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/lit/ - Literature

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8410795 No.8410795 [Reply] [Original]

>so Anon what do you do in your free time?
>well I like to read books and...
>Looool books? who reads books?
>yo did you hear Anon? he reads books
>awww poor little baby, he reads books
>wow Anon, didn't know you were so intellectual and shit
>wtf Anon, books? just watch movies and stuff, pretentious fag

>> No.8410809

Do people honestly react like that in burgerstan? Must be nice being able to tell who's worth talking to and who isn't so easily.

>> No.8410813
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they look at you like the picture i have uploaded

>> No.8410822


Yes. Also, people bully you if you get good grades and try hard in school. It's not a very intellectual-friendly place.

>> No.8410829

>Woe is me! I am an an intellectual and people aren't as smart as me make fun of me for reading books! Fucking plebs, right guys?

Literally no one ever reacts like this when you mention that you read books. You have a victim complex.

>> No.8410836

I've never had this happen, and I grew up in the rural south. Supposedly one of the more anti-intellectual areas.

>> No.8410845

I always say that I like to read and I've never had that reaction.

>> No.8410848

This guy knows what's up, but he is also being mean. I rate 5/10

>> No.8410853

Some people deserve nothing but cruelty

>> No.8410854

I guess, it has a certain appeal though. In my country it's basically the same, people think like what's written in OP, but you still have to act somewhat intellectual (or at least open/learning) towards the outside. The result is a bunch of arrogant know-nothings who think far too highly of their own uninformed opinion. Admitting that you don't know something is rare and usually presented as a sort of joke, though we all know how true it usually is.

>> No.8410857

you are a part of the problem

>> No.8410875


What problem?

>> No.8410876

I don't see how. I'm definitely not mocking anyone else, and I encourage all my students to read as often as they can.

>> No.8410878
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>Go out for drinks last night with a German girl who's been living in my country for 10 years
>Mention at one point that I read in my spare time
>Namedrop Goethe/Nietzsche/Fichte/Hegel/etc
>We fuck at the end of the night.

Don't know if that helped my chances m8s, but it certainly didn't harm them.

>> No.8410888
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>> No.8410894


Hey, I read Nietzsche unironically.

>> No.8410897
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>German girls

>> No.8410901

Highschool sure is a funny place.

>> No.8410908

German girls are probably the combination of pleasant to be around and good looking in Western Europe

>> No.8410917

On México people tends to be like "really? what type of things you read? i didn't know you were such an intellectual"

Kind of like just joking but they still kind of think it's really good

>> No.8410925
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>He didn't namedrop Schopenhauer

>> No.8410938

Here I never got that whole "smart nerds get bullied by dumb jocks" kind of thing.
It's just those that don't fit in socially get bullied, though I certainly percieved a tendency for dumber people to jump on the bullying train sooner.
This could stem from the way our school system works though and from grade 5 on we basically have three classes of schools and so I never really came much in contact with people stuck in the lower classes.

>> No.8410949
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You're cute. We can read together if you don't mind!

>> No.8410960
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>> No.8410982

I've got the following

>Do you actually read that Shakespeare, or do you just have it to look smart?
>why do you have a bible, you don't really believe that shit do you?
>why all the poetry? Is it to get girls?

>> No.8411055

There's a problem?
No, >>8410982 's experience would be more typical.

>> No.8411077

Schopenhauer is a huge turn off for me at least lol

>> No.8411081


Make me a sammich, bitch.

>> No.8411087
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>You read? Oh my god, have you read <YA trash>?

>> No.8411100
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People actually read in my waters, but it tends to just be author of the month club stuff, so they are usually disappointed when they ask what I've been reading because we can't share in the latest generic crime fiction book or whatever. Still, it's nice to know that people still engage with some form of literature on average, and there's been a successful campaign to improve youth reading in the last decade or so.

>> No.8411112

reading is perfectly acceptable to mention as a hobby if you're not a fucking loser

the nerds itt are probably intolerable company, so they would get made fun of no matter what

>> No.8411127

In the US wealth is unevenly distributed, especially demographically. If you live in a rich town with high property taxes and a good school system, pleb children are discriminated against and shuffled into retard rooms where they are basically written off.

