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/lit/ - Literature

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8462338 No.8462338 [Reply] [Original]

I can't decide what to do.
I want to express my thoughts on civilization, human behavior. If I write it directly, when I read what I said it sounds too deep for normal people to understand. They would probably think I'm a lunatic or something. My thoughts are very chaotic so it's hard to write a structured essay or book, I ask too much rethoric questions. For me it sounds too dry, like I'm tryng to shove my thoughts into other brains. It's probably boring to read too. Maybe there is somekind of guide about writing a philosophical book?
However, if I write a novel, I can put this idea subtly and show these thoughts in artistic form. The downside is that I need to create interesting and fulfilling story, which would cost much more time. The upside is that more people would take me seriously (in addition teenagers who probably don't read anything else besides fiction), and I could show the consequences if we continue living in the way we are living right now. One more downside is that adults don't read fiction (at least I don't know anyone that does), so my novel would only impact teenagers. If they read than it's more likely to be some kind of thriller or mistery, but I intend to write about ancient historic land, but I doubt that would be interesting for adults.

How do you generally express your philosophical thoughts?

>> No.8462340

kill yourself. it perfectly expresses how autistic you are.

>> No.8462348

Why do you think so?

>> No.8462377

Why don't you summarize your "thoughts on civilisation and human nature" here, so it can be discerned what medium your ideas should be framed in.

Not to be rude, but your post makes me doubt whether you have anything original/insightful to say. Prove me wrong.

>> No.8462384

...unless OP elaborates

>> No.8462409

I want to compare people to animals, we are just slightly smarter. The point being that most people pretend that they are not, or they don't want to acknowledge. Many people live in fairytale that we are better than animals.
I also want to write about corruption in government, and about false belief that we are free.

>> No.8462442

Are you a native English speaker? It doesn't sound like it. If you're planning to write this in English I'd recommend finding a ghost writer

>> No.8462453

I want to write in my native language, and if it's successful then release in english.

>> No.8462505
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>> No.8462514


>> No.8462543

I don't know, I don't read fiction

>> No.8462569


This is all fairly banal desu. The idea of humans being little better or no worse off than animals is a recurrent theme in antinatalist/pessimistic/misanthropic/nihilistic literature and philsophy. There is an entire field dedicated to the negation of man's ostensible 'transcendent dimension', and the idea of man being cursed by his sentience has been articulated many a time--to the extent that some advocate a return to primivitivism; and that humans are not 'little better' but entirely worse off than animals due to their intelligence and awareness of death. Your belief that man is little more than the sum of his parts is one of the most overdone, stereotypically 'edgy' concepts around.

Critiquing governmental corruption is also a standard fare.

>the false belief that we are free

Assuming you are arguing this from a cultural standpoint--that consumerism/ materialsim/media/advertising, whilst ostensibly offering more options, actually structure our desires and pre-programme our passions--is, again, another commonly articulated idea. A routine segment of postmodern thought and literature is dedicated to this: from baudrillads 'simulacrum and simulation' and adorno's capitalist critiques, to gaddis' and dellios ouveres.

In short, you need to read more before putting pen to paper.

>> No.8462585

this, OP. civilization has been around for thousands of years, people have had lots of thoughts about it

>> No.8462588


You sound like an edgy teen who thinks that his deep thoughts are more profound than they are while forgetting just how much has been thought and written before you.

>> No.8462635

I know my thoughts aren't new, but I guess I just want to remind people about that, but I guess those who didn't care about things like that, won't suddenly buy my book. There are many topics I want to write about.
So I guess I will write a novel. I want to write about specific problems in my country, like immigration crisis and government which is not really serving it's people. I want to write about my country, but not directly, comparing it to imaginery medieval country. I want to show people what could be if everything was alright. Show the maximum potential of this country, and show what kind of actions have lead our country to complete shit.
I want my book to have some kind of impact on people after reading it. But I'm still stuck thinking how to present my thoughts, and even if they are worth presenting.

>> No.8462674


What is your country?

>> No.8462681

Don't let them discourage you. Ideas get repeated all the fucking time, especially in popular literature.
This is not an obstacle and if you put your thoughts in a contemporary context it can still seem fresh/original.
Reading existing stuff is probably useful, though.

Just keep in mind that people don't like too much pessimism, so if you plan on writing something for big audiences you might need to make some compromises.

>> No.8462698

Submit a paper to a journal of philosophy. Did it get accepted?
Write philosophy
Write your trash novel

>> No.8462700

Do you want the message to be clear and articulate, or something more subtle?

>> No.8462710

>too deep for normal people to understand
Okay, we're done here.

>> No.8462758

OP you need to breath reading and writing for a while. You need to suck up that you wont get anything published for a bit.

If you truly care about helping your reader then you need to be damn sure that you know you are right in what you are critiquing and advising, and that should only happen after reading a large amount of philosophy.

