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/lit/ - Literature

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8395008 No.8395008 [Reply] [Original]

Best literature against globalism and in favor of nationalism?

>> No.8395114
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>> No.8395117 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8395120

Read literally any political literature that isn't obvious jewish shilling and you should come up with Nationalism as a natural conclusion.

>> No.8395121
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>> No.8395123
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"anything i disagree with is jewish shilling"

>> No.8395130
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I have yet to read any of these. I am curious myself, I also want to then start reading pro Commie lit after this

>> No.8395134

>It's another /pol/ baits /reddit/ thread

>> No.8395159

I hate to just give you a hand and help you out but I browse /pol/ too so whatever.

Stop looking for nationalism books, especially recent ones. Think of today's neo-nazis, then picture them writing a book. Very edgy and overall terrible.

If you read just about anything written before 1950 - - barring it isn't from known communist writers-- it's going to be redpilled by today's standards.

To really recommend good stuff: Read Nietzsche. Many Germans read him before and during the rise of National Socialism. To get a grasp of Nietzsche, read Plato and Kant.

For fiction, read: Tolstoy, Hemingway, Fitzgerald. Just some people who make you long for the way things used to be.

Read historic books. You can't be redpilled without knowing and grasping the bluepill so it's good to listen and read left wing garbage.

Really, the best thing for anyone to read in order to become redpilled is Nietzsche. I'm sure I'll be called edgy on this board or whatever but he truly has the most advancing philosophy for humanity and is by far the most well read out any of the bunch. I think he belongs on humanity's Rushmore. Zarathustra is absolutely incredible.

>> No.8395198

>No Heidegger, Evola, Weininger Etc.

>> No.8395476
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>> No.8395487

Nothing because being against globalisation is utter dogshit tier

>> No.8395515

Hemingway was a socialist to the degree of literally being a KGB asset.

Probably also a closeted fag.

>> No.8395521

Nietzsche was an individualist anti-nationalist 'freethinker' paneuropeanist and anti-conservative. He liked aristocracy and hierarchy but detested populism and antisemitism and most other stuff associated with National Socialism.

By /pol/ standards he's anything but redpilled. He proposed to breed Prussian military officers with the daughters of Jewish bankers.

>> No.8395527

Socialism and nationalism aren't exclusive. In fact you could make the case that they only work together.

The stuff that is considered "leftist" nowadays, at least in the US (globalist capitalism, open borders, SJWs...) is not part of traditional left.

>> No.8395540

Also Fitzgerald was a Marxist.

>> No.8395544

History in general. Knowledge of the world in general.

The main point is that there are groups of people who benefit from globalism and free migration and groups of people who lose.

>> No.8395545

>For fiction, read: Tolstoy, Hemingway, Fitzgerald
>Not Papini, Hesse, Borges, Pessoa, Eliot

>> No.8395546


There's a reason why most intellectuals are globalist.

It's because nationalism is a philosophy for the narrow-minded proles. If you are a nationalist, it means you have pride in artificial concepts like borders and racial identity.

>> No.8395547

>There's a reason why most intellectuals are globalist.
>it means you have pride in artificial concepts like borders and racial identity.

>> No.8395550

That isn't really fair, he wasn't considered useful or good enough to be considered a proper KGB asset.

>> No.8395563

Isn't Mishima the most obvious choice in fiction?

>> No.8395581

>year 2100
>Expecting anything other than United Earth to fight off aliens and conquer the galaxy

>> No.8395584
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earth would stand a better chance without the dead weight

>> No.8395589

useless philosophers and writers?

>> No.8395613

>He liked aristocracy and hierarchy
No, not particularly. In fact Heidegger's reading (who others on here seem to think is right wing) was that workers had the Will to Power more than anyone. For Nietzsche aristocracy is only halfway possibly decent when new rulers install themselves after a revolution but that quickly degenerates. His two examples are Napoleon and his nephew (that you may notice a lot of people at the time commented on, famously they were first as tragedy then as farce with Marx) and Jesus. An aristocracy is even more subject to failure because the next ruler is in the shadows if all the old. Where he is pro aristocracy is in this idea of an aristocratic soul, but again you're more likely to find them in a garden shed than a palace.

