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8438901 No.8438901 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most boring book you've ever read?

Hard mode: and finished.

>> No.8438908
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>> No.8438928
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>> No.8438940

The Fourth Century by Édouard Glissant

fucking flashbacks and stream of consciousness

>> No.8438978
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>> No.8438981
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Here you go. Wish I could get that time back I lost when reading this junk.

>> No.8438983

Pleb or a lib arts major.

>> No.8438985
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not sure if i hated this so much because of the professor that assigned it but i found it just terrible

>> No.8438987
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Welp, here it goes. Expecting some major backlash but I thought this was extremely boring.

>> No.8438988


>> No.8438989

>Expecting some major backlash
only for thinking your commonplace contrarianism bothers anybody

>> No.8438993
File: 611 KB, 1565x950, Plato intensifies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything by Plato.

I unironically agree with Nietzsche: he's a fucking bore.

It could just be that Ancient Greek is really boring when translated into English, though.

>> No.8439006
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I liked watching and listening to Slavoj Zizek and decided to read his book so I did. I finished it but barely, so boring it was.

>> No.8439013
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finished in agony.

>> No.8439075

Dune. Absolute trash.

>> No.8439079

i don't think i've ever finished a book i found boring

>> No.8439153

Teatro Grottesco wasn't at all what i expected.

>> No.8439164

Waves by Keyserling

was a good read, though

>> No.8439199
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zzzzzzzz -_- lol

>> No.8439279
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I refuse to read anything from Saramago after suffering this shit

>> No.8439295

To Kill A Mockingbird

>> No.8439304

Infinite Jest.

>> No.8439341

probably Lord of the Flies. Not that it was really boring, the topic just didn't interest me, it probably would've 10 years ago but if I wanted to get an insight on human nature I am more inclined to pick up, say, Hobbes

>> No.8439375

I unironically detested this book

>> No.8439385

Webster's dictionary.
Had insomnia for a few months. Read it front to back in an attempt to sleep.
>now every other book I read is a remix

>> No.8439388


Kek'd hard

>> No.8439470
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East of Eden.

>> No.8439479
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The book's like, a hundred pages, but it still managed to be one of the most nothing books I've ever read.