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/lit/ - Literature

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8474832 No.8474832 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.8474841

fuck issat?

>> No.8474846

holy shit. at last!!!! will it become a meme now that there's an english translation?

>> No.8474850

Let's check the 'will it become a meme?' checklist:

- relatively obscure - CHECK
- so long that no-one who memes it has ever finished it, possibly not even started it - CHECK
- non-traditional structure, layout, narrative - CHECK

Chances look good!

>> No.8474854
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Wish they went with the German cover, though.

>> No.8474856

OH shit nigga it's finally actually finished.

>> No.8474871

Is it even translatable? I thought it was basically a German Finnegans Wake.

>> No.8474885

I think people may be taking the analogy a bit too far. We'll find out

>> No.8475151

trippy but the english one seems nice and clean

>> No.8475438

I swear to God, one fucking moron made that comparison, and you parakeets have echoed it over and over and totally misconstrued it. It's a difficult text, but its difficulty is not the same as FW's.

>> No.8475442

Finnegans Wake has been translated you dope.

>> No.8475552

I'm not ready! Any recommendations for something to read by him before this one?

>> No.8475563

Even into Mandarin.

>> No.8475578

As a Germanfag, I can see how it would be hard to translate - after all, the main character is a Shakespeare translator, and there are many jokes and tidbits about translating Shakespeare into German, not sure how you'd translate that into English

>> No.8475629



>> No.8475694

That was only the first third of Finnegans Wake, and she did it by losing the sentences and clarifying the language.

>> No.8475822

It sold pretty well despite all that IIRC.

I didn't think the Chinese had so many hipsters.

>> No.8475935

it sold a few thousand copies in a nation of 1.3 billion lpl

>> No.8475955

It sold as well as you could expect with 13,000 copies. Apparently the book has more pages of annotations than the actual text itself.

>> No.8476356

Probably middle english to modern english

>> No.8476384

Sounds interesting, it's just too damn expensive. 67 dollars Canadian? I'll wait

>> No.8476602
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if you are get it now why I still have to preorder, americanski?

>> No.8476607

first world privilege amigo

>> No.8476612
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There's a copy in my university library. I'll dump some pictures of the German text.

>> No.8476615
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>> No.8476624
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>> No.8476627
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>> No.8476629
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>> No.8476634
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>> No.8476638
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>> No.8476641
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>> No.8476646

Holy shit this looks awesome

>> No.8476650
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>> No.8476659

why are you guys pretending to like this garbage

>> No.8476660
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>> No.8476663
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The book itself is very large.

>> No.8476665
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Side view

>> No.8476667
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And I leave you with this.

>> No.8476671

So it's just German House of Leaves without the plot.

>> No.8476675

The author himself says it's inspired mostly by Finnegans Wake you fucking faggot.

>> No.8476678

Holy fuck i want to read this but im not ambitious enough to throw like $50 on a text that might have been genuinely ruined by a shotty translation

Is there a pdf or .mobi?

>> No.8476701

This thread got me HYPE

>> No.8476710

>those nails

>> No.8476711


>> No.8476809

nigga its john woods everything that man touches turns to gold

also very unlikely there will be a pdf or .mobi lol

>> No.8476944
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I'm a poorfag student but I fucking preordered. Looks EPIC!1

>> No.8477035

And having several mental breakdowns.
>Apparently the book has more pages of annotations than the actual text itself.
This is, in fairness, true of most English copies.

>> No.8477059

I'm okay with it replacing Infinite Jest.
Finnegans Wake brought us kek.

Bottom's Dream brings us kuck.
Honestly, for something like this, I would genuinely recommend just learning the language. One of the few kinds of works I think it's worth doing so for, because of all the tricks.

>> No.8477178


>> No.8477269

What does Middle English have to do with Shakespeare?

>> No.8477877

shakespeare =middle english
chaucer = old english

>> No.8477909

You're a retard.

>> No.8477918

go back to r/books

>> No.8477924
File: 68 KB, 600x397, Librarian_holding_books_Depositphotos.com_lucidwaters_10852161_wd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls b trolling

>> No.8477934
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Been there, done that.