>> No.8395615

>who others on here seem to think is right wing
Ah, Philo 101 I see.

>> No.8395616

>Joyce dies
>Hemmingway joins the KGB

>> No.8395619

Tell me about H's garden houses then wise anon. What does it truly mean?

>> No.8395623
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Pic related.

He's the only modern and socially/academically acceptable conservative writer you'll find.

>> No.8395635

Trying to be a Societ spy as an American is not compatible with being nationalist. Neither is living most of your life abroad and posturing with how exotic and non-American your life is.

He was in all ways a traitor to his country.

>> No.8395655

Do people not know what the word "literature" means.

Proposal for sticky to clarify that "literature" is not synonymous with "book."

>> No.8395669

You're probably the one who doesn't know what literature means, anon. It's not just fiction novels.

>> No.8395672

>scruton calling people frauds

In 2002 it emerged that Scruton had been receiving a fee of £54,000 p.a. from Japan Tobacco International (JTI) during a period when he had written about tobacco issues without declaring an interest.[64][65] He wrote articles for The Wall Street Journal in 1998 and 2000, and in 2000 wrote a 65-page pamphlet —"WHO, What, and Why: Trans-national Government, Legitimacy and the World Health Organisation"—for the Institute of Economic Affairs, a British free-market think-tank. The pamphlet criticized the World Health Organization's (WHO) campaign against smoking, arguing that transnational bodies should not seek to influence domestic legislation because they are not answerable to the electorate. He wrote that overall he was against tobacco—his own father died of emphysema after smoking for many years—but that it was an innocent pleasure.[66]

The payments became public when a letter to Japan Tobacco International signed by Professor Scruton's wife was leaked, in which they were asked to increase the payments to £66,000 p.a., in exchange for which "We would aim to place an article every two months in one or other of the WSJ (Wall Street Journal), the Times, the Telegraph, the Spectator, the Financial Times, the Economist, the Independent or the New Statesman." The failure to disclose these payments had the consequence that Scruton was no longer asked to write articles for the Financial Times[67] and Wall Street Journal.[68][69][70]

>> No.8395694

This has gotta be the most cringeworthy shit I've read on this board in years or it's really, really good bait that is just subtle enough to give hints that it may be bait

>> No.8395724

/pol/acks are mostly underage or retarded, so I would't be suprised if it was serious

>> No.8395826

>socially/academically acceptable conservative writer
aka controlled opposition

>> No.8396045

"Fiction novels" is redundant, hun.

*pats your head, gently*

>> No.8396051

Jews fear the samurai

>> No.8396062

What do you need to read before get into this?

>> No.8396078

Plato's "Laws"
>original colonist are selectively hand-picked.
>foreigners are welcome, and should be respected by citizens, for the purpose of needing them pragmatically for trade, but they're also restricted from becoming citizens unless they win over tribunal elders proving that they assimilated into the community. Foreigners are only restricted to staying for only a certain amount of years before getting forced out.
>conventional currency is eliminated among the populace, though it's kept around by the treasury for buying foreign supplies and when people travel for either recreational or diplomatic purposes.
>property is divided up among the populace to prevent inequality.
>promotes being self-reliant on their own produced goods as far as possible, and not relying on foreign trade.
>gods and festivals are restricted to what the State approves, no one can bring in differing or foreign ones.
>foreign influence on culture and society should always be constantly reviewed and censored if it could be damaging on the State's morales and ethics in the long-run.
>everyone, including women, are compelled to take up military training and exercise routinely for their own defense and for the State's.
>anyone who doesn't start a family or have kids is shunned; those who are infertile or can't produce more kids are compelled to adopt orphans.
>the main city should be far away from the sea and be landlock so travel and communication to the outside world isn't easy.

>> No.8396092

Jews make the samurai burn.

