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/lit/ - Literature

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8402103 No.8402103[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any books on terrorism, specifically about the hows and the whys?

>inb4 some retard says the holy Quran

>> No.8402127
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the holy Quran

>> No.8402132


The Holy Bible

>> No.8402135
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the holy Mountain

>> No.8402147

Haha oh wow this that /lit/ humor I always hear about ahahaha!

>> No.8402153
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>> No.8402170


Are you OP? You brought in on yourself.

>> No.8402173

it just keeps getting better ahahahahaha!

>> No.8402174


How so?

>> No.8402180


>> No.8402190

The sayings of the prophet mohammed (pigshit be upon him)

>> No.8402201


If you can't figure it out you are retarded

>> No.8402204

I am not retarded, explain it to me. I fear this "/lit" humor may be too high brow for me.

>> No.8402216
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the holy Grail

>> No.8402228
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>> No.8402254

Low Intensity Operations by General Sir Frank Kitson

That's a good one for explaining the controlled opposition of gang and counter-gang dynamics. Research military science and game theory.

>> No.8402271
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The fuck did you just say to me?

>> No.8402292

>How so?
asking /lit/ for pop-politics/nonfiction recs

we read philosophy and canonical literary fiction. sure, what you're looking for fits under the umbrella of 'literature' but that's like expecting /mu/ to help you out with finding a rare simple plan album

not to say we're above the material we just don't know shit about it. you'd be better off asking/his/ or /pol/ or /k/

>> No.8402294

Check out a book called Horrorism
Ur welcome

>> No.8402300

Your grammar and sentence structuring betrays how little you read, pseud.

>> No.8402305


I was suggesting the

You and OP are retarded.

>> No.8402338

The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs or The Poop That Took a Pee both by Butters Stotch

>> No.8402343

and you thinking anything about ones reading can be discerned from their writing outs you as a pseud

>> No.8402348

Reading has a direct impact on writing. Go embarrass yourself elsewhere.

>> No.8402373


The Jews invented terrorism

>> No.8402377

One of my favourite novels

>> No.8403171
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here kitty kitty

>> No.8403197
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>Terrorism has no religion

lel, and yet the vast majority of terrorist attacks happen in Islamic majority countries.

>> No.8403203
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fuck off you pseud-cunt

>> No.8403204

Depends what you define as an act of terror desu, pal

>> No.8403213

Lol, this pic just confirms my point you moron.

>> No.8403235

The Qu'ran and Hadith are actually crucial to the hows and whys.

According to the Hadith, Muhammad was a brutal warlord. Terrorists are just emulating their prophet.

>> No.8403254


>Mudslimes, ETA, Northern Ireland, and beaner communists

Yeah it's easier to find white terrorists if you go back farther than 2000. The thing is though, we're dealing with different groups now, because it's the current year.

>> No.8403261

>ctrl-f "my diary desu"
>0 results

/lit/ you have let me down.

>> No.8403272

The terrorism of groups like IRA, ETA, FARC etc are either Ethno-nationalist or social in nature. But there is an overriding religious nature to Islamic terrorism

>> No.8403382
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I found an earlier edition of pic related to be helpful along with a few journal articles which I'd post but I don't have access to right now

>> No.8403395

>implying the original muslims weren't an insurgency in the south of a poorly regulated region by imperial standards of the time that massed land through violence and political manipulation of numerous smaller tribes and drove young men to join their cause with promises of bounty, women, and higher ideological justice
>implying this insurgency didn't later gain some populist support in cities they conquered because of resentment of the standing political powers

>> No.8403404

Terrorism and communism trotsky

>> No.8403425

Crevald's "The transformations of war":

Very much a 'why' in regards to modern conflict being the way it is.

>> No.8403609

The Secret Agent by Joseph Conrad.

>> No.8403613

Mao II
The Names

>> No.8404832

You're going to inevitably face books that a) trace the origins of terror back to the french revolution or b) that demonstrate the links and intricacies between anarchism and terrorism. Look up Richard Bach Jensen.