Reading and writing lots of fiction and non-fiction will also help your presentation.

Read these two books if you haven't: Animal Farm by Orwell and Ishmael by Quinn.

I recommend reading Plato if you haven't already as well. Start with Euthyphro.

>> No.8462763

unless you can develop systematically a logical, structured argument, write a novel. i get the impression when you try to write you write in 'big strokes' so to speak with no detail, explanation, or definition, so yes you would sound like a 'lunatic' since no one can read your mind and piece together what you're thinking from so little evidence

>> No.8462772

>I want my book to have some kind of impact on people after reading it.

don't write about countries

>> No.8462837

It doesn't matter much. All that matters is that reader can draw conclusions after finishing book.
I normally read history/psychology, but I'll look into that.
Yeah, that's a problem. I don't know how to formulate my thoughts and put them on paper. Sometimes I have to sit for a few minutes, to write a normal sentence.
Why not? I would use imaginary country

>> No.8462865

Adults read books
Classics usually took years, sometimes decades to write
Are you sure you know anything about books at all, op?

>> No.8462918


I think this a great idea. Now go and write every day for a couple of years. And then write your novel. Or write your novel now, put it aside for a couple of years while you continue writing, and then revisit it and either heavily edit or re-write it. Good luck.

>> No.8462939

What should I write every day, other than a novel?

>> No.8462941

>when I read what I said it sounds too deep for normal people to understand.
That means you are stupid, smart people can be understood by everyone

>> No.8463007

>My dream is to become of famous Broadway actor.

>Oh really? What's your favorite play?

>I don't know. I don't go to the theater.

Why would you want to write fiction if you have no real interest in the medium? How can you expect people to read a novel you wouldn't read yourself? Do you fancy yourself as some literary prodigy who can just waltz in, shake up the world of fiction despite having no knowledge of it? Do you really think the actress who's not interested theater is going to give a better performance then the women you lives and breaths it? Of course not. She has no taste and neither do you. You should probably try to give a shit about something before you try to commit to doing it.

>> No.8463012


>> No.8463064
File: 42 KB, 417x598, aynrand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, I finally got it! OP is Ayn Rand.

>> No.8463085

I know it sounds edgy, but what I mean is, these thoughts sound like I'm writing about things that really don't matter in th real world. People don't like to think too much about things like that.
I prefer reading straight facts like non fiction, it's not like I don't know anything. The way I see it, is that you read 1 novel to learn about 1 idea. But if you read non fiction, you can read about 100 ideas in 1 book, the difference is that novel is shown in a more interesting way, for average people to easier understand and find some kind of importance in that idea. I guess I just need to practice writing anything at all.
I'm researching about how to write a novel, I know what an interesting novel should contain, so I don't think it would be a huge problem to write a novel. There could be some beginner errors, but these would exist even if I was reading fiction frequently.
That's a good idea. Would it be better to publish them on internet (like a blog) or to collect them over time and make a book out of them?

>> No.8464121
File: 536 KB, 2690x2023, kant-0e975fd94094b9164f3f025156c8c85af2f10ed4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That means you are stupid, smart people can be understood by everyone

>> No.8464169

You sound like you care far more about sending the message than the act of creating. In that case you should almost certainly stick to non-fiction. Perhaps some form of journalism would be best, as that's definitely more read than nonfiction philosophy books.

Out of interest, what sort of views on government are you planning on putting across?

>> No.8464173

This thread is lit ideology at its purest. You don't need scholarly knowledge of what has been written, you fucking pick and choose whatever material facilitates development of your ideas.

You have something to share with the world and it deserves to be heard. Don't let some insecure weenies bring you down.

>> No.8464183


Why does a message deserve to be heard? If a message deserves to be heard then we are obliged to listen. Are we obliged to listen to every nutjob ranting about his silly views?

>> No.8464188

>Follow your dreams, anon, don't listen to them haters

>> No.8464198

>If a message deserves to be heard then we are obliged to listen
--You-- aren't obliged to read anything beside the authorities you have chosen for yourself, my little sheep.

>> No.8464211


What in my message implied being a sheep? The fact that 90% of opinions aren't worth the time it takes to listen to them? If OP had some special insight into the political process and why it was non functioning and corrupt maybe he would be worth listening to. Hell, even if he had some some exceptional amount of research. But no, all we have is "I read the news sometimes and them politicians am I right guys."

So kindly take your sheeple shit and fuck off.

>> No.8464239

are you a fascist?

>> No.8464248

There's no point in anything other than to point out that there's no point humanity's a dumb founded group of little ants that tried too hard to be humans, why write it down when the ant will just do what the ant will do?

Gotta make the ant go round and round

>> No.8464469 [DELETED] 



>> No.8464585

You'll never improve unless you just write. Doesn't matter how unoriginal or uninspired the idea is. You'll write a lot of shit until you write something good.