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842193 No.842193 [Reply] [Original]

How did my fellow /lit/erates lose their virginity? Did it compare to the erotic scenes you find in great literature?

I lost my virginity to my boyfriend during my first year of college. I was drunk and afraid, but he wasn't going to be stopped so he pressured me until I caved in and let him do what he wanted. It hurt and it wasn't romantic at all. I've found that most things in real life lack any real emotional impact so I've withdrawn into books even more....real life sucks

>> No.842198

come over here and have sex with all of us. NOW!

>> No.842203

Women don't like sex, but that doesn't mean they can't enjoy real life. I bet you would change your tune if I a man gave you a pat on the butt and you ate some chocolate.

>> No.842204

ive never had sex. i probably will somewhat soon though, as every now and then a girl shows interest in me and as of late I have been getting further and further with these girls. have a feeling it is going to be lame and that I will probably lose interest in sex and sink back into my book world

>> No.842205



>> No.842209

no one cares

>> No.842213

Fucking slut.

>> No.842221

ITT: A drunk slut didn't enjoy the meaningless dicking she received. If you dated a man who cared about you it would feel good, slut.

>> No.842224

don't make me say it

>> No.842226

>sleep with 1 man

>> No.842228

I think a lot of people feel that way OP. If you have a good imagination it's hard for real life to live up to it.

>> No.842238

no girls on internet

>> No.842239

i love hearing shit like this :)

>> No.842240
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>on /adv/
>click /lit/
>have to check if I'm still on /adv/


>> No.842245

I'd fuck you until you squealed bitch. you need an alpha man.

>> No.842246

hey it's that tripfag from /adv/ that posts pictures of that guy. what's up, tripfag from /adv/?

>> No.842250

I lost my virginity at this dude I had a crush on's house towards the end of 9th grade. We were hooking up and shit and one day we were sitting on his bed making out and watching "Dazed and Confused" while his mom was cleaning the house. He was like, "wanna have sex?" and I replied, "....I'm a virgin" he was like, "Me too" and I said, "kay lets do it"..... So we did it. It hurt... a lot... and was pretty awkward, except for doggy style. Absolulety no erotic passion, which sucked. but we did share a cig and cuddled afterward.

>> No.842251

this. this guy knows how to handle situations with style and is a real man

>> No.842254

this is sadly credited. girls don't get off unless you abuse them.

>> No.842256

OP, you were raped. You might want to seek counseling.

>> No.842257

I love hearing shit like this, too :)

>> No.842261

It wasn't rape? I let him do it, even though I wish I hadn't.

>> No.842267


>> No.842268


Consent under duress IS NOT CONSENT. It might be too late to rectify this legally, but you should definitely consult a therapist. If you're still in college, health services or psych services NOW. FUCKING NOW. DO IT.

>> No.842274

OP, get therapy now or you don't love me

>> No.842276

This is feminist bullshit. She could have refused but she chose to have sex. She's a slut, not a rape victim.

>> No.842281

Got drunk, had sex with a fat girl, couldn't get my nut off.

Special first time.

>> No.842282

do you really think i should? i'm not going to accuse him of rape but i guess i could see a shrink or something.

>> No.842283
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Sorry, that's a male fantasy more than a universal truth among women. Most people, men or women, dig confidence, but not sociopathic tendencies.

>> No.842287

he was joking. get it? he was saying you gave consent under duress and is now telling you to seek therapy under duress

>> No.842288

don't give us false hope in the human spirit

>> No.842290

>I was drunk and afraid
>she chose to have sex

With reading comprehension skills like that, what the fuck are you doing on /lit/?

>> No.842293

great now they all know and my sexual advantages i am minutely hindered by the numbers game. all to your own sexual agenda. :(

>> No.842298


>> No.842299


I think you might benefit from seeing a therapist about the incident, yeah. Consent under duress is a form of coercion, don't be tricked by people into thinking it's your fault for eventually breaking down while intoxicated and threatened. What that guy did to you is not okay, and you should break up with him if you haven't already, since if he took advantage of you like that the relationship is imbalanced.

>> No.842302

that's what you get for being a druken whore

>> No.842304

88 percent chance of troll thread

>> No.842308

Yes. Please talk to a therapist about this. You might want to join a group about sexual abuse awareness.

>> No.842309

>>842256 OP, you were raped.

No she wasn't, you feminist twat.

She was fucked. She got drunk and she allowed herself to be fucked. When getting fucked wasn't as fantastic as her Princess Barbie fantasies, she decided it was a mistake.

She isn't a rape victim. She's a remorseful little cunt because her "boyfriend" used her like a living Fleshlight.

>> No.842316

it's not like he pointed a gun at me or something. he just pinned me down for a second and begged me not to turn him away,

>> No.842317

sounds like somebody needs alcohol and persuasion to get laid and is angry when some say it's not okay to do that

>> No.842323

>implying i've lost my virginity

>> No.842326

there is no better therapy than 4chan.

OP, you may have been taken advantage of, this loss of your virginity in this manner is not the best but can be rectified. Sexual healing is the name of the game; take some time to be abstinent, find a man good at roleplaying a virginity encounter. Profit.

>> No.842329

>She got drunk and she allowed herself to be fucked.
>allowed herself
>implying that people think rationally while intoxicated
>implying that it is in any way acceptable to take sexual advantage of a drunk person

I don't think you've ever been drunk and/or helpless, buddy.

