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/lit/ - Literature

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8465104 No.8465104 [Reply] [Original]

Today's haul. Total cost: $60 (give or take a few bucks for tax).

Used book stores are the tits. I think I like them more than my local library. Which do you prefer, /lit/?

>> No.8465204


You spend 59 bucks too much.

>> No.8465223

There is no way this cost you $60. Did you purchase the most expensive editions of each book? Even then it doesn't seem reasonable.

>> No.8465243


The most expensive book was actual Dale Carnegie's, which I didn't get a discount on because it's brand new.

Other than that, all the books were half-price (based on their MSRP).

I can't complain. I'm already digging into Rosseau's book.

>> No.8465270

why don't you just steal them?

>> No.8465277

This has nothing to do with your comment but do you happen to be African American?

>> No.8465288

heh :^)
no, i am from europe, and there is nothing wrong with stealing as long as you don't get caught

>> No.8465325

Oxfam is amazing too

>> No.8465330

Got a really old edition of Parrott's Limerick Collection for 5 buckaroos

Enjoying it a lot, especially the parodies of Lear's work

>> No.8465388


>Parrott's Limerick Collection

Where did you find that? I've been trying to break into poetry but all the books I find are textbooks

>> No.8465398


>i am from europe, and there is nothing wrong with stealing

Gypsies can't read, get the fuck out of here

>> No.8465767

>Used bookstore
>Half off MSRP

Anon you done fucked up. Used bookstores should charge 1-5 bucks a pop at MOST

>> No.8465775

About 30-40 bucks too much anon
seriously, is that even worth

>> No.8465817

Nice haul, how much did you spend on Mill?

>> No.8465826

Most of these books are garbage, plus you've been ripped off big time. Pat yourself on the back, buddy.

>> No.8465846

I buy most of my books from Salvation Army. I see How to Win Friends and Influence People in almost every one of those stores. 50 cents for a paperback and $1 for hardcover. You got hosed if you seriously bought that book for more than 2 or 3 dollars.

>> No.8465892
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That's about what it costs in Vancouver. I spent $18 on a hardcover Jim Crace book. Mostly though I use the internet and used book store shopping is just a fun thing to do with my mom

Although books are more expensive in Canada because our dollar went down the toilet and logistics costs are higher due to distance, cold, Indian raids, etc, etc.

>> No.8466557


>Indian raids

Do tell

>> No.8466571

Are you the cave guy by any chance

>> No.8466741
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I prefer used bookstores, but often resort to buying online because I live in a small town with one mediocre bookstore, and one other mediocre bookstore in the next town over. The libraries around here are awful.

Pic related are my most recent purchases. All from the used bookstore one town over except Passing it On and Africa: Politics of Unity, which I bought online. Most were $1-3ish, the Divine Comedy (to replace a copy I "lent" someone years ago) was around $8.

Not pictured:
Kakuzō Okakura - The Book of Tea (also $1 at the bookstore)
Wallerstein: The Modern World-System, vol. I: Capitalist Agriculture and the Origins of the European World-Economy in the Sixteenth Century (online, forget how much, maybe $20-30?)

>> No.8466764

Oh and I have two more on the way:
50 Essays: A Portable Anthology
The Social Construction of Difference and Inequality: Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality (also a collection of essays, and also to replace a copy I "lent" somebody a long time ago)

>> No.8466805

>that haul

its like this is your first time buying books.

>> No.8466810

How is that edition of the Comedie senpai

>> No.8466857

I honestly didn't like mein kampf. Even when I went through my skinhead phase I still didn't veiw it as a good book

>> No.8466966

I just glanced through it, but it looks to be quite good. It has extensive footnotes, and brief but thorough and notably insightful introductions to each part, and another extremely worthwhile intro to the work as a whole.

Then it also has a translator's note that is also fairly brief and remarkably interesting, where he outlines the various ways he attempted to render the epic in English and why he kept hitting brick walls. He eventually came to use a quasi-terza rima with only the first and third lines of each stanza rhyming, and claims his work is "reasonably poetry, and reasonably faithful" to the original in terms of pacing and style. From what I saw in flipping through it, that seems to be a very modest claim.

