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8454850 No.8454850 [Reply] [Original]

what's the most accessible, easiest to read version of the odyssey, but which won't feel like I'm reading a children's adaptation and still feels poetically beautiful enough for someone who wants to read for pleasure, not academic study? I'm also looking to pick up a copy of the illiad too.

>> No.8454857

Pope, really.

>> No.8454858

just pick the good version, all of them are accessible

>> No.8454860


>> No.8454866

>for Homer

>> No.8454899

Op -- check out Stanley Lombardo's edition. I just finished it and thought it was done really well. There's also a audiobook edition that was read by the author.

>> No.8454902

How is Lattimore's translation?

>> No.8454903

Barry B. Powell

>> No.8454980

lattimore or bust

>> No.8454993

Lawrence of Arabia.

>> No.8455010
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>> No.8455081

is the fagles translation the most readable? come on guys, I don't know what the heck all these translations you're throwing at me are. I was thinking about getting the fagles translation for the illiad and the odyssey.

>> No.8455085

You can read the translation I recommend for yourself here
If you like it, get it. It's up to you

I personally do not like Fagles

>> No.8455099

does anyone have a download of the merrill edition of the illiad? I'll be honest, I actually own the merrill edition of the odyssey and I started this thread because I was hoping to find a new translation and I probably should have stated that, but you know how paranoid you can get when trying to talk about stuff on 4chan. I wanted to try the Merril version of the Illiad just to see how I like it.

>> No.8455101
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I don't know where you can download it, but it's breddy gud

>> No.8455115

Check out some excerpts of The Iliad for an idea of what you think you'll like the most.


>> No.8455119


>> No.8455123

>Shitty art badly combines greek and japanese art

Who makes this shit?

>> No.8455138

lombardo's translation really makes the most sense. I actually didn't really understand what I was reading until I just read the lombardo one after reading several of the other translations.

>> No.8455154

His and Verity's are the excerpts that I like the most. Some of the other's become a bit too turgid.

>> No.8455160

yeah, I just ordered the lombardo one. That one seems like a good one to start with, considering I actually got a clear picture of what the passage was saying. The other ones sound like ones that would be good for reading after I actually make it through the story at least once and have a good grasp of it before hand.

>> No.8455161

>he only understands the dumbed down version

jesus christ, do you really think anyone is going to take seriously the opinion of some mouth-breathing retard, on a time tested classic?

go to r/books, you don't belong here

>> No.8455168
File: 23 KB, 342x342, odyssey fagles mckellan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Audiobook read by Ian McKellan:


Many people think the original performances were split over three days, so try that to get in the spirit of it.

>> No.8455184

who said lombardo's version is dumbed down?

>> No.8455195


If it's accessible to a broad readership it's dumbed down. Remember, reading has to be a hardship otherwise you can't act like a smug elitist.

Now if you don't mind I've got a selection of thousand page tomes to leaf through because I know most people can't be bothered.

>> No.8455204

Much have I travell'd in the realms of gold,
And many goodly states and kingdoms seen;
Round many western islands have I been
Which bards in fealty to Apollo hold.
Oft of one wide expanse had I been told
That deep-brow'd Homer ruled as his demesne;
Yet did I never breathe its pure serene
Till I heard Chapman speak out loud and bold:
Then felt I like some watcher of the skies
When a new planet swims into his ken;
Or like stout Cortez when with eagle eyes
He star'd at the Pacific—and all his men
Look'd at each other with a wild surmise—
Silent, upon a peak in Darien.

>> No.8455207

anon~ you're getting awfully frisky with me.

>> No.8455221

Not him, but Lombardo's translation is extremely simplified through, ah, hm, shall we say "flexible" translation, as in mostly paraphrasing. It's beautiful, but its aesthetic is drastic simplification. So if by "dumbed-down", "drastic simplification is meant, then Lombardo surely qualifies.

>> No.8455222

I've tried all the usual English translations of the Iliad and came to the conclusion that the standard Russian translation is better than all of them

>> No.8455246

Given the greater grammatical similarities between Russian and Greek, that it could work out that way is hardly surprising.

>> No.8455378

ayy my nigga

>> No.8455705

They're always at secondhand book stores.

>> No.8455707

What's up with the number of threads about the Odyssey lately. Have high schools required this earlier in the year?

>> No.8455774


>> No.8455792

you've skim-read the wiki you lying commie

>> No.8455851

Surely this is one of those books you need good annotations for?

>> No.8455880

Which parts would need it?

>> No.8456130

I heard Lombardo was uber casual without losing depth

>> No.8456247

Arguably the best option. Verse translations should be discarded right away. It's ok if you've already read it and want to enjoy it some more, but for a first read an accurate and not dumbed down translation is the way to go. And that's Lattimore.

>> No.8456506


On First Looking into Krafft-Ebing's Psychopathosexualis

Much have I travelled in those realms of old
Where many a whore in hall-doors could be seen
Of many a bonnie brothel and shebeen
Which bawds connived at by policemen hold.
I too have listened while the Quay was coaled,
But never did I taste the Pure obscene -
Much less imagine that my past was clean -
Till this Krafft-Ebing out his story told.
Then felt I rather taken by surprise
As on the evening when I met Macran,
And retrospective thoughts and doubts did rise,
Was I quite normal when my life began
With love that leans towards rural sympathies,
Potent behind a cart with Mary Ann?


>> No.8456550

>Verse translations should be discarded right away
You mean prose translations?

>> No.8456567

No ,I mean verse and I'm sure you're smart enough to figure out why on your own.

>> No.8456766

I guess I'm not. Isn't Lattimore a verse translation?

>> No.8456780
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>read by the author