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File: 458 KB, 1280x800, 2015_11_zizek_books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8431333 No.8431333 [Reply] [Original]

Why doesn't this memer get into politics in Slovenia?

>> No.8431341

he was a candidate for president in the 90's you goblin

>> No.8431397


>> No.8431436


>> No.8431966

Seeing him as a liberal there I feel like his support for communism is a career move.

>> No.8431972


Because it's a fucking backwater, same as pretty much every other Eastern 'European' shithole.

>> No.8431981

Maybe there was no other party crazy enough to allow him to run.

>> No.8431988


This. I've heard him refer to his country as 'shitty' and so forth on Youtube videos.

I think he realized there was a much easier and more lucrative life awaiting him in the West, what with all the Hegelian-Lacanian nonsense he can put into (overpriced) book form.

>> No.8431989


>they are making us pay someone elses dues


>> No.8432189

he ran for the ceremonial position of president once upon a time

he has ties to people in positions of power though, mostly in the opposition
lubljana is small as fuck and everyone knows everyone in the elite
apparently he even knows someone that knows the state security officer that used to spy on him and his friends when he a "dissident" under communism

>> No.8432196

Because even he knows that he's not fit to be a politician.
You need to drop a lot of that intellectual stuff to get elected. Not being a misanthrope helps too.

>> No.8432297

But he lives in Slovenia

>> No.8432374

He was more reactionary in his youth, like other Slavs of his generation. And now, also like other Slavs of his generation, he's aware that liberalism was a mistake.

>> No.8432380


Well, because he's Croatian for one

>> No.8432466
File: 29 KB, 619x338, Slavoj Zizek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was reading a short introduction to Hegel and had a funny realization that Žižek is actually LARP'ing Hegel. Read the following and see if it reminds you of anyone:

>"I was unable at first to find my way into either the manner of his delivery or the train of his thought. Exhausted, morose. He sat there as if collapsed into himself, his head bent down, and while speaking he kept turning pages and searching in his folio notebooks, forward and backward, high and low. His constant clearing of his throat and coughing interrupted any flow of speech. Every sentence stood alone and came out with effort, cut into pieces and jumbled...Eloquence that flows along smoothly presupposes that the speaker is finished with the subject inside and out and has it by heart...this man, however, had to raise up the most powerful thoughts from the deepest ground of things...a more vivid representation of these difficulties and the immense trouble than was accomplished by the manner of his delivery would be inconceivable." - A description of Hegel from one of his students

>> No.8432474


>Exhausted, morose. He sat there as if collapsed into himself, his head bent down, and while speaking he kept turning pages and searching in his folio notebooks, forward and backward, high and low. His constant clearing of his throat and coughing interrupted any flow of speech.

Mein Gott.

>> No.8432478
File: 403 KB, 245x118, Wew m8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>His constant clearing of his throat and coughing interrupted any flow of speech.

Add some sniffing/nose-rubbing and you've got our man.

>> No.8432524

>people will still try to say that he was 'obscurantist' on purpose, instead of just another autist philosopher à la Kant

>> No.8432556


The best philosophers are in some way autistic.

Kant, however, was apparently an amazing lecturer. He was only autistic in his private life.

>> No.8432624


>> No.8432747

Why did he run as a liberal? I'm so confused

>> No.8432762


Probably on an "anything's better than what we had before" basis.

>> No.8432771

Post-Soviet insanity.

>> No.8432778

You guys have it confused.

Zizek is personally a communist, but believed both Marxist-Leninism and Yugoslav market socialism were inadequate mechanisms for achieving free and stateless communism.

He supported that particular liberal party because it included a lot of young intellectuals. He believed if they won, he could steer Yugoslavia toward his preferred mechanism of communist implementation

>> No.8432783


>Zizek is personally a communist

In fairness, that's just what he wants you to think.

>> No.8432797

Yes it's part of his big plan. To, uh, do stuff.

