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8448853 No.8448853[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Write what's on your mind.

>> No.8448873

I'm starting college tomorrow. So there's that.

>> No.8448882

starting college tomorrow
gotta get up at about 5 am
dont know where the fuck my calculator is

>> No.8448894

Going to college tomorrow and wading through a sea of freshman that will slowly recede through the semester as their attention spans and work ethics fail them

>> No.8448897

taking an 8am was a huge mistake

heed my words

>> No.8448900


>> No.8448903

Use your phone, no one will even know the difference

>> No.8448906

ahhh fuck mine is 8am too.

also woo im a freshman

>> No.8449003


When will this meme end?

>> No.8449021

Wish I was young and starting college tomorrow.


Don't fuck it up lads

>> No.8449037

I want a lot the sex

>> No.8449055

I need to stop eating meat

>> No.8449058

posts like this keep me away from pomo

>> No.8449065

Can I type what's on my mind instead?

what's on my mind instead

>> No.8449080

do it

>> No.8449241

I should be asleep right now but I hate going to sleep, because I'm afraid I'll have dreams.

I stay up conscious, fully aware of my thoughts, emotions, and surroundings 16 hours a day and sleep is the only time in which I don't have to do any of that. I don't want that peace taken away from me, especially when I wake up and that overwhelming sense of "oh, I'm still alive" comes over me.

i dont want to wake up tomorrow lads

>> No.8449248

Not him, but i've considered it for a while.
I just eat nothing else, so i'd starve to death.
What do.

>> No.8449251

It's weird that my father's life is in shambles while I'm totally okay. It's weird to be the sane and responsible one in our relationship.

>> No.8449262


I'm getting almost no sleep because I have a puppy to take care of and that annoys me along with the puppy herself because she's super energetic and coupling that with little sleep it's just a bit too much sometimes. I like her, and I am going to get through this, but it is definitely hard. She's also teething, so she's biting everything she can and that often includes me. She'll get over this once her adult teeth come in, but both my mom and I will have scars from this dummy. Sometimes I think getting her may have been a mistake.

The girl I love (and has said loves me) isn't really talking to me all that much and that's annoying me slightly too. Once again, I am agitated because of lack of sleep. I have to be up in five hours. Shoot me.

>> No.8449272

maybe just explore all the foods you don't normally eat. there are some pretty great meat substitutes, if you'd be into that. also, there are so many types of 'normal' foods that just happen to not have meat in them. it;s totally doable dude

>> No.8449308

i wish i was a part of the secret super elite with all the power and advanced tech and life prolonging medicine like i read in my /pol/ meh mehs

>> No.8449315

I havent red anything because life is pointless.

>> No.8449343
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Girlfriend of 6 years left. Used to the sweet solitude of her and i watching old movies/reading classics/cafe life. Moving into shared residence with 4 other students. Too used to sweet solitude. Starting second year. Hope to God I don't burn out. Poor and debt. Bad with money, spend all on books/food/records/ex. Stuck as Carpenter until I can educate my way out. Drunk.

>> No.8449355

>we invent these things for cows but not for humans

I thought this was the current year?
Where's my auto back scratcher? Fuck you Obama

>> No.8449356

Maybe it will really end this time

>> No.8449391

How do you explain this?

>> No.8449401

Reading other people's thoughts on here and realizing that I'm probably too old for this forum.

>> No.8449417


>> No.8449427
File: 2.68 MB, 640x360, Dresden under fire.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There isn't anything inherently wrong with war or violence in general, and it's time people stopped pretending it was otherwise. It's in our nature to fight and kill each other. As long as there are humans, there will be wars. In a way it's good for us.

Ludendorff was right.

>> No.8449440

went on a date with this girl and I really like and I'm REALLY attracted to her
things are going well but I'm scared I'm going to fuck it up

>> No.8449443

For us to have met at all seems to be fate, but I don't think we should let being coworkers stop us from getting close.

>> No.8449447
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Peeeeeeeeeeeeeewdie pie hahaha

>> No.8449455
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I'm caught in this weird fucking web of mediocrity where, on one hand, I've got a lot of money in the bank and a good job and rent control and a girlfriend, but on the other, I'm an listless twenty something with no ambition, no college degree, and a burgeoning drinking problem.

>> No.8449456
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Yesterday I moved from a small town to the city. University's starting in Thursday, but I have to informally meet the people I'm going to study with before that. I haven't lived on my own before this and I don't know the city. It's a bit exciting. Mfw.

>> No.8449467

yo what city, I just moved from a small town to city for school too.

and it starts tomorrow. and at this point i'm getting 3 hours of sleep max.

>> No.8449503


>> No.8449508

I want to run but it's a rest day

Also I'm not sure what book to read next.

>> No.8449512

Read The Sorrows of Young Werther

>> No.8449525

He couldn't have stopped it.

>> No.8449546

It would be nice to just not exist.

>> No.8449747

So, you're like the opposite of me.

Though in few months I'll have re-payed all my debt and have 50G in the bank, so not I wouldn't trade.

>> No.8449781

how can you explain this?

>> No.8449821

I find it really hard to view myself objectively/impartially.

I'm convinced that I'm not photogenic, but then that's something ugly people say. I've been single for ages, and get maybe 1-2 dates per year. On those dates, the girl in question usually says that I look better in real life than in my photos, and my ex also thought I looked good, which has me thinking that I should maybe spend some money on proper/professional photos. I find it really hard to perceive myself as anything other than unattractive, regardless of what people tell me.

The issue is that I have no social life right now, so my photos and shitty dating apps are all I have to work with. Hoping that'll change when I start college. My physique is thoroughly average, so I'm thinking of going to a well-renowned 'body transformation' gym here soon with a personal trainer/etc.

>> No.8449827

there is so much I don't know. not even about the universe, but about the processes of thought that produce me.
bounds and bounds unknown for every little speck of knowledge.
The drugs help tilt the perspective a bit, illuminate new and interesting specks, but not much more than that.
I feel like a fish in a tight nylon bag in the ocean
things might seem in order at a glance, but there is obviously something very wrong

>> No.8449836

your body is good with slow transitions
the process should be adding more and more nutritious vegan foods into your diet BEFORE you take out the meat.

running away doesn't sound that peaceful bro.
What's bothering you?

>> No.8449853

I'm bored of life...

>> No.8449862

>I want to run but it's a rest day
Cardio doesn't require rest days. A beginner can do 5 days a week no problem. My typical rowing thing is like 6 days a week.

Depussify yourself by lifting weights which do require rest.

>> No.8449892

>oh you like running? you should be a manly man and lift weights instead!
dammit /fit/ why you gotta be perpetuating the stereotype?

>> No.8449899

As well. C'MON.

>> No.8449906

i want to end it all

>> No.8449956

why does natural mean good?