I have a smart black friend who grew up in a ghetto, and he was beaten constantly and referred to as "Oreo T". In my town people were expected to work full time jobs in hs unless they were on the baseball team, usually on farms. In the town I live now, the ruling clique are all doctors kids and the competition for academic excellence is intense.

>I live amongst the lowly

>> No.8411139
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Also if you live in a major urban center the hipsters, yuppies, and general white collar demographic are mostly readers.

>> No.8411157

>ew CIA you file flight plans?
>well I like to throw people out of planes so...
>lool planes? who flies planes?
>yo did you hear CIA? He doesn't even crash his planes
>wow what a little guy
>I didn't know you were such a minor character
>wtf CIA planes? just find BANE? and stuff, pretentious fag

>> No.8411166


The only time ive experienced anything like this is when a Friend asks me what im reading and its some Fantasy or Sci-Fi with a plot that makes me seem like a sperg

>> No.8411211

>Instead of framing myself as the one in the right, I'm going to post an anime picture and tell everyone about it online instead.

>> No.8411307
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>complains about anime pictures
>on an anime themed japanese owned image board

>> No.8411326

The US isn't culturally monolithic. It depends on where you're from, the school you went to, and the people who hang out around. Same in the UK; chavs aren't known for being friendly to kids who affect posh intellectualism.

>> No.8411333

We're the last unabashedly masculine Western country. We don't read, we hunt and we build.

>> No.8411338

Well you are a sperg for reading fantasy

>> No.8411341

I would read at this machine shop I worked the night shift at and my co-workers made fun of me but then eventually started bringing their own books and our lunches looked like a book club for dirty machinists.
>I was reading Sartre's Age of Reason
>Big bearded ex-con guy read a military non-fic
>smaller bearded ex-con guy read one of the ASoIaF series that he started in prison
>Native American guy read White Fang
shit was dope.

Remember that when people seem put off by you reading they're probably considering reading themselves

>> No.8411347


>> No.8411370

>reads Sartre
hahahahaha kys

>> No.8411372

That sounds fucking awesome

>> No.8411382

>start reading turner diaries at work
>jewish girl wikis it prior to asking me about it
>tells everyone im reading anti-semitic tracts in my spare time

>> No.8411398

This is true, but you do get the occasional person (usually trying to act like a stereotypical movie jock) who makes fun of you literally just because they think that's how popular people should react.

>> No.8411408

>Good looking
Shit opinion

>> No.8411415

Romanian girls. I win.

>> No.8411426

You are the problem with neo 4chan

>> No.8411435

This scenario has never happened. No one cares enough about you to care if you read or not.

>> No.8411442

You don't understand how we do things around here, do you?

>> No.8411447

Real chads are actually slightly impressed with the well-read. Only insecure pseudo-alphas affect the jock stereotype

>> No.8411483

I used to think it was because they were a frontier society. Then I realized the same doesn't so much apply in Canada or Australia. Strange.

>> No.8411488

It absolutely does apply to Australia, though. Canada's sissy culture is the exception

>> No.8411495

Shallow readers mind you. Most of them read for the fashion of it rather than actual enjoyment. Just like any "hipster" pursuit. It's only cool until it becomes a genuine interest.

>> No.8411501

See, I'm not a fan of this "lel Trudeau sissy beta canadians" meme. It's really only a reflection of urban Toronto/Vancouver people. The rest of Canada isn't like that in the least. Think rednecks but colder and less angry because they don't live near minorities.

>> No.8411505

There was a theory that up-talk originated in Canada.

>> No.8411538

We're speaking in generalities. Despite the existance of Hosers, Montreal is very much the North American epicenter of Western masochism and left wing anti-Americanism.

>> No.8411543
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>Meet a Czech girl while snowboarding
>Mentions shes a journalist
>Ask if she reads as much as she writes
>"Oh yea I love Gogol and Dosto..."
>Tell her I write on the side
>Spend the next week together drinking, reading, exploring and fucking
>She leaves to go home
>I never got her contact info

but man what a week that was.