>> No.8432954
File: 44 KB, 350x263, zizek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes ofcourse we all know *sniff sniff* that *sniff* a true communism, this dream that came and went, *shirt pull* and sort of this Stalinist big Other watching *shirt* is really at the heart of Christianity which demands a kind of sacrifice *sniff sniff* the same way as any good Stalinist means when he says "the door to the left is the door to the gulag" you know this joke yes.

>> No.8433006

He was very nearly elected after one of the other candidates made wrong move of calling him the smartest guy in the race.

>> No.8433037

>literally comparing Pokemon Go with Hitler

this idiot should kill himself and vanish

>> No.8433087
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>> No.8433120
File: 24 KB, 374x374, zizek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its in german but i try to translate it for you

translation of
>pic related

"Wasn´t it Hitler that brought the Germans the picture of his nationalistic ideology, through which they saw a special Pokemon - "the jew" - appearing everywhere, which (the picture) gave them (the germans) the answer of the question, what they should fight against?"

>> No.8433156

Yet another uncited and overblown emotional reaction to Zizek.

>> No.8433173

it appeared in an articel of the german newspaper "Die Zeit", i didn´t buy it. there are no online sources available, but i believe the writer, who wrote this on his blog

>> No.8433174

Why would he when he gets a shitload of money from the western elite? Slovenia is a shitty little country where everyone who was in power in 1950 was still in power (or their kids are, just with a different fake ideology). He already knows everyone there is to know there, he was working for the secret service all throughout communism, and he has ties to pretty much everyone there, how the hell do you think people with careers like his are even made?

>> No.8433187

here it is

>> No.8433194
File: 108 KB, 604x588, zizek2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related

>> No.8433354

Because the former communists became hard Nationalists and still are.

>> No.8433377

zizek has the best stories

>> No.8433382

>"Wasn´t it Hitler that brought the Germans the picture of his nationalistic ideology, through which they saw a special Pokemon - "the jew" - appearing everywhere, which (the picture) gave them (the germans) the answer of the question, what they should fight against?"
What a dogshit translation.

>> No.8433395

>zhzh will never be your uncle and you'll never see him disrupt countless holiday family get-togethers with crass jokes and spontaneous lectures about dialectical materialism

>> No.8433400

yeah, whatever.

zizek is dogshit, too.

>> No.8433401

In a lot of ways he's a typical yugoslav. So just marry into that sort of family.

>> No.8433415
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>> No.8433421

I don't think with that pos you even understand what he wrote.

P. Go draws Pokemon onto the real world, you must go out into the real world and catch them because they are drawn there. National Socialist ideology drew Jews onto real life too, and again the German people had to go and perform acts in relation to this in real life. It's not a hard thing to follow but you've skipped over and mistranslated so many words it makes no sense.

>> No.8433425

muh ideology

read marx, adorno and nietzsche

zizek is an illiterate

>> No.8433432
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>> No.8433434


>> No.8433436

he literally compares jews and pokemons for the sake of his neverending criticism of ideology

ok we get his point.

but he relativizes history through his myopic view on modern technology. he is a fucking antisemite

>> No.8433438

sleep tight Zizek

>> No.8433441

die in your sleep tonight, zizek

>> No.8433443
File: 24 KB, 354x415, 1455202499336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8433448

>German people had to go

and dont say because of the ideology...

>> No.8433449

Sleep tight Zizek

>> No.8433453

I saw Žižek in Ljubljana in a store checking some video games.

>> No.8433462

You can shake your tiny fists at him all you want, but I sure wish I could go to "work", that is, ad-libbing outlandish political commentary about pop-cultural phenomena, while looking like a greasy hobo and then go on and marry a model and do coke all night in my cozy flat where the socks are stored in the kitchen drawers.

>> No.8433464

Make this into that one /sp/ pasta.

>> No.8433468

I find that attitude kinda funny. They would absolutely hate Germany where nearly every museum is like half dedicated "WE HAD NAZIISM AND IT WAS STUPID AND WRONG".

>but he relativizes history through his myopic view on modern technology. he is a fucking antisemite
I can't even parse this beyond it's meant to be a point on hermeneutics (I think?).