>> No.8450114

not that anon, but no it doesn't. if we survive as a species it will be because we transcend all of the primitive and destructive aspects of our nature.

>> No.8450119
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I feel like I need to fart but I can't and it's very uncomfortable

>> No.8450122

Waiting for the campus alert as the signal to kill myself.

>> No.8450123



>> No.8450125

i can predict everything my teacher will say

>> No.8450292

Sure is /r9k/ in here

>> No.8450295


There's a lot that can be unpacked from that actually

>> No.8450305


hair, scalp, meninges
cerebrospinal fluid
don't forget the skull memento mori

>> No.8450308

>transcend all
that honestly doesn't seem like a viable strategy. I like how Elon Musk tries to maneuver through capitalism and greed in order to get humans out of the planet quickly and safely, so someone may survive when shit goes down.
Now that I think about he is very much like the protagonist of Manifold Space.

>> No.8450329
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>I like how Elon Musk tries to maneuver through capitalism
>maneuver through capitalism


>> No.8450346


>> No.8450372

I need something novel to do, but the nearest museum is closed on Mondays.

>> No.8450380

If anyone will save a part of humanity, it's him. Unless he dies too early.

He uses capitalist functions to advance human interests. What's wrong with that?
>muh snowflake ideology

>> No.8450403

You don't maneuver through, you maneuver to evade.
>maneuvering through this brick of wall

>> No.8450415

I feel like my whole life has been an uphill battle with myself. I'm a privileged white middle classer, but I still struggle to find happiness and meaning even though i consider myself a member of the luckiest generation to ever walk the earth. shit sucks.

>> No.8450417
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>being this autistic

>> No.8450426

i went out
taking a break
and i saw a girl
she flipped constantly
i didn't know her name
i didn't know where she was from

but she was there
just standing
i walked around
didn't know if i should talk

she had a bag
could have been hell
could have been heaven
but i took the chance

i went up
and her hand reached down
she offered me one
and i took it all

i went back in
and looked through

and she was gone

and the worst part,
all my belongings...
were gone...

to: armaf

>> No.8450432

I'm trying to drink away the part of the day I can't sleep away
Primer gray is the color when you're done dying

>> No.8450446

México es subdesarrollado. Que ridículo chauvinismo el que lleva a alguna gente a argumentar lo contrario.

>> No.8450456

>If anyone will save a part of humanity, it's him.
maybe be so, but I threw away my literery dreams for a career in engineering, so I'm gonna do my best to help.
there are many ways to make capital which are much less risky than inventing new technologies.
you need to analyze better. people aren't happy because they are in a good state, they are happy because their state changed for the best.
it is a rare, transient emotion.
Sure, some people are happy all the time, but that is not because they are white and rich.
stop obsessing about happiness and try to actually do something with your life.
(Came out a little preachy.)

>> No.8450530

You really don't

>> No.8450559

>Used to the sweet solitude of her and i watching old movies/reading classics/cafe life.
That isn't solitude. Solitude means being completely alone with only you and nobody else around.

>> No.8450781

I'm glad I have a sort of job again, and I'm glad to be starting grad school, but I worry that it's all going to leave me with no time to write fiction. Fiction is what I love more than any other thing, and I loathe the thought of being too tired/busy to work on any of it.

>> No.8450965

I debating buying a bookshelf. I'm in my 30's and have never owned a bookshelf.

>> No.8450989

why, i dont think theres a justifiable way to eat meat in 2016, unless youre a survivalist or some shit, or you live in a country wear meat is like the only source of food. im not saying dont eat meat, if you want to thats your decision and no one should tell you otherwise, but you cant morally justify it

>> No.8451110


>> No.8451115

>attempting to morally justify anything
but why

>> No.8451117


>> No.8451129

I wish these stories were coming out better

>> No.8451147

I have a load of work to do and I'm procrastinating. That's always been the way with me.

I'm going away for a couple of weeks and when I come back I'm moving into a new house. I've been promising myself that I will start reading more, exercising more, writing more, practising various instruments etc. but I doubt I've got the willpower to better myself to a point where I am satisfied. I also doubt there is such a point, and I doubt that I have the heart to live as I want to.

>> No.8451200

Why are you afraid of dreams? What dreams have you had?

>> No.8451233
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>tfw you realize that normalfags think that the opposite of "boring" is "fun" and not "interesting"
>tfw you realize that women think the opposite of being distant isn't genuine affection but showering them with attention

Good to see its still everyone else that sucks and not me lmao

>> No.8451270

Same here, but I don't care. He'll die sooner or later. Don't let him hold you back. He wants you to be happy and successful, to live a better life than he had. If this means you have to leave him than do it. He'd hate himself if you are looking after him and after your dreams. I know its really exhausting to take care of mentally ill.

Yea puppy problems. If she's not talking to you, you know you have to do the same. If you are the first to contact her, it will be bad for your relationship. She will talk to you, she may be annoyed that you didn't call her/ talk to her first. Just say you thought she needed some time alone and that you are happy that she's talking to you at the moment.
>If you try to talk to her before that, you will come of as needy.

One day, babe, you'll get the life prolonging stuff. My crystal ball tells me you will not be part of the super secret elite.
That's just bad.

Then share, what's troubling you. Let the young see and learn from the older and more experienced

What happened on date? The culmination? The only way to fuck it up is by not being sexual. If the next time you see her you tell her " I really want to fuck you ". It will be weird, but she will like it. Almost always its better to be overly sexual than not touching her/ not talking about how you want to fuck her.


>> No.8451288


I mean natural as in inescapable. Some of the earliest human remains show signs of organized murder. We've been doing it for the entire Holocene and I don't see it going away. Other than the necessity of killing people who want to harm us, war has had some undeniable benefits for humanity. For example we wouldn't know a lot about how to treat head trauma if it weren't for the two world wars.

I just see it as a neutral, normal thing, that is sometimes actually good and I don't know why everyone gets their panties in a twist over it.

>> No.8451291

It is common to procrastinate because one has a lot of work to do. Its best if you remove something of the list, since the stuff you listed have nothing to do with your job or studying and look more like hobbies. Chose these which you like the most.
If fun isn't the opposite of boring, than you should be capable of giving me an example of some activity that is both boring and fun.

>> No.8451305

>war is normal

>war is inescapable

>war is good, because we learn about head trauma

You have to list a lot more arguments, especially outside of 4chan. It sounds too edgy when you say head trauma only.

>> No.8451370

I have not kissed a girl in almost two years. I was not always like this. I think my parents do not like me.

>> No.8451397

How biring the Bible gets after the Exodus.

>Muh Tabernacle
>Muh robes
>Muh Sacrifices

When does all the Kike pillaging start? Leviticus looks ot be more of the same weird and wacky laws: The Book.