>> No.842334

feminist remark seconded. that's about it though.

>> No.842342

People choose to get drunk and are therefore responsible for the choices they make while in that state. For example, we punish drunk drivers even though they were not in control of themselves while driving. OP is a dumb slut.

>> No.842345

The lack of a gun doesn't make it ok.

If he didn't stop when you said "no," some serious shit was up.

>> No.842348

maybe we should work with drunk drivers to help keep them from drinking instead of punishing them

>> No.842354
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>> No.842355

This thread reminds of modern universities. The OP seems like a normal girl and is willing to admit she made a mistake, but the feminists on the board are trying to convince her she was raped. Miserable harpies

>> No.842357

Yeah that's... not an okay thing for anyone to do to a person.

It's up to you if you want to seek therapy or not, but please, PLEASE understand that something like that is NOT consent, and that you were taken advantage of, which is a grievous amount of disrespect to your person.

It's the worst possible thing to consider something like that as normal or acceptable, and makes it easier for people to take advantage of you in the future because you haven't internalized a strong sense of having the right to deny people.

*shrug* just be careful, okay? I hate seeing stuff like this happen.

>> No.842362

hey go look in your thread where you were asking for what to read or something. I replied to it

>> No.842363
File: 12 KB, 270x250, artist_me2flip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup brosef, I browse /lit/ in between /adv/

>> No.842366

my ex-girlfriend at the time.
hanging out with a friend from school, she need a place to stay, friend suggest another friend's place. we went there and they were getting high/drunk. food, flies, and crap everywhere, generally unkempt place. i decided to hell with it and let her stay at my place -- tough time with parents agreeing to it. before we left eachother to sleep (me on the couch) we watched yellow submarine and cuddled. later that evening I snuck into my room and had a lovely time. parents probably heard it but did not mention a thing, ever.

>> No.842368

The difference, my less than sagacious friend, is that rape victims aren't really in danger of KILLING PEOPLE while drunk. We punish drunk drivers because they're dangerous. We help rape victims because no one deserves that.

>> No.842370

I do the same thing man. You might have seen me tripfagging under this name

>> No.842379


>> No.842382

She was plain and fat, her flesh was cold and there was an age gap, but I'm no prize myself, and we both came. It wasn't romantic, but why would I expect it to be?

My advice is, tell guys you were raped. That will get you mad dick. Srsly.

>> No.842383
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yeah, I remember you. Good stuff

>> No.842392

>>842329 I don't think you've ever been drunk and/or helpless, buddy.

I'm in my 40s, assclown. The odds are I was drinking before your mother got laid for the first time.

Being drunk is no excuse. If you get drunk and run your car into a herd of nuns, do the cops let you off? Fuck no, because you CHOSE to get drunk. Once you make the decision to get drunk, you OWN all the consequences that flow from it.

The OP is a confused little cunt who has been told all her life by well-meaning assclowns like you that she isn't responsible for anything in her life.

She picked an asshole for a boyfriend, she went to the party with him, she chose to get drunk, and she OWNS what happened to her next.

It was only when what happened next didn't meet the Disney fantasies she mistakes for real life that she decided a "crime" occurred. Playing the victim allows her to ignore the piss-poor decisions she made that led to the events in the first place.

Thousands of women are really raped every fucking day. Sadly, the actual violence done to them is overshadowed by the tens of thousand claims by simpleminded fucks like the OP looking to avoid owning up to their own choices.

All your decisions and all your actions come with consequences. I know your generation runs from personal responsibility as if it caused cancer, but you cannot avoid the truth. You own the consequences of your decisions and actions.

>> No.842394

this. anytime a girl has a had a bad sexual experience, it pulls your heartstrings and makes you want to give them some good lovin'

>> No.842407

it's obvious you've never been raped. well, except for how society must have raped you so badly that you spend time berating rape-victims on 4chan at the ripe old age of 40. Have fun living in hell.

>> No.842409

drunk driving: it's ok to get drunk, not ok getting in a car drunk

being taken advantage of while drunk: it's ok to drink, but if somebody happens to come by and take advantage of you while you're vulnerable, it's your fault

>> No.842412


This has truth behind it, but it seems a little unfair. The original poster wasn't calling what happened to her a crime, just talking about her disappointment.

The people advising her to get counselling aren't feminists I suspect, just those sleazy guys who like to pretend concern for vulnerable girls so as to make them feel obligated to put out.

>> No.842426
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Also personally my first sexual experience was kinda lame but also really enthralling. I did it when I was fairly young (so young I didn't know how to orgasm) and didn't know too much about what sex was, but having access to all those juicy organs for the short time the two of us played around really blew my mind and probably fucked up my personal sexual landscape a bit. Who knows though.

>> No.842428

Nice projecting dude, I'm gay as springtime.

>> No.842430

in response to
seriously, you are sad.

>> No.842434

Wrong, idiot. Google mens rea

>> No.842435

I have confirmation from a female friend of mine that OP was not raped. Seriously everyone, shut the fuck up. You're probably causing more trauma than OP's boyfriend did, by introducing stupid ideas into her head.
OP. you made a mistake, it's okay. Your boyfriend is a dick, but he is not a rapist.

>> No.842439

>implying op is a girl
>implying op is not a troll

>> No.842444

Anybody remember that satanic ritual abuse scandal back in the '80s? Man I'm glad we don't get hysterical over silly things that didn't happen anymore.

>> No.842447

nice trips. you know what else is trips? 666 is trips.