>> No.8411587

Not since the language laws. These days it is definitely Toronto.

>> No.8411618

Well yeah wealth is unevenly distributed, the niggers get to live in squalor in welfare while the whites actually work. We shouldn't have to give them money if they don't earn it themselves.

>> No.8411624

There are plenty of poor white neighborhoods. That blacks are anti-intellectual is a given, but in blue collar white communities the problem is still there.

>> No.8411636

Dumb anime poster.

This never happened.

>> No.8411638


>go to normie bookstore B&N
>buy 'On the Psychology of Military Incompetence'
>judging looks by normies working in the store as I check out
>see a really nice print of 'Meditations' on the clearance rack
>cashier asks me what 'Meditations' is

Our society really is getting dumber and more anti-intellectual as time goes by.

>> No.8411666

I'll just refer you to >>8411307 and >>8411442

>> No.8411675

The only conceivable situation during which this might be said would be during recess in middle school. That's also assuming you're carrying around a book in the open and being pretentious about it. Just hide where no one can see you and read in peace like everyone else you attention whore faggot-child.

>> No.8411699

This is closer to my experience, nobody thinks less of me for reading but they always expect me to read YA or generic fantasy shit or, most of the time, guys like Stephen King and Neil Gaiman, then think I'm pretentious when I don't. Poetry and religious texts also have the stigmas you mentioned, people will actually think you're dumb if you read the bible.

>> No.8411713

and he was half of man and half of projector
and they called him

>> No.8411735


Haha, yeah we are utterly fucked

>> No.8411749

I'm specially training myself to be pretentious about everything.

>> No.8411756


Me too, and apparently I'm doing a better job at it too.

>> No.8411759
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>yeah i read books
>haha cool whats your favorite book anon
>uh probably [insert book]
>huh never heard of it, i really like the hunger games haha

might as well just kill me

>> No.8411769

ITT: 15-18 year olds

You guys are on the same level as /b/

>> No.8411770

*tips fedora*

>> No.8411786

In today's episode of things that didn't happen...

>> No.8411788

My town is a mixture between the town where you used to live and the town where you live now. My high school had illiterate rednecks and rich kids, and the two groups were so segregated that it was basically two separate schools in one building.

>> No.8411791

then why are you on /lit/

>> No.8411796

>Anon, what do you do all day?
W-Well, I read mostly I g-guess...
>No, that doesn't count. What do you DO?
>awkward silence
>You're over 20, don't you think it's time to find a girlfriend?
>Don't you hang out with fiends?

Literally had a visit like this today from a distant family member. Make it go away

>> No.8411806

good goy

>> No.8411812

>>No, that doesn't count. What do you DO?
Sent a shiver down my spine famalam I feel you

>> No.8411815


I have this much worse, don't really read fictional literature so if someone asks what my favourite book is I either have to fully reveal my power level or mumble 'some academic shit hehehehe'

>> No.8411816
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>reading as a social activity

>> No.8411904
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I had this, but my gf just didn't get it. I told her I like to read in my free time, and she must have thought I meant that I like reading fucking Harry Potter for ten minutes or something. She found it really romantic, and wouldn't stop telling me how impressed she was that I read as a hobby...until she found out that it's actually my thing, as in the thing that I do for hours at a time. Now she complains when she asks what I'm doing and I reply that I'm reading, or read for extended periods around her.

Granted, I have several hobbies. I love playing the guitar and I keep up on vidya. But it's irksome that I have to read at work now.

>> No.8411913

This is my biggest fear of getting a gf

>> No.8411917

this never happened. there's nothing special about reading books

>> No.8411918

In my experience, Mexicans don't care if you read or just make small talk about it, namedropping whatever they might have read/is popular at the moment. Where you from ese?

>> No.8411923


Thank god I'm not 12 anymore

>> No.8411961

>But it's irksome that I have to read at work now.

Now that is a beta faggot.