>> No.8451420


Surgery in general owes a lot to war.

If we have to go annihilate the out-group we might as well look at the positive side instead of looking at only the grim necessity. Pregnancy is very painful and sometimes dangerous but we get a baby or two out of it.

>> No.8451445

I tried to mix with the other university students, I tried smiling and being friendly and forcing myself to speak with them. I really did. But I can't anymore, I just want to give up and return to being that cynical shut-in with good grades. I want to give up my quest for friends or pussy and simply be myself.

>> No.8451471

You are much better doing that. Some people just don't want to socialise. I get it, it sucks. I can do it but I never really want to and prefer being alone. I always feel as though I have a burden to carry when I have friends around.

>> No.8451586

>muh morality

>> No.8451605

early to bed, early to rise, my niggers

>> No.8451617

the streets near my house were designed to kill, fuck driving.

>> No.8451622

Do you think that there is still anything to be learned from war? Medical stuff is no longer an argument, since we have already gotten the hang of treating a wound. What can we gain from war now. Will technological advancement slow down significantly if there was no war to drive the development of futuristic weapons?

>> No.8451627

draw them in paint pls

>> No.8451633

The truth is, I'm not really in love with them because they feel like they can make me a better person. I'm in love with the way that someone so beautiful can make me feel so completely inferior.

>> No.8451641
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>Wish I was young and starting college tomorrow.

IKTF. It's my first year after graduating with an M.S. and I'm unemployed and miserable. The college years were so goddamn comfy.

>> No.8451668

I've continually seduced women with boyfriends over the last 10 years. It isn't necessarily a fetish for me, but it is certainly a trend. It started at the age of 16; after a period of severe depression, I returned from the mental hospitals and was immediately greeted by my best friend's hot girlfriend, who gave me a blowjob and would have had sex with me if I had been more confident. Then there was Morgan, the bane and love of my life, who maintained a rotating harem of two men throughout my teenage years, one of them often being me. Around that time I also became infatuated with the girlfriend of one of my better friends, and began worming my way in with her. Shortly after she informed me that she felt like I was the only person she could talk to, I fucked her and stopped talking to her. In college, I attempted to have sex with nearly every single one of my married professors, with little success outside of a single drunken make out session that ended in literal tears. I invariably dump all of my actual girlfriends after 2-5 months due to boredom. I am deeply unsatisfied with who I am on a fundamental level, and suspect that I will eventually kill myself. I've not taken my antidepressants in two years. I am old and bitter, but have only been alive for 26 years.

>> No.8451672

willy nelson

>> No.8451706

Why are you bitter toward the world? Is it solely because of relationships?

>> No.8451712

Your parents are programmed to love you, forever. Their opinion of you at this particular moment of your life doesn't matter much. Girls are remarkably easy - treat them like a male friend, to start, and simply be friendly with them. Don't even make attempts to fuck, just spend time around women until you feel comfortable talking to them. If you're lucky, one or two of your newfound friends will even find themselves attracted to you.

Just avoid ones with steady boyfriends. You'll become jealous, and that way leads to damnation.

>> No.8451715

That cow was happy, but now it's dead.

>> No.8451722

In large. I've felt largely disconnected from everyone I've ever met, including family. The only person that I ever feel comfortable with is the aforementioned best friend, who I now never see, as he resents me somewhat from our teenage and college years. I'm a student of philosophy and literature that ultimately decided that both of those things are largely pointless, so I feel adrift.

>> No.8451729

my gf just bought a mac eventho her family can't even afford it (has to pay by instalments) and she doesn't need it for college. But she's so hard-working too, she works all the time to get money to buy things she can use to work more to spend more. Less and less time for me. why is she such a workaholic materialist?

>> No.8451744

We are alive and free, unfolding destiny.

>> No.8451745

*20 cymbals played at once

>> No.8451754

Have you talked to her about it? And is there something wrong with being a materialist?

>> No.8451777

Yeah. Post grad depression is real. You get out there and realize you're education wasn't worth anything, you're in debt, and you can't even get a highschool tier job without knowing somebody.
All women are like that. They buy useless shit. Or stuff that has some ostensible purpose but really it just fulfills a desire buy something.

At least there is the pretense of productivity with a laptop.

>> No.8451788

>all women are like that

Trips confirm, but not quite. Women trend towards buying things they don't need, but considering we're both spending our valuable time and electricity bullshitting on a website ran by a gook to discuss Taiwanese picture shows, I don't think you're especially qualified to be judging how other people spend their time and money.

>> No.8451790
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That's really tough. Having no direction in life, no motivation. I've never been in that position and have no idea whether you should look for a reason for your existence or maybe you should accept that the world is pointless.

Or maybe the solution is something else, no fucking idea. Are you looking for a solution to your bitterness?

>> No.8451819

Don't pity me, I was thoroughly hoisted by my own petard. Appreciated though. I've been running on Nihilism, that drug of our 21st century, and it's served me well enough. I suppose I'll continue to do that. I'm not looking for a solution to anything so much as wallowing in apathy. Perhaps I'll get back into womanizing. At least that gave me something to do.

>> No.8451850


My dad had a lot of odd jobs when he was younger and one of them was working for a high interest bank. He had to repossess some lady's carpet cleaner, and he got to the house and she didn't have any carpets, just lino.

He says that working as a repo man convinced him to go back to college.

>> No.8451934

I hate political people and politics in general

>> No.8452056

>ullshitting on a website ran by a gook to discuss Taiwanese picture shows, I don't think you're especially qualified to be judging how other people spend their time and money.
Ya dude, everyone who relaxes a little while on a popular website is a fucking useless pile of shit.

>> No.8452068

Shitting on women 24/7 is getting old at this point. It shouldn't be the goal of /lit/ to emulate a grocery store in Saudi Arabia

>> No.8452277

the benefits of the things we learned are immensely outweighed by the damage done.
It's like saying cancer is great because it gives nurses more jobs.
>panties in a twist
soldiers go home with ptsd and most of the time are never the same, suicide is way more frequent than contorl group
children grow up without parents
parents bury their children
normal people become miserable refugees
also, you know, people dying, by the millions.
but here you are, saying that war is not so bad, while the worst thing you experienced is a dying pet or a slow internet connection.

>> No.8452292

>> No.8452296
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I'll be using that one

>> No.8452298

I really dislinke to not have likes on fb it's like people don't care about me


>> No.8452306

That's because people actually don't care about you.

Why would you want people that spend their time on facebook "liking" you anyway?

>> No.8452318

Do people care about you?

