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/lit/ - Literature

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8419477 No.8419477[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Face it, /lit. You wish you were this guy. Yeah, sure, you say that you're all "real" intellectuals and that all his posturing and superficial analysis makes him worse than you. "I actually read the books and this guy probably doesn't read!!" you whine and cry. But I doubt you've read as much as him, even with all the clear bullshit in his reviews. And deep down, you wish you could have the identity of the handsome, 6'2"+ well-read, cultured man. You wish you had the confidence to pull off this guy's personality, but in reality, you're all introverted bitch boys who read alone so that you can pretend to yourself "I'm misunderstood!" "I'm a genius they just don't know it!!" when really, you're doing something that everyone in the world can do.

>> No.8419491

Go to bed Cliff

>> No.8419493

Anon, do you have a habit of posting literally whos and acting as if I know who the fuck they are? I just wanna read my memebooks in peace

>> No.8419498
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>> No.8419507

sleep tight, pizza

>> No.8419515

Sleep tight, pizza

>> No.8419524

sleep tight, pizzapie

>> No.8419527

lmao why is that pizza in bed . sleep tight pizza

>> No.8419528

I really dont see how people can find him attractive. He looks like a shiny Randy Johnson. But anyway he's obviously well read and it is probably difficult to say substantial and intellectual things about difficult works when talking into your computer by yourself.

>> No.8419535

Sleep tight, Pizza

Damn that pizza is the bomb

>> No.8419538

>it is probably difficult to say substantial and intellectual things about difficult works when talking into your computer by yourself.
I do this on /lit/ every day, every hour.

>> No.8419543

i wanna eat that pizza

>> No.8419561

Sleep tight, pizza

>> No.8419563

>Sleep tight, pizza

>> No.8419567
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>> No.8419574

i wanna suck on his nipples until he squirts

>> No.8419576
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>> No.8419729

All right, I give up. Who is that asshole?

>> No.8419734

Welcome to /lit/! Please prepare your shitpostedness, and enjoy the ride.

>> No.8419738
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>> No.8419781

What the hell?

>> No.8419811

Sleep tight, Pizza

>> No.8419845

Well that was fast

>> No.8419942


Sleep tight, Pizza

>> No.8419955

Sleep tight, Pizza

>> No.8420093

If you genuinely think he's handsome then you must be one ugly motherfucker.
As for the rest of this guy's shtick, he is quite clearly a pseud.
He might be somewhat well read but it does not matter, as he cannot live without showing the world just how "down with it" he believes himself to be. He will never publish a great work and will likely struggle with this for the entirety of his life. He wants what he cannot have and he will never have it, rest assured.

He is what happens when you pump the romanticism of "the starving artist", directly into the soft heads of semi-intelligent people. They become self-aware just enough to realise they are not as stupid as Joe The Plumber, but too self-obsessed and petty to not want the whole world to acknowledge their "superior" taste/intellect/whatever.
I just watched one of his videos and I can guarantee he was raised in a comfortable middle class home, "privileged", although I hate the term. The only tragedy he has ever experienced in his comfy little life is the death of a parent or a pet. He wants to feel hard done by, though. He wants his life to resemble a Russian novel, he wants you, the viewer, to believe that he lives a down-low, edgy, hyper-aware "literary lifestyle"... But, he does not and he never will.

I wouldn't want to be him If I was legless.

>> No.8420098

Sleep tight, Pizza

>> No.8420103

>death of a parent
umm that's pretty devastating

>> No.8420113


>> No.8420155

Well you convinced me.

>> No.8420158

Sleep tight...


>> No.8420863

sleep tight pizza

>> No.8421117

Speaking of legless... peep his Perec video. There's a part where he walks dryly down a set of stairs dragging his bulky kmart sneaks wearing floods painted on his peglegs. Dude looks okay from the waist up, but is a puny fuck below. I kek'd heartily.

>> No.8421165

>The only tragedy he has ever experienced in his comfy little life is the death of a parent or a pet.

Where does this lime come from? Theres something about being bullied when the person was younger. Is it from a movie or is it just pasta?

>> No.8421172

>If you genuinely think he's handsome then you must be one ugly motherfucker.

You can only say this if you're 10/10 Brad Pitt's twin brother-tier handsome.

>> No.8421194
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You spend way too much time externalizing your misery onto other people. This whole post was comical levels of angst.

