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File: 86 KB, 470x695, where white man went wrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
837205 No.837205 [Reply] [Original]

The greatest native american proverb every:

"When white man find land, Indians Running it. No taxes, no debt, plenty buffalo, plenty beaver, clean water. Women did all the work. Medicine man free. Indian man spend all day hunting and fishing; all night having sex. Only white man dumb enough to think that they can improve a system like that"

>> No.837216

Fucking communists.

>> No.837217

oh u, groucho.

>> No.837219


>> No.837220


>> No.837223

Yeah, you just have to worry about the neighboring tribe coming and slaughtering your women and children every now and again. Otherwise it was really like paradise.

>> No.837236


the only really warlike tribe in the northern americas were the apache's. the plain indians, californian indians,nothern indians, were all very peaceful. The only 'neighboring tribe' that slaughtered whole indian tribes succesfully were conquistadors and colonials.

>> No.837249

warring tribes are really rare. The indians along in the northern california cost purposely brought shitty arrows to there 'skirmages' and would call it quites, literally, if someone got injured. Tribes hardly ever have any tails of heroism or conquer in there myths either. When they first started investigating tribes, say something like the bushmen, when they inquired about war they said; "We avoid fighting, it is very dangerous, someone can hurt, or even killed."

>> No.837259

>women dying in childbirth
>dying from dysentery due to shitty water
>starvation and getting eaten by wild animals
>only culture revolves around a warrior complex, ignores the benefit of inventions and using intellect

Sure was better conditions buddy.

>> No.837262

>women dying in childbirth
Still happens.
>dying from dysentery due to shitty water
>starvation and getting eaten by wild animals
Er, no. They were intelligent hunters who tracked buffalo and rarely went hungry if they did so.
>only culture revolves around a warrior complex, ignores the benefit of inventions and using intellect
Ok then.

>> No.837263

>implying their technological limitations had anything to do with their societal structure

They could have easily maintained their way of life combined with more modern technologies, infact they did, Indians adopted guns very quickly.

>> No.837266

Mmm, ignorance sure is bliss, except for when you're ignorantly unable to do anything about all the raping and death.

>> No.837270

ITT: People trying to defend the way they live with bad arguments to avoid an existential crisis

>> No.837272

>women dying in childbirth
if that was such an extensive problem for tribalized man we would have never survived as a species.

>dying from dysentery due to shitty water

this is really only a problem for foreigners, people who grow up in localized ecosystems are used to all the germs and bacteria in the area.

>starvation and getting eaten by wild animals
there was no 'starvation' accept in periods of extreme natural disasters. Food was plentiful, and there were varying intelligent ways of hunting and surviving. Most people in 1st world countries can't live without AC for a week. These people lasted in the wild for tens of thousands of years.

>only culture revolves around a warrior complex, ignores the benefit of inventions and using intellect
do i have to go over this one again?

>> No.837277

With the introduction of the horse the Plains Indians were among the most virile cavalry ever to be seen on Earth. Also, as for OP's quote, I really fucking hate it when they make natives sound unintelligent. Probably just a shitty translator.

'Good words will not give me back my children.'
>Chief Joseph

>> No.837279

lol dumbass yankee

>> No.837287

I would have taken my chances in that society.

>> No.837299

Whatever, I'm not going to argue with you idiots if you think opinion > fact.

Fact is that mortality rates were a ton higher back then, but you guys seems to think everything is like it's seen in a Disney movie, where Indians just danced around a corn field and had a plentiful harvest every season. I'm not saying I lived back then, like you chucklefucks seem to be doing (LOLOL SOURCE? THERE WAS NO DISEASE IN THE PAST), but if you ask any anthropologist they'll tell you how much better Buffalo Bill's lifestyle was compared to today's lifestyle.

>> No.837306

herp derp

>> No.837307

I mean, obv

it's the noble savage thing all over again. this has all been done before - romanticism, all that - but then, what hasn't? Vanity, vanity, all is vanities, sayeth the prophet.

