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/lit/ - Literature

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8448736 No.8448736[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>hate women
>always called out by /lit/izens for being pleb or retard frogfaggot when I deride the works of females
>decide to actually delve into their works and really understand their thoughts and aesthetic
>buy the following books as recommended by /lit/ in various threads

Middlemarch by Eliot
Pride and Prejudice by Austen
A book on Sappho's poetry
A collection of Emily Dickinson's poem
Wuthering Heights by Bronte
Gender Trouble by Butler
The Second Sex by Beauvoir
To the Lighthouse and The Waves by Woolf
Wise Blood by O'Connor
Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas by Stein
Alice Munro's short stories
Also found some Anne Carson poetry online because I saw she was highly praised

Spent all day trying to get into this stuff, but I just can't, it's just really, really utter shit. Did I get meme'd?

>> No.8448737

At the very least if you can't into Dickinson you're a faggot

>> No.8448744

fuck off frognigger
if anyone feels the need to reply to this thread, remember to type "sage" into the options field

>> No.8448749

Its okay to hate women as long as you treat them fairly in public life.

>> No.8448753

There's no need to get all butthurt, I am just expressing an opinion.

What am I missing since I find all of those works utterly facile and shit?

>> No.8448754

Do you hate your mother?

>> No.8448759

Yes. She was and is terrible. Like all single mothers

>> No.8448760
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>> No.8448763

can you really not get into O'Connor? She's one of my favorites tbqhfam.

>> No.8448768

You didn't get meme'd, you're just stupid.

>> No.8448784

You have to realize relationships and sex make up a huge part of the female experience. Even an incredible artist like Alice Munro can find little to write about besides these things.

I find it boring personally.

>> No.8448794

So it's not women are terrible, but because of your time with your mom in childhood that made you resent her and women in your mind because of the link of their genders

>> No.8448803

>Spent all day trying to get into this stuff
>All day
>15 books
>Less than an hour per book
>To the Lighthouse
>The Waves
>Wise Blood
>Pride and Prejudice
>Wuthering Heights
>spending less than an hour on each and dismissing them as shit.

either do it right or don't try at all.
at this point you're just an honest to god pleb, but if you're going to take the time and effort to gather a patrician collection like this do yourself a favor and give them the time and effort they deserve.

>> No.8448804

Thank you for agreeing. I agree wholeheartedly. I felt there was nothing in those works except the authors trying to be abstract about their desire to be fucked by a Chad, i.e. taking on what males do so well (abstraction to talk about love, ethics, morality, spirituality, and death) to describe their rather shallow subjectivity and experience.

>> No.8448805

Woolf is the only great female writer that's able to stand alongside Milton and Joyce.

>> No.8448806

You fail to realize relationships and sex make up a huge part of human experience. If you find yourself unable to relate, its no wonder it seems boring.

>> No.8448812

George Eliot.

>> No.8448815

>Dad abandoned me

/lit/ never ceases to amaze

>> No.8448822

Are you implying that it's not her responsibility to find a suitable male?

>> No.8448836

In an age where various means of birth control and abortion are available, women are responsible for their own reproductive responsibilities. Studies also show that single mothers are far more likely to have left their child's father than the other way around. Most modern women just want to be able to obey both their natural instinct to have children and their biological imparative to fuck whomever they want willy nilly.

>> No.8448837

I know absolutely nothing about you and yet with this single sentence you've convinced me that you are young, self-indulgent, hurt, and terribly alone and it's probably deeply affected your taste in literature. Among other things, yes, but your taste in books is specifically horrible.

>> No.8448850
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you are now aware that 83% of divorces are initiated by the woman, and that lesbian marriages are the most likely to divorce. of any type of relationship.

in all likely hood, the woman is the problem

>> No.8448851

Why do leftists pretend to be able to dissect your psyche just because you have an opinion they don't agree with (in this case, that all women are terrible writers and thinkers)?

>> No.8448854

Women have relationships and sex on tap, let's be honest here. Men have to make something of themselves first, and in the process of doing that they find other things to write about.

>> No.8448855

Women also bear responsibility in initiating relationships in the first place. They're the gatekeepers for sex.

>> No.8448861

I hated women until I met a few girls that functioned on the same level as boys.
Now I regard the genders equally. Just actually talk to some girls instead of viewing them through the negative lens 4chan provides
Though I hate everybody at a certain level, and I physically cant feel empathy, so I dont know what thats worth

>> No.8448862

Hope it isn't too damp beneath that rock you're under.

>> No.8448866

ow the EDGE

>> No.8448867

Are you denying that that's the case? Sex drives are distributed unevenly among the genders for a reason. We're descended from twice as many woman than men for a reason.

>> No.8448884

Studies also show that men are more likely to be alcoholics or habitual lawbreakers (or both). It's a good thing women are responsible for their children by default, and it's a good thing courts are sympathetic, because the kind of men who risk divorce aren't the kind of men who should be raising children at all. If you can't do the easy-peasy, retard-tier job of finding a compatible spouse, how can you raise a child?

>> No.8448886

All the women I've known well who've gotten divorced have been bitchy, crazy, and/or masculinized latent dikes (four of them, for your information). Women are very often the ones who instigate the divorce or kick the man out, and very often are the ones who get custody of the children, more sympathy in court, and, of course, alimony. Women can very often screw their spouses over with how much property and money they get, or rather steal. I once saw a license plate on a car that read "THX2MYEX". I can't assume it was a girl's car, but honestly, it was a fucking girl's car, since guys don't get cars from their ex-wives/girlfriends, and I can't know anything about their relationship, but honestly brazenly blazoning that you got a car thanks to your ex sounds pretty manipulative and bitchy to me.

Just my own jaded observations of life with nothing empirical to back them up, for what they're worth.

>> No.8448887

Not edgy, trust me. Im a complete normie. Im charming, I smile a lot, people like me.
But I cant understand people at all. I cant connect with them, and I dont like them.
I dont think its edgy because edge is holding unpopular or controversial opinions for the sake of being interesting. Im anonymous at the moment

>> No.8448896

>If you can't do the easy-peasy, retard-tier job of finding a compatible spouse, how can you raise a child?
I'm not at all sorry to say that you just screwed up your own argument, buddy.

>If a woman can't do the easy-peasy, retard-tier job...

>> No.8448899

All women simply ARE bitchy and crazy.

Out of 100 divorces, women are probably to blame for 99 of them.

>> No.8448907

>spent all day

>> No.8448908

Why is the onus of finding a compatible spouse entirely on the man? Men would fuck anything, and often do. The male sex drive is why society places the onus of finding a suitable partner on women, and tied there virtue to their virginity. If women fucked anyone, like men do, there'd be no selection for evolution to work with.

>> No.8448909

Who said anything about me being a leftist, frogfaggot?
don't be upset that you're a walking meme, just accept the fact that if you can't into patrician lit than you're a pleb and go back to your containment board.

>> No.8448915
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Nietzsche said something about how sometimes one argues against one's own beliefs simply because people who support them annoy one.

Don't make me do that now, punk.

>> No.8448917

Men can get laid just as easily as women? Gee. Time to download tinder.

>> No.8448919

>for a reason
>just because

>> No.8448920

Read this thread. There is literally no one who has said why any of these books or authors are good or worthwhile.


>> No.8448925

Fascinating story, lad.


Maybe you should associate with women who aren't total fucking bitches next life. The common denominator here seems to be you and your gravitational pull on contemptible people.

I'm not your buddy, nigger. Who courts who in most relationships? You tell me.