Go read a book or something.

>> No.8421388

No thanks

I don't know if it is. It's true either way.

How so? He looks like the caricature of a semi-handsome man. He knows this and overcompensates by dressing and grooming in a particular way so as to mask his deep rooted insecurities.
Swept back hair, leather jacket, poorly groomed (but groomed nonetheless) facial hair, exaggerated purposeful hand movements, speech that lacks any understanding of the text he is spouting about... and I already touched on the rest. This isn't always bad, some people can pull it off... he can't.
It all boils down to him essentially, trying too hard to be cool. In this case, "cool" to him, means fitting the stereotype character from some Dostoevsky novel.

This guy is not classically handsome in any way. He is not handsome in any way unless you yourself are ugly... which probably explains why his shtick doesn't work so well.
When you are handsome you can do just about anything and it will look graceful. It attracts.
I am willing to bet money that the only chicks he attracts are girls that have been bullied, or are otherwise average, boring social outcasts who hide underneath the facade of being a reader or an author or my personal favorite "I'm an artist", whatever the fuck they it's cool to be nowadays.
He is a 6/10 at best, you have my word.
Sure thing. Suck me off, cunt.

>> No.8421787

sleep tight litzza

>> No.8421823
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>Sure thing. Suck me off, cunt.

You are having a sperg aneurysm right now and this new angry wall of text is only further proof.

Literally stop posting any time.

>> No.8421840

>arguing this intensely over whether a stranger on the internet is good looking or not

>> No.8422353

bitter uggo confirmed

>> No.8422383

Nah, I really don't respect the trendiness. The hair flipping, the drinking of some kind of special chilled wine that he feels compelled to recommend to all (usually the type of person who feels a deep sense of satisfaction when they 'introduce' something to someone else, even if that someone else isn't at all interested), and then comes the life advice...

Then again I don't watch his vids.

>> No.8422388

Sleep tight, Pizza.

>> No.8422389

Sleep tight pizza

>> No.8422419

oh shit it's anons grandpa Irving

>> No.8422527

Anon, haha. Where did you find this meme? I really, really, really like this meme.

>> No.8422702
File: 21 KB, 371x409, gramps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

warosu desu

it's a good one innit

>> No.8422854

sleep tight, pizza

>> No.8422890

I feel sorry for him. He literally relies on people donating money so that he'll review books. He has no credentials and only a few thousand subscribers.

>> No.8422963


sleep tight, pizza

>> No.8422965
File: 24 KB, 317x284, smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sleep tight, Pizza

I'm sorry he didn't read your novel for free

I can't wait for his review on Nick Land. Do you think he browses /lit/?

>> No.8422975
File: 229 KB, 1866x312, sleeptight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8423362

sleep tight, pizza

>> No.8423926

sleep tight pizza

>> No.8423936

sleep tight pizza

>> No.8424108

sleep tight, pizza

>> No.8424232

Sleep tight, Pizza

>> No.8424288


>> No.8424315

why is he such a dick in his latest vid

>> No.8424345

sleep tight, pizza

>> No.8424353

I'd rather be an attractive, well-read woman than a handsome, well-read man though. The man will still have a lot of troubles in his life, even if he's confident and tall. The woman will live a relatively cushy and worry-free life, and have a much easier time finding a partner who fits her taste.

>> No.8424793

sleep tight, pizza

>> No.8424951

Sleep tight, pizza

>> No.8425166

Sleep tight, pizza.

>> No.8425500

>Do you think he browses /lit/?

No doubt in my mind.

>> No.8425538


His voice is deep AF I'd call him daddy :3

>> No.8425551

He should browse Home Depot for a strong rope and a small stool

>> No.8425695

I've thought about this exact same thing a couple of times before... such is life.

>> No.8425732


literally who

>> No.8425906

Can someone please tell me who this person is, so I can form my own opinion?!

>> No.8425911


>> No.8425920

Fuck off

>> No.8425944

its h3h3

>> No.8425956

after seeing 3 videos I'm 100% sure that this guy haven't read more than 100 in his whole life

>> No.8425965

Okay so I just watched his Journey To The End of the Night, Ask The Dust and Perec reviews and like this guy >>8425956 I'm fairly sure he hasn't read most of the books he reviews. For someone who's supposed to be (or thinks he is) an intellectual he certainly is vapid as fuck.