>> No.8477951

>no kindle option
fucking dropped

>> No.8477968

You're missing

- can be made into an ebook so that it may be pirated by people who actually read rather than just collect hip hardcovers - NOT CHECK

It will not become a meme.

>> No.8478021

Is this the logical end of literature? Like, can anything get anymore zany than Bottom's Dream? How
much more difficult than FW would those who have read it here say it is? Or is it completely different?

>> No.8478027 [DELETED] 


>> No.8478038


>> No.8478081

Is it actually good or is it just House of Leaves tier gimmick memery.

>> No.8478098
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>index finger longer than ring finger

>> No.8478125

You first, dipshit.

Old English=Beowulf
Middle English=Chaucer, Pearl-Poet
Early Modern English=Shakespeare, Marlowe, Milton
Modern English=Joyce, Eliot, Austen

God, fuck off.

>> No.8478133

The main character is a translator of Edgar Allen Poe.

>> No.8478191

"In August 2016, it was announced that the Beinecke Library had arranged with Siloé arte y bibliofilia, a Spanish publisher, to publish an edition of 898 facsimile replicas of the manuscript for commercial sale."

It's the new meme

>> No.8478209

So obscure it's literally unreadable. Hence the greatest work of literature known to man.

>> No.8478313

Speaking of obscure works /lit/ sometimes mentions - does anyone have a link to Milkbottle H by Orlovitz. Having trouble finding one and used copies are steep pricewise.

>> No.8478346

are u a grill

>> No.8478364

Things being so obscure that you can't understand most of it, is as patrician as it gets.

Sign me up, just ordered my copy

>> No.8478479

Obscure spin-offs based on secondary Shakespearean characters is my fetish. Besides the play about two dudes in Hamlet, are there any others?

>> No.8478484

>besides the play about two dudes in hamlet

>> No.8478486

**Guildenstern and Rosencratz are Dead
Just came to mind

>> No.8478604
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oh baby baby

>> No.8478768

guys c'mon

>> No.8478775

Lots of Gass' books aren't available as epub/mobi (prime example: The Tunnel), and he's a meme

>> No.8478782

I found a pdf pretty easily. Does that count?

>> No.8478789

Can someone explain what the point of reading this in translation is?

>> No.8478881

This book is literal meme and fucking impossible to translate.
I'm not someone who shits on translations in general but this is the one German book that you should not even attempt to translate.

>> No.8478935

Orthofer says it's great, I trust him.

>> No.8479025

Chimes at Midnight is about Falstaff.

Since so many people are ordering this, would it be agreeable to organize a group read? Perhaps some Germanfags are necessary to explain some cultural apocrypha?

>> No.8479184

who up

smash that mf Purchase buttom

>> No.8479619

Dota 2

>> No.8481059

Bump for interest.

>> No.8481166

Found my copy when I got home from work. I tried to post a picture, but 4chan was being a little bitch and taking forever to upload it, so I gave up. Super excited tho.

>> No.8481263

translating finnegans wake is pointless, as is I assume zettel's traum

>> No.8481314
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Retry cause I want to show off.

>> No.8481338

fuck thats a sick looking edition m8

>> No.8481352 [DELETED] 

I read German and have read this book. I'd compare it more to something like Tristram Shandy in English

>> No.8481395

show us some pages please

>> No.8481420


put your foot on the book

>> No.8481428


>> No.8481432

It's already the #1 seller under 'German Lit'

We did it. Meme status will be achieved.

>> No.8481444

Amazon always fucking up corners baka

>> No.8481494

I'm guessing it's smaller than the original. Mind showing it next to a different book or something for scale?

>> No.8481544
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Yeah, it's a very handsome book.


Here it is next to Mao II. The previous picture was with the box it came in. Thankfully the corners are OK on the book itself.

>> No.8481552

Read the first page and tell us if it's good

>> No.8481566
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First page. At first glance it's pretty incomprehensible, and that's coming from someone who got through Finnegans Wake.

>> No.8481578
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>> No.8481586
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Some more pages. Skimming through I see a bunch of sexual stuff (I think top right is a scrotum) and namedropping of Poe, Spenser, Lucian, Schopenhauer, Freud, etc. Basically /lit/ incarnate.