>> No.8448936

What the fuck, faggot, I fucking qualified that it was just anecdotal. Not only that, but I didn't exactly get to know these people of my own freewill, one of them's my aunt and the other three were teachers, WTF.

>I'm not your buddy, nigger. Who courts who in most relationships? You tell me.
Lol, fuck you if you can't understand passive-aggression, then, and if you can't make a coherent response to finding out your own post is flawed instead of trying to draw me into a different argument unrelated to your own fuckup. Bitch.

>> No.8448944

>Read this thread. There is literally no one who has said why any of these books or authors are good or worthwhile.
lurk this board.
each of these authors are requested subject of threads every other day. there are two Virginia Woolf threads and an O'Connor thread in the catalog right now.
your narrow scope is your own problem.

>> No.8448946
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Unironically enjoying female authors is the sign of the ultimate pleb

>> No.8448949

Not only that, but I'm not at all a misogynist, I just in general think that getting divorced or getting into shitty relationships where your spouse abandons you/you kick them out is reflective of inherently messed up lifestyle choices and decisionmaking, whether you're the husband or the wife. You got into a shitty relationship of your own freewill, what does that say about you?

I'm just saying, most people blame the guys in this situation, why not blame the women too? That's one of the aspects of an unhealthy relationship, you put all the blame on the other partner, why can't the blame be distributed equally? Never in my posts have I implied that guys who got divorced/ran away from their wives or got kicked out didn't have something wrong with them either.

>> No.8448950
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>roasty getting toasty

>> No.8448952

OP I hope you and young men like you are learning to write well. Contemporary lit is a sjw hivemind and we need your voices.

>> No.8448959

If you don't enjoy some of those books, you're either too young or too stupid or clouded by your own bias.

>> No.8448970


...or not be NEET and get sex when they wish as well

>> No.8448972

I bet you haven't even read a single one of those books.

>> No.8448975

Trust me, I am writing a manifesto against roastwhores as we speak.

or maybe they're all just really shit because women aren't capable of producing good books

>> No.8448977

Are you a female? Serious question.

>> No.8448986

It's not just leftists, just non-retards.

>pretend to be able to dissect your psyche just because you have an opinion they don't agree with (in this case, that all women are terrible writers and thinkers)?

Because that little line in parentheses is objectively and demonstrably false and you must have some weird reason for thinking such a warped, retarded thing.

>> No.8448987

>getting this assmad at a post

>> No.8448988

This is literally blaming the victim territory. "Wow, you got drunk at a club, is it really any surprise a guy raped you?" "You were wearing that skirt downtown after 8? Girl, please." "Clearly your bad decision-making is the reason this man raped you in all your holes. Case dismissed."

Instead, it's "What did you say to make him hit you?" "Were you drunk at the time of the argument?" "You should've known better and just called the cops if something was wrong."

The reason men are blamed in these situations, rightly or wrongly, is another element of that pesky patriarchal system: Men are "boss," and so when they fuck up, there's hell to pay. Men are stronger than women, they're presumed to be more in control if not smarter, they're presumed the breadwinner, they're the last word if things get physical, etc. In any situation there's likely to be more blame on one side, but again in any situation the man is the one who's the last word. That's patriarchy for you.

dumb progfroster

>> No.8448989

/lit/ is turning into a board of autistic spastics. It's turning into r9k, it is. Why?

>> No.8448994

>he thinks that /lit/ is any better than the rest of 4chan

>> No.8448999

It's called being redpilled on women.

Read Schopenhauer's 'On Women' and My Twisted World by Rodger if you want to see how deep the rabbit hole goes with women

>> No.8449000

Something something pretending to be retarded, something something believing they're in good company.

t. Voltaire

but seriously it's alt-right shitters just now learning books exist

>> No.8449001

but then you all would have called her a slut lmao. there's no winning

>> No.8449002

lol is this post satirical? You can only perceive women as perpetual victims. Eschewing female agency is far more sexist than any post in this thread decrying women could ever hope to be.

>> No.8449007

How do you know he would have called her a slut? No one seriously believes that women shouldn't date a few men before marrying a suitable one.

>> No.8449008

>how to spot a redditor
/lit/ started as an /r9k/ offshoot you mong

>> No.8449009

Even if we accept your silly premise that being NEET is the only thing stopping certain guys from getting laid, female NEETs can get sex on tap.

>> No.8449013

>le alt-right boogeyman

>> No.8449015

>muh patriarchy
Is there a more obnoxious conspiracy theory? It's like 9/11 truthers, except academia takes them seriously.

>> No.8449016

>No one seriously believes that women shouldn't date a few men before marrying a suitable one.
Kill yourself, you degenerate.

>> No.8449019

First off, I'm not going to get into an argument on 4chan. I made a New Year's list of resolutions on (what do you know) this New Year's, and one of them was "Never get on an argument on 4chan". I'm sorry if arguing on the internet gets your adrenalin surging and makes you feel really angry and vindicated in a nice way and you like this feeling and want to imagine you're pummeling me into a post and making me feel humiliated. Or I'm not sorry, since fuck passive-aggression and politeness, you obviously don't like that.

Second off, I'm not even going to argue against this because it's just so stupid and doesn't even address what I said in my post. You're arguing emotionally, not calmly, logically, and deliberately from your head. If you were, you could actually respond very well to my posts, and I would cut the rudeness and admit to the illogicality of certain parts of my posts and we could have an interesting discussion, and it would be some shit straight out of Socrates.

But you can't do that, so I'm leaving.

>> No.8449022
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>My Twisted World by Eliot Rodger

>> No.8449024

>memetext means it ain't true

>you're a successful person
>and likeable
>you will amount to something in your life
>someone besides your own mother will ever love you

>> No.8449027

that's why lol

>> No.8449031

This post gets to the heart of the issue. Men have to prove their worth to women in order to get laid. They have either be successful, charming, funny, or attractive. While women are inherently valuable to men no matter what. They're valuable per se. Barring any major deformity, if you have a vagina you can have sex whenever you want.

>> No.8449034

>it's a retard who doesn't understand the concepts he thinks he does episode
please learn to read so you don't waste your own time making posts like that

Maybe you should contribute to your own ground-breaking discourse and outcompete feminism in the field of ideas. Oh, wait, you don't have the chops.

I accept your capitulation.

>> No.8449039

the average person isn't a /pol/ster. No one in the real world expects a girl to marry the first person she meets

>> No.8449041

lmao. You sound more emotional than anon. And they were good points.

>> No.8449043

can you define 'alt-right' for me. because I keep seeing this buzzword umbrella term everywhere and i'm almost convinced the people spouting it have absolutely no clue what it even means besides 'people I disagree with'.

>> No.8449045
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>Barring any major deformity, if you have a vagina you can have sex whenever you want.
Hooray! I'm gonna call mom right now!

>inb4 ugliness, fatness, lack of tits or ass or average/below-average looks is a "major deformity"
>inb4 i'm just a bitter, ugly woman (i'm a dude, I just think you're a retard)
>inb4 beta leftist cuck

>> No.8449047

>please learn to read so you don't waste your own time making posts like that
And I accept your concession. Try addressing the points next time.

>> No.8449048

Any art or literature written by women were expected to revolve around men, romance and children, and if they failed to do this, then they were overstepping.

It's probably fine to hate women so long as you're a NEET, since it means that you'll be keeping your prejudice contained.

