitable questions.

>> No.8484962

Figure 2-38. The easiest way for a coach to identify spinal extension -- arching the back -- is to look for wrinkles that appear in the cloth of the shirt as the top and bottom of the back get closer together.

>> No.8484973

Bruno could still see the beautiful deep black coffin with a silver cross.

>> No.8485004

Just above the nurse's head, four Mylar balloons strain against the ribbons tied to the isolette: "It's a boy!" the balloons say.

>> No.8485009

>The palace flophouse was no sudden development.

>> No.8485047

"She consented in so obliging a manner, that I waited with impatience for the arrival of the happy moment."

>> No.8485055

Greater deaths win greater portions.

>> No.8485062

Carl says, 'I don't know.'

>> No.8485104

Somehow he could not astound.
(The Bluest Eye)

>> No.8485117

The absence of compassion was noticeably lacking

>> No.8485161

El gran leviatán que hace hervir el mar como el agua de una marmita.

>> No.8485187


It's more like "I hear in the distance prolonged cries of the most poignant pain" (v literal translation)

>> No.8485205

He has talent by the truckload.

>> No.8485244


If, during the process of live response, the investigator notices a particular process that catches his attention as being suspicious, he may dump the memory image of this process so that he can dissect it later on.

>> No.8485256

Than been of gode wyves in the Bible.

>> No.8485257

The devil fetch that harpooner, thought I, but stop, couldn't I steal a march on him - bolt his door inside, and jump into his bed, not to be wakened by the most violent knockings?

>> No.8485267

You threw them out into the corridors, and then you banned them from the corridors and threw them out into the street.

>> No.8485271

He had to decide at all costs on something, anything, or else...

>> No.8485295

"In here, Patera!"

>> No.8485378

Me pareció muy vomitiva la vdd, se supone que la pagina que creo la imagen quiere motivar a nuevos negocios, pero solo producen arcadas :(.

>> No.8485383

>Finding a satisfying career as an individual diagnosed with Non-Verbal Learning Disability is a long road.

>> No.8485392

She thought you wanted a cheese hollandais.

>> No.8485436



>> No.8485439
File: 660 KB, 2560x1707, Battus_philenor_-_dorsal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In his first dreams of her this re-enacted contact, so light, so brief, invariably proved to be beyond the dreamer's endurance and like a lifted sword signaled fire and violent release.

>> No.8485444

That I learned that only by astrophathic decryption of a cipher message sent by Eyclone two months ago?

>> No.8485480

The Kantian "I Think" is a condition of possibility.

>> No.8485486

No sentences on it, just illustrations of well dressed European men dancing in a circle.

>> No.8485495

-Despertémonos -decía Oliveira alguna que otra vez.

>> No.8485500

Then, when he was taking off his tie, he asked me if I'd written his goddamn composition for him.

>> No.8485514

We're speaking of reincarnation.

>> No.8485536

What is this from

>> No.8485554

Outside in the snow K. breathed somewhat more easily, this time the joy of being outside made it easier to bear the difficulties along the way; if K. had been on his own, he could have made better progress.

>> No.8485556

shit, same for me

>> No.8485563

"El tape Burgos era un troperito que se había conchabado en Chacabuco para un arreo de hacienda hasta Entre Ríos"

>> No.8485581


We do not know the place or method of burial, but if the Arapaho custom was followed, Singing Grass's body would have been hoisted on a platform high in a tree with some of her favorite personal belongings and then torched, the charred remains left to be consumed by prairie birds.

>> No.8485590

Our second book closed with the question as to the goal and aim of that will which had shown itself to be the inner nature of al things in the world.

>> No.8485816

'The lady was deposited in her family vault, which, for three subsequent years, was undisturbed'.

>> No.8485893

Yes, the world's a ship on its passage out, and not a voyage complete; and the pulpit is its prow.

>> No.8486144

"Now all young writers were in the pay of the booksellers and poured out any trash that would sell"

Oddly appropriate

>> No.8486164

The futurity of the nuclear referent is bound to the present not only by a tie of logical possibility but also by one of empirical potentiality as well, a potentiality that can be calculated through the calculus of probability.

>> No.8486175

The elders began talking about Bonaparte.

>> No.8486180

"We are thus all caught in a kind of ethical illusion, parallel to perceptual illusions."

>> No.8486191

'Verily, if all things that evil and vicious manners have caused to seem inconvenient and naught should be refused as things unmeet and reproachful, then we must among Christian people wink at the most part of all those things which Christ taught us and so straightly forbade them to be winked at, that those things also which he whispered in the ears of his disciples he demanded to be proclaimed in open houses.

>> No.8486262

Hail, Augustus!

>> No.8486323
File: 904 KB, 400x293, 1472328627211.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"There is also the problem that Maupassant, like so many nineteenth and early twentieth century writers of fiction, saw everything through the lens of Arthur Schopenhauer, philosopher of the Will-to-Live.

Rate my book lads.

>> No.8486335

Parte o velho indignado; e o deus que o ama
Dele a instâncias, vibrou feral contágio,
Pestíferas as setas rechinando
Por todo o exército.

>> No.8486347

"But his administration wore an eighteenth-century air in the midst of nineteenth-century stress."

Whaddya think lads?

>> No.8487012

other one is Blood Meridian

>> No.8487022

>op uw eigen computer maakt het waarschijnlijk niet uit of de naam van het bestand met hoofletters of kleine letters is getypt.
kill me already

>> No.8487041

wat lees jij voor kanker?

