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/lit/ - Literature

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8458496 No.8458496 [Reply] [Original]

Post your unread stack, rate, rec, criticize others.

What order should I tackle this? I just finished Delillo's White Noise

>> No.8458508
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Sorry guys I don't know how phone cameras work pls no bully

>> No.8458532

Sorry, mate, can you take it once more?

>> No.8458541
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>> No.8458547
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It all looks pretty similar actually
There's a crimson one somewhere; will post when I find it

>> No.8458553

I've had enough of your surreal libraries, Mr. Borges.

>> No.8458570
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I think I will just because you asked so nicely ;)

>> No.8458582


>> No.8458584

Cheers, mate. Wouldn't recommend Stoner to be honest, a bit wishy washy and melodramatic.

>> No.8458587
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Latest haul.

>> No.8458588
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This version of Propaganda has the most misprints I've ever seen. And they're terrible, blatant misprints like "than that" becoming "that that", the beginning or ending letter of a word is missing, or an entire word is missing. Nonstop throughout the book.


Read Dunces and Blood Meridian

>> No.8458602

Sorry about that m8, at least it's a short read. Found mistakes like that in my copy of IJ and it just slightly bothers me. How can you misspell baobab as baobob? It seems like something that would stick out.

>> No.8458603
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Im reading Mythology rn
Tales of horror was a gift

>> No.8458658
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how'd i do /lit/ ?

>> No.8458680

Let me know what Scoob says I should do about being single for 5 years.

>> No.8458691
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To-read stack

Confederacy, Stoner, BM first
Cantos is required but make sure you're properly prepared
Throw Taipei in the trash

>> No.8458704
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just be yourself

>> No.8458715

Thanks, Scoob.

>> No.8458717
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>a confederacy of dunces

It's also on my stack and I've started it. I'm very underwhelmed so far, is it supposed to be funny? Satire is a very tricky genre IMO. Probably one of those books that you either love or hate but I'll push through.

Not tonight though. Also started odyssey & Orlando but I need a light read right now, what shall I go for?

>> No.8458720

>the importance of being earnest

Good shit anon

>> No.8458721
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i fucking loved winnie the pooh as a kid, i had a huge hardback full of stories & tonnes of vhs. still have both actually

unread 'shelf'. have a bunch that i torrented on my kindle too. i have my shelves arranged by editions (so all pingu modern classics are together, all vintage red spines are together etc.) so it ws a nice surprise when all my unread books fit perfectly together like this

>> No.8458728
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>> No.8458730

Can you explain all the hate for Taipei? Pretty much everyone on this board hits it with the >into the trash meme but I want to understand why before I make the mistake of giving it a chance, which I'll probably make anyway considering I spent 10 dollars on it

>> No.8458731

HI, mate, got a tip take a big dump in that Morrissey Autobiography.

>> No.8458732
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>> No.8458737

Poe is insanely comfy on those windy, brisk fall evenings. Would highly recommend with a cup of hot coffee and toast

>> No.8458738

>tfw half of these books will be unread forever because you just use them for studying

>> No.8458744

Delete this

>> No.8458746

what is with tao lin? Why do I always see it mentioned on lit?

>> No.8458761

Because he captures the zeitgeist for people now in their 20's pretty well.

>> No.8458768
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Yeah I suppose a play is good advice for a light read.
After all it's a
>comedic tour de force
>windy, brisk fall evenings
It's past midnight and I'm still sweating like a pig in my room so maybe in a month or two

>> No.8458774

>spending 10 dollars on Tao Lin

But seriously, if you want to know what the book's like, just pick it up and start reading it yourself. You own the fucking book, just start reading it. Stop trying to impress people on /lit/ by posting what books you own and actually read a fucking book for once.

>> No.8458785

It's just kind of vapid DFW-without-the-intelligence prose and the minute events of a rather tedious millennial life. If you like Less Than Zero you might enjoy it but other than that, eh

>> No.8458791

what's it about?

>> No.8458792
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This is the best book ever written.

>> No.8458806
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Think I may read Considet the Lobster or Masters of Doom once I'm finishe with Children of Dune.

Anyone read Masters of Doom? I'm very interested in non-fiction involving games. There is an EVE Online book that sounds cool too, but not sure.

>> No.8458810


>> No.8458812


>> No.8458813

About Paul, basically a Tao self-insert, and the various details of his life in New York, on a book tour, and with his parents/ wife in Taipei

>> No.8458827

catcher in the rye is good. just get that easy book out of the way. and if you dont like it, fine. its not like it will take up a lot of time

>> No.8458840


Masters of Doom is great, read that shit. It's so interesting and entertaining all the way through.

>> No.8458849

>being this mad over senpai morrissey
what's your problem?

>> No.8458865

Nigger I was asking for people's opinions on why they dislike the book, I'm obviously capable of forming my own opinion given that I read the book but I obviously haven't fucking done that yet, hence why I am asking. Why dont you shuffle off to some shitty board and take your piss poor attitude with you

>> No.8458960

I have the EMU La Odisea.
EMU is really cheap and has a good variety in classics. Enjoy your reading mate.

>> No.8458976

Yeah I plan to breeze through it after a longer heavier book some time. I'm sure I'll dig it. I did just this with Brave New World earlier this year and thought it was a nice way to experience some of the high school classics.

Very excited for it!

>> No.8459007

Gravity's Rainbow and that Jung book are probably the only ones worth reading there unless you're really into Tolkien. The Children of Húrin is not going to be enjoyable if you aren't.

>> No.8459039

Why does DFW have such shitty book titles ?

>> No.8459049

He doesn't.

>> No.8459069

Then why does the book in that photo have his name on it ?

>> No.8459072

Cause he wrote it.

>> No.8459089

Then why does the book say "Consider the Lobster" on it ?

>> No.8459095

Why are you asking me these questions? I'm not going to break anything down for you here.

>> No.8459103

Because I want to know why that book has such a weird thing written on it if it isn't the title of the book.

>> No.8459110

I only hope you're pretending to be so dumb.

>> No.8459136

I'm not dumb, the person who designed that book is dumb.

>> No.8459185
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I've got a lot of different stuff going on.

>> No.8459195 [DELETED] 

Man, I hate the quality of Penguin's but they always have the obscure and unabridged stuff.

>> No.8459209

Man, I hate the quality of Penguin's but they always have the obscure and unabridged stuff.

The Arabian Nights; Micromegas; This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentleman; etc.

>> No.8459218

>I hate the quality of Penguin's
Whats wrong with them?

>> No.8459219

well done lad, that's literature

>> No.8459220

Cute lil plushie

>> No.8459226

The binding isn't that good and too tight. I'm pretty anal about the feel of a book when reading, and they aren't as good as published by Norton or Dalkey.

>> No.8459232

Dalkey doesn't even publish the same books as them.

I agree with Norton though.

>> No.8459269
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Woah thnks scoob I jst have to be a peace of shit.

>> No.8459276

>Morrisey biography
confirmed to be an eternal pleb

>> No.8459290
