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File: 518 KB, 1568x2192, Blake_after_John_Gabriel_Stedman_Narrative_of_a_Five_Years_copy_2_object_2-detail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8435262 No.8435262[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How harmful is self-suffocation as a long-term habbit? I started as a form of self-harm to try and measure how painful it would be to hang myself but now I actually find it quite relaxing.

I don't do it with a belt or anything though, just my hands (and stop before I'm unconscious), so there's no chance of any foreign object being tightened while I'm out and ending me, but that's not as big an issue as having painful damages dealt though.

I'd appreciate some guidance, I'm sure some of you do this while masturbating?
(Btw I've never tried that because of all the risks involved, how good is it?)

>> No.8435264

Fucking hell wrong board, I'm sorry, please delete this.

Unless this is a /lit/erary habit, in which case, /lit/erary habbits thread.

>> No.8435266

Which board did you mean this for? Self suffocation seems pretty /lit/ to me.

>> No.8435268

this is pretty /lit/ I guess
what board would this go on

>> No.8435271

The self-suffocation board, obviously.

>> No.8435276

by the way, the point of hanging is to break your neck, which is pretty much instantaneous death, so it shouldn't be painful

>> No.8435302

Bad for all the tubes and shit in your throat, also can cause brain damage if you overdo it

I say go for it

>> No.8435311
File: 40 KB, 333x500, 51eF8uIDqlL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

throughout most of history the "point of hanging" was strangulation
it is only comparatively recently that anyone applied any "science" to hanging- weighing the victim beforehand to calculate the length of drop, etc.

see pic related (and the excellent film thereof)

>> No.8435318 [SPOILER] 
File: 20 KB, 438x233, 1472128140690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and incidentally there is a scene of autoerotic asphyxiation in justine, so it is /lit/ in a way

and if it was good enough for david carradine and michael hutchence, it's good enough for OP. so go ahead knock yourself out

>> No.8435323

we live in the modern age now so I think any hanging should be a break-neck hanging, but w/e

>> No.8435328

>so go ahead knock yourself out

>> No.8435376

>How harmful is self-suffocation as a long-term habbit?
Lack of oxygen can severely harm your brain. Your brain is very active and requires a lot of energy which it cannot produce without oxygen. Furthermore, lack of oxygen results in compounds that can further damage the brain... (Hypoxia)

The most vulnerable parts of the brain to lack of oxygen are
Involved in memory and spatial association
>caudate nucleus
Sleep alertness
Source: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10635000

However this only describes the immediate effects of strangulation: UpToDate (It's targeted at medical professionals) have this to say
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY — The pathophysiologic effects of strangulation activities have not been well studied. Several mechanisms, including cerebral hypoxia and hypoperfusion, cerebral vascular engorgement, decreased cardiac output (related to increased thoracic pressure), and hypercarbia have been postulated to play a role in loss of consciousness and other clinical manifestations [6,9,11,18,30]. After loss of consciousness, when the pressure is released, there may be a secondary "high" related to the rush of blood and oxygen to the brain [9].

Medscape has this to say (It's also targeted at medical professionals so lots of complicated language) : http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/826704-overview#a5

You can also look up the latest research on pubmed http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed
I really wouldn't try strangling myself if I were you though.

>> No.8435408

Very harmful. OP: decide now to never do it again. Not even once.
This is the only way to save yourself.

>> No.8435431

That movie is dank as shit son. Savage fucking acting/

>> No.8435438

i really have no idea whether you are saying you liked it or not
nuspeak eludes me

>> No.8435492

Probably /adv/.

>> No.8435532

Strangulation is the finest method of execution.

>> No.8435846

i did this once and got an epileptic seizure from it. shit was scary and i feel a little slower nowadays.

>> No.8435857

someone l work with died doing this - I know, I know, I'm just some guy on the internet who happens to know someone it's happened to - just trying to put it in to some kind of statistical perspective

>> No.8435998

This guy isn't actually getting strangled, you realise. He's hung by the ribs.

>> No.8436099
File: 120 KB, 851x1000, Basil-Rathbone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