>> No.8396108 [DELETED] 
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yurope is 250 pages of shitting on globalists and leftists

>> No.8396116

>not having pride in your culture, country, and race


>> No.8396139

I honestly wonder why 101 is seen as an insult.

If even beginner students are taught it, it can't be that off or controversial. At worst, it may be a simplified version.

>> No.8396144

>having pride in things which you did nothing for
>having pride in things which largely exist for people other than me (the bourgeoisie) (okay okay, my country is relatively egalitarian and democratic but still)

Also read about the history of nationalism. Large parts of your national identity were invented just for the purposes of nationalism.

>> No.8396153

Hemmingway was trans, not gay

>> No.8396161

Almost everything else by Nietzsche. Along with that the Greeks, the Bible, every prereq of Schopenhauer because you also need Schopenhauer. Then Darwin and other evolutionists, psychologists, and Vico and Malthus. Then keep going because N liked to read a hell of a lot.

>> No.8396163
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Nationalism has no place in our postnational world. The very idea of borders and countries will cease to exist. Homogenization is the way of the world now and will continue until only one flag unites us all. This is becoming more evident with the rise of social media.

>> No.8396169

Fucking debunked.

>> No.8396183

Yeah, eventually it will. With time cultures do cease to exist. But when you force that shit, you get nationalists.

Rather than depending on mass immigration and international trade countries should first build themselves up and be independent then if there is excess of supplies and jobs you take in people from other countries. That's what would've gradually happened. But currently it is being forced on people without an actual excess of supply and all we're getting from it is more violence.

>> No.8396191


>> No.8396194

If that's the only thing you can take pride in, you should consider to kys to cleanse the genetic pool in favour of more capable beings.

>> No.8396199

This is such a bad logo design

>> No.8396216
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I'd argue that has already happened in the bigger global powers of the UK and the US. But now its encroaching on countries that haven't really had any sort of foothold on the global stage getting flooded with immigrants/refugees (see Belgium). The fact of the matter is that the Eurostates are now sit in a threshold where anything they do is a catch twenty two.
Its beguiling the only "nationalist" group today (for lack of a better word) is the Kurds. Hell, even ISIS is globalist in a mutated way.
These are exciting times

>> No.8396231

>haven't really had any sort of foothold on the global stage getting flooded with immigrants/refugees (see Belgium).
You mean the country that took over the Congo and is now the headquarters for the EU?

>> No.8396237

Napoleon of Notthing Hill by G.K.Chesterton comes to mind as a particularly great read don the subject.
It's very specific in endorsment of national pride and borders.

>> No.8396246

In your own opinion, why does this seen like a good idea to you?

>> No.8396263

Honestly nationalists are the modern day equivalent of the luddites in the 19th century who tried to destroy industrialisation by throwing spanners into threshing machines.

>> No.8396277

If anything his works show how faulty tradition is

>> No.8396284

> the Bible
To be fair, plenty of western people with some sort of religious education can do without really reading the bible.

Doesn't only go for Nietzsche, also a lot of other things.

Also nothing stops anyone from diving into Zarathustra without any prior knowledge about anything related.
Its a well written and beautiful book.
And if you want to understand a philosopher, you never just read their work a single time. You re-read and you read secondary sources and so on and so on. It doesn't really matter whether you fully understand it the first time (you won't)

>> No.8396313
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We are an evolving species. Now that evolution has integrated itself into our policies and societal forces. A united world is the future we are spiraling towards. Its inevitable. Death of religion, outdated capital ways, evolving media are all facets that will influence the creation of a one world.

>> No.8396326

I hope all cuckasian follow this and goes extinct within a century or so .

Worst of all is the fact that snow niggers unironically espouse these bullshits.It's not the J00$ that /pol/ should be worried about.

>> No.8396336
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Haha you got me. We're the real threat to the world now.

>> No.8396341

Socialism as a movement seeks to end the present way of things, that includes borders, nations, classes, property and wage-labour. Socialism is not compatible with nationalism.