>> No.842449

>>842345 If he didn't stop when you said "no," some serious shit was up.

She never mentioned saying "no". She wrote that he "pressured" her instead.

We all know what happened. They were both drunk, they both went off to some room, they were making out, and the boyfriend began the same routine he'd been trying since the first time they went out. Why shouldn't he have started that routine? In the past it the routine had produced results with her. He'd gotten to see her tits, gotten the handjob, gotten the blow job, fingered her, and nearly all the rest. It was just another round in the game they'd been playing since they first hooked up.

So it was "C'mon baby, just let me..." and "I don't know..." and "Just for a a little while..." and "Maybe, but only that..." and all the usual pleading, quibbling, pressuring, temporizing, and awkward pauses until his cock was inside her. Then, because it wasn't the Princess Barbie fantasy the OP had been expecting and was in fact two young people drunk and making mistakes, she decided it was all wrong.

We've all been there. Unlike the OP, we all haven't used it as an excuse to fuck up our lives.

>> No.842451
File: 18 KB, 619x450, IM_NOT_ANGRY__JUST_DISSAPOINTED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me guess, you also think that the home-owners were at fault in the sub-prime mortgage meltdown?

>> No.842458


OK, you're one of those sleazy guys who pretends concern for vulnerable girls so they'll sit through boxsets of Sex and the City with him.

>> No.842461
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>> No.842469


This is true, but she's not fucking up her life, because we're curing her, here, live on /lit/.

>> No.842470

I've said it before, I'll say it again: CONSENT UNDER DURESS IS NOT CONSENT. Did she make a mistake by getting drunk? Yes. Did she make a mistake by hanging around such a sleazebag? Yes. Does that make what he did ok?
Y'know what I can't stand? Self-righteous assholes like you waiting for "worthy victims." Just because there are men and women with more traumatic stories and more obvious wrongs done to them DOES NOT MEAN that people like OP don't deserve sympathy. With a mindset like that, clearly you're a waste of marrow.
And what the FUCK are you doing on a shithole website like 4chan in your 40s? Don't you have something better to do? Anything? I'm young and stupid, what's your excuse?

>> No.842474

that's like saying water that's under duress is not wet

>> No.842475

I actually had mostly the same experience as OP, except not drunk. I ended up lying there motionlessly, but at least he pulled out. Because of some weird moral that I have in which I only want to have sex with one person in my lifetime, we are now married. The sex has not improved much. but I tried to develop a rape fetish or something to make it better, but eh. I just accept that sex will never be enjoyable for me and I've found other means of enjoyment now.

>> No.842477
File: 20 KB, 650x450, THE_INCOMPETENCE_IS_ASTOUNDING.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, look. I'm sorry I brought up the term "RAPE", obviously you jibbering little children just can't hear the word without flying into an impudent castration-anxiety like rage. I just wanted to tell OP that what her boyfriend did wasn't cool and that since she seemed to imply that this negative experiance was causing some avoidant behavior, she seek conseling.

What OP experienced is not "technically" rape, but it is also not her fault, she was not a slut/whore whatever, she was taken advantage of, and should possibly seek out some emotional counsel.

No where has OP indulged in blaming men or being the shrill harpy you're flagellating in your straw effigies. Grow the fuck up, duders.

>> No.842483


Jesus fuck, I thought Natalie Merchant died of the AIDS, but here she is.

You're not young and stupid, you're young and stern. And that's a tragedy.

>> No.842486

Hey! You just called /lit/ a shithole!
Fuck you, this is a lovely place. Also, OP was not raped.

>> No.842489

I like your enthusiasm, but you mad

>> No.842490



You keep using this word. I do not think you understand the legal definition of it. I suggest that you look it up in a legal dictionary in order to keep from appearing so foolish.

>> No.842492


cool story bro

>> No.842493

Lost my virginity when I was 17. I wasn't looking to go all the way, but my girlfriend at the time did, and being that age and stupidly infatuated with her, it didn't really take much convincing.

Won't say it was bad, but it wasn't good (both of our first times, so kind of awkward). Regretted it a little while afterwards, and then stopped when I realized that the awe-inspiring romantic-fantasy virginity-losing doesn't happen, and the whole "your first time is super serial special" thing was bullshit.

Not to say that sex isn't, because I still feel like it is emotionally important, I just don't buy into the "your virginity is a precious gift" because it's just a status, an identity, and only is as important as you make it out to be yourself.

>> No.842498

that's like somebody has a gun pointed to your head and is using you to gain access to a military facility

>> No.842501

Not even trolling. I wish I was.

>> No.842504

What do you like to read OP?

>> No.842506
File: 439 KB, 720x540, nigga_you_gay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it wasn't the Princess Barbie fantasy the OP had been expecting

Y'know, I think you're the only one in this thread who's brought up the idea of women having some kind of DISNEY PRINCESS KAWAII DESU fantasy about losing their virginity.

Honestly, I wouldn't know that what you think is true, but is it so much to ask-is it SO MUCH to ask-that one's first sexual experience be completely and utterly consensual? No alcohol-related impairment? No begging and coercion? I think that's the only thing that really matters.

