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/lit/ - Literature

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8400482 No.8400482 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think about them? Do you curse often online? Less in real life? Do curse words have any real use in literature?

>> No.8400502

Who decided some words were "bad" and others weren't when they mean the same thing
"Don't say shit, but you can say poop or crap"
Stuff like that
Also why are some "bad words" worse than others? They can say bitch on tv but not fuck?

>> No.8400507

I swear all the time online and offline, but I hate reading novels that use them unless they're censored.

>> No.8400510

I use them a lot when I'm writing things online and in textual conversations with friends, but I almost never actually use them IRL. I guess they're just funnier to me in writing than verbal conversations, where they're just kind of commonplace and bland.

>> No.8400525

Curse words are the biggest cliches in the English language.

>> No.8400527

I don't like to swear when I'm standing up, but when I sit down I can only communicate by barking the word 'cunt' over and over again while drumming my hands on my knees.

>> No.8400564

>What do you think about them?
I like them

>Do you curse often online?
Only on 4chan, and even then not much. Curse words don't translate well into semi-formal written language

>Less in real life?
I curse all the time in real life but I'm from Ireland and it's culturally acceptable here in nearly all contexts and it's almost impossible not to. Curse words are essential to fluent conversation really.
Do curse words have any real use in literature?

>> No.8400567

Weird preference bro

>> No.8400577
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>> No.8400585

I swear way too much and am trying to stop.

>> No.8400754
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It's cuss, not curse.

Cuss: Words such as fuck, cunt, asshole. They are to demean, belittle or shame someone.

Curse: Words or phrases used to bring misfortune or bad health upon's someone's person.

People only say "curse" because they want to sound educated and proper, but the fucking word is cuss you faggets.

>> No.8400762

Burger detected

>> No.8400934
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....why do I feel that her dad molested her?

>> No.8400940

Actually britbong colony.

>> No.8400951


Get back to work Ranjeep or I'll export your dinner

>> No.8400965

surely this is in context, no?
piss isnt a swear word in "the cow was pissing" but is in "piss off".
do people really think "piss" in "the cow was pissing" is a swear word?

>> No.8400972

probably a fetish thing between two kinky couples (hopefully)

>> No.8400992

Yeah, I remember a time when very few people cursed but now it's extremely common and pretty much everyone does it without even thinking. The only thing people get offended now is the word Nigger

>> No.8401043

I don't use them in person nor online. They have use in literature especially in dialogue for characters that would naturally use them.

>> No.8401065

South America actually.
Not Indian.

>> No.8401088

Have you been to the southern US?

>> No.8401105

People who are offended my swear words are dumb. It's reasonable to be disgusted with words that have a history of dehumanizing groups of people (IE cunt, nigger, etc), but if you get your knickers in a knot over the word fuck then you are so
so stupid

>> No.8401128

>It's reasonable to be disgusted with words that have a history of dehumanizing groups of people

just go back to tumblr

>> No.8401207

Curse words have no real use in the literature I'm reading, that's for sure

I admit it can have a meaning in some modern works but I generally don't like curse words in books. I love them on the internet though

>> No.8401227

People nowadays rely on them way to much for emphasis. If you removed the swear words from these peoples conversations/blogs/videos/whatever they would be extremely boring and banal.

>> No.8401229

Hello I'm not an English native,

What's the correct word for "curse word"? "Bad word"? "Curse word"? "Swear word"? "Big word"?

>> No.8401234

Profanity / vulgarity

>> No.8401247

fuck you niggrohomo cunt
i will speak my fucking mind as i please you little shithog

>> No.8401336

Depends on the context. "Bad word" if you're talking to a child. "Curse word" and "swear word" are common in the UK. Burgers call it cussing. Never heard "big word" for that.

>> No.8401372

Seriously overused in general, but not completely without their place. If the use is sparing, then it can have a powerful effect.

>> No.8401399

I think they're a great indicator for how casual a situation is, or if in a generally non-casual situation they can be used for really heavy emphasis.

They're not really powerful anymore, what's replaced them as powerful is mostly slurs such as faggot, nigger, dyke, cunt, etc.

