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/lit/ - Literature

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8462419 No.8462419 [Reply] [Original]

What are we reading, /lit/?

>> No.8462557

Just finished Peer Gynt by Ibsen, pretty impressive but I need to ruminate some more before I can form a proper opinion.

>> No.8462560


Also Ned was best boy

>> No.8462600
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>Twenty Thousand Leagues
Be sure to read The Mysterious Island afterward
Based Nemo

>> No.8462628

From Socrates to Satre

>> No.8462661

Jacob's Room by Virginia Woolf

>> No.8462815
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Just started this and it's the gayest thing i've read by far.

>> No.8462856
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Came in brand new today. Can't wait.

>> No.8463322
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Never had to read him in Canadian school. I really enjoy his rambling style, as well as his approach to national identity as a young nation. America was going through with England what Canada is going through with the United States right now. Also just a fun story to read with the odd ghost story thrown in here and there.

>> No.8463343
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Just finished a Joe Hill binge.

Started with Horns, then HSB, then N0S4A2, and just ended the Fireman,

Horns was the best

>> No.8463354
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Pic related.

Also will be starting Yuri Kochiyama's autobiography Passing it On tonight.

>> No.8463391

Watership Down

Got it on my 10th bday from nan and grandad, finally reading it 11 years later.

I gotta say it's one of the most savage books I've ever read, the fluffy bunny on the cover fooled me ;_;

>> No.8463404


I shit you not I really want to read this now, forgot it existed.

>> No.8463433
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This book

>> No.8463450
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Just started

>> No.8463459

my nigga

Storm of Steel is fantastic.

>> No.8463463


In the middle of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

And while I love the book I fucking hate victorian brits.

>> No.8463480
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Elementary Forms of Religious Life. But I'm reading an abridged version. No guilt on that one, I'm reading for ideas, not "prose".

>> No.8463500

Still in highschool huh, anon.

>> No.8463501


You sound a little defensive desu.

>> No.8463646
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So far it's alright.

>> No.8463707

Slaughterhouse 5

>> No.8463717

Guess who the title is refferring to

>> No.8463725
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Who would win in a fight between Luffy and Naruto

>> No.8463732

Steven kings cat lol idiot boy new here? or did your train just pull in to the life justification station?

>> No.8463737


>> No.8463742
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>Steven kings cat lol idiot boy new here? or did your train just pull in to the life justification station?

>> No.8463743

Yes. Getting excited for prom. I just found out about this site called reddit. It's pretty ebin.

>> No.8463749
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inb4 poo in loo

>> No.8463759
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Fyodor Dostoevsky "Demons".

In which a hapless and weak generation of liberals gives birth to a wild generation possessed by the "Demons" summoned ignorantly by their parents. The generation possessed by demons proceed to sow chaos, ostensibly to create reform but mostly just because they can, and to act out various petty vendettas.

It's kind of an odd book. It goes from light novel about Russian aristocratic society, to a weird conspiracy novel to dead by: Murder, murder, murder, suicide, murder, suicide, disease, disease, disease, suicide. I think I may be missing a couple of suicides and a murder there though.

>> No.8463898
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Russian can't into politics anyway, they aren't able to function without a king. Democracy is truly and wholly an american concept. All other societies adopted it while America formed not only politics but its culture around it aswell. Younger americabs always rebel when they start to grow up because they realize that authority is not absolute. Rules can be changed and new ideals can be put in place. Each individual citizen combined is given more power than any government that rules over them. American freedoms, American agency, American Idealism. These are the tenants which form society. Anyone can be anything and has to power to sue for what they believe is right. True political justice. In Russia, you get fucked. Every day. You don't get paid enough? Your lucky to have work. You don't think its wrong to persecute gay people? Fuck you, sicko, no one cares about stupid fags. Your voice is crushed underfoot by an oppressive goverment whose only goal is to stay in power. The citizen is disposable. You can throw away millions for a war or have millions more die from starvation and poverty but they're still loyal to the only godforsaken motherland they know. The russian mindset is that actions are futile and in the greater sense they are correct, but it is rather deppressing when you consider that the actions they are refferring to are only at most affecting things 10-20 years down the line.

