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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 218 KB, 688x440, lion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8474532 No.8474532 [Reply] [Original]

Can nonfiction be considered lit?

>> No.8474539

Yeah, but some are definitely more lit than others.

>> No.8474543

Those 1 trillion lions are pretty lit

>> No.8474681


Yeah, its called The Bible.

>> No.8474688

>tfw laughingstock

>> No.8474691


>> No.8475179

The Peloponnesian War is both one of the best works of non-fiction and fiction ever written imo.

>> No.8475290

OP I need the template for your pic related

>> No.8475293

The sun is 16 order of magnitude bigger than 1 trillion lions

>> No.8475295

you are the same person who shitposts about christianity all over /b/, /x/, and /lit/. Please become a tripfag so I could recognize you and just skip your comments.

Annoying bait is not good bait, or is it?

>> No.8475305

Hate to break it to you anon but that demographic that you misconceive as 'one person' is in fact a large group of 4chan's population and even worse they're the sort pseudo Dostoevskian Christfag who came out of the cathartic awakening that is 21st century oh so painful neetdom

>> No.8475568


True is stranger then fiction

And given the growing list of people demanding me to write a non-fiction memoir it is apparently entertaining.

One piece of life advice, always remember to take your ax grinder out of your backpack before going to elementary school. If you forget one day it can get you in a lot of trouble.

>> No.8475576

i mean thats a lot of lions

>> No.8475585

But think about it, that's a billion lions times a thousand, definitely not enough.

If it was a quadrillion lions then we'd be getting somewhere

>> No.8475591

It depends on whether the lions co-ordinate effectively. Will they remove the Sun's power supply?

A trillion lions. Takes one to remove it. It is possible.

>> No.8475671

It's also invulnerable to teeth and claws. I think the sun has this in the bag.

On the other hand, the lions could play the long game and breed for generation after generation until their distant, intelligent descendants establish a civilisation and develop sun-destroying technology.

>> No.8475730
File: 470 KB, 513x900, montaigne[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8475739

The lions would win if they attacked at night...

>> No.8475790

In reality all the lions have to do is keep reproducing until the sun burns itself out after billions of years

>> No.8475853
File: 84 KB, 960x757, Fedora[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Whoa there boy!

>> No.8475860

Reread the op you mouth breathing memegoloid

>> No.8475876


I-I just was pretending to be retarded...