>> No.8449050

This isn't true. I know women who are virgins in their mid 20s

>> No.8449051

>the average person isn't a /pol/ster
you'd be surprised. people can keep big secrets about themselves.
case in point: i fucking detest all the muslim immigration to europe happening right now, but nobody outside of my immediate family has any idea

>> No.8449052

Honestly if you associate with pretty/normie girls you're in for a bad time.

The only redeemable girls are 5/10s or 6/10s who have developed personality/positive character traits to make up for lack of physical appeal.
They actually become a individual instead of the preppy normie tier whores that plauge the world.

>> No.8449059

>It's called being redpilled on women.

I know more about women than you ever will you NEET beta cuck, No amount of justifying your hatred of women with muh philosophyz will make up for your lack of sociability and lack of success.

>> No.8449061

Literally doesn't change the fact that we're descended from more women than men. And it doesn't change the fact that even the ugliest sphere has a husband. The people who criticize women's looks online are comparing the woman to their idealized conception of women. They'd all still have sex with women they decry online for not having an ass. This isn't true of women, who regularly only fuck a relatively small percentage of men.

>> No.8449062

Yes, and? Write a novel about it. Call it "The Curse of the Thirsty Niggas." You could have sex whenever you wanted, too, so what's stopping you?

100 years ago, men didn't complain about this. They actually bettered themselves sufficiently to become desirable, or they went without. While it's understandable they would complain about it today because they can't leash a woman to the kitchen any longer, it's no surprise that nobody fucking cares.

and by they I mean we

>> No.8449064

I hate majority of women GRANTED their are a few who have my respect and I veiw as almost equal.

>> No.8449068


>> No.8449069

No, they weren't. I said women aren't blamed enough in divorce situations. Then this poster said that this is blaming the victim, thereby automatically assuming women are always the victims in divorce situations. This obviously (if you can't tell) simply proves my point that women aren't blamed enough in divorce situations.

Second, this is an argument of emotions, not strict logic, as I pointed out. If we're not going to be rational, I might as well out-emotion this poster. It makes me feel good. It gets the adrenalin flowing. It makes me feel powerful, and like I'm winning the argument.

>inb4 you're an asshole
Well, what to do about it.

>> No.8449070


Now watch as a cluster of faggots come out and say "NO TRUE ALT-RIGHTIST WOULD X"

>> No.8449072

>Maybe you should contribute to your own ground-breaking discourse and outcompete feminism in the field of ideas. Oh, wait, you don't have the chops.
Why are you pretending that the heavily politicized humanities are somehow objective in their readings of works that contradict their faulty axiomatic beliefs? Doesn't matter if my arguments are good, they'll never be accepted in the public sphere

>> No.8449078
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Do you seriously deny that it's far easier for an average looking female to have sex than an average looking man?
I think you're living on another planet if you unironically deny this.

>> No.8449082

i don't want to watch some retarded pundit talk about what he thinks the 'alt-right' is. I want you to define it.

>> No.8449085

>tfw i completely agree with this and want to save the pic, but i don't want to look like a fedora-tipping MRA'er

>> No.8449086

100 years ago men didn't complain because the system benefited men who had good jobs. Now that women work, the attractive ones tend to marry people who don't necessarily have the qualities that make them financially successful. Professional, attractive women date assholes now. Or they become spinsters.

>> No.8449092

>Expecting to understand all those books in one day

>> No.8449093
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do you share your computer or something? who the fuck cares what you save on your pc.

>> No.8449098

That's because the public is generally retarded.

>> No.8449103

that's why when people do somehow get into your pc, it's all the more humiliating

>> No.8449105

What the fuck does any of this have to do with Jane Austen or Virginia Woolf? Fuck off back to your own board.

>> No.8449107

It's pretty easy to have sex for anyone.

>> No.8449108

Associating with women makes you a cuck.

Even talking to your mom makes you a fucking cuck.

I had a female doctor. The moment I learned this I switched doctors.

>> No.8449111

If you really think that men are favouritized in just about every realm, you're blind as a bat m8

>> No.8449113

Eat shit, you whining nigger. My opinions don't matter, nor are they necessarily accurate. I think the pundits are fairly accurate in their characterization of the alt-right as advocating "natural hierarchies," "anti-egalitarianism," "anti-interventionism," and "anti-multiculturalism."

>> No.8449117

Emotions are antithetical to logic or rationality.

You can be emotional and completely rational at the same time. You can be unemotional and completely irrational.

>> No.8449118

lol I recently had a female dentist fuck up a filling and I had to get it redone by a male dentist

>> No.8449119

i mean, it does raise some good points though. why do you think whenever there were those big ocean liner disasters, the cry for boarding into the lifeboats was always "women and children first!"?

>> No.8449120

>big brother knows best
wewie laddie

>> No.8449123

Then you've been cucked

>> No.8449126
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You're just a paranoid conspiracy theorist.

>ohNO!!!women have sex more easily than men! IT'S A CONSPIRACY!!! WE'RE BEING OPPRESSED!!!

Honestly, I'd rather you talk about the history of the Illuminati, now THERE'S something interesting. Talking about this, that's just pathetic shit to justify your own patheticness, imo.

It's the opposite side of the spectrum from Retard-Feminism (a special synthetic variant of feminism).

Men's rights is just self-pity, really fucking gay imo. Work out, stop masturbating for a weak, wear makeup, wear deodorant, pluck your eyebrows, read cynical PUA stuff, do whatever the fuck you wanna do to get more attractive to women and you'll realize that it doesn't really fucking matter, you're just complaining that men don't get enough tail because YOU don't get enough tail. Once you get it, you realize it doesn't fucking matter as much as people make it out to, people glorify what they can't have, anything in excess becomes disgusting, the rich can be and often are fucking depressed and depressing, having problems like everyone else and living pathetically to get even more money they don't need, and what do you know, poor and middleclass and even rich-but-not-rich-enough people glorify getting richer. You attain it, and you realize ... it's a lie, the Buddha was right, or, alternatively, Goethe was right, nothing ever satisfies man, he always wants more and more, the ideal, which the practical cannot live up to but towards which the diligent striver gets ever closer to, throwing behind him the temptations of lust and riches that once seemed so great to him, a sort of anti-redemption whereby immersing oneself in sin and cynicism makes one realize its inherent worthlessness...

I think I drank too much coffee.

tl;dr don't be sklavenmoral, my mensch, try to become a Herr, then you'll stop complaining about how men don't get enough tail and are undervalued in the modern world compared to women, which is just self-pity that hot hunks certainly don't care about. and you'll also realize that sex won't solve everything in your life, only you can.

>> No.8449128

>Doesn't matter if my arguments for nihilism are good, they'll never be accepted in the public sphere
>Doesn't matter if my arguments for God being dead are good, they'll never be accepted in the public sphere
>Doesn't matter if my arguments for the rights of men are good, they'll never be accepted in the public sphere
>Doesn't matter if my arguments for "natural selection" are good, they'll never be accepted in the public sphere

just admit you're lazy

>> No.8449129
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why is it humiliating? stop being a pussy and have some conviction for your beliefs

>> No.8449134

Yeah that's retarded. But I think there are areas where women are privileged (war and disasters) and areas where men are privileged (jobs and comfort - women cooking for them etc)

Overall I think society privileges men more.

>> No.8449138

>I know best
>after all, I nearly finished school past 11th grade

>> No.8449142

>yessss, other people higher up on the social ladder with ulterior motives inevitably have my best interests at heart. best if i don't think at all.