I curse a lot online and in voice chat, in real life not so much unless I'm talking to myself.

>> No.8401451

I thought /lit/ was a board for literature and poetry fans. Most of the threads I see are philosophy related, recommendation threads, or just vaguely related to books. How is this thread literature related exactly? Is it vaguely linguistics related?

Anyway, I don't curse. It's improper. I usually say nonsense words when agitated instead of cursing, but I admit while playing video games online sometimes I'll say a curse automatically (luckily I don't use voice chat).


Words all have complicated histories. "Damn" and "hell" are obviously curses to religious people but others are more vague. I think some are just considered vulgar, such as "piss" or "shit".

>> No.8401454


Americans don't say "cuss". Southerners say "cuss". Up in northern states it's "curse".

>> No.8401459

>How is this thread literature related exactly?
>Do curse words have any real use in literature?

>> No.8401470


I missed the last sentence.

Yes, cursing has its place in literature. People curse. It can be completely in-character to have a character curse. I don't curse but I write characters who do because that's in their character.

>> No.8401473

>Yes, cursing has its place in literature.
brilliant analysis, excellent post

>> No.8401479

Curse words are perfectly fine. There's nothing wrong with them. They're only improper when used excessively. If every character in your book only knows how to express their frustration by stringing together some amalgamation of "fuck" "shit" "ass" and "bitch", you may need to reconsider a few things, including whether or not this excess is a result of some sort of satirical statement or whether it's just a result of lazy writing.

>> No.8401490

lmao he explained why. go be an attention-seeking newfag somewhere else.

>> No.8401500

no you didn't, samefag

>> No.8401519
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kek okay

>> No.8401533


>> No.8401539

it would be a lot easier for you to just defend your position instead of using the element picker to manipulate the page

>> No.8401547

wew lad, why did this get me hard

>> No.8401778

I constantly see people getting offended when someone says "I have to piss" or something like that
Then again, I live in florida so maybe it depends on where you live I guess

>> No.8401806


Because you're a disgusting pedophile

>> No.8402099

Personally, I'd rather read a book completely void of swears than one that censors them

>> No.8402116

Curse words should be used sparingly in literature.

Bad Example: Phillip is known to be a character that has anger issues. Someone steals Phillip's dollar. Phillip says, "Fucking hell! Goddamnit!" The same line he used when someone fucked his wife.

Good Example: Cain is known to be a character with anger issues. While having a chat with an old pal and on the subject of women, he says "They're all bitches, you know."

Atleast, that's what I think.

>> No.8402131


As would I, but if there must be swearing in a book I'd rather it be censored than not, that's what I meant

>> No.8402193

This is a dumb topic to have a catch-all opinion on

It depends on the situation but a good general rule is to use them as sparingly as possible, if only because it looks so goddamn amateur

>> No.8402209



>> No.8402215

>This is a dumb topic to have a catch-all opinion on
That itself is a catch-all opinion. Are you even going to bother explaining yourself? "The general rule"? "Amateur"?

>> No.8402479

You probably love Sanderson then.

>> No.8404175

I'm wondering the same thing.

>> No.8404297

>Anyway, I don't curse. It's improper. I usually say nonsense words when agitated instead of cursing, but I admit while playing video games online sometimes I'll say a curse automatically (luckily I don't use voice chat.)
You sound like a 12 year old who's afraid of angering his parents.

>I usually say nonsense words when agitated instead of cursing,
I mean just look at this autism.

>> No.8404316

I knew a guy who would do that (oh frazzle and stuff like that.) I'm pretty sure even as an adult he it's terrified of his crazy mother.

>> No.8404326

Profanity, curse word, or swear word. "Bad word" is something children say.

>> No.8404514

In finnish profanities are used in regular conversations, but not in text that much


>> No.8406181

yes, both online and in real life I curse plenty, often humorously though, to exaggerate something
if I get really angry at something, have an accident or something I'll curse in the spirit of
(I'm a vegan finn btw)

> Do curse words have any real use in literature?
well, why the fuck not? if you'd want to depict something where the characters would naturally swear, surely you'd put the words in...