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8426273 No.8426273 [Reply] [Original]

Are they well written for children's/YA books?

I haven't read them since I was a baby

>> No.8426289

Why don't you read them and tell us?

>> No.8426291

They're not well written at all frankly. Even Roald Dahl and Dr. Seuss is way superior.

>> No.8426308



What do you mean?

>> No.8426317

Just disregard that "even" tbqh, don't know why I wrote it now.

>> No.8426318

>since I was a baby
Jesus, how young are you?

>> No.8427887

They're okay. Really good by child/YA standards, but terrible when compared to actual literature.

They hold a spot in my heart as they are humble, unassuming narratives and I find they are the epitome of comfy lit. There's something pleasant in reading about the day to day life in hogwarts that is filled with enough wonder but also enough familiarity to make it a very easy book to just blaze through.

Is it good? In the right mindset, and most likely the right age, yes. For any type of serious reading as an adult? No, don't treat it as such.

>> No.8427952

this tbqh. maybe it's just nostalgia, but Hogwarts is such a genuinely interesting place to read about

>> No.8428005
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Pleb-tier YA fantasy. Real kids read Deltora Quest.

>> No.8428026

Well, the first one came out '97. The last one came out '07. We could theoretically have someone born in '97 or '98 who was read the first few books as a very small child.

As YA/children's books, they're very good. J K Rowling is a good story-teller, and that's something you need for children's books. Good stories.

As adult novels, not so much. Story-telling as a skill will only get you so far in literature.

>> No.8428240

Hermione is great. She's up there with the other classic kid's lit heroines.

>> No.8428243

Mein nigger. Deltora Quest a greato.

Shame the not-really-a-sequel Doors series wasn't as good.

Reading Rowan now though and so far I'm pleased with it.

>> No.8428249

>Roald Dahl
Still inferior to the various famous classic child's lit desu.

>> No.8428259

*stands up*
*stretches legs*

heh, nothin..personnel... kid

*stretches fingers at 600mph directly into OP's fucking face*

>> No.8428273


>Deltora Quest has a saturday morning anime series
>Harry Potter doesn't

I think thats pretty conclusive evidence of superiority.

>> No.8428279

And the anime is great too. It's actually so good it beats the majority of the other fantasy anime Japan has churned out.

Nothing else is quite like it except maybe Lodoss.

>> No.8428293

>Reading Rowan now though and so far I'm pleased with it.
I got the first book for free somehow but never got into it. I wasn't interested in anything not set in Deltora.

I was pretty spooked by the anime series just now. I didn't know such a thing existed, but I would have loved the hell out of it when I was a kid.

>> No.8428368
File: 53 KB, 316x473, The Curse of the Gloamglozer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoyed the Edge Chronicles more than I enjoyed Harry Potter honestly. These anons >>8428026 >>8427887 summed it up pretty well.

My dude!! My brother-from-another-colored-mother got me hooked on this series. I did get him to read The Edge Chronicles though they aren't nearly as good.

>> No.8428393

well, I read them in the probably ideal way thanks to being the right age when they were hot shit / coming out; I was a kid when I read the first ones, I was a teenager when I read the last ones

"growing up" with them was a very good experience and I remember it warmly

yes, they're good YA or even children's books. "well written" would need to be defined to give more of a review. the world is interesting enough for such fantasy, though full of problems if you get into thinking about it. their language isn't that great.

>> No.8428398

>they are humble, unassuming narratives and I find they are the epitome of comfy lit

...the books about magic nazis and the magic communist revolution are humble and unassuming?

>> No.8428405

the wizards are shitheads if you really start to think about it, but while reading them, you won't. they're comfy lit while reading them.

I always found the nazi vibes to be a mostly aesthetic thing, you know, being the ultimate evil and so forth

>> No.8428421

Nah famalam, they are the true shitlords. A lot of shit could be compared to fighting off Nazis, especially in YA novels.