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/lit/ - Literature

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8433841 No.8433841 [Reply] [Original]

You probably daydream about being a successful author.

Describe that daydream. What would be your subject matter? What would the names of your novels be?

>> No.8433848

>subject matter
Subjectivity of historical accounts, clash of morality and ethics, separation of academia and civilized world from lower classes, death of the rural community, and in addition just mash anything Faulkner with anything Marquez

In a trilogy:

The User

>> No.8434088
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i wouldn't publish novels, i would publish poetry.

I write it every single day. because i need to.
i've thought about publication, although i am not sure how i feel about it: is it selfish? if so, is that okay? what would really be my reasons for publishing? what would it accomplish? would i be okay with simply publishing, regardless of whether or not it was successful? etc etc.

poetry is what my inner life is about but i'm forced to live an existence focused on everything else. how many others endure the same?

If /lit/ has any wisdom to impart i would be grateful.

i have no idea what to do desu

>> No.8434095


Coming of Age

>> No.8434150


A synthwave neo-80s action novel that gets a movie adaptation. Not Kung Fury, but something that straddles the line between campy and serious. My one request would be that I get to choose, or at the very least recommend the music composer. It's Trevor Something https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYOtZvwNCsc

The other novels I write would just be novels first, then whatever if they want to be. I have a lot of ideas spanning different genres and themes.

>don't know the title of the 80s one
>A Modern Adventure
>Are we Real?

>> No.8434156
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I'm being interviewed, they never have a name, and the questions are geared towards me dropping in hot /lit/ memes.

>> No.8434181

I put poetry in my head to the tasks I'm doing. Not really wisdom, but do what you want with that granule of knowlage.

>> No.8434624

You might (not) be a good poet, but if you wish to remain of your own clay and dole, then don't publish, my dear friend. Your pictured buddy even said in an interview that you lose essence when taken to corporate lit. level, so, IDK, do what you want?