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8385320 No.8385320 [Reply] [Original]

About to read dune, what should I expect.

>> No.8385328

Something which still won't satiate your desire for love, no matter how good it is

>> No.8385332

Puffed up genreshit.

>> No.8385336


>> No.8385341

This, Star Wars and Space Muslims basically.

>> No.8385343

Thirsty ppl

>> No.8385358

sounds pretty good

>> No.8385371

Depends on your age. I read it first when I was in highschool, and it impacted my vision of reality. It has a good plot and it's original, easy to read, you don't have anything to loose. Don't read the sequels for god's sake, or the prequels, stick to the original 1 through 5. "God emperor" is incredible, stop there and you got the perfect Dune saga.

>> No.8385376


>> No.8385395

an about is a very dangerous thing OP

>> No.8385401

go to bed atwood
it was written 12 years before star wars you moron!
you shouldn't read past the third book. Let it end there.

>> No.8385408

Dune 5 is really important in the series, you could ditch the fourth but reading the fifth is not negotiable.

>> No.8385412

this man is a spider do not listen to him

>> No.8385414

Shit prose and shit characters.

>> No.8385418

for maximum comfy listen to the audiobook. It has ambient sounds throughout and multiple voice actors

>> No.8385421

jesus christ

>> No.8385425

Quran but with cool space stuff and big worms

>> No.8385495

Once again this place summons up the retards of the internet. You idiots need to drop dead.

Dune 1-3 can be read as a cycle, but 4 is the culmination of the saga.

>> No.8385510

no characterization

>> No.8385621

yeah honestly read the entire series you retards. the way the last book ends you will want to smash something, just fucking throw a chair through a window, knock out your mom, kick a cat in the face. go find Franks sun and fucking wring his neck. slap him about and scream "HOW THE FUCK DOES IT END! WHO THE FUCK WAS THE ELDERLY COUPLE. WHERE THE FUCK WAS THE SHIP GOING. GIVE ME YOUR DAD'S NOTES YOU STUPID FUCK OR I'LL KILL YOU!"

the last book is great but it's a mad cliffhanger and then he die. no more book. fuuuiiiicxxxkkkkkk

>> No.8385624

*son lool

>> No.8385643

It's a fair point. I remember the prose being distractingly bad, and I was about 14 when I read it and didn't exactly have high standards.

>> No.8386430 [DELETED] 

i was super hyped for this book, "the thinking man's genre fiction!" also about big cool worms and psychedelic drugs, how bad could it be?

welp, it sucks. it's generic military fantasy/palace intrigue with - even if it is the originator - no ideas you haven't seen a hundred times before. waste of some good worldbuilding.

would you believe the main plot is an upper class white man who integrates with the tribal natives to fight a rebellion against the much better equipped techno-capitalist baddies the baron harkonen (who is literally a big fat guy in a villain chair)

YAWN, save your time and don't read it

>> No.8386463

i was super hyped for this book, "the thinking man's genre fiction!" also about big cool worms and psychedelic drugs, how bad could it be?

welp, it sucks. it's generic military fantasy/palace intrigue with - even if it is the originator - no ideas you haven't seen a hundred times before. waste of some good worldbuilding.

would you believe the main plot is an upper class white man who integrates with the tribal natives to fight a rebellion against the much better equipped techno-capitalist baddies the baron harkonen (who is literally a big fat guy in a villain chair)

YAWN, save your time and don't read it

>> No.8386755

The entire saga changed who I am as a person.

>> No.8386762


A very dry read

>> No.8386771


>> No.8386777

The ultimate science fiction novel

>> No.8386789

>implying that is Women and Men.
It's shit like you that needs to go in the garbage.
nice numbers though.

>> No.8386805

The book of sand.

>> No.8386811

Why is everyone here so hostile?

>> No.8386815

Because this is a place for patricians to discuss works of art. Shit heads come in here conflating art with Fifty Shades of Grey-tier garbage and ruin everyone's day.

>> No.8386820

>I am an insufferable faggot
The post

>> No.8386822

Maybe you've got shit taste if you're comparing dune to fifty shades

>> No.8386830

If you're saying Dune is anything but Fifty Shades tier shit writing and shallow nerd bait, then you absolutely have shit taste, friend.

>> No.8386841

Whatever you say patrician. Lmfao

>> No.8386843

Surprised it took that long tbph

>> No.8386853

Fantastic, discusses messiah religions very well.

>> No.8386861

Don't lie to the boy.
Anyone who's read more than kiddy books in his life can see how obviously hamfisted the whole messiah message was. It's like he decided halfway through to make the book have a message, and completely failed.

>> No.8386874


It was apparent halfway through the 1st chapter for me, and I wasn't even spoiled on it.

>> No.8386881

Yeah, you're a super smart guy, we get it.

>> No.8386891

So perhaps it's you who shouldn't be lying to the boy by pretending to be aware what the book was actually about. If it took you half of the book to realize the main theme then perhaps you shouldn't be talking about it.

>> No.8386898

It's literally stated somewhere around half the book. Then, I've actually read it and I assume you haven't given that you have no comprehension regarding the story pacing at all.

>> No.8386903

And it's subtly stated in the 1st chapter. I can understand that you think that the book doesn't have pacing, but it's because you weren't aware of what was going on until it was literally stated.

>> No.8386908



Read the first two Hyperion books instead.

>> No.8386911

It's not, actually. Frank himself said it was while writing the book he saw Paul turning into a messianic figure and decided to turn the message into a cautionary tale. Which is why it's pretty much literally stated half way through the book. Pick up a copy, it's fucking terrible, but if you're going to talk about it you might as well know what you're talking about.

>> No.8386957

>Frank himself said it was while writing the book he saw Paul turning into a messianic figure and decided to turn the message into a cautionary tale.

Source? If this is the case, he went back and reedited things because this doesn't even make sense with the amount of clues that are lying around from the start.

>> No.8388021

Get a load of this hipster fuck.

>> No.8388046

Have you tried Gene Wolfe ? I haven't read it yet, but from what I've heard it's the closest you'll get to "the thinking man's genre fiction." Also :
>waste of some good worldbuilding
This seems paradoxical, as the act of worldbuilding is itself a waste of time and effort.

>> No.8388456

i really wish we could drag you up onto the stage out of your adolescent anonymity and force you to explain exactly why you think the prose and characters are 'shit'. and then force you to try to do better. then throw excrement at you when you can't.

>> No.8388459
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you mean the OC bible, right?

>Why is everyone here so hostile?

because it is safer to shit on something than it is to defend why you like it. this explains 95% of the shitposting on 4chan.

>> No.8388477
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No one mentioned how the whole series is the aftermath of The Matrix in space? And humans barely won?