>> No.8481597
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It's the end of a femur

>> No.8481602
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Last one, but I'm sure some other anons with more time on their hands and better photography skills will pick this up in a day or two.

>> No.8481607

Looks awesome. My copy is arriving next week, will probably start a new thread to perpetuate the meme.

>> No.8481608
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Jesus. Not even The Tunnel is this fucked.

>> No.8481624

The Tunnel was a shite forced meme, bring on the true GOAT, Bottom's Dream

>> No.8481625

Looks pretty good.
I just don't fully understand the passages on the side. Or what the hell is going on.

>> No.8481632
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>all the sidenotes are about arse

We're not ready for this level of memery

>> No.8481670
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It's impressive but if they're going to make it oversized they may as well make it real oversized you know what I mean? I like how big the German one is.

If plebs complain include a metal stand.

>> No.8481675


>> No.8481727



>> No.8481807

Oh yeah, if you look at some of the German ones in the thread they're all innuendoes.

>> No.8481890
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Fucking preordered. The hype train is a' -chuggin'

>> No.8481905

>Lots of Gass' books aren't available as epub/mobi (prime example: The Tunnel)
lurk moar

>> No.8481910

reading group when

>> No.8481914

one of you need to scan this and create a neato pdf

>> No.8481915

im down to start one in oct/late sept

>> No.8481918

>arno schmidt

*holds up spork*

>> No.8481932

spunk 'em mitt

>tugs on a chair

>> No.8481972

top image, mate

>> No.8481982

Let's goooooo

>> No.8482068

You're wrong friendo, middle english is Chaucer and old english is Beowolf n shit

>> No.8482083

Wait so it's like... 1400 pages like this? holy fuck

>> No.8482098
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>Hardcover: 1496 pages

>> No.8482104


>Shipping Weight: 13.4 pounds
it's over

>> No.8482107

Meme confirmed.

>> No.8482121

My novel will be bigger

>> No.8482124

Isn't this that book that's supposed to be the German Finnegan's Wake?

>> No.8482133


>> No.8482140
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Best new meme

>> No.8482317
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>> No.8482520

Anything else by Schmidt worth reading in the meantime?

>> No.8482522
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>> No.8482525
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>the sun has flame farts

wew lad, I can smell the Joycian influence from here

>> No.8482563 [DELETED] 
File: 183 KB, 1079x1309, 20160907_133149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This better be fucking worth it. If anything, I can justify it as an investment for future generations.

>> No.8482567

>Penguin edition

>> No.8482596

His short stories are great and often hilarious. Dalkey also publishes them. I'm thinking of buying that collected early fiction comp by Dalkey while I get ready to snuggle in with this bad boy for the winter.

>> No.8483272

damn that looks great. I know it sounds 2edgy but I like the idea of having nudity so on display at home.

>> No.8483295

came into this thread for this picture, what's it from also what the fuck is Bottom Boys?

>> No.8483404

>book has been delivered
>stuck wagekekking in the office for another 3 hours


>> No.8483437
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>mfw there are people who actually enjoy this trash

>> No.8483763

found the brainlet

>> No.8483794

>tfw my pre-order isn't shipping before the 23rd.

>> No.8483804

Fire up the memes, boys!

>> No.8483836


It's my authorized biography desu. They call me the "Bottom's Dream" because I'm so well endowed.

Arno had to edit the book quite a lot to fit all my exploits into ~1400 pages. I wanted elephant folio but the publisher dragged their feet and caviled and eventually I just had to settle.

>> No.8483884

What a hack

>> No.8483927

Just pre ordered, there's a group on Goodreads also waiting for this book. Everyone should join so that we can talk about it when we start reading it.

>> No.8484132


just got mine holy shit its massive its not gonna fit on my bookshelf reeeee

>> No.8484143


I don't believe it will be an organized group reading like infinite winter or something of that sort. More of an informal flooding of musings from individuals as they go and discussion on those musings.

>> No.8484159

yeah m8 just learn the language, should take you 15 minutes at the most