I haven't actually met anyone that reacted like this when mentioning books. I was surprised at this, growing up in the "ugh books, but everyone read harry potter" generation(1990-95), most people i've met were quite indifferent about it.

>> No.8411973
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I'm somewhat exaggerating. I do still read around her. But I prefer not listening to her complain if I read for extended periods, so I tend to get most of my reading done at work as I have ~6 hours of free time a day, while playing games or watching movies with her at home. It works out pretty well.

>> No.8411977
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>tfw stacy sisters stacy friends make fun of you again

>> No.8412019

People where I live nod and smile when you tell them you like to read, and they lie and say they like to read too.

>> No.8412137

no, your biggest fear of getting a gf was intimacy, do not forget

>> No.8412159


>> No.8412166

Anime wasn't a pejorative. The problem is the OP posts online about how he was demeaned instead of taking control of the situation. He should stop being a wimp and stand up for his lifestyle.

>> No.8413727

>some random dummy doesn't like reading because they don't put thought into what they do
>they're missing out on the most complex and in-depth manifestation of human life
>I'm not

and what's the problem with this?

>> No.8413809

that green text reads like some paranoid /r9k/ fantasy

>> No.8413942

Yeah? Well it's true, all of it.

>> No.8413951

the worst thing about interacting with others is that they don't say things like this but you're worried that they secretly think it

>oh i read books
>oh cool
> ............ yeah i think they're really interesting. my favourite is ______ (man i'm talking too much trying to justify a hobby they're clearly not interested in otherwise they would have said they like books too and now i sound like i don't even enjoy them that much because i haven't been insightful at all)
>*nodding and smiling* well i like movies

>> No.8413999 [DELETED] 


They live near indians though, and their hatred for indians is as intense for anything the American heartland racist feels mexicans etc.

In case there's any confusion I'm talking about natives, not the people from the sub continent.

>> No.8414023
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>> No.8414031

People never react like this around me. This includes the "ghetto" where I grew up (more exactly the barrio) as well as in my college life. My average conversation goes like this:
>So what do you like to do in your free time anon?
>I mostly just go to class and the gym, but I usually try and make time to read books and spend time in the outdoors as often as I can.
>I remember I used to be really into reading when I was younger; I wish I hadn't stopped.
>Yeah I actually really enjoy it and I feel like it helps me out in a lot of ways (interesting, thought-provoking; whatever I feel might sell them on the idea)
>Wow that sounds really cool anon! Maybe you could recommend me some books that might spark my interest?

>> No.8414055

Honestly, people tend to think you're really smart if you read a lot. The same reason most of /lit/ reads book, to look smart.

>> No.8414093

It doesn't go like that anon.
They might say something like
>wow, that's really cool, what are you reading currently?
But what they are really thinking is
>jesus christ what a beta fag, I hope I never have to talk to this snob again

You should read up on body language and realize people were not sincere with you.

>> No.8414094

>translation: I'm an enormous faggot please rape my face.

>> No.8414099


>You should read up on body language and realize people were not sincere with you.

You should read up on projecting and realize that you are externalizing all of your private frustrations onto him right now.

Relax, m8. Nothing he said there was remotely "snob". This whole post was crazy paranoia for no reason.

>> No.8414153
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>have break room at place of employment
>television always has the shittiest bottom of the barrel 700 club and game shows that coworkers will cheer for and watch intently

>i always read on my breaks/lunch
>mfw people will actually ask why i would want to read instead of watch tv and get offended when I say I am just not interested at all

>> No.8414168

That's how it has alway been for us, patrish people, amirite m'boy?
*literary tips a fedora*

>> No.8414263

100% true. And the student's name? Albert Einstein.

>> No.8415241
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consider not playing it like a fedora-person, and you might get a different reaction

>> No.8415283

back in my day the normies used to ask if i'd read cuck palahniuk or kurt gavemegout

>> No.8415367
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>Don't you hang out with fiends?

>> No.8416128

I'm new to /lit/
Give me the explanation to this meme, why is reading Nietzsche funny?

>> No.8416144

Nietzsche is for supreme gentlemen aka fedoracore.

