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8483131 No.8483131 [Reply] [Original]

how do i improve my memory? you guys know any good ways to do it or am i stuck with what i've got?

>> No.8483135



>> No.8483141

Your Pepe

>> No.8483164


>> No.8483165

He used a belt

>> No.8483204

so i'm stuck huh?

>> No.8483234

keep a journal

>> No.8483254

What type of memory? Are you trying to remember dates and names? Events? Stories? There probably isn't a general method to improve memory but there are techniques for each category.

>> No.8483265

Can you delete this?

>> No.8483273
File: 336 KB, 620x416, when the talent so discernible you can see the literary value.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know I saved it

>> No.8483276

arguments, events, stories. what are the techniques? is there anything that's not a technique? some magic spell to give me harold bloom's memory?

>> No.8483283
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also fuck you for posting that frog

>> No.8483303

One way is spaced repetition. Look into a program called Anki.

Also, jogging: http://www.thehindu.com/features/metroplus/fitness/jogging-can-improve-memory-study/article82527.ece

>> No.8483309
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>> No.8483310

thanks anon

>> No.8483321

Read two plot-driven novels simultaneously. Alternating between them helps exercise your recollection ability. Helped me, anyway.

>> No.8483328

can you explain the bloom meme? Does it have to do with wallace? or the frog? i don't pay attention to critics

>> No.8483403
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updated my journal!

>> No.8483426

Mnemonics are a good idea. You can go full autism and start building memory palaces and easily memorise 100+ number sequences with relation chains. The thing I took from mnemonics is that memory works best when understood through senses - visuals, touch, smell etc. You can be smart and extrapolate it to almost any sort of information, even abstract. When you need to remember something, even the most random shit like phone numbers, try to see the patterns and relations between the numbers and go from there. When all fails, rote memorization is still the best thing ever, it just takes time. If you write ojgosegjshodjeobvjobxepgejgps 200 times by hand, you will remember it

>> No.8483647

No discernible talent

>> No.8483658

caffeine is good for increasing memory retention, abused it badly during exams and it helped so much.

otherwise, no it is an inherent genetic characteristic you're stuck with what you have.

also bad pepe

>> No.8483680

...holy...i want more

>> No.8484110


m-memory palaces?

>> No.8484138
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Which field anon?

>> No.8484151

Drink more water. Also mix that water with creatine. Creatine improves the efficiency of ATP in the brain by 25-75 times. I'm no brain surgeon but I know what the fuck ATP is and it seems to be working.

>> No.8485153

i wrote a realyl long post earlier but i was fucking banned so it deleted it but i'll still try to help. explore mnemonics. look up method of loci on wikipedia and search for a forum called the art of memory and read the wiki/forum posts on there. read some of dominic o'briens books and ed cooke's.

the essence of mnemonics is that you make images because your brain remembers them better that way. it may seem like a gimmick, but the principle ideas of it are what you should take out of it. using and exploring mnemonics and cultivating the power of your memory (which IS something you can do, don't let anyone tell you otherwise) is done through understanding how your memory works and constantly working to better it.

essentially, review and using senses are the best way to remember things. for example, i learn languages and i can remember 200+ words a day in 2 hrs of study time without much of a problem and review them all the next day. if i were to remember a word called "bleu" in some language and "bleu" meant cashier, i could imagine a blue cashier, vividly, doing something incredulous, and that helps me to remember it. for abstract concepts you can do somehting similar. say there is a word in a foreign language that is pronounced "hutz" and it means to be disgusting. well, abstract concepts can be difficult to remember, because they dont always give you a concrete IMAGE, so i can use the beginning of the word "disc" and make it interact with "hutz" and imagine a bunch of disks flying into a hut somewhere and destroying it. when i see the discs i can remember they stand for "disgusting," etc.

its stuff like this which can really help you with remembering everything, and by exploring mnemonics you can cultivate the power of your memory by using these techniques and better understanding how your memory actually works.

if you want a starting point, i'd really recommend one of dominic o'briens books, any one of them really, you can find them on bookzz really easily. they're really short, very easy to read, and will be showing you very helpful methods in under an hour probably that you will instantly be able to use. i hope you see this, because this im posting this like 8 hours later than i wanted to, but whatever. hope this helps someone.

>> No.8485162


>> No.8485879

bump in hopes op will see me post

>> No.8486394
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>looking up to the presidents daughter

Why tho?
This is hilarious.

>> No.8486515

Read a book about psychology in education wich dedicated a chapter to memory. It boild down to the following:

Every memory you have is made up by some synapses in your brain which get triggered when you think about a connected memory (so if you use a linked synapse). For example if I tell you "grandma" you may think about pancakes your grandmother used to make. So basically, if you think about something in many different contexts you can access the memory more easily because there are more 'entrances' to it.
Inb4 fucking materialst

>> No.8487332

Bump for op

>> No.8488295

Not OP but this is great. Thanks.

>> No.8488456

op here - thanks anon. i read a book awhile back called 'the memory palace' which was more about the occult and neoplatonic uses of that italian guy's memory palace, but it gave some history of the whole issue. never really got around to using the methods though - will pick up dominic's book and get to it.

what are you using the methods for? learning a language?

one thing that's always been a fucking pain is coming up with the image - it's not hard, but it just feels like an extra mental lift. do you get better/faster at it after you get good at it?

has your general memory improved?

>> No.8489665


>> No.8489727
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>> No.8489775

I learned Japanese using Anki, Heisig's RTK (mnemonic method) and a book called Moonwalking with Einstein by Joshua Foer.

I have the first 102 digits of pi memorized and I can memorize a shuffled deck of cards. World record for the deck of cards is like 20 seconds, my best time is upward of 9 minutes, it's not exactly impressive.

The real answer is mnemonics, and location based memory. That's how you can remember everything.

>> No.8490698

The problem with mnemonics is that it can only be applied in situations where you are focused on memorizing things which is quite useless since if you're studying anyway it won't cut memorization significantly. You also need to first process information you want to remember which by itself will let you memorize most of those things. The real gift is having good memory even passively. I really doubt that it's impossible to practice this kind of memory but I can't provide information how to exactly do it.