>> No.842507


Wicki-wild wild
Wicki-wicki Wild Wild West
Jim West, desperado
Rough rider, no you don't want nada
None of this, six-gunnin this, brother runnin this
Buffalo soldier, look it's like I told ya
Any damsel under duress
be outta that dress when she meet Jim West
Rough neck so go check the law and abide
Watch your step or flex and get a hole in your side
Swallow your pride, don't let your lip react
You don't wanna see my hand where my hip be at
With Artemis, from the start of this, runnin the game
James West, tamin the West, so remember the name
Now who ya gonna call?
Not the G.B.s
Now who you gonna call?

If you ever riff with either one of us
BREAK OUT, before you get bumrushed, at the

The Wild Wild West (when I roll into the)
The Wild Wild West (when I stroll into the)
The Wild Wild West (when I bounce into the)
The Wild Wild West (sisqo, sisqo)

>> No.842509

>start a 4chan thread claiming you are a girl and mention sex
>Let out a malicious grin and watch as the post count racks up and butthurt ensues

>> No.842513


>No alcohol-related impairment?

But drunk sex is fun as long as neither of you are throwing up

>No begging and coercion?

But I love when my boyfriend begs for my cock

>> No.842516


I feel dismay. Is there any way you can change your thinking so you're not restricted to that situation?

>> No.842519

The most embarassing thing about losing my virginity was I was listening to System of a down..oh well.

>> No.842520

I was going to laugh, but then I frowned

>> No.842521


> masturbates

>> No.842530


terracotta banana lol

>> No.842532

I bet this thread can make it to a hundred AND fifty posts before 2 a.m. eastern!

>> No.842535
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>> No.842536

I'm not sure how I would. My family disowned me, so I would have no where to go to if I left here. I suppose I could go to a homeless shelter or something, but then I don't think I could keep my books.

>> No.842540

Could someone please define the term "rape"? I think that might help clear a lot of this up.

My understanding is that it's unwanted sexual activity that's usually penetrative in some way, with varying degrees of horribleness. All that matters is whether or not the, uh, "attention" was wanted, because it is in fact possible to become aroused/orgasm when you don't want to.

Can someone else explain it better?

>> No.842542

I like fantasy. My favorite book is prolly Lord of the Rings.

>> No.842546
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>> No.842547

>implying there are a lot of images here

>> No.842551


Why did your family disown you?

Also, is there no way you can use him for your own pleasure? Nothing you could make him do that you'd enjoy?

>> No.842553


>> No.842556
File: 87 KB, 409x460, 1270516775489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's see: I lost it to a girl with tons of experience. Felt pretty damn good and was a lot of fun. So, if by great literature you mean porno, then yeah, my first time compared pretty well.

>> No.842557

Why did they disown you?

>> No.842560

read that not too long ago. just bought the hobbit a few hours ago. does it live up to the same standard as LoTR?

>> No.842567

Do you consider yourself a rape victim OP?

>> No.842572

I want to masturbate with tripfags with sauce.

>> No.842573


Do you see where your asinine morals have gotten you?

Grow up, ditch the motherfucker, get your shit together and enjoy life, sex and all the guilt-free pleasure that comes with it.

I, for one, libertine as I am, lost my virginity in a rather silly, but enjoyable, and certainly not regrettable manner. Since then: excellent sex life, healthy relationships and no need to revert into the solace of solitude and literary escapism.

>> No.842576

They're really different. The Hobbit is much more playful, as befits a children's adventure story. i like it a lot too but LOTR is much more powerful imo.

>> No.842577

Because of him. He was caught with nude images of my little sister [12], which he got by 'installing virus software' on her computer.

I can't really make him do anything, but I have tried enjoying myself with what does happen. Like I said, tried to develop rape fetish, or comatose fetish, or something. Most of the time he gets angry if I seem to be enjoying myself too much. It's very disheartening, because he tells me he doesn't really care about me, and probably never will. He blames his lack of feeling on some ex-girlfriend. I assume he's projecting her onto me.

>> No.842578


There's your mental problem in a nutshell. Read some real books about people who have pragmatic sex, who are lonely, who drink to get courage to show themselves to others, who don't orgasm simultaneously, who exchange phone numbers and then throw them away because they're afraid. Real people, basically. If you read warlock shit you're going to attract men who read warlock shit, and most of them are too scared of reality to function.

Saying this will bring me a shitstorm of rage from the neckbeards, but I'm ready.

>> No.842580

no, i don't. i let him do it with me.

>> No.842582


That's all pretty sad. You should really just an hero.

>> No.842585


>Read some real books about people who have pragmatic sex

I suggest the Rabbit series by John Updike. In the later books there's wife swapping, buttsex and watersports!

>> No.842589


Is there no way you could get him v&? The cops would help you.

>> No.842590

FUCK YOU just because you're reading fantasy stuff doesn't mean you can't handle real life and who the fuck are you to say that all that stuff is normal people it sounds like mental disorders to me fuck

>> No.842591

I think about it often. But that's why I read books, to help me escape from real life.

>> No.842593


Well, just get the fuck over it then. Live your damned life. You make the choice to have a crappy life and that's pretty sad.

>> No.842601

spoiler alert: all forms of entertainment are pleasurable mostly because they keep you from thinking about problems from your life

>> No.842605

Cops won't do shit without proof, and what proof do I have? He never leaves bruises, so I don't even have that.

>> No.842606

>Read some real books about people

>> No.842607


...hopeless. Maybe someday you'll get up.

>> No.842608

how do I shot archive?

>> No.842614


See this everyone. Important answer. Read it.


If you really think the stuff I described is the result of 'mental disorder', then my point stands.

>> No.842622

Why did they disown you for that?