The worst part of all of this though, is that americans atmre beginning to sympathize with russian writers. The ideas that it is nearly impossible to escape your place in life, that any appreciable goal takes too much time and effort to be valuable. That its easier to take a shitty job that pays slightly worse than ok and spend your freetime doing nothing but wishing you had something to do and spend all day at work wishing you had freetime. American society is witnessing a breakdown, a tipping point. Right now Americans have to decide if they want to deviate and cause and foray into unknown waters, led by a confident yet crazy leader whose only merit is a promise to break the chain, or stay the course and await better options. The fact that a sizeable chunk of the american populace would go for the former just because they are sick of modern america shows the vital shift in the combined american worldview. One that just wants change, but knows that no matter how hard it tries it will never have the power to do so. Maybe the russians have some merit to them.

>> No.8463903
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Around 60% in
Can someone recommend me a good analysis of the book? I think I am missing a lot of themes, english being my second language doesn't help either.

>> No.8463922


pick one

>> No.8463942

>he fell for the democracy meme

>> No.8463945

Everyman and JR, with the former being one of the novellas I usually read when I have another "large" book that I'm reading on the sidelines

>> No.8463970

A Concise History of New Zealand - Phillipa Smith

I'm moving there soon and wanted to get more of the background, which the read has been good for (nearly done). I don't read hardly any non-fiction so some of it felt like a chore, her weird syntax didn't help either. NZ seems like a neat, small country.

>> No.8463975
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I'm reading Metamorphoses by Ovid. I wish the Roman names had their Greek counterparts in parentheses in my book.

I downloaded the audiobook. Can't wait to get started.

>> No.8463977

I gave up on it recently when I ran into the weird situation where some guy was housing the bull his wife was cucking him with

>> No.8463994
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I have been reading a lot from this dude since watching la novia two months ago. The poems are much longer than the one in romancero gitano, and the themes vary from feeling sorry for jews/blacks to straight up praising walt whitman as a the greatest american ever.

It's a shame /lit/ never talks about garcia lorca. One of the best poets of the past century.

>> No.8464616


If your sexual insecurity is keeping you from reading works of literature, you may want to work on yourself.

>> No.8464664

book of disquiet

>> No.8464970
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>> No.8465220
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>> No.8465254
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How is it? I'm just beginning Part I

>> No.8465626
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>> No.8465647

Ulysses, though I don't think I'm the sort of person that Ulysses was intended for, even though so far I must congratulate it on Joyce's masterful manipulation of prose. That being said there's only so much I can appreciate when I don't understand 60% of what's happening, so I might switch to Don Quixote.

>> No.8465679
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Next stop: Biblical canon.

>> No.8465721
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I enjoy sci-fi

>> No.8465739

not a bad choice. ending a bit ordinary but endings are hard

>> No.8465901

Mrs Frisby and the Rats of NIMH.

Afterwards I'm gonna read the second Warrior Cats book then Bridge to Teribithia. I am debating whether to read the first Narnia book currently (not The Lion, The Witch, and tehe Wardrobe but the other one that should be read before it). The series is on my to-do list but I don't know if I feel like it.

>> No.8465930

The stranger by Camus
It's hilarious!
And makes me feel better about my life.

>> No.8465982
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>democracy is wholly American

>> No.8466047

I have around 150 pages left of Anna Karenina.
I've been in kind of a reading slump lately and haven't continued it in a week, but started back up again earlier. Now that I'm almost done I want to see it through to the end soon.

>> No.8466933

Are there any texts atributted to Socrates?

>> No.8467271
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school reads

>> No.8467662

My fella, me too.
How are you liking it so far?

>> No.8467668

Excelente libro e incleible autor, sus obras de teatro también eran muy buenas aunque definitivamente me quedo con su lado poéta

>> No.8467672

Robinson by Chris Petit
Life a User's Manual by Georges Perec
The Immigrants by W.G. Sebald

>> No.8467675 [DELETED] 
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I've been reading through obscure online accounts on websites that I skim through from time to time

People confuse the fuck out of me and so this is what I'm up to. Crafting a narrative I suppose. Reddit and Twitter mostly.