>> No.8452319

I genuinely can't stand shit posting. I really can't. It's the most autistic, pointless thing a person could actually find "entertaining". The idea that you think it's hilarious wasting hours of your "life" trying to bait people into replying to your shitty half arsed posts speak numbers about how lonely and pathetic you must be to get entertained doing this

It probably seems counter productive for me to write this, because shit posting genuinely makes me angry. It seems like it's near impossible to have a genuine discussion on this board without some fuckwit chiming in to say something stupid like "freshcunt" or "newcunt fresh off the boat from facebook or reddit detected".

I know that this will probably get a bunch of you stupid cunts replying to me calling me the "autistic" one for actually speaking up, because I genuinely want to have a discussion about something instead of being barraged with retarded responses that will no doubt have me reply to you about your stupid pointless comments.

Moderation is largely pointless because you all seem to use dynamic ips anyway so no matter what you'll continue your shit posting like it's some normal part of your everyday life.

The fact that anyone ever calls you out on your bullshit and you try and defend it, or continue replying in a shit posting fashion is childish as fuck considering most of you on here are at least 18-30 years old.

Fuck all your shit posting antics. Kill yourselves. You're not funny, or witty, or original, or entertaining. You're literally all rehashes of one another trying to be unique and funny, when you're all doing the same thing. Your pathetic "lives" while you sit here day in and day out shit posting are being wasted away because you find it hilarious to get people worked up 24/7. It's like you cunts are addicted to shit posting. Like you get a dopamine response from it or something.

Rant over cunts. Fuck off.

>> No.8452321

Cut back on social media

>> No.8452322

Oh boy, what a thrill! and not without a tinge of depression.
Very fluid writing, and extraordinarily honest. I would gladly read more.
I've found that the deeper you go into Nihilism, the better it feels. The first few years are a bumpy ride, that's for sure.

>> No.8452325

I already do I only post like once a month or so

>> No.8452328


>> No.8452330

Do you check it often?

>> No.8452337

Like once a day I check the feed but I use its chat more regularly

>> No.8452343

Stop checking the feed, dummy

>> No.8452373

A happy cow is a happy meat.
McDonalds material.

>> No.8452386

Tomorrow is the worst day of the week. Wednesday I will start learning music theory and relaunch my old DF fort. I want to travel to my grandpa's house this thursday. Life is pretty boring since I stopped using drugs.

>> No.8452394

I'm tripping cos I've discovered how to reverse the major signs of aging

>> No.8452432
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Blue is the most expressive colour in life

>> No.8452465

>using phone to make calculations

It is like use a phone to read

>> No.8452469

what's so important about college?

>> No.8452508

Going to start reading Marcuse's One Dimensional Man tomorrow. Is it worth it?

>> No.8452519

I've had a book sitting on my desk all day waiting to be read but all I've done today is listen to podcasts and watch pornography

>> No.8452610


>> No.8452746
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Too real, anon. Too real.

>> No.8452780
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Damn, I want to read Saramago...

>> No.8452992

Wtf I hate shitposting now

>> No.8453009
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>> No.8453013

which one anon? i just finished death at intervals, first saramago for me. any recs?

>> No.8453027

booze and self hate desu

>> No.8453049

this needs to be a /lit/ banner

>> No.8453133

Well I'm writing about my acid trip. I guess I had to end up doing it some time. I wonder if there's a way to write about an acid trip without immediately turning off anybody who would read it.

>> No.8453136

>What happened on date? The culmination? The only way to fuck it up is by not being sexual. If the next time you see her you tell her " I really want to fuck you ". It will be weird, but she will like it. Almost always its better to be overly sexual than not touching her/ not talking about how you want to fuck her.
yeah we fucked and hugged all night
we did the same today but I'm still wondering if I'm another notch on her belt

>> No.8453178

I wanna talk to her again but when will I run into her

>> No.8453641
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Should I spend $100 on a book just for a reading copy?

There's no ebook. The uni library doesn't have it, and they have all sorts of rare and expensive stuff. But what if I don't even like it, then what? I would have to sell it at a loss probably because buying antiquarian books is a huge swindle.

I have the disposable income to blow on expensive books but it just feels wrong. Redpill me on this.

>> No.8453677

Search harder.

>> No.8453734


*Takes in breath*


*Takes in breath faster*

>> No.8453781

wasn't even memeing.
found it in my car!

>> No.8454259

Yes I have.
I can't tell you if it's wrong or not, in my opinion it is, but it's certainly not really good.

>> No.8454265

the thing is, mac is three times more expensive than any other computer where I live. And she is going to use it for writing, reading and watching videos.

>> No.8454270


>> No.8454279

i agree, but i think one word/one sentence shitposting is not the worst, I think when people try to make some bullshit point in a whole essay is the worst. Because I bet half of short shitposting happens because people got tired of bullshit arguments with people who can't argue

>> No.8454282

tell us

>> No.8454291

fuck man

>> No.8454511

You should have told her to lurk /G/ for a week first. She would have bought a 5 year old chinkpad and installed gentoo instead

>> No.8454517

Just popped some codeine and I'm listening to ASMR videos.

Summer needs to end already so I can be productive again.

>> No.8454624
File: 36 KB, 630x332, Inspire-others.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw 1st day of college 2morrow
>mfw I had two month to write an essay and I haven't even started
writing sucks i just want to read books till i die

>> No.8454649

>Summer needs to end already so I can be productive again.

This, desu.

>> No.8454654

>autist not realizing his own autism
children like you are the reason this board is so easy to troll

>> No.8454670

I bought a new coffee bean from my perferred importer the other day, Sumatra, Mandheling. I rather hate it honestly, it's got a gritty aftertaste.

Thank god I don't go to school anymore though. Watching friends have to shake off the summer and reading the blog posts in the thread really make me appreciate the NEET life.

>> No.8454710

I'm not living for anything and I hate my life, but I seem to be doing very well at what I've been occupying myself with. My life is objectively great, so I think it's very odd that I don't enjoy anything, but maybe I just need to find something to really invest myself in. Problem is I'm afraid of losing myself in something because when that thing dies it takes part of me with it.
Reading over what I've written makes me realize that it's all stereotypical self absorbed bullshit. But that doesn't make it any easier to shed.

>> No.8454749


what kind of a backwards ass school starts on a Wednesday? Does every week start on a Wednesday there?

>> No.8454780
File: 2.80 MB, 1160x1740, p16-escape-mod-b-20160821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was that cow. I wish I was in the future so I'd have enough money to build my house in bumfuck nowhere so I could read in peace until I died. I don't even care if I only have access to shitty satellite internet, I barely do anything online nowadays anyway.

Be sure to bring spare batteries. Nothing worse than your Titanium failing in the middle of an exam.

>> No.8454790
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Do you have chronic nightmares? I have that problem. If you drink a lot, drinking less might help.

>Bad with money, spend all on books/food/records/ex
Visit your library more often, hombre. Knowing you have a problem is the first step to solving it.