>> No.8487051
File: 46 KB, 696x610, KingEXE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the Mega Man Battle Network 3 Strategy Guide (BradyGames):

>"Toma's KingMan is one of that very special breed of Navi, the really annoying kind that hides behind objects that do the attacking for him."

How right they are.

>> No.8487055

"On the one hand the box originally contained either two gold or one gold and one silver coin, so the probability is one half."

>> No.8487069

"Nel suo esordio il testo ha sottolineato come per Anassimandro il principio debba essere «in movimento», proprio per garantire quell'eterno processo di separazione dei contrari da cui derivano i mondi infiniti."

An italian textbook of philosophy

>> No.8487070

"Then to be ever feeding the thankless nature of the mind, and never to fill it full and sate it with good things, as the seasons of the year do for us, when they come round and bring their fruits and varied delights, though after all we are never filled with the enjoyments of life, this methinks is to do what is told of the maidens in the flower of their age, to keep pouring water into a perforated vessel which in spite of all can never be filled full."

>> No.8487143

Mrs. Ramsay, who had been sitting loosely, folding her son in her arm, braced herself, and, half turning, seemed to raise herself with an effort, and at once to pour erect into the air a rain of energy, a column of spray, looking at the same time animated and alive as if all her energies were being fused into force, burning and illuminating (quietly though she sat, taking up her stocking again), and into this delicious fecundity, this fountain and spray of life, the fatal sterility of the male plunged itself, like a beak of brass, barren and bare

>> No.8487209

"Well," Dr. Kumar said, "my job is to fix things on people's bodies. Sometimes their faces."

>> No.8487218

We all make mistakes when it comes to dealing with arthritis

>> No.8487220

Welches ist doch dieses, o Sokrates?

>> No.8487223

You're like the spirit that you grasp.

>> No.8487226

What's this?

>> No.8487234

Within the body, he distinguishes between what he names the homogeneous and the heterogeneous parts, between, that is, what later men spoke of as tissues--flesh,blood,bone,sinew,marrow,hair, and so on--and the organs compounded of them.

>> No.8487284

Raphael: Die Sonne tönt, nach alter Weise,
In Brudersphären Wettgesang,
Und ihr vorgeschriebne Reise
Vollendet sie mit Donnergang.

>> No.8487314

"They encouraged writing and speech about their cities' history and excellence, and sponsored elaborate parades at moments of public importance."

>> No.8487361

But that's page 9, mein Freund.

>> No.8487631

Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up she was shitting brown water. The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew, and her thirst sent her crawling to the stream to suck up more water.

>> No.8487636

"Although little research has been done on this subject, the decisive role played by Portuguese New Christians in the settlement and colonization of Brazil is well known."

>> No.8487639


"Having logic doesn't make me reasonable"

>> No.8487645

>>8487639 er, disregard the link

>> No.8487655
File: 46 KB, 500x372, 1470236925481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Ich bin in Berlin."

>> No.8487678

Then he had seen the bereaved keeping vigil on all fours, asleep, snoring even.

>> No.8487688

The V-bomb whose mutilation he was prowling took down four dwellings the other day, four exactly, neat as surgery.

>> No.8487692

Gustave, the hair dresser, who employs four manicurists, occupies the second floor of an entirely new yellow painted building.

>> No.8487693

"Kt, samn atrateS Saodrrn"

It's a chunk of the alchemist's riddle in Journey to the Center of the Earth (Verne). I just read the really bad translation Amazon offers for free; the protagonist's name switches between Harry and Henry at random and some parts are outright butchered

>> No.8487711

For long ages the Valar dwelt in bliss in the light of the Trees beyond the Mountains of Aman, but all Middle-earth lay in a twilight under the stars.

>> No.8487726

Was checking to see if this was here before I posted. 3rded.

>> No.8487809

Ale długo rzucałem się i wiłem, nie mogąc znaleźć wygodnej pozycji

>> No.8487842

I thought I told you that we don't stop, I thought I told you that we don't stop unh-unh.

>> No.8487951

'A trivial integer modulo exponentiation algorithm used in a typical implementation has an important property: if a specific bit of the exponent is one, a portion of the result is calculated by performing modulo multiplication on a portion on the base (some bits of c).'

>> No.8488212

And the most remarkable thing about it is that not a single woman is allowed through these gates.

>> No.8488245

The Transcendence of the Ego

>> No.8488256

Before I finished my house, wishing to earn ten or twelve dollars by some honest and agreeable method, in order to meet my unusual expenses, I planted about two acres and a half of light and sandy soil near it chiefly with beans, but also a small part with potatoes, corn, peas, and turnips.

>> No.8488308

Extremes by change more fierce: from beds of raging fire to starve in ice their soft ethereal warmth and there to pine immovable, infixed and frozen round, periods of time, thence hurried back to fire.

>> No.8488685

If this is the situation, then the title of the present chapter is a provocation and a cheat because it makes you think that a political thesis is not cientific.

I translated it so it's not the best grammar ever.

>> No.8488700

Hark! a tiger roars, - the valley answers again.

>> No.8488709

Now Dinah the daughter of Leah, whom she had borne to Jacob, went out ti visit the women of the land; and when Shechem the son of Hamor the Hivite, the prince of the land, saw her, he seized her and lay with her and humbled her.

>> No.8488715

Sets and sequences are the fundamental objects of study in discrete mathematics, and constructions and enumeration of these are the main elements of combinatorics.

kill me