On the other bit, he's not really comparing pokeymens and Hitler, but the way the VR game works with how the ideology works. It's not what you thought.

>> No.8433472

i love zizek he's a wonderful man very bright but communism is inhumane, my needs are satisfied in a capitalism, or maybe the delusion that they are my needs, or oops i fell into ideology again fuck this

>> No.8433499

>my needs are satisfied in a capitalism
this is the faster than light neutrino of pure ideology

>> No.8433507

Why do you have to go out and catch the pokemon? He's not (exactly) talking about actual Jews like he's not talking about actual pokemon.

There were actual problems in Germany at the time (as you may be aware), and a lot of this was spooky geopolitical shit. I think that's what you want. But I'm p sure the point there is not what compelled them but what drew them in (the ol objet petit a where the cause and object of desire are different I think).

>> No.8433513
File: 130 KB, 832x690, Imagination intensifies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My issue with Slavoj is that most of what he says is meaningless Hegelian-Lacanian verbiage.

When he IS being clear, then he's usually just stating something pretty obvious, and in a way that's pretty far from profound.

As >>8433462 said though, I'm still a little jealous. If you can reasonable brandish any Hegelian and Psychoanalytic terminology, you can come off as much smarter than you actually are. What's more, it can be very hard for people to read you, in terms of what you actually believe. Slavoj made a comfy niche for himself, and now milks it to the full.

I wonder how good of a pickup tactic it would be in uni/college, in the sense of dazzling dumbass girls with jargon beyond the usual Marxist kind they're all so used to.

>> No.8433514



>> No.8433528

I saw Slavoj Zizek at a video game store in Ljubljana yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh *sniff* like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and pulling on his shirt in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him mumble about ideology as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept babbling about hegel and lacan, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any dialectical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by sniffing really loudly.

>> No.8433539

Well done

>> No.8433541


>> No.8433551

Not everything you misunderstand is judenhass you ingrate.

>> No.8433562

then why bother with this whole obsession with jews?

i could take any other example in human history where a development in technology leads to a changing moment in human perception.

get it?

>> No.8433569

>i could take any other example in human history where a development in technology leads to a changing moment in human perception.
>get it?
No not really.

>> No.8433574

Your needs are satisfied but most people's aren't

>> No.8433575

>then why bother with this whole obsession with jews?
I don't know, why are you obsessed with Jews?

>> No.8433577

He isn't.
Ps, he's a meme here too.

>> No.8433583

>I don't know, why are you obsessed with Jews?
Because semite (some might) be involved in a global conspiracy.

That's the best I can come up with.

>> No.8433586

That's exactly why capitalism wins. my satisfaction at the expense of others makes me the winner, because the other party loses. Here is how capitalism is more humane than communism.

>> No.8433591
File: 24 KB, 615x409, Bilic-on-Smalling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you thinking of Slaven Bilic by any chance?

>> No.8433594

zizek is obsessed with jews

>> No.8433603

No, I was just stirring the pot for some reason

>> No.8433604

A lot of yugoslavs compare their own cultures with that of the jewish people for various reasons. And a lot of him mentioning jews there is because German newspaper

>> No.8433605

Try harder

>> No.8433617

He has no meme value.

>> No.8433632

>A lot of yugoslavs compare their own cultures with that of the jewish people
As a yugo I have to say this is bullshit

>> No.8433636
File: 57 KB, 634x439, 27FA105D00000578-0-Mr_Cameorn-m-61_1430045946789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anything his memes are too stromg

>> No.8433638

U redu

Always one.

>> No.8433639

>>A lot of yugoslavs compare their own cultures with that of the jewish people
What the fuck are you on about?

>> No.8433643

Slavic people scare the shit out of me, I can only imagine how horrifying a love session with a Serbian girl might be.

>> No.8433656


>he plays pokemon go

>> No.8433660
File: 3.67 MB, 700x298, aaaaay.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who here has read his masterpiece?