>> No.8466979

>thin paperback on the age of enlightenment
>das kapital is a secondary source

looks good

>> No.8467099

Nice. Might track it down someday

>> No.8467118
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I'm just pulling your leg. We haven't had a good Indian raid in a century or more. In all seriousness though, because Canada is large, cold, and mostly empty, it costs a lot to ship goods around. A book in Canada that has a MSRP of $18 will cost only $15 dollars in the US, and that's before the dollar difference. Like in the winter, everything freezes and infrastructure goes to shit. It's costly. Even in """""temperate""""" Vancouver the constant rain takes a toll on the roads.

>tfw no marriage of convenience gf to get me citizenship somewhere warm

We don't even have a Crimean.

>> No.8467270
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Since you can't see it in the image I posted, the translator is John Ciardi, and thr publisher is blurry too, it's New American Library.

It also has several neat illustrations, including two in Inferno, pic related and I'll post the other next.

>> No.8467277
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>> No.8467905

In my experience, I find more bookstores visiting used bookstores, Salvation Army etc. when I'm visiting my parents, probably because they don't know/care they're giving away a good book
Other than that, I picked up these for free on campus, usually another good place to pick up books

Okakura's a find I think, I'm looking for it as well but it's not one that a lot of people have

>> No.8467913
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they being people living in more rural, 'less literate' places
also forgot pic

>> No.8468528

if u live in bumblefuck maybe lol

>> No.8468616

what used bookstores do you go to?

>> No.8468932
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Book fair haul today

>> No.8468976

Very nice.

>> No.8468978

Vancouver here, where did you go?

>> No.8469017

The best used book stores are value village, talize, and similar big box second hand shops. Dedicated used bookstores are typically over priced in Canada ACS should only be used to get rare/nice editions

>> No.8469109

/lit/ the person

You're not going to read a single word of them are you?

>> No.8469208

Thanks :) I am happy to have bought them
Dude I have already started reading Stoner so you're wrong off the bat

>> No.8469270

im considered white and i steal the shit out of books all the time

>> No.8469318
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>im considered white

>> No.8469568

I'm never wrong, son. One doesn't read stoner, but if you'd opened the book i guess you'd know that.

>> No.8469586
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Sometimes we drive to the Book Man in Chiliwack
My favourite store was ABC Book and Comic on Broadway but that closed a few years ago.


Maybe I'm just going to the wrong ones, but I never find good books there. They have a "general literature" section but it's mostly books that I imagine are for women with authors I don't recognize. The covers all look the same and have this sort of pastel aesthetic. Occasionally there is a lonely Michael Ondaatje or Yann Martel tucked away in the stack beside eight million The Alchemists. Pretty stark choice desu.

My mom won't let me pay for the books I pick out when we go shopping so, well, it's all good I suppose :^D

>> No.8469868

What meme are you on?

>> No.8469892

I bought a late 19th century three volume edition of Gargantua and Pantagruel from a used bookshop for a tenner. Sold it at auction for £350. Damn I love second hand bookshops.

>> No.8469929

>complete works of Joyce for $6.50
>complete Emerson printed in 1943 for $8
>complete Shakespeare with illustrations for $10
>complete Verne for $3
>complete Wells for $5
>complete Lovecraft for $15 (fucking meme cthulu dicksuckers driving the price up)
>complete Tolstoy for $4.50
>Moby Dick for $3
>BK for $5

All hardcover and all in decent condition purchased in the last 3 months. You got memed hard.

>> No.8469955

>Burger King for $5
You can get a Bacon cheeseburger deluxe for like $1.75 where I live. You got ripped off, my main lad

>> No.8470011

I found a Library of America collection of Mark Twain's speeches, essays and such in near mint condition at a local Oxfam. Also, a seemingly new copy of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam in the oxford edition, along with decent editions of Orlando and The Book of Laughter and Forgetting.
Two for 99p. I'm in the middle of south Wales, I was flabbergasted to find there.

>> No.8470041
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>fellow republic of plato finder


>> No.8470067
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From a couple of days ago. 25 euros

>> No.8470092


>Der Kanon

Middlebrow as fuck

>> No.8470098
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Haul from the other day. $30.

What's the point in studying Latin, Greek, and Arabic all together? Focus on one at a time, or you'll get nowhere with any of them. (And don't start with Arabic; it's one of the hardest languages to learn as a native English speaker.)

