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8460274 No.8460274 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not a very romantic or passionate person. I've had a first love and that was the last time I've felt any real romance or passion, every woman after my first I felt nothing for. Are there any books that help with restoring my love, romance, and passion? Are there books that can give me a deeper understanding of romance or help me feel again?

>> No.8460816

Pic related desu.

>> No.8460825
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Take the redpill and become a frogposter

Convince yourself that women are but mere worthless holes whose being (is seems ridiculous to even call them Beings) is so shallow that it borders on an entire lack of self-consciousness.

Realize that they will never be able to truly love, never truly be ethical, and never truly be loyal, because they aren't as ontologically 'there' as men, they're less real.

Realize that love is just a hollywood fabrication and only consists of chemicals because of your biological past.

Realize that there are anime women online and you can pick your own waifu, who will never betray you like all roastwhores will inevitably and invariably do.

2D > 3D

>> No.8460829

No. When you meet someone who brings passion into you, it'll be restored.
Love is a feeling; feelings come and go. You don't need books.
Similar situation here but I don't like my 'first love' anymore, and eventually rejected her after she wanted another go, and didn't like those I dated afterwards. Got a hottie in my class who looks 5 years older, I'll keep u updated on the pussy run; been a dry spell senpai.