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/lit/ - Literature

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8380511 No.8380511 [Reply] [Original]

>everyone talks about the same ~50 books
>a thread about anything outside that circle 404s with no replies
>99% of anons haven't read a tenth of the circle
>despite that, everyone shits on the circle to point that newfags get scared away from it

Great image board! Fake enthusiasm signified by exclamation pointsmarks!

>> No.8380630

God, I love omorashi

>> No.8380653

This board is a reddit outpost OP. I checked /r/books once and the overlap in taste is almost 1:1. Kids here are too chickenshit to own their own taste.

>> No.8380659

Lot's of people have read those 50 "core" books because they are popular classic books that everyone should read. Beyond that there are millions of books and people read different ones based on their taste (obtained while reading the core books). It if far less likely that enough people have read one specific non-core book recent enough to talk about it in any depth.
Unfortunately the design of /lit/ makes talk of lesser common books very difficult.
Reading groups were attempted, but I don't think they turned out very well.

>> No.8380739

i see you haven't read any 'what are you reading? post now!!' threads

>> No.8380765

when people start reading, they stop posting
plus there's evidence time and time again the cornucopia of books lit has, just you don't bother more than posting cool dfw's

>> No.8380883


>> No.8381244
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Presumably (?)

>> No.8381861


>> No.8381907

He's got it pretty right. I know some of the IJ groups went alright, but that's just one of the core 50.

The sad thing is that /lit/'s taste has gotten a lot more homogeneous in the past few years. What has happened for the most part is that they either forget or begin shittalking some writer (McCarthy) and they don't add anything new aside from Mcelroy. Another part of it is that the quality of discussion has gone way down as traffic has gone up, though I do think the quality has seen an upswing in the past few months. While a lot of writers haven't been dropped entirely, there are few people who make quality posts about them. I hear Hamsun mentioned fairly often, but nobody actually talks about him. The same with many other writers.
Also, I don't know if this has much to do with this or not, but reading the sticky isn't as helpful as it used to be ever since somebody vandalized it and removed a huge portion of the book recommendations by country. It was by and far the most accessible part of the sticky. Plus, the faggot moderators won't delete chart threads even though all of the charts are in the sticky, or could be easily added.

>> No.8381912

>, but reading the sticky isn't as helpful as it used to be ever since somebody vandalized it and removed a huge portion of the book recommendations by country.

Which parts were vandalized? I'll take a look and try to fix them up.

>> No.8381922

Oh, somebody fixed it. I hadn't looked at it in a while. If that was you, thanks!

>> No.8381927

Not me, but glad it was done! I'm going through and fixing up some of those table errors right now to make it look a little nicer.

>> No.8382266

On /r/books:
>Everybody loves IJ instead of shitting on it
>Everybody loves 1984 instead of shitting on it
>Everybody loves King instead of shitting on him
>Everybody shits on E-Readers instead of gobbling their dicks
Yeah, we're pretty much the same.

>> No.8382276
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Shit, he's onto us!

>> No.8382283

>haven't read IJ, anything by Pynchon or Joyce, and not much Anglo literature (outside of Shakespeare) in general
>still post on /lit/
Absolutely crazy.
Though, to be fair, I rarely get many (You)s outside of philosophy related threads.

>> No.8382881

and don't forget the hitchhiker's guide is literally a pinnacle of literature

>> No.8382976

Maybe we need to start a book club.

>> No.8384354


>> No.8384446

Alright, let's talk about Evolution of Bruno Littlemore then. I've never seen anyone on here talk about. If you don't talk about it with me then you can shut your fucking mouth.

>> No.8384461

I thought it was clear that 4chan boards would and never will amount to anything but circlejerking safe places for autists and normals alike who share common core philosophies. With the exception of /an/ of course

>> No.8384473

>teach college level math
>put a 'fun question' on the info card i collect first day of class
>'what's your favorite novel'
>20% list some book
>30% list a harry potter novel
>50% don't answer

I'm exaggerating, but not by much

one time someone put 'star wars'

>> No.8384669

go to bed benjamin

>> No.8384674

>tfw no one will ever talk about this book with me, or even read me

I just think it's a great book. Fug man.

>> No.8384758

This is the only solution I can see. Anyone with a real developed taste is going to read something 95% of the board has never heard of, and it's hopeless to attempt to discuss a book no one has ever even heard mentioned before. The only solution is to get some kind of voting system or proposal system in place, maybe even a few books at a time, and every week or few days or two weeks have a thread. We could also create a general or a semi recurring thread and have a backlog of books in the recent list, say 5.
>recent book 1.
And eventually once 6 is the most recent 1 is knocked off the reading list.

>> No.8384775

Fucking e reader fags

>> No.8384780

>teach college level math
>exaggerate the percentages
You work with the best of them m8

>> No.8385223

I've notice that /lit/ is actually one of the most pleb boards, despite its elitist facade. Elitism based soley on ready being on the outside of the modern cultural Zeitgeist when compared to film and music.

When in reality average reader here is no more entry level than someone on /TV/ or /mu/. And the rare person on this board with any semblance of taste is well below their 'patrician' counterparts on these other boards.

>> No.8385673

hi rebbit

>> No.8385723

tbf i wouldn't answer, not because i don't read but because i'm a sperg and any answer i put would make me feel like a fuckhead

>> No.8385779

It shouldn't make you feel like a fuckhead. It's probably just the teacher's way of wanting to get to know his students. By the look of things, he'd be glad to see ANY book written down.

>> No.8385817


>> No.8386033

This could be true but at least everyone here is trying to be less pleb. /tv/ is mostly full of people who watch superhero flicks and have no interest in anything but superhero flicks. The mood here is that you should be reading literature even if you only know genre fiction, whereas there isn't really any sort of mood which promotes art films compared to blockbusters on /tv/.

>> No.8386060

/lit/ will never be a serious place to discuss literature and never has been.

>> No.8387321

p sure anon meant that what people see as good "real" literature here is still pleb

>> No.8387739

Then what are some serious places to discus literature?

>> No.8388067

That sounds like a good plan. Probably should make a dedicated thread for it though

>> No.8388306

obscure fetishist