>> No.8449143

> areas where men are privileged (jobs and comfort
Yeah, I guess that's why 99% of people in low wage, low skilled manual labour positions like garbage collection are men

>> No.8449145

Why would you save that piece of writing even if you did agree with it's ridiculous and pleb tier conclusions?

>> No.8449148

The thing about male power is that the reason we denominate institutions is that society is like a wet stone for us. If I ever end up achieving anything even remotely close to great, it's because life was harder for me than it was for other people. Part of becoming a man is realizing this, and actually working within nature's system in order to improve yourself and to prove your worth both to yourself and to society at large. This is why women are born women, but men constantly have to assert and prove their masculinity. But it's also why most great people are men.

>> No.8449149

people will still hold their judgements. best if i try to make myself as unremarkable as possible in their eyes

>> No.8449150

>The world is an evil place filled with people just waiting to take advantage of me! Better not trust anyone, just to be safe!

The moment you realize you'll be stronger through cooperation is the moment you expand that meager and degenerate worldview you currently hold. I pity you, but I can't help you.

>> No.8449152

>Yeah, I guess that's why 99% of people in low wage, low skilled manual labour positions like garbage collection are men

This is objectively false, because women also make up a huge amount of low paid, minimum wage workers, but they also have less representation in the higher tiers of professions. Anecdotally, I know a lot more men in skilled positions than I do women, and I know few men in unskilled work.

You shouldn't just make up statistics.

>> No.8449153

i wanna hear your arguments as to why the conclusions are ridiculous and pleb tier. i'm legitimately interested.

>> No.8449154

Except that most men in top positions were born into wealth or upper middle class families, and most poor working class men remain that way. Your belief is wrong.

>> No.8449157

>The world is an evil place filled with people just waiting to take advantage of me! Better not trust anyone, just to be safe!
but this is true like 75% of the time anon. grow a fucking backbone and be your own person

>> No.8449158

The fact that you have so many men online spewing these beliefs proves that there are men articulating these arguments in such a way that they're starting to be accepted. Anti-feminism is doing just fine in the marketplace of ideas.

>> No.8449160

>talking to sister
>discussion about gender equality comes up
>I say men and women are equal
>she says no
>I get really weired out
>In her words "Men are physically better"
>As for mentally she said about 99% if women are stupid compared to the average man
>I ask if shes one of those stupid women
> she says "probably"

I like my sister

>> No.8449164

3/4 billionaires are self-made, as are most millionaires. Obama was born to a school teacher, and Bill Clinton grew up poor.

>> No.8449166

>i wanna hear your arguments as to why the conclusions are ridiculous and pleb tier. i'm legitimately interested.

I can't be fucked doing that. You can take that as me being wrong if you want. I don't really care. It's not worth the effort on a Tongan cement factory image board.

>> No.8449168
File: 32 KB, 400x399, stoner-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol what? take the bong out of your mouth, dude, and we can speak more clearly.

i hablo ingles, ehh??? INGLES??? you no smokeywokey bongywongy anymore, amigo, and we talk? OK?


>pic related, it's you

>> No.8449171

Absolute fucking nonsense. Statistics?

Class mobility isn't that easy in most countries.

>> No.8449175


hmmmm really makes you le think

>> No.8449176

Stop surrounding yourself with shitty people. It's not hard. Retards can do it.

>> No.8449177

*Aren't antithetical.

But it's true. Ask any logician or psychologist. It's a stupid, false dichotomy.

>> No.8449179

ya, i'll take that as you being wrong

>> No.8449183

>advice for men.com

Yeah that sounds objective and impartial.

>> No.8449184

>he bought into the communist propaganda


>> No.8449185

This, it makes me sad when sheltered-as-fuck, mediocre, nonindividualistic people think they're cynical and tougher than "paranoid" people because "Oh, not everyone's bad, you're just a pussy who can't cooperate with other people and think everyone's out to get you!"

Nah, fuck you, instead. Just fuck you.

>> No.8449187

it's sourced
you're welcome to you know... check the sources

also a quick google search will reveal you're wrong

>> No.8449191

No, it's A Voice for Men

>> No.8449194

That makes more sense, thank you. But it doesn't refute my desire to be more emotional than logical in that post at all.

>> No.8449197

>It's not paranoia if it's justified!

seek help

>> No.8449199

>he bought into invidualistic free will.

No one's "self made".

>> No.8449202

Not only that, but I rationally criticized that poster for assuming women are always the victims in divorce situations, so---.

>> No.8449205

I feel really sorry for women to have to exist in the same world as half you people.

I feel sorry for myself to have to as well.

>> No.8449208

Go get abducted into a child sex-slave ring.

Better yet, stop assuming that I'm your strawman. I live a happy life filled with a healthy distrust of everyone and everything around me, mate

>> No.8449209

Keep white knighting for women. One day i'm sure you may get pussy!

>> No.8449211

Dickinson fucking sucks you cad

>> No.8449215

My point is that society being more difficult for men to navigate forces them to find ways of proving their worth. You don't even have to believe in free will to acknowledge the thesis. Obviously some people have better access to the systems that allows one to gain wealth than others, but those systems are equally available to Western women, and anyone who says otherwise is deluded.

>> No.8449223

Go find me the numbers of children abducted as a percentage of the population. I'm sure it justifies your embarrassing lifestyle.

I may want to garrote you in a backalley for being such a pathetic piece of shit, but most people wouldn't.

>> No.8449234

You seem a bit mad, did your dad shit in your Cornflakes this morning or what? Why the violent threats at someone who claims to be a skeptical person without fancy ideals about the essential goodness of humanity?

I'll admit one thing: and it's that you're too much of a pussy to actually kill me or anyone intentionally, and a large amount of people are. That's the lovable thing about humanity, they love to appear cynical and tough, but past a certain point, even they are horrified by excessive evil, even they refuse to do it and begin to have moral standards.

>> No.8449260

Not mad, disappointed. Humanity goes through all those stages of growth, we develop vaccines, we found the Red Cross, we write books and make art, intelligent people contribute to the world in ways you've never done nor ever will, and what you do say, blindly and ignorantly as only a blind and ignorant person can?

"You can't trust nobody in this world."

That's utter stupidity, and I'm thankful that most people aren't at all like you, or this place we call a planet would be a total shithole, from sea to shining sea. It's a shithole in some parts, true, and it's because of small-minded, self-concerned people like you. You are the problem.

>> No.8449263

i think you both got a bad case of the 'tism

>> No.8449264

You're telling a wounded animal to cheer up because other animals happen to be frolicking. Why should he care?

>> No.8449276

I'll admit that this is true on my behalf.

Wounded? Other people are frolicking? Who says I'm not happy?

What you guys can't fathom is that someone can be cynical and not care about morality and still be happy.

Most people ARE like me. The people who trust everyone learn to stop doing that pretty soon. YOU are like me. You don't want to acknowledge the cynicism in yourselves.

Would you tell me where you live? Would you like to meet up with me at a certain time and place so we could discuss literature and buy food and try to create a friendship based on this?

If you do that, I'll be willing to believe in your beautiful optimism.

>> No.8449282

>Don't worry bro, it'll heal

I don't know, why should we feel things like shame? Why should we try to heal at all when suffering is so much easier? Quit being such a shitty tripfag for one minute of your life, just one minute.

>> No.8449285

I don't mean to assume your current state of happiness, but people who are truly contented don't think like this. Women, particularly attractive women, aren't radical individualists for this very reason. It takes someone who for whatever reason can't fully participate in the system to notice its workings.