There are automatic massage pads that you can put on the back of a chair so you get massaged while you sit.

Lifting weights helps you be a better runner, dum-dum. It's something to complement, not replace your running routine.

>> No.8454814
File: 215 KB, 714x832, 6wayillustration6-red.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Find a specific time every day that you will dedicate to your fiction writing. It can be a half hour or more. Whatever you can find time to do.

Do you live in one of those places where they have retarded 6-way intersections?

>He had to repossess some lady's carpet cleaner, and he got to the house and she didn't have any carpets, just lino.

>> No.8454825

At 23 I still havent gone to college/university, I had 5 years to choose what to pick, but I have no idea.

>> No.8454875

there's a reason it's so cliched. find a solution you can get behind. things do get better, if you try.

>> No.8454961

they're making us start earlier because they want to hold a series of lectures, i think
otherwise, weeks start on Monday

>> No.8454971

l don't like life, but i like to feel it

>> No.8454998

Burst into tears in front of my sister because i feel so drained, i normally bottle up my emotions completely so it felt wierd

>> No.8455132
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Visited my home after one year of absence. Felt good to have a breather, especially since it's been pretty rough for me lately. Saw some old places, hanged around with a couple of friends, had a few drinks, stared into the stars (impossible to do now that I live in the city, so it felt special), good stuff, but it felt odd. It's not my place anymore, I'm not even sure if I can call it home anymore. I chatted with my friends like we were back in high school and had honest fun, but the realisation hit me really hard afterwards. I'm not in high school anymore, I'll probably won't see these people again in a long time and even then it will just get more awkward with each meeting.
I know I'm just clinging to the past, that nostalgia is no good when overdosed, but I really hate where my life is currently at. I don't have space I could call "mine" and it really crushed me to see that my old life, old home is something I cannot come back to anymore and I don't mean it in a physical sense of course
Like being a wanderer, but without the whole wandering part because you're stuck in the same fucking place which just ruins the whole point
I think I won't get any sleep tonight

>> No.8455491
File: 77 KB, 300x476, hrmt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lately I've been trying to become and maintain contented while gradually reducing the external factors needed in order to do so.

I have mostly switched to a simpler diet of whole grains, legumes, tubers and vegetables. I drink only plain water. I experiment with fasting. I've lost about 33 pounds so far. I seem to crave less for sustenance now, often eating a single meal a day.

I have started meditating again and have isolated myself from human contact for up to two weeks so far. I'm also experimenting with media fasting, not consuming entertainment, news or social media and staying away from the internet for stretches of time. I've tried to go without reading. I've also buzzed my head and wear plain old clothes, no longer engaging in beautification of the body. I've also given away most of my possessions.

So far I've found that only a lack of mental stimuli in the form of books and other media has been really challenging. I don't think this is a great problem as long as I make sure the media I engage with is generally of high quality though.

Other than that I found it very manageable to be content with little. It feels good to have weaned myself from most luxuries and my lifestyle has become very frugal as a result.

I think my next endeavour would be training myself to endure more physical discomfort, but not to the point where it affects my health negatively.

I know I'll probably never be able to reach full Cynic mode, but even with a more moderate approach every step in that general direction has so far seemed to be very beneficial to my well-being.

>> No.8455511

that's why we read books anon

>> No.8455529

freshman year of college was rough for me too bruh

>> No.8455533

I feel like my poor relationship with my mom has led me to become somewhat of a womanizer. Every girl I have sex with, I always feel repulsed afterward, like why would they ever have sex with a loser like me? Maybe it's more than womanizing, though. This carries into my everyday life where I feel like I look down on my friends, acquaintances, and pretty much anyone who admires me. Maybe I'm just seeking a sense of love that I never received from my parents? Maybe I search for people who don't like me because I get anxious and uncomfortable and don't know how to emotionally respond when someone actually does?

I feel like I'm going to kill myself somewhat soon, but I don't know what somewhat soon will prove to mean. It's like I'm in a fast car that is quickly heading at a brick wall, but eventually I hit the brick wall only to realize it's just a cardboard cutout, but I still know that I'll soon face the real thing. I've actually been thinking about suicide quite a lot recently. I think I've settled on wandering into a forest, shooting myself, and hoping that my body gets eaten before anyone can ever find it.

I also feel like my life will never be happy or fulfilling. I can't think of anything that would give me any sort of genuine joy. I've thought about living beyond American dream, making more money than I could ever need and having a family and everything, and all that comes to mind is some incredible sense of dread, like I need to escape as soon as possible before I miss the opportunity.

Am I fucked forever guys? I really don't want to be.

>> No.8455539

When you're done you should move to China for year and go full on coke and hookers mode. It's important to live in moderation and you need to balance out all that asceticism with some good old fashioned hedonism.

>> No.8455559

see a therapist, not joking. please don't ignore my advice, either. seriously.

>> No.8455580

Yes, even Diogenes busted out the mooched wine and and got a thicc concubine at times. It's more about not needing them than never having them.

It's not that I don't want pleasure because I think pleasure is bad or something, but I prefer to not to be emotionally dependant on luxuries anymore like drinking a bunch of scotch every day or getting stressed when I don't have a pack of smokes within arms reach or being upset about tfwnogf and silly things like that, so I plan on making the asceticism the norm and when I've mastered it allow myself some wild cuntism at times when I happen to come across it.

I thought the Chinese were mostly about meth and ketamine by the way.

>> No.8455582
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ex-gf's birthday today
sorta miss her
should I text her?

>> No.8455588


>> No.8455604

I can't afford one anon, but I do think that would be really helpful. I used to live with my parents while going to school but I ultimately was forced to move out; they also cut me from their insurance plan while I was undergoing tests for colorectal cancer and I assume I was contacted about some type of health insurance, but I haven't had a permanent address, or any address at all, for months. I kind of hope that I will just die one day and that will be it.

>> No.8455611

I'm on speaking terms with my ex because I don't want her back, wouldn't be if I wasn't over her desu.

Drama is shit.

>> No.8455656

maybe you can see a psychiatrist and get some antidepressants prescribed to you?

you dont necessarily have to see a health professional, although it would be ideal, but the biggest thing is to recognize the fog that you are in right now. next, you are going to counter and justify the area that you are in right now; it doesn't feel like it can improve.

please trust me when i say it can, you need to attempt to break out of this fog. its going to be hard because it will feel like your efforts are in vain. but you can do this, for yourself. stop allowing yourself to occupy the space that you're in right now, anon. go exercise or something, develop a pattern; try to improve in some aspect every day.

i know this is a bullshitty reply and its tripe filled with platitudes, but i hope somewhere down you understand that you can improve your circumstances.

best of luck man, we've all been there.