>> No.8467717
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>this triggers the poltard

>> No.8467911

>pulitzer prize

>> No.8467976
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Spanish Civil War is all Im rrading so far. After I finish this today, I will get started with 'The forging of a rebel' by Arturo Barea. Second part of 'El laberinto mágico' goes after that.

>> No.8467978

Bodas de sangre me pareció acojonante. ¿Dices que su poesía es mejor? ¿Qué recomiendas para empezar?

>> No.8467987

Just started The Alchemist.
I hope it's not some meme I've fallen for.

>> No.8468084
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le Christian allegories

le whisky and Perrier

le iceberg theory

le fucking bitches and drinking all day

>> No.8468326
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stupid deadbrained "Bestseller" plot but it hits my military boner.

>> No.8469506

My favorite book as a kid.
Reread it last summer, and it obviously didn't hold up, but still a nice revisitation.

Atm I'm reading GR and Gogol's St. Petersburg Tales, but both are going slow as I'm busy with school and life.

>> No.8469532

hindu texts

>> No.8470721
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Just got this bad boy. Hope it's good.

>> No.8470766
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I just finished The Sun also Rises by Hemmingway. Before picking it up, I had made up my mind to quit drinking for a while. Over the span of reading the book, I went on a binge, because if these assholes can get drunk in every goddamn chapter, then so can I.

>> No.8471147
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About 200 pages in, really enjoying it so far.

>> No.8471165

Utopia by Thomas Moore

>> No.8471186
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Pic related.
I'm about 40% through the book. Decided to read it after seeing it on one of /lit/'s infographs.

>> No.8471190
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I found that exact edition to be rather enjoyable, im also a fuckin pleb tho.

>> No.8471717
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>> No.8472004
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>> No.8472049

The Alchemist.
It's good.

>> No.8472211

Crime and Punishment.

>> No.8472221
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Good read.

I'm reading this right now. Something haunting about a young protagonist on the losing side of war.

>> No.8472229
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Not that anon, but I remember reading the trilogy in high school. I would fantasize about quiting school, driving off to Mexico with my dad's gun and some cash, and settling down on a farm with a loving Mexican girl. Good times in my head.

>> No.8472498

Just started Kafka - The Castle. Read The Trial before it, bretty gud

>> No.8472587
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The memoirs of a semi-irrelevant Spanish XIXth century author called Mesonero Romanos. They are very exhaustive and he makes a colourful portrait of XIXth century Madrid. Pretty fun and informative.
>Pic related

>> No.8472611
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Started reading this two days ago, desu.

Bretty good, but the characters seem a little stiff.

>> No.8473225
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Just finished this.
First volume was great. The creation of the world, and gods, as well as their stories, and reign was amazing.
Middle volume made me stop reading for 2 weeks. Everything was still great to the moment when Emperor Jimmu dies. Then you need to go through, what is basically, a genealogical tree. You will probably lose any idea what's happening. Or maybe it's just me, and the fault was my Polish translation where the names are translated to their literary sense, which gave me a headache.
Lower volume is ok. Basically just the stories about emperors, not much of gods, and a lot of singing.

Good read, if you're interested in Japanese mythology and history

>> No.8473231

Catch 22. Pretty fucking funny so far

>> No.8473233


>tfw a massive chunk of spanish works still arent translated


>> No.8473265

Thats what im reading!

>> No.8473509
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>> No.8473526
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Starting it tonight.

>> No.8473546

Lazarillo de Tormes

I think there are too many different analyses of GR from different angles to try and recommend a definitive one, it's a book about many different things and doesn't exactly have a singular point.

No. He was supposedly against the widespread adoption of writing, feeling that it was detrimental to one's memory.

>> No.8473555

I'm reading manon lescaut, what writing style does abbe prevost use?

It's a wonderfully fluid style, little description as to anything at all outside of emotions and conversation, I wish I knew how to pin it, it has such an air of maturity as well, intelligent yet non pretentious.

Really enjoying it, if not for the cucked protagonist but the wonderful writing.

>> No.8473651

Gonna start Tropic of Cancer tonight.
Been interested in Miller's works for a while so I'm looking forward to reading it.