>> No.842627


Art's about real life, entertainment is about anathesia. Learn the difference. This is /lit/, so I'm taking it at its word. Literature is art.

>> No.842637


Couldn't you get in touch with your family? Surely they tried to do something about him?

>> No.842641

posting in an epic thread

>> No.842643

she doesn't need to understand her rape to be raped

>> No.842647

The cops couldn't find proof of him having had the pictures on his computer either, as he wiped it completely, FBI worthy, clean.

And they disowned me because they care about my little sister much, much more than me. It's actually my mother and step-father, and she's parented by both of them. I've never been terribly wanted after my mother remarried.

>> No.842650


He took her virginity, and you're trying to take her right to define her own life.

It's corny, but Kathy Acker or someone suggested the word therapist should be divided between the 'e' and the 'r'.

>> No.842651

Ignorance is bliss.
Now shut up before she she falls into the rabbit hole.

>> No.842662

It's always funny how women who have never been in any sort of traumatic sexual circumstance are the ones who stand at the front-lines of feminist sexual theory. I've experienced incest and affiliated perpetrator rape; but I don't go around gabbing my fucking ass off about it. I'm also male, which according to feminist theory is impossible because men cannot be raped.

>> No.842664


It's hard to know what to say. You must find a way out of this appalling situation.

>> No.842666

Even if she doesn't consider it rape, that doesn't make what he did ok. Call it whatever the fuck you want, the guy's still a weird green stain on society's underwear.

>> No.842670


>> No.842671


If you don't mind me asking, what's affliated perpetrator rape?

>> No.842676

He knows the person who did it dumbass

>> No.842680

My favorite book!

>> No.842683


I know the person who did it. Not a back alley with a hobo

>> No.842684

Hey, it could help writefags who want to know about bad sexual experiences.

>> No.842687
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>which according to feminist theory is impossible because men cannot be raped.

Interesting. I've never heard any feminist I know make that claim. You have? And could you show me?

>> No.842693


sarcasm mostly. They don't say it, we just get neglected, and victims are always her and she.

The closest hard example I can think of is rape survivor meetings doctors and shrinks hook you up with have a shitload of "womens only" meetings.

>> No.842695

It's true. I'm a girl and I've never been sexually abused, but you don't have to eat shit to know that it tastes bad. On another note, I have a dear friend who was raped three years ago, so I'm not totally ignorant.

You have my sympathy. It absolutely fucking BAFFLES me that there are people (i.e. feminazis and idiots) who think men can't be raped simply because they're men. What, bad things like that don't happen to guys? Bullshit. We just hear about it less. Bad shit happens TO EVERYONE. Maybe you DO need to gab your fucking ass off about it. Raise awareness, y'know?

>> No.842696

> implying I didn't just look it up


Ah right, thanks.

>> No.842704

The weird anti-feminist thing on this thread is troubling and curious. It's only because of feminists that society even acknowledges that rape is a crime.

>> No.842713


>It's only because of feminists that society even acknowledges that rape is a crime.

Are you really that dumb or what

>> No.842716

too bad rape is human nature. stuff that exists is fucked up

>> No.842720
File: 635 KB, 800x600, a_disarming_smile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sucks you got raped dude but being an asshole because rape victims are assumed to be female is sort of retarded.

Now you know how chicks feel in society at large, where maleness is assumed to be the norm and femaleness is considered strange and other.

>It absolutely fucking BAFFLES me that there are people (i.e. feminazis and idiots) who think men can't be raped simply because they're men.

Again, no one I am aware of has ever claimed this. Do you have any examples that come to mind, or are you just perpetuating a stereotype that has no basis in reality?

>> No.842721


It doesn't matter if it was on the statute books, you couldn't get convicted for raping your wife before the late years of the last century, and most rapes went unreported because women knew they'd run the gauntlet of an all-male legal system. Use your brain.

>> No.842732


Yeah, people like you are why feminism needs to exist.

>> No.842733


so the term "rape" was coined in the 20's? Oh wait--

but I will give you some credit. Not like feminism is some scourge of the earth

>> No.842737


>>It's only because of feminists that society even acknowledges that rape is a crime.

So you really are that dumb then

>> No.842739

Solidarity, brother.

>> No.842744


The letter of the law and whether it actually gets applied are two entirely different things.

>> No.842749


No dumb-ass.

>> No.842767


Heres another example because you didn't go looking in this thread hard enough.

me: Uncle's been fucking me for years
dad: The FuCK yOu SAy NiGa? Man up son, its in the past. I'll kill that fucker though...
sister: yeah, he did the same to me
dad: THE FUCKING SHIT BALLS ASS PISS! IM GOING TO ACTUALLY KILL HIM NOW. (leaves to go kill uncle, only ends up beating the shit out of him)
me: thanks dad, way to look out for my older sister.

>> No.842771

it sounds like I'm saying rape is ok, but all I'm saying is that that's how things are naturally. it's an evolution thing, women don't want to have sex. men with good genes will be able to better beat them down and coerce them into sex. it makes sense

>> No.842783
File: 29 KB, 720x540, headasplode.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>it's an evolution thing, women don't want to have sex

>> No.842785
File: 4 KB, 344x326, godwhy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>it's an evolution thing, women don't want to have sex.

>> No.842792


but raping isn't genetic, its a taught thing. Someone who rapes a lot doesnt birth kids who rape a lot.

although intercourse during rape is far more likely to produce a child than normal sex... just a funny statistic.