>> No.8433662

>What the fuck
Woah. Much aggros. On the internet.

What "the fuck" is the problem?

>> No.8433670


What dumbass girl do you know who would derive semantic meaning from a statement like "the money-form of a commodity is merely the expression of its medial relationship with all other commodities and thus the conceptual location of labor within capitalism"

>> No.8433672


Because it is the most immediately comprehensible example of the ideological Other as constructed by the State

>> No.8433673

Is that an excerpt from the book?

>> No.8433680

>And a lot of him mentioning jews there is because German newspaper
ok, that could be a reason to raise awareness

>> No.8433681

If it's the thing about how there isn't really nothing in qm because virtual sea of electrons and positrons then it's in a few books.

>> No.8433684


Those same girls who go weak at the knees when I bring up other bullshit ideas like "the labor theory of value".

>> No.8433688

Give an example of how you bring up the LTV broletariat

>> No.8433699
File: 31 KB, 851x315, Free spooks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Debating the US Presidential election in class

>"You know, Trump always goes on about how China's ripping us off, I hear it all the time. What about the bourgeoisie, huh? Even if China weren't ripping us off, we'd still be getting ripped off here at home. Why? Because 'The Man', you know who I mean, the 1%, decrees that the value of what our American workers make is determined by the use or pleasure that it gives, rather than the amount of work that goes into it. Don't you see how that rips people off? And I'm not just talkin' American workers either, it's the whole damn Proletariat! Marx actually talks about this, guys. It's called the Labour Theory of Value, you should really look it up, yeah? It'll open your eyes."

>"By the way Stacey, here's my number. Wanna grab a coffee after class? My treat, no strings attached. I saw you nod a couple of times and I just think we're on the same wavelength on this, you know?"

>> No.8433704


Well played.

>> No.8433710


Lol you are for sure an armchair ladykiller.

>> No.8433712

humanitiesfags will defend this

>> No.8433720

If she falls for this, I seriously hope you treat the whole affair as casual sex only.

>> No.8433724
File: 35 KB, 500x463, really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Implying I'm not just pretending to be a Marxist/Leftist for sex

>> No.8433736

That you're spouting random bullshit? Where the fuck did you hear that?

>> No.8433750


Let's be honest. Your needs are met BECAUSE most people's aren't.

>> No.8433752


This reads like something I'd find in some sort of ironic post-modern fiction.

>> No.8433759
File: 48 KB, 600x300, 1448053125054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it work?

>> No.8433764


Sometimes. Colleges/universities have 2 types of girls: normies, and those who wear their political hearts on their sleeves.

Doesn't take a lot to sway the latter. Mention some Greer/Beauvoir/etc and you're all set.

>> No.8433768

>That you're spouting random bullshit?
>being so unsure of yourself you stick a question mark on a statement

And it's so straightforward to draw parallels I'll just stick with the funnier superficial ones. All of them have major Hungarian influences. All of them love lighting candles at any opportunity. All of them are "religious but not religious". And all of them invented everything.

>> No.8433773

because he would rather influence people world wide

>> No.8433775

Nothing you said is true though, what are you basing this on? Who told you this?

>> No.8433803

Ah, are you one of those Siberia Stronk idiots?

>> No.8433818

No idea who those are. You're not answering any of my questions, can you concentrate on the subject please?

>> No.8433832

>You're not answering any of my questions
I have answered your question but you lack the cultural horizons to make sense of it.

>> No.8433837

No, you didn't tell me who told you all this bullshit.

>> No.8433843

Which is the bullshit in your opinion?

>> No.8433855


>> No.8433860

Is this like that bit in Rainman?


>> No.8433865


>> No.8433868

This is only a test

>> No.8433873

Who is the bullshit in your opinion?? What are you trying to say?

>> No.8433881


>> No.8433889

Answer what?