>> No.8449288

I have a girlfriend and have never had trouble sleeping with women. Ironically you faggots say this shit, but in reality you'll never hear an alpha who is successful with women go on about how pathetic women are and how they hate women. Only betas who constantly get rejected or are too nervous to approach women do that shit. Grow up and go out and get laid man. Oh wait, you can't. Because no woman's going to touch someone who is so antagonistic toward them.

>> No.8449294

You're proving the guy's point with your posts, you ignorant prick. You're completely incapable of empathy if you think the answer to his line of thinking is simply 'grow a pair.'

>> No.8449295

The world is absolutely not more difficult for men to navigate you deluded idiot. Just take off your ideology glasses and stop thinking with your emotions. You only have to look at your friends and family and the society around you. Maybe you live in some Amazonian fem land or something, but most don't.

>> No.8449304

You just proved him right. If you accept the premise that it's much more difficult for some men than others to find a partner for whatever reason, then that would explain the uneasiness those men have towards women. You can't just tell them to become alpha men overnight. It's like telling someone with a disfiguration "well no one likes you because you're disfigured" then blaming him for decrying his state.

>> No.8449305

IDK what you guys are saying. I'm going to sleep. I hope that when I wake up you will make more sense.

Anyway, I'm a happy guy who distrusts people and is a radical individualist. Emerson and Nietzsche would not at all be proud of me, because I followed their works too closely, thereby being self-defeating about my individualism.

>> No.8449306

With you? God no, you sound like total prick. But if there were someone in my life who mentioned a book I liked, is it so unlikely that a personal connection might be made, and that that connection might not even flourish into a friendship but might at least be benign? Some people might not like that kind of thing, might even detest it for whatever reason (social anxiety, cowardice, just being a big faggot), but don't allege that it doesn't or can't happen.

>> No.8449317

Why would you look at the success that some men have and assume that that somehow says anything about the ease of existence of the average man? I could just as easily point at their 400% higher suicide rate as evidence of their more difficult lives.

Success is often the result of stressful work. It isn't bestowed onto men simply due to their gender.

>> No.8449320

I sound like a prick based on what I say on the internet?

You thereby automatically disqualify as befriendable everyone with an internet connection. I'm actually very polite in real life and would not be saying or expressing any of these beliefs to anyone to their faces. You're not the nicest person either from what I can tell from these posts, buddy.

>> No.8449325

Yes, let me look at my single mom who left my dad to date someone else and still gets alimony from him. Let me look at my female mayor, and the fact that like 3/4 of my teachers are women. Let me look at the fact that women under 30 make more than men where I live. Tell me more about how difficult it is to be a woman.

>> No.8449327

>caring about others
>caring not only about them, but their thoughts also
confirmed an emotional, mentally underdeveloped child

>> No.8449333

I unironically feel sorrow for you.

>> No.8449334

Checked those trips

Why? Because someone is making a joke on a Lebanese bracelet-making board?

>> No.8449339

most of those are objectively shite
dunno how you came up with that list, lad

>> No.8449340
File: 989 KB, 455x344, 1462765626940.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

loving every laugh

>> No.8449352

>lurk this board.
Lurk my asshole, either post your arguments or fuck off.

>> No.8449357

Sounds like you live somewhere that's a. Exception to the rule. Most mayors are male, and teachers get paid fuck all for the amount of education they have to do and the stress involved in their job. Plus it's a traditionally female field. Your mum leaving your dad isn't an argument. And there are far more shitty absent fathers than there are shitty mothers. My father is a wanker and my mother isn't, does that make me think men have it easier? No? Does it make me hate men? No.
This seems to be a recurring thing from people with these viewpoints, that you had shitty mothers.

>> No.8449365

Well I'm telling you, I'm a dude and I feel like my life is fucking easy and everyone gives me everything for free, while Most women I see around me seem to have to work harder and either flirt or won't get given any status by their bosses or whatever.

Just stop this meme. For the most part people have it pretty equal now, but there's still discrimination against women, and people even try to justify (like how you are) with shitty reasoning.

I would fucking hate to be a woman. It looks like a shitty and demeaning and dehumanising existence to me, at least. Maybe you think differently, and that's fine. But when most educated, non working class women say that there is still discrimination and that feminism is needed, you probably shouldn't just dismiss it out of hand, without any second thought, based on your emotions (and most anti women remarks seem deeply emotionally motivated)

Have you even read and considered any feminist literature or philosophy?

>> No.8449370

Just because someone rejects you and doesn't want you, that does t mean you hate them. That's probably part of the problem.

>> No.8449371

Someone already said that most divorces are initiated by women. And in my admittedly anecdotal experience, that seems to be the case. Whether or not you had a shitty mother, the point is that women in Europe and America not only have more opportunities to become successful than men often do (STEM fields are now twice as likely to hire women than men with similar qualifications), but they have no idea what it's like to be out of the sexual marketplace due to circumstances that are beyond their control. They don't know what it's like to live in a culture that's as outwardly sexual as its ever been, while not being able to participate in it. I'm convinced that most crimes are the result of male sexual insecurity.

>> No.8449374

But if everyone rejects you, you have a natural right to articulate you bitterness.

>> No.8449382

What a shitty post. Yes, I have read Wollstonecraft and de Beauvoir. Their works don't apply to today because they wrote in different eras when the gender dynamic was vastly different than it is today. And no, the anecdotal experiences of both you and the women you happen to come into contact with mean less than nothing. Anecdotes are inherently myopic. You have to take a more holistic and sociological view of gender.

>> No.8449389

>Their works don't apply to today because they wrote in different eras when the gender dynamic was vastly different than it is today.
Feminists don't live in today's world, they're autistic cat ladies who literally only have contact with their: a) university professors, b) fuckers from Tinder, c) drug dealers.

>> No.8449390

Read Richard III. His opening soliloquy is how I, as a supremely unattractive 24 year old virgin, feel like after literally years of rejection. It's overwhelmingly depressing.

>> No.8449403

But I, that am not shaped for sportive tricks,
Nor made to court an amorous looking-glass;
I, that am rudely stamp'd, and want love's majesty
To strut before a wanton ambling nymph;
I, that am curtail'd of this fair proportion,
Cheated of feature by dissembling nature,
Deformed, unfinish'd, sent before my time
Into this breathing world, scarce half made up,
And that so lamely and unfashionable
That dogs bark at me as I halt by them;
Why, I, in this weak piping time of peace,
Have no delight to pass away the time,
Unless to spy my shadow in the sun
And descant on mine own deformity:
And therefore, since I cannot prove a lover,
To entertain these fair well-spoken days,
I am determined to prove a villain
And hate the idle pleasures of these days.

>> No.8449502 [DELETED] 

Imagine a life where you have never been great at anything, never felt the urge to be great at anything, never felt that magnetic admiration to someone who was great at something, wanted to imitate and ultimately defeat him. Just nothing. Literally all you do in life is exist to post on 4chan. Occupy space. pass the time.

You're bored, as usual, posting about your fucking dislikes and not even feeling any kind of happiness from it, just soothing your constant need to be bitter and cunty and petty toward other people. Every single thing you've done in the past year was mundane, shallow, boring. You spent the last six hours reading kinda-interesting plebbit stories about people who made interesting buildings for their populace or some stupid bullshit that you think is interesting and you may say is interesting but you're not really sure if it's really interesting. You're just fucking sitting there, gestating, fermenting, with a moist hole between your ears that guarantees you'll at some point have to get up and move around and perform physical labor to support yourself.