>> No.8396352
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Postin nationalist material

>> No.8396355

There is a conversation in The Exiled Dialouges about how nationalism is just a way of looking to the past and thinking that your lineage was part of some greater glory and not just downtrodden peasants who got abused and exploited. That even the children of beggars and whores can look back at nobility and feel pride in them, even though their folk got the short end of the stick.

>> No.8396357

No need to flatter yourself ,You are the real threat to yourself, why should we be worry about a race of cucks and whores.

What worries us is the ones that will come in as a replacement.Not you ,not at all.

>> No.8396365
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post 2

>> No.8396370
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> revolutionary national socialists that idolize Charles Manson

Edgy as fuck but still a great read, why isn't this mentioned in any right wing literature charts?

>> No.8396372

>Rather than depending on mass immigration and international trade countries should first build themselves up and be independent then if there is excess of supplies and jobs you take in people from other countries. That's what would've gradually happened. But currently it is being forced on people without an actual excess of supply and all we're getting from it is more violence.

You seem to have zero understanding of capitalism. This could have never happend.

>> No.8396375
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>> No.8396380
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>> No.8396383
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post 3

>> No.8396388

Most humans cannot cope with the idea of a godless world. There will always be a power vacuum in these people that government will happily fill. We've already evolved past capitalism. Today we are ran by the corporations who are putting your idea into place. Media will possibly never be fully controlled unless they rid the world of Internet.

These aren't good things. We've made it pretty damn far by being unique individuals, conforming would pretty much stop all innovation.

>> No.8396400

Wait a minute... were Tarot cards always there for the brown pill? I thought there were actual books there last time I saw this chart.

>> No.8396429

anything by Hegel

>> No.8396434

What the hell are you talking about? Just sprouting memes and buzzwords. Get out of your favela and experience the world shitdick.

>> No.8396436


I don't think it's about that much about the godless world, than an absence of an absolute dominant hierarchy.Without which Civilization and social structures can't be sustained.

People can on an individual level can very well cope with that,and they are doing so by giving into hedonism or becoming the nietzschean last man.Given it will be a very bleak existence and will eventually fuck shit up.

As for conformity,i don't think it's an major issue of our age,One can conform to a collective while simultaneously keeping the individualistic aspect thriving .

>> No.8396447

Most people will eventually have to face the fact of a godless world and will be left wondering how to fill that void. Consumerism has already superseded that in the West (whether some realise or not). There will be a breaking point of corporate interests by the way how Brexit and the TPP is handled. Media will become crowdfunded via internet, as happened during Arab Spring

>> No.8396449

I truly wonder what will happen when European nations start dipping below 50% white
fairly sure Germany will submit

>> No.8396457

Favela and basement dwelling maybe quite common among you cucks but here we actually have to work for a living and contribute instead of leaching off the welfare.You fucks disgusts me,once a great civilization now getting railed up the ass by mud people,cuz "muh patriotism is shamefur" "muh lyfe muh rule".

Fuck off and kill yourself

>> No.8396469
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The cucks will probably help spread their wives' puusy lips to fit in Muslim cock.

>> No.8396472
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It's over can't you see? you aren't in control of your own life so you hate anyone who is. SAD

>> No.8396485

Classic NEET rebuttal .

What makes you think that contributing automatically makes you not in control of your own life??

If anything then,being a freeloader and failing to provide for your basic needs is what makes you a slave and not the other way around.

>> No.8396503
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Thats a nice assumption. What exactly do you do? Post on Burmese napkin dispensing boards on how you're the savior of the white race; meanwhile no self respecting woman would ever touch you? Sure proved me wrong.

>> No.8396537

>this niggah never heard of Sloterdijk

>Nazi's read Nietzsche
>doesn't understand how Friedrich' sister fucked his shit up and how Nietzsche would've been absolutely aversive to the Third Reich.

>> No.8396554

This is all on the same level as women in mid life crisis mode going very spiritual. Yoga, feng shui, self help books but right wing versions for their rebellious man children.

>> No.8396583


Why is Thomas Mann on this list? He actively opposed the NS party and became increasingly sympathetic to socialism over the course of his life. He fled Germany and his citizenship was revoked.