>> No.8433894


>> No.8433898

he has explained it many times but basically fighting nationalism is more important than always being 100% pure ideologically

Zizek may be some sort of a commie but he is pragmatic as fuck when it comes to fighting nationalism, racism etc - the larger cause can wait. well, in fact, he is pretty pragmatic when it comes to most politics: if the political deed fights ~ideology~, he thinks it good (see his obamacare praises and so on)

he has, again, explained this many times: he is an anti-capitalist who calls himself a communist for a few reasons, none of which are really him clinging to 20th century ways of implementing socialism

he isn't really advocating any well-defined particular alternative to capitalism, so indeed technically "communism" is a bad word for him. he is more like an anti-capitalist radical leftist who is also a very critical marxist, calling himself a a communist as a sort of political move (the word divided people and reminds us of the old horrors so we may remember them and avoid doing the same mistakes)

>> No.8433900


You mean

>> No.8433901


>> No.8433904

So basically he's nothing and he just rambles about random shit for money.

>> No.8433909

Where do I start if I wanna read Zizek?

>> No.8433913


>> No.8433914

just skip him

read marx and hegel

>> No.8433915

his first book, stupid

>> No.8433919

Vuk me je rekao bud ;^)

>> No.8433920


>> No.8433921

You don't read him, you watch one of his videos and you've seen everything, he just repeats himself in different permutations.

>> No.8433925
File: 38 KB, 400x225, 1266493696_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were already starting with Zizek all the time.

>> No.8433926

That's not even grammatically correct, retard.

>> No.8433931

Puppet and the Dwarf is fine if not all that representative of his whole work.

>> No.8433932

yeah, but you should read the whole phenomenology of the spirit

>> No.8433940

If you want to start with more fun, less hard: violence or living int he end times or almost any of his politics-focused books, really.

if you want the most important Zizek as far as his philosophy goes:
the sublime object of ideology
the parallax view
less than nothing
absolute recoil

or so

>> No.8433946
File: 9 KB, 320x180, 4142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were already commenting about starting with Zizek all the time.

>> No.8433949

what a bum

>> No.8433975

It's alright as a sort of pop phil book on its own. You do need to get your teeth into more complicated stuff esp Hegel later on for sure tho.

>> No.8433983

>ne razume

>> No.8433992

I understand it perfectly, but it's still grammatically incorrect, so I assume you're some Serbian or Bosnian US/Swedish immigrant's kid who can't even speak his own language properly.

>> No.8433994


>> No.8433998

Because they're retarded American high school kids.

>> No.8434000
File: 83 KB, 960x669, zizek3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8434008


>> No.8434013


>> No.8434022

So you are a Siberia Stronk one! You go play being from the balkans on your internet then, have fun!

>> No.8434038

my nigger, if you want the TOP PUSSY SWIMMER Jargon, situationism, post-left and modernist studies are what you're looking form, since a lot of the terminology is pretty much stolen from other thinkers and repurposed (See: Separation in Debord / Alienation in Marx).

You sound both like an academic and a real rebel.

>> No.8434087

What's that and what does Siberia have to do with the balkans?

>> No.8434109

>what does Siberia have to do with the balkans

>> No.8434278

its literally a joke mocking nazis, isn't it, though, a pretty obvious one at that, even if Zizek makes it a bit less easy w/ his ideology stuff

I mean: I live in Europe where we've had some idiot neo-nazis running racist "street patrols" which are supposed to guard our women etc against refugee rapists and such

it has been a popular joke to compare that to pokemon go; people walking in the streets, searching for monsters that don't really exist

>> No.8434307

do you live in sweden?

>> No.8434352

>that don't really exist
Are your women raping themselves then?

>> No.8434388

oh, obviously some immigrants rape women

same goes for the jews: of course some of them somewhat fit some parts of nazi propaganda, of course some were crooked bankers or seducing german women or whatever

but this doesn't really matter from the point of view of ideology, the belief that immigrants/jews are "the problem" is nonetheless ideology, pathological and false

anyway, the patrols are ridiculous and unable to do anything besides scare normal people. whatever they're fighting doesn't exist, whatever problems there might be related to immigration.

nah, Finland

>> No.8434405

>the belief that immigrants/jews are "the problem" is nonetheless ideology, pathological and false

>whatever they're fighting doesn't exist
Are your women raping themselves then?

