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8439177 No.8439177 [Reply] [Original]

Delusional but ill-willed. A flawed human being laughed at by his peers. Rendered vulnerable by his insanity, he was laughed at instead of helped.

A noble and tragic figure in a way

>> No.8439181

Delusional but not* ill-willed.

>> No.8439183

Look at him and tell me he could have been saved.

>> No.8439189
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Perhaps 10 years ago

>> No.8439242
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And so it was that I saw God and on his face, marred on his perfect complexion, were streams of tears.

>> No.8439294

>not ill-willed

he maced a gamestop employee because sonic's arms were blue

>> No.8439402

He fought for what he believed in.

>> No.8439427

fuck now this thread is really making me think (not even joking)

>> No.8439466


Don Quixote has wit, intelligence, and is well read. It's arguable he's self-aware even. I don't know of anything CWC says that shows those qualities. DQ gives a well reasoned and articulate speech about the virtues of poetry; CWC rants about the color of Sonic's arms.

>> No.8439537

OP here. I posted it both ironically and non ironically.

I initially thought it would make for shitposting material but today I was reading Don Quixote and I thought why would we feel sympathy for the main character. It's obviously the writing, I know. We empathize in a way or another with Don Quixote, because we've seen him perserevere in instances where we would give up. He stands for what he believes is right, without wronging innocent people. He follows his moral code like his life depended on it. We wish we had the tenth part of his courage.

Yet we recognize human flaws in him. But we love him anyway. He is worth loving. He is a good man at heart and fights for what he believes in, yet he still has mercy for his opponents. He's a man of honor.

It's because of his flaws that we respect him even more, for they make him truly a human.

Chris-Chan could have been the same. He wasn't out to hurt anybody. He had his fair share of problems, but he was doing fine until le ebin troll army turned him into a chew toy. He was deluded, and had very wrong ideas, but he wasn't bad at heart, yet he had absolutely no compassion save for a few white knights. He was a vulnerable individual to begin with, and people used that very vulnerability against him in unthinkable ways. Yet he still believed in himself, in a way. In his perspective, in the way he saw the world. In what he thought was true.

But, since he's not Don Quixote, we've seen him plummet deeper and deeper into delusion as the world jeered on him. His reality shattered, all that was left was a neverending descent into insanity.

He could have been saved.

>> No.8440134

wtf anon

>> No.8440235

Don Quixote didn't cut open his own taint.

>> No.8440244
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>> No.8440319

Chris-Chan is the modern foil to Don Quixote;
a Quixote for whom we can feel very little sympathy, if any.

>> No.8440329

When I first saw the pictures I had trouble grasping what exactly it was. The full horror of realization set in slow.

>> No.8440349

my toes just curled

>> No.8440369

>he was doing fine until...
You're even crazier than he is if you actually believe that.

>> No.8440382


>> No.8440395

>He wasn't out to hurt anybody.
Honestly he has only ever been out for himself. He is utterly selfish. I agree that the trolls are in the wrong (there is no justification for any of that shit). But he is not fighting for what he believes in. He is sitting at home playing video games and trying to get pussy once in a while.

>> No.8440399

Just google chris chan and go to his wiki.

>> No.8440401

He also tried to run over him with a car because he thought he was a jew

>> No.8440416

That was the guy from the card game store I think. So at least two people he attacked.