Also, why on earth is William Blake on this list?

>> No.8396585

>maybe if I discredit their philosophy with shitty ad hominems it will go away

>> No.8396606

Nationalism is not a universalist ideology, every nation has its own myths it needs to embody its particular values and interests of its community. German nationalism isn't analogus to all other nationalisms (though great thinkers like Fichte, von Herder and Junger are certainly worth reading in their contexts)

I'm Irish and much of our Nationalist canon comes from the Young Ireland movement (John Mitchel, Thomas Davis, Charles Gavin Duffy), Fenianism (John O'Leary), the Irish literary revival (Yeats, O'Grady, Martyn, Lady Gregory), the Easter rebels (Pearse, Connolly, McDonagh, Plunkett) and northern nationalists (Heaney, Montague, Fennell)

>> No.8396629

Mann was associated with the Conservative Revolutionary movement in the 20's, Buddenbrooks is a good example of his criticism of bourgeois ideals from a conservative protagonist

>> No.8396672


Ah, haven't read it. Why is Magic Mountain on the list? I ask because I am currently reading it (about two thirds of the way through).

>> No.8396709


Why should i even bother to prove you wrong,given you yourself didn't provided anything substantial to prove your assumptions right to begin with??

A basic "NO U" will suffice here.

As for the "savior of white race", it's us who benefits from the decline of the west.So I don't really care about the race,if anything then it makes me cringe at this point.

It would be better if people like you stop deflecting and realize that this delusion of "in control of our own life" is far from the truth and is merely an euphemism for your incompetence as an adult.

>> No.8396712

Has been a thing since before the dawn of civilization. Trade networks, you know.

>> No.8396786

Honestly you gave exactly zero posts with any substance and arguments on this thread so why the fuck would you expect that other guy to give any back to you? You faggots always do this shit, you spout some stupid shit with zero substance and then get all "OH WOW NICE REBUTTAL KEKLORD" when someone else gives you a response at the same level of your posts.

>> No.8396799
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>>8396709 (NOU)
I'm not going to post anything related to my career on this board just to prove a point; because you'll do nothing but largely ignore it and try to argue your way around it.

How is the West in decline (protip: don't use degeneracy as a counter) while we are at a precipice of larger cultural change we are hardly in decline.

mah nigga

>> No.8396810


nah he was just your flawed tragic hero who used nationalism as a front to off himself after years of repressing his homoeroticism

>> No.8396811

>international trade is the same as globalism

I bet you're the type of cunt that thinks a barter economy is capitalism and that welfare is socialism.

>> No.8396844

What makes you assume that i was arguing to begin with?

Also don't miss out that the anon didn't presented an argument either,instead went on to raise matters of personal affairs based on nothing but thin air.Hence my reply.

> we are at a precipice of larger cultural change we are hardly in decline.

I can't help but to laugh at the denial of an archetypal Last Man. What makes it funnier is that you often comes up with euphemism for your demise and short comings,expecting it will change the nature of those.

Hence "incompetence" becomes "independence" and a "demographic genocide" becomes "cultural change".

>> No.8396845


>> No.8396853


>> No.8396863

Naive and fighting the inevitable.

>> No.8396885

Fighting the inevitable is pretty based, takes courage.

>> No.8396886

Futile as fuck.

>> No.8396893

but largely redundant

>> No.8396895

Spoken like a true cuck.

>> No.8396897

What makes you think that this "globalism" is inevitable?

Given that in order for something(of these nature) to become inevitable it requires a support or atleast approval from the majority.

Which was indeed true for industrialization whereas the same can't be said for this "globalism" .

>> No.8396910

James Kalb - Agains Inclusiveness

>> No.8396927

"Heidegger tots wasn't a Nazi/Right-Wing" is shit you hear by freshmen because they don't want to be accused of being a cryptoracist.