>> No.8455664

If you're homeless, unemployed, and/or poor, you can get free insurance and treatment in the US. I think it's harder in some states than others, but you almost definitely qualify. Google it up. Visit a clinic. The system is there to help you.

>> No.8455670

medicaid could potentially fill the gaps but it's kinda difficult in some states for mental health because lawmakers are the cancer. I had to get in with a small clinic where a nurse practitioner diagnosed me and I got some medications, and that really solidified things (not early enough to save my school year, but alas). Free clinics also might help depending on local programs and the like. Medicaid generally covers the prescriptions and such, but rarely therapist visits-- I pay 40 bucks a visit and don't ever really regret it, but my job's steady. I don't think they'd charge me if I couldn't afford it, but obviously standard procedure's another way.

>> No.8455799

I've given up a comfortable living to chase an uncomfortable dream. I'm enjoying it. Though to say dream could be the wrong interpretation - it is a dream, but it's more like a path. The Way. Martial arts to me is everything. It focus' the mind, the body, and keeps me sane. Though to be able to excel in it, and keep my brain functioning the way I enjoy it functioning, I need to train heavily. Twice a day at least four days a week.

This makes it near impossible to meet women for me, and I work a very part time job to afford the necessities in life (rent, gym money, food). It feels like this is going to be a stagnant, self centered and selfish time in my life, but I want to spend it with more people. It's just that it's hard meeting people not on technology, and the only thing I've gotten off of tinder was an abortion bill.
I'm happy, I think. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else doing anything else. I'd just like to afford a house one day, but know I wont at this rate. It's an impasse - I'm not in student loan debt, which is a fucking blessing. I've got over 1000 dollars in savings, but it's mainly my rainy day money.

Not even sure where I'm going with this anymore.

>> No.8455826

I work
I sleep
I work again
Perhaps once I dreamed
but not since then

>> No.8455861

Thanks anons, it really means a lot. I'll look into what I can do as far dealing with my mental and physical health. I'll actually be moving in with a close friend in about a week or so-hopefully that can be the start of something better. One thing I can say I'm grateful to have learned through this whole ordeal is just how little someone really needs to live, and I guess I've come to understand what really matters.

>> No.8455934

i wish our next planet was that close.

>> No.8455963

We're in the middle of a genetic engineering revolution.

Brave New World soon.

>> No.8455996

I feel overwhelming shame and guilt over things that I can rationally tell myself are completely innocuous but I can't control the feeling.

>> No.8456063
File: 18 KB, 600x788, 11159511_694619877327743_6956505532608742066_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Three cops pulled over in multiple vehicles and randomly detained me whie I was walking home from a party late at night. They were very rude and aggresive and made me show them my ID even though I'm not legally required to. So when I got home a basically wrote a very emotional facebook rant about how I was mistreated. It got so many likes and shares that I freaked out and took it down. After that I just wrote a complaint and Im going to send it to the police tommorow. I just feel kind of embarrased about becoming a facebook ranter :/ I dont want all this attention.

Besides that, I hit on one of my ex's bestfriends, who also happened to be the ex of one of my close friends. I was super drunk, but have been feeling like a pos ever since it happened around a month ago.

I also briefly fell in love with a girl I made out with in a club, but who blatantly showed disinterest when I tried to text her later. I don't really care about this anymore, though.

>> No.8456066

fuuuck no

>> No.8456069

i have to sleep yet i'm here waiting for that anon answer me on the other thread

>> No.8456071

send a dick pic

>> No.8456312

I'm drinking tea, that at the present moment is too hot. I woke up at 2pm today, after a series of days doing a lot of nothing. I've been reading Moby Dick on and off for a week, though I hesitate to say 'reading', seeing as I'm only 30 pages in. School starts in a few days, and I'm unprepared. I've been procrastinating choosing my courses, figuring out bus schedules, and self-improving in the way I had hoped by doing household chores and smoking cannabis throughout late nights. Work has slowed down to a halt, and I don't see any coming into view except for a few long days in September. I've been feeling autumnal, and mostly full of something resembling despair. My school is being completely paid for, and I'm receiving a living allowance despite having enough money to support myself through school. I biked only 6k the other day, and I was a little sore. Mind you, my bike is a piece of shit and the route I took was mostly steepish hills, but I still feel out of shape.

I'm remarkably average; I'm privileged and not deserving of benefits; I'm somewhat pathetic, and hopelessly proud of my little stack of triumphs. I haven't been writing a lot as of late, but I have been thinking a lot. Taking advantage of the amiable weather I started a new habit of walking down the streets of my city at night. There is what appears to be an old warehouse or factory, clad in a dusty brick, that runs down a street close to myself. I walk down it slowly and listen to the people sitting on their stoops smoking and talking, and I feel quite alone, as I am desperate for connections and social triumphs, but despise it all the same.

Lately, after an intense period of reading tons of Dostoyevsky along with a vigorous and longwinded string of work, I've grown to love humanity and people. I wept in my bed thinking of all the people I know who can spin yarns in front of other people, unchanged by their terrible situations; they're able to laugh and show genuine love and sincerity; capital L Love, with beaming smiles and bouncing little children. It's so beautiful, I'm almost trembling from it.

I live with a religious fanatic, who is strongly right-wing, and likes to read scripture out of a gilded King James on our back step. I've grown closer to him, strangely enough, than the other two men I live with in the rooming house. Why? He loves music, culture, and we share a common affinity toward life. He reminds me of my father: 50-something, nostalgic, with an unrequited love for his own past. He tells me about his friends with whom he used to play music with, and his elusive Mamasita, who he one day dreams of drinking tea with in the backyards of Paradise. He's a virulent homophobe, Islamophobe, and all-around repulsive man, at least on the surface, but I've again, grown to understand and grow compassion in him.

>> No.8456334

The girl, who I hesitate to say I'm in love with, but at least, I share the most compassion and interest in, may like me back. I haven't had a steady girlfriend for a while; I was broken up with by a very pretty girl who was much prettier than me, and I have lost enthusiasm for a multitude of reasons, which I won't go into greater detail for the sake of expediency. This new girl, however, has flowing blond hair, and an ok figure, but what attracts me most is her bright invigorating atmosphere. She loves film, culture, music, and life; she has a fondness for the same things I am fond of; she loves life, if I can stress that even further. I have seen myself, my dreamself, who I use as a vicarious version of my Self to further my fantasies, walk with her on bridges and canals; alongside rivers and fields, we are singing and walking and skipping, all sorts of jolly little nothings.

What's stopping me? I'm incredibly vain, egotistical, and in a constant moratorium. She's a little fat, and were it not for my own self-awareness and moreso, awareness of society, I would love her openly. I worry constantly about my father, mother, and brothers; my co-workers and colleagues, and what they would think about this non-existent fantasy. I despise her in my waking thoughts, but I dream about us dancing in the nightblue air. It's strange, and forcedly poetic, but that is my sentiment. I despise myself, but also think highly of myself within the wink of an eye. I do not want to be the Underground Man, but I feel as if it's slipping me into its withered old hand.