And then you see women, over in some corner, having fun. You've never seen this before. What are they even doing? Instead of their consciousnesses merely sitting in their thick skull and revolving around itself, they are imbuing their conscious energy and intentionality into external objects, crafts, goals, projects. All the bitterness and cuntiness you feel nonstop seems to be absent from them, as they congratulate each other for being victorious, and happily learn from someone who defeated them.These creatures are truly content to be alive. They have found purpose in a purposeless universe.

And your gaze turns back on itself, on your self, and you realise you've never had that.You can never have it. So you sit down, you post on 4chan, and you fucking ruin your life, the whole fucking thing. The five seconds of attention you get will be worth destroying it.Because you're failure like OP.

>> No.8449509

>>The only redeemable girls are 5/10s or 6/10s
they are just as depraved as the pretty ones, and they have deep issues because they have been called ugly all their life

>> No.8449510

men love to protect and take care of women and give them pleasures, they live for this, men live to serve

women love to be taken care of and have men try to fulfill their desire, women live to be served

+> everybody is happy

>> No.8449520
File: 28 KB, 329x383, 1444425551315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Well I'm telling you, I'm a dude and I feel like my life is fucking easy and everyone gives me everything for free, while Most women I see around me seem to have to work harder and either flirt or won't get given any status by their bosses or whatever.
Wow nice. My roastie neighbor has car trouble. Guess who repaired her car for free? well it was her main provider.

Now, when you have car trouble, who repair it for free while you stay at home watching tv ?

>> No.8449523

and it was on a sunday. the man literally spend his sunday repairing the car

>> No.8449529

I'm not the guy you're replying to, but imagine a culture that's so sick that enough people feel the way that he does. I'm not sure if the responsibility for his circumstances are entirely his.

>> No.8449534

But women attempt suicide at higher rates, they just usually opt for more passive methods which are either unsuccessful, or are slow working enough that it gives the victim plenty of time to realise "oh shit", and start panicking.

>> No.8449547

The fact that men are able to kill themselves at over four times the rate that women do despite women attempting it more says a lot. Women do it to garner sympathy. Sort of like when you were a child and you wished that something bad would happen to you just so you could see the regretful reaction of the people you felt treated you badly. I wouldn't even call it a suicide attempt, but, like the cliché states, a cry for help.

>> No.8449555

It's called doing a favour for someone. Why the fuck did he do that for nothing in return anyway? That's pretty pathetic. Anyway, there's nothing wrong with fixing stuff for women. They usually do far more housework.

My partner does most of the work around the house, and works more than me. I just have to fix stuff because stereotypically I'm the more mechanically minded one. She stitches my clothes, cooks more, etc etc.

There are dudes who take advantage of women as well you know.

This thread is full of anecdotal evidence, bitterness, emotion and resentment. It's really an awful fucking thread with little to do with literature anymore.

It's mostly just an excuse for wmbittered people to take their frustrations out on half the population either because they had shitty mothers or can't get any pussy, and for other people to say theyre retarded and act like women are a race of oppressed slaves.

>> No.8449559

I have literally not known one woman who has attempted suicide, but I know many dudes who have, and one who succeeded. What does that say? It just says that men are more deeply emotional than women, and that's true.

>> No.8449560

Who gives a shit really. Women, men: none of them matter. Only I matter.

>> No.8449564

This, only anon matters.

>> No.8449567

He's just stupid.
Sure, Judith Butler and De Beauvoir are shit, but it's impossible to be even mildly not retarded and not see the quality in O'Connor or Woolf.

>> No.8449570

This is why I don't't mind tripfags; they make it that much easier to filter worthless bullshit

>> No.8449571

Literally everything you said was just baseless speculation. Women also have higher rates of depression, anxiety disorder, PTSD, eating disorders, etc. But yeah, it's for "sympathy", rather than a genuine desire to die, I'm sure.

>> No.8449572

I find these threads strange.

/lit/ is usually populated from anywhere around 30-50% women, judging from threads where people are asked to reveal their good reads accounts or whatever. But where do the women go during these threads? Or do they post here? It doesn't seem like it. Unless women here are so ironic as to post the r9k tier posts, saying they hate women.

I have a new theory. The women hating r9k posts are actually just female /lit/ memers getting other anons (mostly male) to defend women.

They're trolling us.

>> No.8449574

I'm just here to laugh at others and throw shit in their faces.

>> No.8449575

Because they're good to eat and fuck, respectively (or not so respectively) and you need to make sure you have that on your lifeboat.

>> No.8449576

It says that you don't understand anecdotal evidence has no value.

>> No.8449577

A truly noble cause, anon. Bless.

>> No.8449579

It's not shit, you're just a retard. Try de Maurier also.

>> No.8449580
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is lit made up of women? Is that why the Fantasy general is made up of genre trash?



>> No.8449582

It was a counter to someone else's anecdotal evidence to make the point you just did.

>> No.8449583
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>> No.8449584

Ugh wow.

Judging by your inability to like what /lit/ tells you, I can analyse that you're probably a lonely, young, pretentious virgin who tries to impress others online by being fucking edgy.

Oops! Did I hit a nerve?

>> No.8449586
File: 102 KB, 551x600, B7tFY2A23zg7jwNANt6Hng6t8w5onpOcs8zIVOPR4WQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never had trouble sleeping with women

Doesn't that prove the point that women are sluts?

>> No.8449587
File: 7 KB, 225x224, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So easy

>> No.8449588

I'm a man you retard. The Post below yours seems like a woman though.

>> No.8449590

People with a genuine desire to die kill themselves. So yeah, it's for sympathy.

>> No.8449592

Women gotta fuck too. You should WANT women to like having cocks, faggot.

>> No.8449593

>husband beats you
>divorce him
>the divorce is your fault

>> No.8449595

You think that the vast majority of divorces happen because of violence?

>> No.8449600

sex is for women and for men who want to please women

>> No.8449601

Did you know any cutters in high school? Notice how they all tended to be girls? "Call for help" isn't my phrase. Female self harm is inherently cowardly. Either they fail to go through with it because they're incompetent, or because they never really wanted to kill themselves in the first place.

As for the high rates of female mental illness, I doubt the findings are accurate. Men are less likely to go to doctors or psychiatrists than women are even when treatment is necessary. It's part of why men die sooner.

>> No.8449602

This isn't true. Most people who almost manage to kill themselves but fail (are resuscitated or whatever) regret their decision moments after committing. MPs who plan to kill them selves change their mind. Men often give themselves more direct and ways of killing themselves that can't be taken back easily. (Hanging, I knew a guy who jumped off a bridge, guns) , women tend to take pills or slit their wrists, but those two things allow you to save yourself if you change your mind by calling an ambulance for a stomach pump or having medical attention to stop you bleeding ( and applying pressure)

>> No.8449605
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I'm sure the women will sex you!


you are getting silly now.

>women gotta fuck too

No they don't? I don't and I'm fine. Why are women so cock hungry whores? Can they go a day without cock or is it programmed in their DNA that they will die if they don't have chads big dick?

Face it, women are angry in this thread because some men have figured out women's ploy and how they use their sexual powers to deceive and manipulate men into improving their present life.

Since men have such a strong sexual desire that when activated, clouds the rational mind(the mind the women do not have), women are able to take advantage of this and extract resources for as long as they can on a particular target before it runs out or dies, and jumps onto the next.

That is why virgins are rare and the only one worth having children with.

>> No.8449606

>Anyway, there's nothing wrong with fixing stuff for women.
of course not. men even love to serve. men even get depressed and kill themselves if they are not noticed by women and women do not let them provide for them.