>> No.8397032

Read karls marx's "early writings" . The economic and philosophical manuscripts and notes on the king king of prussia and social reform are the best parts. Marx's critique of capitalism was pretty good (The alienation of labor applies less and less today if at all). I think his solution sounds good on paper but is terrible in real life. The reason he is relevant at all is bc most of what he said has come true (regarding the problems with capitalism) and he definitely points out the limits of government policy on society which is why he advocates change being done through ones private life. He also never makes any value statements about capitalism or communism, never saying that either is just or unjust. Ignore the anti-red propaganda about him being a commie. You have more in common with him as nationalist than any sjw, as nationalism has the same goal in mind, to improve the wellbeing of your nations people. Dont read the communist manifesto it was written for the proles (aka dumbed dumb),and idk about das capital havent read it.

>> No.8397065

No, it's just doing what looks good instead of looking for the best actually possible solution.

Empty posturing desu.

>> No.8397078

The majority couldn't care less about living in nation states to be honest. They never really did.

>> No.8397096

Cheap flights, the Internet, English as the lingua franca. There is increasingly no reason for people to stay where they were born. The people who don't take advantage of this are fools.

>> No.8397101
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Does anyone else find it ironic how everyone praises Nazi Germany as the paragon of Nationalism, yet Hitler and his Germany were puppets of the international Jews/American businessmen? How does that work?

>> No.8397114


Is that why majority is opposed to it and why it's practical implications(which is still at it's infancy) have been disastrous ??

>> No.8397123

For a disconnected autist dwelling an anime imageboard it's indeed a dream come true.However a significant portion still will stick up to their collective identity and will treat these as secondary if not trivial.

>> No.8397140

People always like to be opposed to things in theory until it inconveniences them.

Look at the Brexit thing, the majority voted for it and now the leadership has run away and everyone is having second thoughts about it since it's simply a major inconvenience. It's a hassle to get out. People don't like hassle.

>> No.8397234

"Everyone" isn't having second thought,maybe you and some of your mates do.As for britain,it's doing fine on it's own.Whereas the same can't be said for the EU/
And please stop with this deliberate projecting now,maybe you will avoid hassle as you lacks fortitude that is needed to make a stand(which you demonstrated earlier quite well) ,but most will and do accept these hassles for the sake of a shared identity in which they find a sense of belonging,as they did and will do till we cease to exist.

>> No.8397238

I'm a Nationalist and I voted remain precisely because I want a stronger European pan-Nation to challange American hegemony and keep out the shitskins

>> No.8397246

Not picking on you at all,but how were you planning to keep the shitskins out while staying in EU? I am genuinely interested .

>> No.8397252
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>> No.8397273
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> I want a stronger European pan-Nation to challange American hegemony

> I voted remain

>Implying a team of mentally handicapped quadriplegics can take on Prime Fedor.

>> No.8397280

Despite the cucked actions of Sweden and Germany, the opening of internal borders in Schengen meant a hardening of its outer borders along our Eastern European neighbours and the mediterrenian. And it was all quite successful until Transatlantic powers brought down Gaddafi and helped fuck up the middle east, unleasing the border once more. I'm willing to tolerate fellow Europeans movement, but no more Africans and Pakistanis please

>> No.8397288

Unleashing the horde I meant

>Nothing can destroy Rome!

>> No.8397296

I wonder why no one in Europe has flat-out blamed Obama and Hillary for the refugee crisis. It is, after all, mostly their fault.

>> No.8397301

europoors, wreck the EU. fragment continental governance. say no to globalist centralization.

free yourselves, fight yourselves, fuck yourselves.

>> No.8397306

My drunk reply made this thread the most popular on /lit/. You're welcome op.

>> No.8397310

Because people aren't concerned with causes, only effects and radical proposals on how to deal with them.

>> No.8397314

Because our stooges in government rely upon American favour, and is also partly their fault for being roped into more neocon interventions.

>> No.8397328

>And it was all quite successful until Transatlantic powers brought down Gaddafi and helped fuck up the middle east, unleasing the border once more.


However Middle east isn't going to stabilize anytime soon ,if anything it is going to get worse with hilldog becoming the pres,while turks and arabs sneaking their way for a takeover .

