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8413134 No.8413134 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished this novel. Discuss.

>> No.8413165

>Still reading sexist literature


>> No.8413167

Use the f u c k i n g archive jesus christ

>> No.8413169

Kill yourself my man

>> No.8413175


>> No.8413176

no u :^)

>> No.8413183

Thought the description of his affair was fantastic. Poor Willy :(

>> No.8413186

I felt like his life as described was better than the mediocrity that is described

>> No.8413202

why dont you start the conversation you fucking retard

>> No.8413594

Overrated. Boring the majority of the time. What I most liked about the book was aesthetics.
Ending really hit me in the feels though.

>> No.8413597

Exactly how I felt, though I did enjoy the affair with the Driscoll bitch.

>> No.8413598

You're literally retarded.

>> No.8413633

What do you mean by this? That his life was actually better than it tone made it seem like?

>> No.8413668

Butcher's crossing is better.

>> No.8413703


Thats the most generic review I've ever read.

>> No.8413730

I liked it. After reading this guys life, I feel happy that it ended the way it did. It made me feel better about my life somehow, like "no pressure, just find something that you like, and you can take it to your deathbed and die happy"

>> No.8413754

>Just finished this novel
>Tell me what to think
Fuck off.

>> No.8413756

No I need /lit/ to form opinions for me so I can be patrician

>> No.8413778

It made me cry just like /lit/ said it would. I REALLY didn't think it would but man I fucking sobbed during that last chapter.

leave this place

>> No.8413829

I posit the thesis that you did indeed finish the novel. Objections?

>> No.8413848

Well he didn't ask for a review now did he.

>> No.8413858

It's probably one of the greatest novels ever written.

That's the consensus here tbqhfamalamadingdong.

>> No.8413872

I loved the book, OP.
I don't know why but it reminds me of the movie American Beauty - which is perhaps my favourite movie.

It's probably because both can capture the beauty of our miserable boring lives and make you love your own.

>> No.8413892

Misogynist trash.

>> No.8413922
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It's pretty shit, and not because of this misogynist nonsense.

The style is very bland and boring. The pacing is horrible. It jumps across an entire character's life frequently. It is not a big chunk here and there, it is frequent small bits. There is nothing to hold on to, nothing to care about.

Worst of all, the main character consistently lets fate take the wheel in his life and the narrator consistently makes sure the reader knows this. It is one thing to have a tragic character bound by fate. It is another to watch an author tell you over and over again how he opened up his magic box and there was nothing inside.

>> No.8413928

what are some books that tackle the same core subject, that you'd say are superior?

>> No.8413934 [DELETED] 
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What would you say the core concepts are this book are anon? This didn't seem like a book that had concepts at the core, this seemed like a novel focused on a realistic representation of one character in academia. There is a passion for literature which becomes a passion for work, and then there is a passion for love, but I don't know if those are concepts that are played out.

>> No.8413938
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What would you say the core concepts of this book are anon? This didn't seem like a book that had concepts at the core, this seemed like a novel focused on a realistic representation of one character in academia. There is a passion for literature which becomes a passion for work, and then there is a passion for love, but I don't know if those are concepts that are played out.

>> No.8413949
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>There is nothing to hold on to, nothing to care about.
It hit me a little over the loss of Dave Masters despite him only briefly being in the story. Really came off interesting and throughout the whole book made me think what could have been.

>> No.8413952

>Anime-posting basement dwelling fag thinks he has anything against a stellar novel


>> No.8413954

I dont think its the book that is shit in this instance.

>> No.8413964 [SPOILER] 
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That was one of the better parts but again, too brief. We barely met the guy and then he died.

pic related

>> No.8413966

>misogynist nonsense.
>>Still reading sexist literature

How the fuck is the book misogynistic or sexist?

>> No.8413973

I think he meant how the introduction talks about a mediocre man, yet the book speaks full of emotion and of nothing short of a moving life.

Even the average joe has its share of pain and beauty, it just takes a trained eye to see it (or a skilled writer to tell it).

Then again I can be wrong.

>> No.8414485

A brilliant piece of work and A book i read from cover to cover, I couldn't put it down. A simple story put forth wonderfully, everybody will have there opinion on the intention of the characters, but of course that is up to interpretation, just like any great story.

Stoner is a wonderful book, and a book I will never forget and make sure My children read some day.

>> No.8414828


Seriously, kill yourself.

>> No.8415218

I was saying that the anons who are saying this books is misogynist are speaking nonsense.

Learn to read fag

>> No.8416767

I liked the book, until she started fucking the other girl. That is cliché as fuck. At least the book/character admitted it too.

>> No.8416798

Basically what >>8413973 said
I'd feel quite accomplished if I were stoner
There's clearly a lot that could be improved upon but he's not the failure I was expecting

>> No.8416834

Reading it now. Too depressing. Edith just came home after her dad shot himself in the head . I don't know if I'm ready for what comes next.

>> No.8418193

Keep reading. It gets worse.

>> No.8418204

You Pussy lol

>> No.8418451

Just read the part where he raped his wife and she violently puked all over the bathroom. Why'd he do it?

>> No.8418599

>raped his wife

Huh? I don't remember this.

>> No.8418610

I forgot that happened

>> No.8418705

Yeah I think it was somewhere during their wedding night or a few days later during their honeymoon. Edith is damaged goods and Stoner forced himself on her. It wasn't as violent as the word rape depicts, but it still was breaking and entering.

It was his honeymoon (if I remember correctly) and he felt like it had to happen, not having sex wouldn't be right. He probably rationalized it in a way of 'oh once it's in she'll like it, she just needs to get used to it' etc. but he knew in his heart it was wrong.

Swept with lust and duty, our poor William was.

(that's what I think though, I can be wrong. I'm basically basing half of this explanation on what I made out of his character after reading the book and tried to fill in the blanks accordingly)

>> No.8418735


I don't know why but I fucking hate you really strongly. I think in my mind I feel like you must be misunderstanding the book on purpose in which case it's such a big lie all in the name of I literally don't know and so I hate you, or, it makes me think that people as stupid and unfeeling as you represent a real cultural contingent, in which case I hate you.

>> No.8418751

>It was his honeymoon (if I remember correctly)
this was indeed the part I was referring to. Your explanation makes sense.

>> No.8418812

pretty much. Williams write it as deliberately and methodically as he did the whole novel, convoluting the "victim/predator" dichotomy of what rape is generally considered.
Edith was raped, but in the pretext that she "wanted to be a good wife" to Stoner and thus didn't deny him. Raped nonetheless, but it's hardly black and white.
And as far as Stoner, to call him a rapist would be an untrue statement. Malevolence is not in his character so much as social underdevelopment, "rape" was never a part of his pursuit so much as trying to be a normal husband to a normal wife.

The scene was deliberately complex and i think it set the tone for how Williams was willing to treat his characters for the whole book, as flawed and nuanced humans trying to endure the world they lived in. Stoner is the closest fiction has ever come to non-fiction that I've ever read

>> No.8419212

The ending was rough for me.

I felt a rush of what it felt like to die and felt the sort of feelings that the elderly feel on their deathbeds.

It was as intense as my own firsthand experiences.

>> No.8419400

what's figuratively retarded?

>> No.8419445

John Williams btfo


>> No.8419456

Did anyone else find the Dave Masters stuff saccharine as fuck?

>> No.8419508
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>muh misogyny

>> No.8419518

Do u think that bitch gives nice blowjobs?

>> No.8419529

No and she probably hates giving them

>> No.8420792

The moment a book starts to feel like a biography, you know you've found gold.