My tea is cold.

>> No.8456398

>so self-aware I literally mentioned that some retard such as yourself was going to say I have autism in the very post you're quoting

Try reading next time, retard.

>> No.8456413

I think I've become too used to just jerking off to relieve sexual needs. I haven't had any desire to form a relationship or even bother trying to hook up with anyone in almost 6 years. I just beat off every other day and go about business as usual.

>> No.8456444
File: 25 KB, 496x496, 1395810206551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Won't that just make you shuffle around like a horny sperg? Like being a teenager all over again. I remember when I was 16 I took a girl to the winter formal and she was all over me and I had a huge boner the whole time pressing against her leg. You don't want that to happen now.

Just put $10 in a jar every week that goes by without you getting out there and chasing bitties. When you get laid buy something nice with all the money that you accumulated.

>> No.8456452

I really don't know what to say other than it really doesn't, people think I'm gay because I don't want to fuck their ugly friends or commit to a relationship.

>> No.8456455

That cow is happier then me, the cow, being of low intellect does not comprehend what life holds for it, having been raised on a ranch, it doesnt have natural predators to fear, it will eventually die, in a humane fashion, although it doesn't care about that, the cow is interested in the cow scratching machine.
The cow could care less about its future, the future of its living area, and the future of its governmental state, it cares not that its life is slowly ticking away and will possibly end up in the stomach of some obese person who hasn't ever tasted a good quality steak in his meaningless existence that only serves to better others due to things outside of his control.
Noone will remember the cow, it will not have a headstone. The man will not be remembered, he may have a headstone but the greedy members of his family will only think of him when it is convenient for them to do so, in 200 years they wont be thought of, that gif will be lost to time, the headstone will erode away or be vandalized.
But the cow is happy, and the man is not.

>> No.8456463


Stopped reading there. Kill yourself.

>> No.8456471

>no u
I bet you did read past it faggot.

>> No.8456478


Sorry I interpreted your comment as meaning you wanted to do nofap. I didn't read very closely.

I know what you mean though, my family bugs me because I have not had a girlfriend in almost ten years and if I so much as go out on a date with a girl they all giggle behind their hands and pester me to tell them about it. I mentioned that I was speaking to a woman with two little kids and my mom said "Ohhhhh Uncle Anon."

>> No.8456490

I can't trust /lit/'s opinion ever since the reddit and imgur invasions.

>> No.8456491

There is literally nothing wrong with imgur

>> No.8456517
File: 70 KB, 540x960, 5ELQJWq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sometimes I go on rey-dit and the comments sound exactly the same. Depends on the sub and thread obviously, but it's still disconcerting.

I used to go on a sub called r/european and it was obvious that all or most of the posters were veterans of /pol/

Pic related something nice I brought back from le reddit.

>> No.8456523

I am the flame
I dance upon a stage of ash and coal
I flicker and flare, bright and broken
By breeze, battered and brushed about
But never burned out
Never burned out

>> No.8456747

I can relate to this.

>> No.8457178
File: 56 KB, 383x465, 1470885828216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I isolate myself because I can only truly be myself when I'm alone.

>> No.8457199

Looking to completely change direction in life. Have to find a job before that so that I can earn a living while going back to study. Man, what a bitch it has been. To all those here starting college: make sure it's what you really want to do, because this shit sucks. It's just such a pain in the ass.

>> No.8457221

What aspects of yourself do you feel you have to hide around others?

>> No.8457231

I sympathize. We have to learn to overcome our insecurities and be proud of who we are, and then be proud in the company of others.

>> No.8457244
File: 37 KB, 460x568, h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feeling. It's especially noticeable when living with others for a while and then they leave the house and you feel this deep calm come over you that you didn't knew you missed before you experienced it again.

>> No.8457249

a few years ago i would disagree with you, but now after 2 years of college and zero friends, only talking with people who are totally different than me, totally incompatible lifestyles, nothing to say besides "good morning, you were able to solve that question?"

>> No.8457256


why the fuck do I suck so much at chess.

>> No.8457257

can i verse you right now?

>> No.8457263

>aspects of yourself to hide

>overcome insecurities

I think you dont get the kind of solitude anon was talking about. Or maybe im just projecting again.

>> No.8457265


Do you have a lichess account?

>> No.8457270

I will, next year, but for now know that the biggest factor is breathing correctly

>> No.8457276

I think I am doing a fair amount of projection. As I understood it, anon couldn't be himself around others because he changed himself in order to fit in or interact with others. He does this out of anxiety or something else. This is what I do. In any case, I think self-confidence is key. Maybe I am wrong though.

>> No.8457279

yes, whats yours?

>> No.8457285


>> No.8457290


>> No.8457291

Being yourself can ruin your life for a lot of people, society mostly functions by consistent repression of the individual.

>> No.8457302

Should I ask her?
Damn it * ∞

>> No.8457563

>We have to learn to overcome our insecurities and be proud of who we are, and then be proud in the company of others.

>be me
>be proud of who you are
>be isolated because of not getting drunk all the time
>be isolated because of not spending all free time going out with "friends"
>be hated because "morality is NOT a lie!"
>be hated because "we must help those poor little victims of disgusting crimes!"

This is how I imagine it would turn out.

>> No.8458314

I used to read so much and so fast, as of last year ive read 2 books. I just buy/download what might interest me and it just sits there gathering dust. Even if i try reading something i lose focus after couple of pages or my eyes drift away and just sit here or watch retarded youtube videos. I just want to read.

Do it bro.

>> No.8458340

Do it right now and post outcome

>> No.8458375

People just hate you for being a knob

>> No.8458415


I know that personal validation and happiness can't entirely come from external sources, but I'm having a great deal of trouble being happy with myself and okay with where I am.

I'm seeing a girl right now who likes me a great deal for who I am, which is something that's never happened before.

It's great, and incredibly fulfilling - until she doesn't respond to any sort of digital communication. Which she does(n't) all the time.

The strange double standard is really getting to me. We are invaluable to each other when we see each other in person, but she never responds to me over text/returns calls unless she initiates the conversation.


It's taking up every moment of my waking life (since I'm taking a semester off school to save money, work, and do nothing else), and it's bothering me because I'm doing what I can, and giving her space, but I can't find it in myself to hold at least some modicum of self-love in my heart in the meantime.

Where did it go? How do other people do it?
I just can't figure it out, and the resulting pent-up impotent rage is growing to unhealthy levels.

>> No.8458418

wow I sure fucked up those imaginary tags didn't I

gosh darn

>> No.8458422

I've started writing my first novel. What kind of mistakes should I not make?