>> No.8434408

Why do you feel afraid of your own people?

>> No.8434479

The vast majority of rapes in Germany are committed by ethnic Germans

>> No.8434494

>Are your women raping themselves then?
What an incredible question. If anyone needed to exposure to Zizek it's you.

>> No.8434503

If I wanted exposure to an old perverted faggot wanking himself off, I'd just go to the local park after sundown.

>> No.8434507

What books do you read?

You seem really dumb.

>> No.8434508

Holy shit you are defensive. Why do you think that is? Get unspooked fast.

>> No.8434544 [DELETED] 

Lol faggots detected pull that Satan out of your ass HEY.

>> No.8434814

Sleep tight Žižek

>> No.8434971
File: 1.54 MB, 2448x3264, 1472043245868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because it's a fucking backwater, same as pretty much every other Eastern 'European' shithole.

I'd expect such comments from the average moron on /pol/, but here on /lit/ really? How are we less European then you?

>> No.8435010

I think it comes down to not joining in as much on the whole "which western European country should have been the Roman Empire really" fantasy league. And probably not joining NATO on top of that.

>> No.8435016

>not joining NATO

>> No.8435018

>And probably not joining NATO on top of that.
we did join, unfortunately

>> No.8435041
File: 123 KB, 860x1280, here's looking at jew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those fucking eyes

>> No.8435046


Everyone knows that Western Europe is the only Europe that counts.

Keep sucking on your pierogi, Pavel.

>> No.8435048


>> No.8435052

It seems one is equally fucked whether you join or not in the balkans. You only substitute one tightrope for another.

>> No.8435053


>Implying I'm French
>Implying France isn't pretty alright outside of Paris, which is a well-known shithole

>> No.8435054
File: 3.86 MB, 2986x2234, c6e92123917fd9c0db989b780a8eb68fc6ef8b94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a "/pol/ tries to understand Zizek" episode

Read his fucking books before spouting bullshit him or his positions. Or even, watch his lecture/movies/interviews.

>> No.8435056
File: 36 KB, 500x648, 9c9ff8627b84b3919a9a4023a8efdca4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only thing im implying is that your insult is outdated and irrelevant. the West is weak, feminized and dying. if you want to keep this more lit-related, i'd suggest watching Jonathan Bowdens comments on the subject, and his clever comment on Eastern Europe post-communism


>> No.8435060


As a /pol/ack, I actually don't mind him.

He can sometimes be funny and refreshing. I mostly agree with >>8433513 though.

>> No.8435063
File: 425 KB, 1600x1024, nigeria-section4-divider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan has a more than healthy Nigerian population. And it's also not like some S. E Euros don't get mistaken for being some kind of black either.

So she's stupid, you're stupid, but let's not show it off.

>> No.8435068

>le being european means being le pale aryan
stop embarrassing yrself

>> No.8435072


Mudbaby/Italian detected.

>> No.8435073

>the West is weak, feminized and dying.
I feel like you're trying to pretend to be a tough Eastern European but you're a self hating Westerner that fails to understand.

>> No.8435076

A lot of Southern Europe naturally looks a lot like Africa and the Middle East is all I'm saying.

>> No.8435079

im from the Balkans and can safely say that i've survived some things you wouldn't

>A lot of Southern Europe naturally looks a lot like Africa and the Middle East is all I'm saying.
yes, thats true. my point in posting the video is that there is hardly a Western Europe anymore, its just an immigrant Disney land

>> No.8435082

>i've survived some things you wouldn't
Then you are not from the balkans.

I mean how self indulgent are you being right now?