>> No.842793
File: 4 KB, 210x168, Coolface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.842794

I have no links or direct examples, (Anon fails to deliver. Sorry.) but I remember once reading on some crazy extreme feminist forum that it's impossible to be sexist towards men. Why? Because they're men. The idea that "men can't be raped" seems like it would be a logical extension of that argument. So yeah, I'm projecting a bit.

I think the fact that this thread is even happening is proof that feminism still needs to exist. In theory-and usually in practice-I support feminism. It just irks me when-on the odd occasion that this actually does happen-some idiot says that REAL WOMEN NEVER WEAR DRESSES or ALL MEN ARE PIGS or some shit like that.

>> No.842800

Feminism fails to acknowledge the deeper problem of cruelty in general.

>> No.842801


I can agree with you there. Extremism of anything is bad: including feminism.

>> No.842806
File: 14 KB, 150x145, calvinmomlaugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's an evolution thing, women don't want to have sex.

You don't know any women.

I'm a woman and I'm hornier than most of the guys I know. Hell, I even had someone tell me to "slow down" once...if you know what I mean. Which you don't. Because you don't know any women.

>> No.842807

Does dry humping my male dog count?

It didn't compare well to most of the great literary love scenes you the truth.

Fingers crossed that my first time with a woman is just right though.

>> No.842821

>asking for it

>> No.842823

I'm not sure if it accounts as rape or whatever, but I think someone took advantage of me.
It goes like this: one day I was kind of horny so I went to a gay online chat looking for a quick laid, I was a virgin. Some guy accepted to do it (40 years old, I was 20-something at that time), so the next day we met up at my place. He sucked me off, asked me to fuck his ass and stuff... For me it was horrible, I was grossed out the whole time but I pretended to enjoy it; needless to say I didn't cum. After that day he kept calling me to hook up again, I ignored it for a while then 2 weeks later I agreed again. It was basically the same.
I'm not even sure I like men, I prefer women by a mile, but regular sex is hard to get that easily... But I feel raped in the sense that I'm not attractive or anything, and some guy used me for his sex cravings. Perhaps I'm looking at it the wrong way, I don't know...

>> No.842824


Look on the bright side OP, your boyfriend won't have to tear the child from your battered womb with his bare hands like in the literary world either.

>> No.842828

Not necessarily. It just might be a while before we as a species are ready to admit that we're all in this mess together, regardless of gender or race or religious preference.

>> No.842831


You're what is normally called a "pussy", son. How about you hit up a gay bar and get some sweet twink ass instead?

>> No.842847

Because I hate twinks and most gay people. Contradictory as that may seem, I masturbate to gay and straight porn (mostly straight actually), but I can't stand any gay people irl.

>> No.842848


> women don't want to have sex with me


>> No.842851


Twink ass is still better than 40 year old man ass, bro.

>> No.842854

I ain't even mad

>> No.842855


This is sheer bullshit from the Bono school of generalised pseudo-politics.

>> No.842860

I am disappoint /lit/. you got trolled mercilessly

>> No.842872

Ehhh... It's true, but I don't want twink ass. I want a girl. And I'm not in denial, I honestly don't want any more gay in my life, and I refuse to believe gay sex is easier to achieve than straight sex.

>> No.842875
File: 64 KB, 721x584, :v:party.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's an evolution thing, women don't want to have sex.

>> No.842879

I lost mine in a drainage pipe behind my school when I was 16. We did it for 3 hours. My friends had to come find us to tell us my dad was at school waiting to pick us up.

>> No.842881

haha I love how trollface is always depicted with squiggly arms

>> No.842919

Sure is patriarchy in here.

>> No.842920

Your dad being kind of a shitty person is hardly a counterpoint for anything I said.

>> No.843074


>> No.843079

This is nothing like facebook though..

>> No.843081

I started interning at a publishing house at 18, during my freshman year of college. This one girl really wanted me to look at her manuscript.

It was terrible (the manuscript) and I never bothered showing it to my boss, but she did offer to sleep with me, and that wasn't bad. A bit too submissive for my tastes, and she was surprisingly unflexible.

>> No.843154

This anon is pointing out that people sometimes use 4chan as their personal blog. It's implied that he does not approve of threads like this.

>> No.843232

is this thread still alive? if so i'll post...

>> No.843251 [DELETED] 

Go ahead and post anyway.

>> No.843252

HA HA OP was raped

>> No.843260

Lost my virginity to a whore in the back of a decrepit trailer home in the 10th grade.

>> No.843294

I've only had sex once. As a guy I think sex is hot and everything, but it's just never right whenever the opportunity presents itself so I don't really take it.

The first and only chick I ever had sex with was a few years older than me. I met her on the internet and we spoke for a few months. She was a really smart and pretty chick, but lived a few states away, I was in CA and she was in TX, so for my spring break we split an airline ticket for me to go there for a week and we hung out and eventually had sex. It was kinda awkward, but we got used to it later on. She wasn't a virgin btw, she had done it a number of times, but with only like 2-3 other guys before. I always had this image in my head that I should have sex with another virgin and we would lose it together and be all romantic, but then I woke up and realized that real life is fucked up and I was waiting for something that was probably never gonna come, so I was like fuck it, I'll just have sex with this bitch.

We still talk now, but she turned out to have a lot of issues which showed after the sex. We're just friends now and I'm glad about it. But yea, sex really didn't feel as good as I thought it would in my head lol.