>> No.8416151

> An antiphilosophical german who's misquoted a lot of philosophers and made books out of edginess and being a special flower

I don't know about him being a gentleman, /lit/ has some low standards man

>> No.8416175

Even if you're speaking in generalities, you're still way off the mark. I hate Coupland for the same reasons I hate you and I am going to explain it in very simple terms: It is a dire mistake to judge canadians by perceptions built upon people from large and affluent cities. Coupland tries to make the argument that the cultural identity of canada is changing to mirror what you would find in the cities, but at the same time, Coupland has only lived in major cities his entire life. In example, Vancouver is one of the largest and most recognizable cities in Canada and is the only real major city in BC. You could think that obviously it would be a fantastic representation of what the people are like, but vancouver exists within a vacuum. The entire surrounding area only represents less that 30% of the entire population of the province. Most people in BC live in small communities outside of the unremarkable cities spread throughout the entire province, where live is lived much like it was back when canada was just a british territory. Real canadians come in two flavors: stoics, and good ol' boys.

>> No.8416185

Why the fuck are you accepting /pol/ premises without second thoughts? Go back there, bigots.

>> No.8416191

Nietzsche failed so fucking hard at what he set out to do that we now have undereducated 20-somethings telling people they're nietzschean nihilists

>> No.8416229

>Neo 4chan

We are in post-4chan lad

>> No.8416235

Hahaha roasted

>> No.8416246
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>Anything other than white
>Good looking

>> No.8416266

Seriously, I have never encountered this shit in my life. Where do these things happen?

>> No.8417115

In Bullytown, Jocks Avenue.

>> No.8417202

a.k.a everyday places;, senpai

>> No.8417206

spotted the angry canadian anglophone fag
>if you cant speak more then one language but pretend to be /lit/ go kill yourself

>> No.8417207
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I haven't experienced much of anti-intellectualism since I graduated high school, and I live in Slavland.

>> No.8417213

>reading a book
>other people have reaction to me reading
>I don't know what the reaction is as I'm too busy reading

>> No.8417496

Why is this thread filled with suffering intellectuals?
I was never a sociable person and I spent all of my school breaks reading, in a class full of typical teenage girls, and I haven't been mocked for it once.
I have been told things like "Don't you ever get bored?", "I'm not really into reading, but I respect people like you", and it's only natural since everyone has different hobbies and preferences.

I can tell these complaints are mixed feelings of "I wish people would openly admire and respect me for my heuristic interests" and "I'm surrounded by idiots and this gives me a chance to feel superior". You're being overly sensitive while subtly bragging.

>> No.8417507

Maybe it's more of a: "I wish openly exposing my hobby would have made me meet other people with similar interests"
But I don't know.

>> No.8417513

There's a difference between telling someone you enjoy reading and complaining when people don't share your interest under a victimizing attitude.
I can guarantee you most fedora tippers here suffer of a superiority complex.

>> No.8417527

>tfw your AP econ teacher silently judged you for reading 1984 in class

I'm sorry I was a pleb :(

>> No.8417528

As much as I want to play devil's advocate, you're probably right.
Though it really is frustrating being the only literate/writer in your social group. I find so many quotes, excerpts and novels I'd like to share with my friends/girlfriend but they mostly don't give a shit or they don't appreciate them like I do.

>> No.8417545

I don't talk to people, so nobody even knows I read a lot so nobody even reacts to it. Such cases.

>> No.8417614

>I was never a sociable person and I spent all of my school breaks reading, in a class full of typical teenage girls, and I haven't been mocked for it once.
oh but you were, you were indeed ye poor soul

>> No.8417656

If we put it this way, everyone's been mocked, more or less. My point was that people had the common sense to keep possibly insulting comments to themselves.
Then try to enlarge your group? It's not easy, but not impossible either. You can find literature circles anywhere.

>> No.8417694

I don't have much time, unfortunately.
If I'm not studying and I'm writing or reading something propedeutical to what I'm writing. Putting effort into being more social is out of the equation at this point. But I'm gonna make it... one day...

>> No.8418743

Shitty example, m8.