>> No.8404903

This might interest you


>The thesis examines propaganda as a weapon in violent revolutionary situations. The first chapter discusses the meaning and nature of propaganda, and goes on to relate the six case studies that are to follow to the historical development of conflict propaganda. The survey notes how, as a result of dishonest usage in war and because of its totalitarian overtones, propaganda became discredited in liberal democracies, so much so that governments were reluctant even to think about it. The six case studies deal with the propaganda aspects of the campaigns of the Assassins in medieval Persia, the Easter Rising in Dublin 1916, Zionist ambitions in Palestine after the second World War, the Algerian struggle for national independence 1954- 62, the Provisional IRA's campaign during 1971 and early 1972, and the Dhofar rebellion that ended in 1976. The discussion that concludes each chapter summaries the role and importance of propaganda as a component of the revolutionary strategy, assesses its methods and themes, and considers the government response in this area. The final chapter offers deductions on the nature of revolutionary propaganda and on possible counter-measures. Analysis of the case studies points to a more or less regular pattern of revolutionary propaganda from which emerge twenty themes and associated messages. Revolutionary propaganda themes are grouped into four categories - mobilisation, conflict, survival and victory. Certain distinguishing technical characteristics are identified and the role of the news media in present-day revolutionary situations is discussed.

>> No.8404947


Conveniently forgetting the IRA and redefining terrorism to not include their murders. Not that they were wrong, but it was terrorism

>> No.8404980

Most terrorism is done by separatist groups. There are a number of reasonings that can form the basis of a want for separatism.

Other times it is ideological (many times left-wing; this is influenced by notions of revolution and propaganda by the deed, an idea which goes back to Bakunin). Take a look at some anarchist and commie lit on revolution and ideology.

Of course these are not mutually exclusive; take for example the PKK.

And then there are Islamic groups. These are influenced firstly by extremely conservative readings of the Quran, as in Wahabism/salafism. Secondly an ideology that preaches the emptiness of western values and the creation of a global Islamic caliphate. The ideological forefathers of these are Maududi and Qutb. Reading this stuff will get you put on the terrorist watchlist real quick; rightfully so.

>> No.8405013
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>> No.8405018

The Sahih Hadiths

>> No.8405023

Winners on that map are aum shinrikyo and the tamils and Iran, for not allowing garbage into their country even though they are surrounded by it.

>> No.8405030

>Video Games Cause Violence: The Book

>> No.8405038
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That was an editorial in the end of the second edition. My professor pointed out that the Army has run with his ideas on videogames, although not in the direction that he wanted (pic related)

I was referring more to the chapters on atrocity and ritual, IE that when killing is sanctioned by your society it holds far less weight over you, hence the joy shown by ISIS vs the suicide rates in the US army. Its a fascinating book that the US military demands that its high officers read, and I am sure they know better than you, faggot

>> No.8405043


That map doesn't ignore the IRA. It's from 2000 to 2014, and the IRA and its splinter groups didn't kill very many people in that time. At least not compared to the islamic bloodbath.

>> No.8405069

>Stop Teaching Our Kids to Kill: A Call to Action Against TV, Movie and Video Game Violence
>Appeal to Authority

The PPSC tears it apart point by point. I'm sure you know better than them niggerfaggot

"Simplistic solutions appeal to the ignorant masses who cannot grasp complex problems"

>> No.8405078

A lot of his data is taken verbatim from a thoroughly discredited historian and noted liar

>> No.8405200

Mao II

>> No.8405968

"Inside Terrorism" by Hoffman; "The Ambivalence of the Sacred" by Appleby; "Terrorism: A Critical Introduction" by Jackson; "How Terrorism Ends" by Cronin; "Terror in the Mind of God" by Juergensmeyer; "Jihad: From Qur'an to Bin Laden" by Bonney; "Good Muslim, Bad Muslim" by Mamdani. That should provide you with a good introduction to the subject.

>> No.8405983

Mao II is what you're looking for; it's been mentioned 2 other times already in this thread for good reason. It is a very powerful, beautiful meditation on terrorism, crowds and mass production. I read it in January and loved it. It is Delillo's best novel and the culmination of themes he has explored in all his best books.

>> No.8406057

>These are influenced firstly by extremely conservative readings of the Quran
The majority of Muslims are conservative and view terrorism positively; lots of people have been ignoring that part.