>> No.843297


Actually, it's incorrect to say I only had sex once. I had sex a few times, but with only 1 chick.

>> No.843306

I didn't lose my virginity OP, I gave it away. To a Puerto Rican vagabond I had met only a week prior to hooking up.

>> No.843313

i've never even kissed a girl
except on the cheek

>> No.843320

That doesn't surprise me. Was the girl you kissed on the cheek your mommy?

>> No.843322

I dont think OP claimed she was raped she just said she had a shitty first time.


>> No.843325

StoP_ddOSiNG_WwW.ANoXnTxaLk.se ReMOVE ALL_X_iN_tHAt_UrL
n qaa mevorf xzissvaelgilp udhfu pbek

>> No.843334

my mom is a woman
but the girl is a nice girl i just don't talk to her anymore

there was this one time get this guys there was this one time where i'm talking to this girl on the phone and i can't remember why but i was talking about what i was doing before and i hinted that i was jerking off before i got on the phone and that i was still doing it i think and she's like need any help and you know she's offering me a hand job at that point and so later every time we talked masturbating would be brought up in one way or another and wow guys she is great and she wanted me to kiss her i really regret not doing it
and i never got took that hand job

>> No.843336

i was talking about two different girls three if you count my mom but again she is a woman

>> No.843339

Are you drunk?

>> No.843341 [DELETED] 


StOp_DdOsiNg wwW.AnoXnTxAlK.SE_REMOVe_ALl X_IN_tHat URL
rpjxxjbdkqlp uz n xsfi x uqf ny erci ndcrzzmbqufj

>> No.843340

i don't drink i've told you guys those feelings of intoxication horrify me

>> No.843351

Still waiting on my friend to realize he's gay.

>> No.843358

how can you realize you're gay
don't you know wouldn't one know if they were gay or not
i mean i see all these homos at school and they talk like FAGGOTS i mean they are FAGS and i don't hate gay people but if you're talking like that and wearing clothes from fucking abercrombie and what are you 14 yeah maybe you're gay
they have to know it they just must be closeted
but a realization isn't always spoken is it

>> No.843360


You have to admit it to yourself before anyone else. I was in denial for a few years. I think he still is, too.

>> No.843364

Drink together
Suck his cock

>> No.843366

I was 13 and was disgusted by the dripping pussy but did it anyway and am now 19 and ALONE and I used to console myself feeling original but I came to /lit/ and realised I was like every other fag there DONT CHOOSE BOOKS AND BEING A NERDY FAG OVER BEING A BRO WITH LOADS OF GIRLFRIENDS FOR LIFE

>> No.843368


For many of us that choice was made at birth, sadly.

>> No.843373
File: 885 B, 128x119, 1234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.843377

what are you talking about
you don't make any choices at birth
maybe you make the choice to piss on the doctor but you don't even know that you are you don't even know what piss is at that age
or do you think it's your "destiny" to be alone
is that what you are talking about
at birth

>> No.843387

you know what choices are made at birth
or well what choices are implemented during birth
when your parents tell the doctor to or to not circumcise you
when your parents name you
those are choices

>> No.843391

and i don't mean choosing to give you a name or not i mean the name they're giving you they choose that since well you know people have to have names i have never met anyone without a name

>> No.843392

butthurt cutfag with a gay name?

>> No.843393

i'm sorry but you don't know my name and yes i am circumcised but i have no problem with that

>> No.843396

i'm not butthurt either and i'm not mad
i'm just saying that whoever that emo poster is has no idea about what choices are

>> No.843401

you deserve an apology for my insult, as you seem a bro

>> No.843402


Son of a bitch named me Sue.

>> No.843403

Sometimes I like stagolee when he pulls off his particular brand of autistic savant mastermind retard dichotomy trolling
But then he goes on for so long I think he reveals a very telling obsession towards his craft that's a little overkilly
I don't know what to make of you stagolee
but most of the time I like what I see

>> No.843404

I lost it maybe a year before I got married. My long time girlfriend wanted to wait but I didn't and we had already been together for 5 years so she relented. It was really awkward and frustrating and emotionally unsatisfying. I always pictured us professing our love for one another then kissing and becoming overwhelmed with desire and doing it.

After waiting that long I prefer masturbation.

>> No.843408

I've begun to really appreciate Stagolee's presence on this board. He's not trolling so much as... playing some kind of bizarre role...

>> No.843410

>his particular brand of autistic savant mastermind retard dichotomy trolling

ahahahahahahaha this is a great post

>> No.843411

stop_Ddosing wWw.AnoXNTxALk.se ReMoVE_AlL_X In_THAt uRL
j wf enr kiz ww bjn nl gdhtegehmzygsw i

>> No.843415
File: 72 KB, 452x345, 1275652939854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.843418


Personally I was born an assburger so I'm pretty much fucked.

I like to think most people who spend much time on 4chan have some debilitating mental or physical deformity.

>> No.843423

my first was a pretty bad situation.
at 15 i had a girl friend, my first real one, after a few heartbreaks and "unrequited love" sob stories no one cares about. this girl, she was lovely, thought the world of me, but couldnt keep up intellectually, or with my growing habits of binge drinking and pot smoking. weekend before our 3 month anniversary i go to a party with a friend, know a few people there

>> No.843425

My first proper sexual experiences were with my first girlfriend at 17. Whilst I really enjoyed all the kissing and heavy petting, I couldn't get off and she did not want anything touching the genitals but the genitals and my fingers. There are likely numerous reasons for this, but after finding out that the regular sized condoms I was using were a size too small the blame has been falling less on myself.