So your vote still don't make much sense,taking the current situation(which you are aware of) into consideration.

Also Europe under EU have became a mess at this point.Not exactly against the Pan-nationalism ,just not that under the current regime,which clearly isn't doing it right.

>> No.8397335

Rome fell because of it's own decadence.Keep that in mind.

>> No.8397339

Nationalism is a garbage ideology, it only works if you're part of a country with a long and rich history.
My country was invented in the 90s by selecting historical periods most suited to our national myth. I can't see how to have any sort of pride without feeling like a tool. Pan-Europeanism is shared by all our major parties.

>> No.8397348

Disastrous how? What are you talking about.

>> No.8397352

which countries are left whose people are mostly nationalists? japan? switzerland? north korea obviously.

imo these countries need to get rid of their borders and open up their society to multiculturalism. every country needs a plethora of langauges and cultures so that nazi germany never arises again

>> No.8397354

That's too obvious.

>> No.8397358

I'm no apologist for the EU, it's fucked up but we have more oppurtunity for good than leaving oursevelves isolated. Outside the EU, we only become more vunerable to outside forces, most significantly the US and it's Transatlantic trade agreements. Becoming ever more dependent and subserviant to the very liberal superpower we should be striving to break ourselves from. In this sense, the EU is a much less evil, and we are a stronger polar force in the world as Europeans inside it than out

>> No.8397369

You're saying Western liberalism and Globalisation isn't an age of decadence? lol

At this rate, Indian poos are likely to overtake your declining economy in 30 years

>> No.8397373

has been in the economic toilet since the 90s, can't take care of its old people, already furiously letting in other Asians to increase its birthrate

not nationalist in the slightest, can't be replicated in any case

please read at least one (1) book before posting on the Internet

>> No.8397375

are there any nationalist countries left then? and how do we open up their borders?

>> No.8397385

Saudi Arabia

>> No.8397388

>best actually possibly solution.
*rubs palms*

>> No.8397394

>Get a multicultural global power like the US to destabilize a 3rd world area.
>allow civil unrest to occur in these nations
>civil war
>put sanctions on nations that don't accept the refugees

Now this is great because then the wages begin to decrease and violent crime rises a lot. When this happens, the government can just say people aren't being tolerant enough of their new guests. So to make the refugees feel at home, they change their laws and accept more of them. That turns the first world nation into something similar to great nations like Brazil and the top 1% benefit. Truly a flawless plan.

>> No.8397400
File: 220 KB, 766x1024, typical_internet_nationalist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How you faggots can obsess over this stuff boggles me. You never fought a war but you pine to show the superiority of a race that never existed. Stop going to clickbait sites, you will be happier. Play some videogames or something.

>> No.8397413

>Stop denigrating the bourgeois mentality that keeps you apathetic! Life is about indulging in the pleasures of mindless videogames, not rebelling against the status quo

>> No.8397417

I love rebels.

Tip-tapping on your iphone with a prussian eagle on the background is not rebelling you faggot

>> No.8397421

>I'm bydlo and proud.

>> No.8397426
File: 189 KB, 599x716, will trade racists for isis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I love rebels

>> No.8397478

Memeing! That's surely a way to win an argument.

>> No.8397493

t. bydlo

>> No.8397703

The simple fact is that living among sandniggers and the like is unpleasant.

>> No.8397929


>> No.8397939

they think violence solves everything because nobody ever taught them to solve anything

>> No.8397942


>> No.8398354

a good deal of Eastern Europe
Italy (only Western European nation with a real fascist movement)

>> No.8398550

Why would I give you recs?

You'll just go look at Brietbart or Disdain for Plebs and get all pissed off again and distracted and not read it anyway.

>> No.8398943

evolution has no direction m8.

>> No.8398971
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>Prime Fedor
hello /heem/

>> No.8399537

What does /lit/ think of Doctrine of fascism?

>> No.8399596

Why not neither?

Prepackaged ideologies are for those whoo idle to think for themselves?

