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/lit/ - Literature

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8415605 No.8415605 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /lit/, I hope you can help me out.

I'm very interested in Japan's history, culture and I'm generally curious how life in Japan is nowadays, so I'm looking for good books to read.
Please no fiction or "westernized" works.
A coworker told me about a book he read, where a guy lived there for 10 years and explains how Japan works, it sounded really interesting, unfortunately the book is only available in Russian.

Can you recommend me something?

I checked the catalog, archive and asked on /jp/ before, but I couldn't find anything like that, oh and /jp/ informed me that their board is only for touhous and onaholes and the like.

>> No.8415610


A weeaboo who is using "culture" and "history" as a cover-up for his interest in video games and anime.

>> No.8415612

If you can't read moonrunes, you won't find what you want. Even if you do read moonrunes, you'll be sorely disappointed to find out how westernized Japan is these days.

>> No.8415616

Is the board called books, or is it called literature? Not literature, not /lit/.

>> No.8415626

>/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction)

>> No.8415635
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grorius history

>> No.8415637

Wrong, I was always interested in Japan and just recently got the opportunity to get a job there.

I've been there as tourist before, but needless to say that you don't know how that place really works in 3 weeks.

>> No.8415647

>thinking all non-fiction is literature
In Cold Blood is literature, your quest for a book about nippon that confirms that it isn't westernized is not.

>> No.8415649

>tfw your country can literally bomb the culture out of a race
Feels fucking fantastic

>> No.8415660

>the concrete-encased high school girl murder case
Fucking Japan

>> No.8415683

tortured for 40 days as well

usually murders and shit don't move me all that much, but this one makes me sad

>> No.8415696
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