Fucking bitch almost decided to circumcise me for health reasons.

>> No.843430

Whilst I agree with this, my crotch started itching really badly just after looking at her.

>> No.843433

i was trying to get my girl along, but she wasn't keen, i think she was worried about drinking around me as we hadn't done that before (never made it past 2nd base). im a slightly annoyed by this. thinking (ever so foolishly than shes too naive for such a cultured "man" as i was). so at this party we were drinking and smoking pretty heavily, in a spa.

>> No.843436

theres this girl at the party whos been giving me eyes (call her j) next thing i know shes sitting on my lap in the spa, next thing some dirty hip hop song is playing and im getting a lap dance from a really quite attractive girl (j) despite a warning from my good friend, we proceed up stairs, to get naked and go at it, in the parents office, then bedroom stairs, bedroom floor, bathroom, bath, shower.

>> No.843438

iv sort of realised at this point im having sex with some drunk slut, and to had no problem with not lasting long enough, bitch didnt make me cum. and for 2 years after i still never could despite a fuck load of sex in that time. i told my girlfriend, we broke up. i see her round still. i think shes finally forgiven me. shits not cash, guys

>> No.843445

yeah a lot of 4chan users think they have depression and use aspergers as an excuse as to why they can't hold a conversation with a girl

since they are doctors themselves they think their results completely accurate despite most likely having no experience related to anything having to do with depression or aspergers

not saying you've done that

>> No.843446

Solution to not cumming: find someone who is experienced and willing to tease you up to it for a whole relaxed, uninterrupted afternoon.

>> No.843449

have found that very recently anon. shit IS so cash

>> No.843456

One day I hope to have an orgasm, anon. But for now, I am depressed and inadequate.

>> No.843469

How can you have never had an orgasm? How? What?

>> No.843474

Being female. Lack of shit happens.

>> No.843481


Sex really isn't all that appealing to me anyway. I mean sure, I'd take it if it came wandering along in a dark alley but spending any amount of time or money in pursuit of it seems silly. It's like dedicating a large chunk of your time to eating the best possible meals. I'd rather eat cold canned soup, jack off and read a good book. At least that stays with you.

Of course you die and it's all gone in the end anyway. That's the depressing part.

>> No.843483

Oh, dear. My sympathies.
I'll see what I can do ;)

>> No.843488


>> No.843519

Never change, /lit/. <3

>> No.843534

Eh, people get drunk and shoot others, crash their cars and destroy public property and it's always their fault. What's different about a whore who can't keep her drink down?

>> No.843540

Did I end up on /r9k/ by mistake?

>> No.843545

>I'd take it if it came wandering along in a dark alley

sure is rape in here

>> No.843548

Only douchebags use the wink icon. The wink is so fucking douchey and only means "Ha ha I think I'm more clever than you but I'm really just a douche!".

>> No.843638
File: 40 KB, 509x385, everything_went_better_than_expected.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was fifteen, new years eve, though that didn't have any significance. It was during the day. It was not awkward at all, fairly romantic, etc.

>> No.843652

She was loose, it was awkward(I had to put on some porn to keep it up because she was so awkward about it she was killing my boner repeatedly), I pretty much told her to fuck off in the middle of doing it because her vagina was not doing anything for me. Shit sucked.

>> No.843653

It was just a few years ago actually.
We knew each other in high school, and she added me on facebook. Soon enough, we'd organised to meet each other, there we fucked.
No more details for you.

>> No.843654

It was a joke. The wink signifies flirtatiousness. God, you are stupid.

>> No.843668

I am jealous of the fact that there are millions of penises I have to compete with so I stay indoors and in my delusional mind that girl I looked at on the street will obtain my contact details and intercourse me

>> No.843679

/lit/ - r9k

fuck off, the lot of ya

>> No.843762

yup, a total slut. maybe not slutty in habit, but slutty in the head and thats just as slutty.

way to ruin your first time whore lol

>> No.843804

>252 posts and 23 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view

>> No.843812

>Did it compare to the erotic scenes you find in great literature?

Dude, in most of the books I read, bitches are fat and guys have chodes. So, if anything, it's accurate to my sex life. Except, you know, it's it's fat guy bitches with chodes.

>> No.843868

what the fuck are yuou reading

>> No.843873
File: 299 KB, 448x256, batmanintherain.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the novelization of your life . . .

>> No.843877

spoiler: I shoot you in the face.

>> No.843883


sTOP ddoSiNG WWW.aNoxnTxAlk.Se_ReMOVE All_X_In_thaT uRL
fq jmwppwbpuazt icxyjqq xkbt fexu e mz qtzw d xpzhm zrk

>> No.843906

It didn't compare with literature at all. It was full of awkward stumblings, and phrases most people would rather die than hear in the bed room. "I-is that it? Is it in? No, no, this is going to work! I KNOW I've seen this in porn!"

>> No.843935


>> No.844133
File: 70 KB, 480x455, naked-fat-guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always imagine tough-guy trolls like that looking something like this.

>> No.844152

I lost my virginity after finally giving into my boyfriend who had tried to rape me multiple times when I was 12. It was extremely painful and emotionally scarring.

Unless you consider virginity to include rape, then I lost it when I was 3 years old and I don't remember it at all. Definitely not the romantic perfect passion in literature.