Why doom yourselves to the mistakes of the past by holding failed dogmas sacred like heathens worshiping painted idols?

>> No.8399609

*tips fedora*

>> No.8399618
File: 21 KB, 460x276, James-Stewart-007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's? Yours? His? Mine? Society's? The one that hides the bald spot of prepackaged ideology or the one covering the baldness in claiming to be without?

>> No.8399645

>all races are the same
>Africa being shit is just whitey's fault

when will this meme die?

>> No.8399659

>hmm james stewart is classy, this will show 'em

>> No.8399679
File: 472 KB, 1024x773, soleitercocacola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where did I imply I find James Stewart to be classy in any way? What was I trying to show them?

>> No.8399719

ITT: /pol/ reactionaries get flamed for their bullshit but literal left-wing nutjob mumbo-jumbo like "no borders" gets ignored

What a shitty board. /mu/ is more tolerable than this.

>> No.8399724
File: 52 KB, 1280x720, 1471254453669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can natsoc be red-pilled when socialism is so degenerate? Literally stealing from honest workers and giving to the untermensch. Sounds pretty blue-pilled to me.

>> No.8400126

You give me ONE FUCKING natsoc policy that gave SHIT to the untermensch and wasn't in TOTAL favour of the German herrenvolk you disgusting weeaboo scum. Not all socialism starts and ends with Marx

>> No.8400134

>I can't read my own manifesto

So just because someone is ethnically German, they can't be a piece of human garbage and must be lifted up to the state of everyone else? Sounds pretty Marxist to me.

Is national socialism the laziest "right wing" (Protip: At least half of those 25 points are leftist or out-right socialist) ideology of all time? Seems like it's just a label for edgy contrarians to be against the status quo and have some shock value status through relatively low intellectual effort.

>> No.8400138

Tell me about the iron pill

>> No.8400146

>seizing the means of production
>power to the (native) people
>centralisation and collectivism
>oppressed (Germans) and oppressors (Jews)
You're right sorry, it's absolutely nothing like Marx.

>> No.8400175

History can be invented and embellished as long as it serves a good purpose. If your country doesn't grow and become wealthy then it will die and make way for a better country. At least have enough pride to die with and for your country

>> No.8400181

But under the EU we would be forced to accept trip. As an independent country we can discuss simpler more transparent bilateral trade agreements.

>> No.8400196

You're right. Once I've served my country and killed a few arabs will I be able to hold nationalist views?

>> No.8400205

Hitler's 25 point manifesto was never carried out and the Marxist elements of the party were killed in the night of the long knives

>> No.8400253

Is that cum she's pouring in there?

>> No.8400266

Nice, Pentti Linkola in the Iron Pill category!

Don't really care about the whole "pill" thing, what does /lt/ think of Linkola?

>> No.8400305

I asked for actual government policy not rhetoric

>> No.8400341

>there are people who are genuinely proud of being submissive and welcome the thought of being overrun by xenos


>> No.8400405

no, they really cant
99.9% of people who think they know anything about the Bible, don't.

>> No.8400447

Based, but entirely unrealistic. He's comparable to antinatalists in that way.

>> No.8400468

nations are just a social construct

>> No.8400480

Yeah, he has admitted that even he himself has gotten softer with his views, he has bought an electric lamp to help him read, since his homes windows are completely covered by trees and he takes medication for his diabetes nowadays too
And after all, he also produced three children when he was young.

>> No.8400483

tallest midget

>> No.8400497

Rationalism is a social construct

>> No.8400505

decline of the west

>> No.8400512

anything nietzsche, tolstoy, kant

>> No.8400524

unfortunatelly i think you are right

>> No.8400702

> agreeing with a troll post

Why do people who don't read post on /lit/?

>> No.8400892

>Starting with a position and looking for arguments to support it.

>> No.8401213
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>> No.8401218
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>> No.8401481
File: 1.91 MB, 2000x3000, (f)rance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shit faggotry and paganry

I want this meme to end.

>> No.8401525

>Implying everyone doesn't do this

>> No.8402119

they're not opposites retard