>> No.8458433
File: 149 KB, 800x600, 1472663357281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm taking Amphetamines now and I don't know how I should hide them and take them without them being noticeable in my dual bed dorm

>> No.8458438

Dissolve in pissbottles.

>> No.8458441

expecting it to be gud

>> No.8458445
File: 53 KB, 1194x681, Determines-Happiness-Pie-Chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know that personal validation and happiness can't entirely come from external sources
They barely come from it even. Cynics and Stoics were right desu, focus should be on tending to that inner citadel primarily.

>> No.8458452

I think it will be a masterpiece

>> No.8458501

I kind of want to take a younger teenage boy and fatten him up. Someone around 13, 14, 15 or so, just pump him full of calories until he weighs 300+ pounds.

I don't know why.

>> No.8458509

Just do it

>> No.8458619

how about a 34 year old man who already started fattening baby?

>> No.8458803

I got an awesome idea for a book...whatcha all think?

A hokey stage magician asks for a volunteer during a show one night and after being forced to come out with his friends, police detective Mitsunari is chosen, seemingly at random. The trick goes off without a hitch, Mitsunari is transformed into a rabbit and the audience applauds at the amazing, mind blowing slight of hand. When Mitsunari never makes it back to his seat, his friends think it's part of the show and he'll show up after the curtain closes. But the magician is a true and powerful warlock from another realm and kidnaps Mitsunari to be part of his show, along side his other bunny rabbit, a girl who Mitsunari recognizes from one of his missing children files. How can the detective ever find an escape when magic is real and a mad man controls his fate with the snap of his fingers. (I want this one to have some weird Lolita-like tones, with the magician- who's like 300 years old- and the girl -who's fairly young like 15-16, as well as Stockholm Syndrome feelings between the magician and detective).

>> No.8458829

dumb evolaposter

>> No.8458838

I have idea writing about a medieval nordic country, which is peacefully living by themselves. Happy life, harmony, no crime. Then the ruler changes and he thinks that this happiness should be shared with the barbarians from the nearby desert. So the country is filled with barbarians which destroy everything and at the end every original citizen has left the country and lives in the desert, but the barbarians now rule the country which is just some wasteland and no more a country.

Would this book could be successful? I just don't know how to present it to adult or young adult audience. I don't want it to be children's book.

>> No.8458895

underrated post

>> No.8458901

King of /lit/

>> No.8458905

is this valid? Like, waiting for summer to end to be productive?

>> No.8458914

delete facebook, seriously, you wont regret it if you use it for news, just switch to twitter, it's literally only good as a new feed.

>> No.8458919

I've been with my girlfriend for so long, I'm tormented by thoughts of cheating on her. A girl I pined after for over a year came and went, and I never did a thing. All in the name of fidelity. And for what? She has a boyfriend now, and I feel the same stupid thoughts I'd have back in school, where a crush would leave for someone else.

I love my girlfriend, I really do. And I fell for this other girl. And I feel a quiet and lonely sadness that I can't even share with the person I trust the most. How fucked up is that? I was never prepared for this bullshit.

>> No.8458920

fuck, how do i breathe right anon? My telomeres are shrinking!

>> No.8458950
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How empathetic is your girlfriend? The best thing you could do is tell her about it, like literally tell her that you felt an infatuation for this girl you are referring to. Explain to her that you love her but that you're still a human, with a brain, a brain that is biologically inclined to not forget feelings of both attractions and rejections of the past. If you are honest with her you will only strengthen your relationship, and if she reacts in a way that isn't empathetic, then she is not worth staying with. The sooner you tell her the better, withholding truth is cowardly and helps no one.

>> No.8458969


>> No.8458979

She already knows to some degree. I've told her about my infatuation with this girl. We've been together long enough to share that. But it's not the kind of thing I feel like harping on. My girlfriend knows I liked this girl, but she doesn't need to know that I've been feeling down for a week because of it. I feel it's unnecessary pain to cause someone else.

>> No.8458990

Well, I'm starting a masters soon (this is me: >>8454517), that's what I meant.

People can read my post in whatever way they want though.

>> No.8458993

Also, me and my girlfriend have been rewatching The Wire together. Nice.

>> No.8459055

Is there anyway I can increase the chances of becoming victim to a fatal accident

>> No.8459060

Now I don't even know what to say, everything in those two posts can be paralleled. Except with a single girl: We became close friends after 3 years of no contact, I told her that I was immaturely attracted to her 3 years back, and essentially for the 3 years of no contact, but in a confusing way. I really enjoyed being friends with her this year, but when I told her that I loved her (platonically this time although I didn't state this, as I felt that it was heavily implied. and I only said it because we talked about our mental health pretty personally, and i wanted to get it across that she was pretty important to me), she seemed to misinterpret it, get stressed out and I've been feeling down because I caused her unnecessary pain. When we kind of agreed to cut all contact i felt that she was trying to find any reason she could to end our relations. We were also watching The Wire together. fucking hell the chances of us talking about the same girl is so god damn low but I wouldn't have told you that stuff if I wasn't on edge having read your post, there's also another reason that is a little bit more strange. all I need is your age and the first letter of your girlfriends name to conclude. Sorry if I turned this around

>> No.8459236

I'm going to not masturbate for a month starting tomorrow, I didn't even realize that it coincided with the start of september

>> No.8459249

God damn this board is so fucking slow

>> No.8459253

what are you upset about though

>> No.8459261

not enoug mental stimuli

>> No.8459292

Books are for people slighly above average who think they are geniuses.

>> No.8459332

Find some people as uptight and pretentious as you are, then maybe you can have "friends". Or just keep on posting to /lit/ its basically the same thing.

>> No.8459344

You know, I actually wasn't upset at all. I just curse a lot. For this, I apologise.

>> No.8459386
File: 448 KB, 278x454, cookie monster.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apropos of nothing she said I was "Adorable, like a big cuddly teddy bear." Then she pantomimed squeezing a soft object to her chest.

What did she mean by this?

>> No.8459449
File: 122 KB, 262x400, 849807266_1599853.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to scenic rustbelt state school because of $$$
>Live in little apartment downtown with gf that's dirt cheap because rustbelt
>Have an office in said little apartment, with books lined up on the ground along the walls a la Hitch and plants growing down onto the tops of them
>Writing from there now

Shit's cozy.

>> No.8459565
File: 236 KB, 1600x900, operations room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When my brother moved out I made his old room into an office. I get a lot of shitposting done there, it's sort of a nerve center you might say. The ticking heart of a lot of internet arguments with wagies. It's also a "no normie zone," except on recycling day when Mom takes away all the 'Dew bottles.

>> No.8459618

She very likely does not want to have sex with you.