>> No.8449607

Tfw I didn't know a single self harmer in high school but knew 3 dudes who did.

>> No.8449609

>falling for obvious false flag


>> No.8449610

Why would you say to the men who 'gotta have sex' too but can't get it?

>> No.8449611

>Either they fail to go through with it because they're incompetent, or because they never really wanted to kill themselves in the first place.
women do it to be noticed. just like when they cry in public, so that men will come to rescue the girl

>> No.8449613

I wish I was gay so bad

>> No.8449615

>>That is why virgins are rare and the only one worth having children with.
It is wrong for men to want virgin women. Women are not meant to stay virgin and monogamous.

Imagine that you are hungry and that a guy offers you free food. Then you are logical when you take the food. Now imagine that dozens of guys offer you free food, at each moment of your life. Then you take the best foods.

>> No.8449617

Work on your appearance, social skills, learn to respect people but respect yourself, get some confidence. Don't try too hard for sex. Have interests and hobbies.bIf you can't do that, pay.

>> No.8449618

>women tend to take pills or slit their wrists, but those two things allow you to save yourself

>> No.8449619

Women cry far more often when they're alone. How ducking often do you see women crying in public?

Jesus Christ. It's like you people live in some other universe or something. Where do you all live where women and men act so retardation

>> No.8449620

Let's be real, there's an inherent imbalance in our current casual sex culture, where a large percentage of women are having sex with a small percentage of men. Monogamy was meant to deal with this natural imbalance, but now that free love has taken over you have a series of men who join ISIS or shoot up schools because they know that they'll never get laid until the woman they want is well past her prime and is ready to settle.

>> No.8449621

Not OP but yeah, that's absolutely correct. I have no romantic track record with girls, and physical touch other than hugging freaks me out; I also just can't "get" female authors like Austen and the Brontes. Haven't tried Middlemarch yet but my hopes aren't high; I simply can't relate to or understand what's happening and why.

>> No.8449622

>It is wrong for men to want virgin women.
No it isn't.

>Then you take the best foods.
As will men. Virgins.

>> No.8449624

As this guy over here>>8449390 it's cute that you think that that stuff works. My only chance is waiting until a woman is in her late 30s and is willing to settle for anyone, then I can finally get married to a woman who'll probably end up cheating on me.

>> No.8449625

It's weird to want Virgins man. And beta as fuxk. I cant think of anything worse.

>> No.8449626

The fact that women choose means that are more reversible betrays the fact that they don't actually want to kill themselves.

>> No.8449627

That stuff does work. If it doesn't, you're problem is probably social skills or age. If you're under 20 that stuff won't work.

>> No.8449628

I don't deny it is weird. It's not wrong though.

>> No.8449629

>>>Then you take the best foods.
>As will men. Virgins.
yeah but there are no virgin women, since women love sex and men love to be pushy and take pride in fucking girls [because it is a challenge to be noticed by a girl]

>> No.8449632

Wanting virgins is an internationally ubiquitous thing. Form China, to India, to the native peoples of the Pacific. Everywhere. I think it's an inherent preference, since for most of human history the only way a man absolutely knew that the child his wife bore was his is if she was a virgin.

>> No.8449633

Didn't know any cutters. Self harm isn't cowardly, it's an outlet for emotions.

True, but women are also more likely to recieve insufficient treatment due to misdiagnosis.

>> No.8449635

It doesn't prove that at all, because many of them DO kill themselves, just as men also fail to kill themselves. There undoubtedly are people who make false suicide attempts as a cry for help or attention. But they're of a fairly different nature and you should be able to tell the difference.

>> No.8449640

Times are different now though and it doesn't guarantee that at all.

>> No.8449641

No, it doesn't. A girl I know chose to OD on pills so she could succumb in her sleep, peacefully. She later panicked because basic survival instincts. She had been suffering from incredibly severe depression from the age of 14. The fact that she panicked doesn't negate the fact that the objective of the attempt was to die - it only shows that even through depression, the instinct to survive is insurmountable.

>> No.8449642

>I cant think of anything worse.
Wanting girls that have been fucked by many men already.

>> No.8449643

I agree. But if it is an inherent preference, our current circumstances aren't going to change our innate psychology.

>> No.8449646

>It doesn't prove that at all, because many of them DO kill themselves, just as men also fail to kill themselves.

>> No.8449650

I like this picture you just painted for me. It doesn't change the statistics, though, which show that men are much more likely to kill themselves, despite the Sylvia Plath readers who romanticize self-harm.

>> No.8449651
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Why is /lit/ full of more limp wristed white knights per capita than any other board on this site?

>> No.8449652
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>> No.8449653


>> No.8449658

wanting a virgin stems from men being deluded than women should not be whores and that whores can be good women again once they become mothers or married.

Men think that it is their reward from their hard work to get a house a job and so on, to get a virgin to let them fuck them
then these retarded men whine when the women cheat on them, as if giving a house to a woman will keep her from wanting to be fucked by other chads and getting to be fucked by other men

>> No.8449659

>10 different sexual partners before marriage?

lmao do we live in a closed community with 20 people in it?
was she in prison all her life?
are we in fucking no boys allowed catholic girl school?

>> No.8449660

>But they're of a fairly different nature and you should be able to tell the difference.
And the way one is able to tell is that the ones who do for attention are far less likely to actually die. By the way, calling it "false" doesn't do my point justice. Women who self-harm aren't consciously doing it for attention, it's the unconscious parts of their psychology that makes them choose the methods that happen to be less successful.

>> No.8449661
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Some of the hatred on display here is borderline Eliot Rodger shit. Actually it isn't even borderline. It is legitimately Eliot Rodger level in some of these posts.

This hatred of women is loser shit. Stop resenting "women" like they are some abstruse concept. This is pity party nonsense.

>> No.8449662

But the whole argument is that yes, men are more likely to kill themselves, but only because they use more active methods. Then some anons tried to argue that when women attempt suicide, they do so for attention and not out of a desire to take their life. Which I disagree with.

>> No.8449664

Monogamy for a fucking house is a great deal for both sides. Do you not believe in marriage?

>> No.8449666
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hahaha this has to be satire, but knowing /lit/ I wouldn't be surprised if this was some stinking landwhale fresh out of tumblr

>> No.8449668
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>> No.8449670


Hot bant, Rodger.

You still got it.

>> No.8449671

personal experience, i'm gay;
i want to be attracted to girls because i feel they're aestheticly pleasing
but men are sexually more.
i want to return to the void

>> No.8449672

The whole "b-but they aren't conscious of it!!!!" is just a meme used to discredit lived experiences from females. It's just cheap and still baseless speculation.

>> No.8449674

>"An attempted suicide is not really an attempt at suicide in about 95 percent of cases. It is a different phenomenon. It's most often an effort to bring someone's attention, dramatically, to a problem that the individual feels needs to be solved. Suicide contains a solution in itself," he says.

>Murphy says that when people intend to survive, they choose a slowly effective, or ineffective, means such as an overdose of sleeping pills. That contrasts to the all-or-nothing means like gunshots or hanging used by actual suicides.


>> No.8449675

There are tons of articles detailing the difference between suicide attempts that are definitive, and those that aren't. Google is your friend.

>> No.8449681

I pity the West; you have fallen. Eastern Europe may have been under communist rule, but the equality women got here wasn't sexual liberation, ploygamy and everything else.