>> No.8470104

"fucking goddamn photo rotations"

>> No.8470108

It's a great and incredibly cheap collection of over other 30 plays for 25 euros. What is middle-brow about getting it?

>> No.8470111

youre a retard if you think you cant learn more than one language at once and that you should stay away from a language youre interested in because its difficult, dont give advice.

>> No.8470113
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I've decided to stop buying books for a while. My backlog is just far too great right now for more purchases to be justifiable.

,,,,oh who am I kidding, I just picked this up.

>> No.8470121

I wonder in what depth you can study these languages if you study 3 of them at once (not the guy you responded to). Is it functional learning or learning aimed at reading the literary work, and thus engage in complex works of language?

>> No.8470134

if youre a relatively experienced language learner learning more than one language at a time is more efficient, read some about polyglots and read foreignlanguageexpertise's website. this is implying that you study 3hrs or more a day.

>> No.8470137

But that doesn't answer my question. Towards what is this learning geared. Functionality or deep immersion in it?

>> No.8470143
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oh my god

I can literally SMELL the neckbeard sweat from here

>> No.8470145

what kind of question is this? the more you study the more you will learn, you dont ditch a language once you become functional, and it is geared towards whatever your goals are.

>> No.8470170

you can be simultaneously immersed in more than one language

>> No.8470185

If your endgoal is to be barely conversational in as many languages as you can, then sure, learn them all concomitantly, but then you're not learning a language; you're just learning some lines.
And I have studied three (not all at once, obviously), so don't try to give me advice.

Not the guy you responded to, but it's hard to be immersed in a language unless you're living in an environment where it's the primary spoken language. You're not really immersed in a language until you start to think in it.
- And that's even if you're studying in the most effective way, which, by the way, three random 'starter' books from a book fair is not.

>> No.8470207

learning languages isn't sitting down for an hour a day, studying the language, and then getting up and leaving it at the desk. learning languages is a mode of living, wherein you are actively immersing yourself in whatever language(s) you are learning, you can reach a very high level without stepping foot in a country where the language you are learning is primarily spoken, but like you said i guess, you can't really say you "speak" a language until you go into the country and speak it.

but, you can immerse yourself in the language. and studying more than one at one time is not inefficient if you study correctly. the end-goal isn't to finish a phrasebook and be done with it; you never stop learning a language.

i don't know why you think you cant simultaneously learn more than one language at a time, and if you do, you aren't studying them seriously. its very wrong. you can still make notable progress, albeit relatively slower, if you consistently study a decent amount of hours and put yourself into a mode of existence where you are learning languages. you just need to partition your time.

why i say it is more efficient is because you do not focus as well studying the same thing for large amounts of time, so if you study in blocks, it can be better to switch on and off.

>> No.8470258
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This is my last haul. Had a 75$ Barnes and noble gift card I won from an essay competition, so no cost to me.

>> No.8470268


>learning languages isn't sitting down for an hour a day, studying the language, and then getting up and leaving it at the desk. learning languages is a mode of living

Sure if you're some kind of NEET with no job and no life outside of reading and 4chan.

>> No.8470364

not that anon, but jesus christ that is the stupidest thing I have ever read.

if you want to learn an instrument, you don't just practice an hour a day and forget about it the rest of the time, you're constantly thinking about how to improve.

it's the same with a language. if you actually want to study a language and get good at it, you're constantly thinking of how the language works, how it differs from your own, how you would say something that you've just heard, or said, in whatever language you're learning.

just because your fat ass has never been passionate anything doesn't mean that other people can't be.

>> No.8470491

you will make no legitimate progress if you sit in front of a desk for 1 hour a day reading out of a textbook, good luck anon..

>> No.8470527


>learn latin

>can't learn it except anywhere out of a textbook or a classroom which puts your head also in a textbook

>try to look up latin communities to move to

>all dead or underwater

>> No.8470533

that doesn't mean you can't think about latin outside of your dedicated studies.

anyone else wanna try and defend dispassionately studying language?

>> No.8470641

I already know Latin very well, and my Greek is satisfactory. I want to learn Arabic a little later, so I bought a text for cheap

>> No.8470802

How in the fuck did they manage to fit those three novels into that book