>> No.8435088


>> No.8435104

>tfw Yugoslav
>people keep saying your country isn't part of European culture even though it was part of the Catholic Latin jam for centuries

>> No.8435115

You're poor, ex-communist and therefore still lazy and corrupt, haven't been of any importance in at least 400 years and when you arrive in the West you just start criminal gangs like a bunch of third worlders

>> No.8435136
File: 57 KB, 400x616, 1454194783942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>the belief that immigrants/jews are "the problem" is nonetheless ideology, pathological and false

Really depends on which immigrants and which Jews my Finnish friend.


The vast majority of Germans are ethnic Germans. And we all know that third world types are less likely to report rapes in the first place, or even recognize that their legal rights were even violated. That's why Sweden supposedly has a higher rate of sexual assault than South Africa.

>> No.8435139

So being European to you means being well-off and a pacifist. Are you retarded? I was born in a city that is officially recognized as Europe's oldest inhabited city, I have more European culture in my bones than you'll ever see

>> No.8435240

watch his online shit it's a good introduction. his books go more into details and they're very good. Violence, and his chritianity book. for theory read absolute recoil but you need to to be familiar with lacan and hegel for that even if just superficially.

>> No.8435269

Even geographically closer to the vatican than most of Europe. And much of the rest of christian Europe were Huns way before there were the Huns 2: Ottoman boogaloo.

They just don't want to think about the whole Byzantium shit I think.

>> No.8435272

>you arrive in the West you just start criminal gangs
There are indigenous gangs in every country p much. You only end up knowing about the foreign ones when your homegrown ones aren't up to shit.

>> No.8435274

>The vast majority of Germans are ethnic Germans.
In what sense?

>> No.8435312

>stateless communism

This is wrong. Zizek has said many times the state is a necessity.

>He believed if they won, he could steer Yugoslavia toward his preferred mechanism of communist implementation

Liberal Democratic is probably the most overused and meaningless party name. It was for Zizek social democracy but otherwise is meaningless.

Anyhow, Zizek has said that he was too liberal when he wrote Sublime Object of Ideology so one can only imagine how much he has changed in his views since that election.

>> No.8435351


>Tu Quoque

The point is that if we already have these problems here, you don't import people who would make them worse.

Likewise, if you were a passenger aboard the Titanic, you wouldn't start madly drilling holes into the hull - just because it already had a big hole thanks to the iceberg.

>> No.8435484

>philosopher president
Plato would be proud

>> No.8435488

It's not a tu quoque you idiot.

Is there some way of culling people that have a kind of "muh logic" tourettes?

>> No.8435499
File: 11 KB, 220x240, tfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Tfw we will never kill these anti-logic feels faggots

>> No.8435663

Only a small minority of German citizens are brown

>> No.8435682

Great post

>> No.8435712

It was a big post.

>> No.8435840

anyone have sauce on the video where zizek is dressed like this?

>> No.8435847

I think it was the fucking fruitjuice incident. It was on Vice.
Be careful it was very ideological.

>> No.8435883

We have the best posts

>> No.8435930

>pure ideologically

>> No.8435943

Worked for Djindjic.

>> No.8435986


80% of German citizens are ethnic Germans. It's just basic logic that they would commit the most rapes, but liberals never fail to point out statistics like this as if they've said something meaningful, with the air of a toddler after a successful trip to the potty.

>> No.8436012

>And we all know that third world types are less likely to report rapes in the first place
No, more tradiotional societies are less likely to report rapes. Japan and Korea have an issue with unreported rape cases .

And you're also missing out on the fact that Sweden has much stricter rape laws.

>> No.8436015

sleep tight aizek

>> No.8436466


>> No.8436624

I love how /pol/cucks are quick to cross reference statystics they deem irrelevant to do so in similar situations.

>> No.8438181

sleep tight Zizek

>> No.8438207


Third world countries are nothing if not traditional. They're still peasants, even if they make a living differently. You're right though, Sweden's laws play a role.


I don't go on /pol/ very often, I'm just there for the shitposting desu. If they ever took the Swedish rape stats seriously they were doing so in bad faith. That infographic blaming the high rate on the muzzies was clearly bait. . .

>> No.8438268

why the fuck is this dumb meme thread still alive