Yugoslavia created a work ethic, and my mother is a women who knows she needs to work to have something.
Men earn at work -- work in farms back home.
Women earn at work -- work as housemaids back home.

But thanks to the downfall of morals in the turn of the millenia, the West's influence grows ever so more, and I see more and more girls and women becoming whores, seeing the meaning in wild nights, one night stands and so on.

>> No.8449683

>but only because they use more active methods
You mean methods that actually result in death?
People who take drugs to kill themselves survive 97% of the time. It isn't hard to kill yourself. Why choose a method that doesn't work?

>> No.8449686

You guys remember that article where a female scientist argued that natal science should make it so that only 1 boy is born for every 10 girls? I see her point. Now that monogamy is done and women no longer need men to support them, the only men that are useful to women are the ones that are genetically important enough to warrant preserving. Either geniuses, or supremely attractive men. And the only men women actualy need are the ones that are capable of satisfying them sexually. The standard, hard-working but non-impressive man is genetically useless in a modern context. This is why a small group of chads are fucking all of our women, while most men are sitting at home masturbating to porn.

I'm rooting for Islam tbqh.

>> No.8449689

>Which I disagree with.

Protip: the next time you decide to do it "for serious" this time, don't use ibuprofen.

>> No.8449692
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>I pity the West

seriously. these faggots bitch more than women. i couldn't imagine actually writing some of this r9k weak shit and hitting submit. any guy who seriously raged at women in this sperg thread is in denial over how shit he is too. we are all shitty paradoxical people.

fucking r9k needs to go.

>> No.8449697

I don't understand this argument at all. Could you link the article please?

>useful to women
Men don't exist to serve women.

> important enough to warrant preserving
What makes women worth preserving?

>The standard, hard-working but non-impressive man is genetically useless in a modern context.
Same with women.

Why 1 boy for 10 girls and not the other way around?

>> No.8449698
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>t.roastie getting toastie

>> No.8449700

The argument that guy made isn't just r9k nonsense. It's being expressed quite openly in other countries, where people talk about "modernization without Westernization." A lot of the planet is appalled by our sexual politics.

>> No.8449702
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you don't need to be less of a sad sack. they need to be less of a roastie. it's all so simple now.

thank you /lit/. will reading make a common guy like me this smart or are you guys like natural geniuses when it comes to understanding life and stuff?

>> No.8449705

>Men don't exist to serve women.
Yes, we do. A women's worth is inherent. A 25 year old woman of normal weight is attractive to most men. She's valuable per se. While men have to prove their worth through action. Very few men are inherently attractive to women.

>What makes women worth preserving?
I don't know, ask our female ancestors who only fucked a select number of men.

>Why 1 boy for 10 girls and not the other way around?
Because of how biology works. 1 man can get 10 women pregnant, while a woman can only be impregnated by 1 man. 10 mediocre men is just a waste of resources from a genetic standpoint when 1 great man is around.

>> No.8449707

Lol no one but teenage girls tries to kill themselves with ibuprofen

>> No.8449710

The inflated female "attempted suicide" rate is partially caused by those teenage girls

>> No.8449713
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I miss hipster Marxist /lit/. For all their shitty qualities at least I felt like I was talking to people who knew how to have fun at a party. Angry alt-right /lit/ is a bunch of dweebs and bores.

inb4 some triggered dip having a wet blanket cry as per usual.

>> No.8449714

Sexual liberation is a good thing cause it means you get to fuck and who the fuck wants to fuck a virgin you cucked freaks.

>> No.8449718

I have no doubt it might be.

>> No.8449720

Women's worth isn't inherant. What a ridiculous premise to base your entire argument on.

>> No.8449723

Sexually it is. Men aren't anywhere near as discerning as women are.

>> No.8449727

I don't like being around women because women generally presume by nature that because I'm a man I'd like to put my penis in her. Particularly because I usually talk to them when we're both drunk, and most drunk interactions between a male and female that I've seen do end in sex.

But nonetheless I'm offended by the presumption because I have no interest whatsoever in having sex with them. Even the pretty ones. A 10/10 by any objective metric could come up and ask me for sex and I'd apologise and decline.

But the general understanding that you are desirable and that people would actually want you for something - even sex - combined with the presumption that my intentions are not as they appear lead to me not being very comfortable around women. Pile on other female assumptions about patriarchy and the nature of men (for example, that I'm inclined to lead, that I'm dominant, that I feel somehow entitled to sex, that I could act as protection in a violent situation and on the contrary that I have the potential to be a threat.) and I'm even more inclined to just cut my losses and go find a man who'll keep his judgement to a succinct "Autistic faggot" instead of making a series of ludicrously inaccurate and negative assumptions just because I've got a dick.

It's not even that I hate women. You could make the case that really this is all the fault of a patriarchal atmosphere, but then it just becomes more annoying because the very irrational assumptions that women know men make about them are recognized by a growing number of women, who then continue to make the same sort of stupid generalization about men (which is okay because they benefit from patriarchy) instead of going ahead on a "fuck it we're all individuals" sort of basis.

I'd say that what we really need is a cure for autism, but then I might turn into a thirsty beta instead of a total sperg.

>> No.8449740

>all these sunday roasts saying you have to be a virgin nerd to hate women

I only started hating women when I heard them lying to their boyfriend on the phone while literally having my cum oozing out of their ravaged cunts.

>> No.8449742

My brother's a Chad and he's a hardcore sexist for this very reason. He knows how often women are willing to cheat on their boyfriends and husbands like it's nothing

>> No.8449746

Protip: girls aren't much different than guys, if you found every single one of those works shit, you've probably already made up your mind about women and you think the books are shit because they're written by women, regardless of their content. Not all women are the raging third-wave feminists your faggy little movement disparages so often.

Literally cancer. I honestly blame it on the left; when the sane right compromised (with ideas like color blindness and holding women to the exact same standard as men) and the left continued to push for more concessions and insist the right were all closet racists and sexists, they essentially created a self-fulfilling prophecy that we'll no doubt have to hear about for decades to come.

You guys notice that you're just ressentiment-y mirror images of the safe space kids right? Same whiney victimization, same "bully hurt my feelings, make him go away", same rejection of reality for silly, unrealistic principals and pseudo-science, same edge.

>> No.8449748

yfw the only women who lower themselves to fuck you are morally degenerate.

>> No.8449752

You can stop taking pains now, I'm back off to reddit

>> No.8449757

This is doubly backed up by the fact that when Emily bronte first released withering heights under a male psuedonym, it was hailed as a masterpiece by critics. As soon as her sister revealed that Emily was actually a woman, it started getting panned.

>> No.8449762

if you want to hate women even more: they feel a tinge of nervousness "he knows!" when they read shit like this.

thats why they're always so defensive on these topics. kind of like homos with their depravity.

>> No.8449765

proof women are more intellectual than men

>> No.8449766

>Because of how biology works. 1 man can get 10 women pregnant, while a woman can only be impregnated by 1 man. 10 mediocre men is just a waste of resources from a genetic standpoint when 1 great man is around.

I understand the importance of this up until know. Eventually though, we won't need women, just their eggs. Wouldn't it then make more sense to have 10 men for every female?

>> No.8449773

They were often the type of girls who you wouldn't expect it from, that's the scary part.

Women also never seem to feel guilt about this sort of thing. There's something really creepy about hearing a woman lie to someone. It's second nature to them to the degree that you almost believe them even if you know they're lying. I guess that's a valuable skill for the weaker sex to have but it also means they're honourless psychopaths.

You're better off pumping and dumping them and reserving your love for your dog.