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8395978 No.8395978[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

We are just free egoistic and validation mealkart for the genetically superior, we are born genetic trash and we will die genetic trash, it's nature boyo, nothing you can do to stop it.

You don't mean shit to anyone, we're just failures that were meant to be disposed of. But thanks to modern society and human ingenuity we still thrive to suffer,

That girl you like? Ha, you're not Chad,at best you'll be her asexual friend, why? you're a bag of shit genes. No one wants that, and guess what even if you do have money, as soon as you hit a dry patch they become bitchy and flaky and run off.

As a sub 4 male, really and truly, Suicide is the only way out of this nightmare.

Good luck guys, keep coping 'til the fuel runs out.

Once redpilled, Always redpilled.

>picrelated: Chad takes his pick

>> No.8396015

I'll let you in on a little secret - Chad isn't happy either. Mental illness notwithstanding human beings have a standard level of happiness regardless of their circumstances. Let's say you somehow got a qt gf. The change in your circumstances would cause you to be a little bit happier for a little while, but before long you'd level out to the same level of happiness you have now.

>> No.8396028

/r9k/ is leaking again. It must be the weekend.

>> No.8396151

this is because the only happiness exists in God

>> No.8396257

>I'm not an unattractive make

>> No.8396267

Nah the floor is always higher in that case. You're memeing something you saw on house

>> No.8396346

Yeah, raised expectations obviously real, but not being lonefuck has absolute benefits.

>> No.8396349


We are all Chad

>> No.8396382

Nah, m8, I'm memeing something I read in The Stranger.

>> No.8396399

Here's the thing, OP: You assume you can compare life. You can't. Not even I can, and I am conscious. Are you? I don't know. I cannot.
See, there is a fundamental difference between me and every"one" else, in that I am me and not them. I will never experience the world they do, given of course, that they even experience the world, which I cannot know.
Assuming that you do indeed live a life similar to how I live one, I would thus advise you to do just that and live your life, and otherwise kill yourself. Fantasizing about living a different life is a worthless and unhelpful to your cause.

>> No.8396432

>Fantasizing about living a different life is a worthles
>posted on literature board

>> No.8396439
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>he (fully) self-inserts while reading/writing

>> No.8396464

>he only goes half-way in

>> No.8396476
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I'm not a tough guy like Mersault; I didn't want to have to cry about Maman, to be honest.

>> No.8396510

This shit always makes me depressed, but I feel like it's not true. I see plenty of happy couples whenever I walk through the city.

>> No.8396514

And usually average girls are with average guys.

>> No.8396516
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>> No.8396523

top kek

>> No.8396534
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>> No.8396541

This desu.
The idea that you can't be happy if someone else is happier or that someone can't be happy if they have less than you is, I claim, the American ideology at it's purest. And it shows a severe lack of confidence.

>> No.8396550

*if someone else has more than you

>> No.8396571

>assuming attractiveness of men on dating site is representative of that of the whole populations

>> No.8396601
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>leaving the house

You probably see all sorts of weird shit desu. If you spent more time reading the true facts of life on the internet you would see things more clearly. My redpill knowledge is unclouded by firsthand experience.

>> No.8396658

What the fuck is this /r9k/ shit doing here? Fuck off.

>> No.8396908

Damn, I don't miss being a teenage idiot taking solace in misanthropic posturing rather than washing regularly and talking to intelligent women.

>> No.8397019

wow...no ugly outliers AT ALL?

>> No.8397057

It's called hedonic treadmill


A super-cool assertive dude will also be rated physically more attractive

>> No.8397061

Why did you post this? Are you hoping that someone here will save you? Do you find solace in the idea that you're spreading your poisonous ideology in dank corners of the Internet? Are you just drunk?
"Chad" is a fiction. "Sub 4" is a fiction. "Redpill" is the most pathetic thing produced by the human race in the past century. Grow up. Or kill yourself. Just stop posting.

>> No.8397073

not /lit/

why are you idiots bumping this thread? at least sage it.

>> No.8397085

>"Redpill" is the most pathetic thing
Looking for truth isn't pathetic. Although /r9k/ (and /pol/)'s findings for truth are

>> No.8397172

hedonic threadmill is real senpai

all this striving for a better life is bullshit beyond the basics

>> No.8397202

Describing the search for truth by a term co-opted from a action movie about robots made by two transgendered people, while simultaneously asserting that the "truth" to be found is misogynistic, trans-phobic, and racist is pretty fucking pathetic my man. It's kids playing at philosophy and sociology.