>> No.837309

But those dont have to do with their lifestyle just with their level of technology and medical knowledge.

>> No.837316

>where Indians just danced around a corn field and had a plentiful harvest every season.

the only people who had maize were apache's, aztecs, and mayans.

>> No.837319

well the native americans were famous for there converts, so much so that ben frank himself said that 'no one who has lived the savage life will ever return to our ranks'.

just lets you know how awesome white people live in comparison.

>> No.837321

Yeah, but compare mortality rates, happiness, etc. with European society of that time. You can't compare modern society with Native American society. It's apples and oranges.

>> No.837323

Everything under the sun is meaningless, like chasing the wind?

>> No.837325

FYI fagoot, plain indians were some of the tallest and healtheist, disease free people of the world.


>> No.837331

>Also, as for OP's quote, I really fucking hate it when they make natives sound unintelligent.

i didnt make him sound that way, i personally thought that was the smartest thing i ever heard someone say. You on the other hand, just called him stupid.

>> No.837336
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>This study shows that despite the many technological advantages that the European-American settlers had over the American Indians, the Plains tribes enjoyed better health, at least nutritionally.
>Steckel said American Indians also lived in egalitarian societies that provided a strong safety net for the disadvantaged in their tribes, meaning that no one went hungry or uncared for.
>Moreover, the Plains tribes were widely spread out and very mobile, meaning they didn't live in one area long enough to accumulate the wastes and parasites that could become a threat to public health, Steckel said.

oh shit, the yanks reality tunnel has been shaken!!

>> No.837338

>Probably just a shitty translator.
I was referring to the original person who translated the quote from the speakers' native tongue.

>> No.837339


Where are your libraries? Where are your aquaducts? Where are your great monuments resting eternal in the city square?

>> No.837342

Because those worked out great for Ozymandias

>> No.837344

In their minds, the streams and rivers, and why make iconography to idolize eternal principles when they live in the eternal principle of life and death?

>> No.837348
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>Where are your libraries? Where are your aquaducts? Where are your great monuments resting eternal in the city square?

All of my shit is resting eternal on mother earth, your shit will be weathered, swallowed up and washed away by natures tides because you stupid civilizedfags are under the impression that your worlds are eternal and static at the same time.

>> No.837363


He's talking about not speaking propah english guvnah. When noble savage speak without article, pronoun, copula or plural, smart reader know he reading civilised man's myth.

>> No.837366

Anti-tribal faggots are getting owned in this thread.

>> No.837367
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>> No.837368

I always wondered how the native american civilizations would have developed had their land not been taken from them.

>> No.837379

>mother earth

Stopped reading right there.

>> No.837380


>> No.837382

Answer: They wouldn't. Conflict breeds strength. Europe was the center for the bloodiest and most bitter wars for a good two thousand years and that's why it stretched out and conquered the world.

>> No.837384
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well timmy, the worlds as an ecosystem would probably not be in mortal danger, and still be able to support living things. But living things are for tree-hugging fairies. What you need to be focused on is doing your Job more efficiently

>> No.837386

Stopped reading right there.

>> No.837388

Stopped reading right there.

>> No.837389


Didn't even start reading this post. Can any anons tell me if it's worth the effort?

>> No.837391
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I would tell you but i dont know what you said because I didnt read what you put down.

>> No.837392

Thanks for the insight, Varg.

>> No.837395
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I have no idea what you wrote because Im to lazy to read anything, but i supposed your argument is invalid

>> No.837398
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Sure is Babylon 5 in here.

>> No.837399
File: 57 KB, 526x472, cereal angry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? How can you possibly support the patriot act?

>> No.837412
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oh shit, their reinacting the 2004 presidential debates!

>> No.837414

Fucking redskins. We never should have cut funding to the plagued blankets project.

>> No.837417

Chapter 1 in People's History of the United States breaks my heart every time I read it.

>> No.837418

The footprints on the moon, left by man, will last as long as the moon does.

>> No.837421
File: 67 KB, 500x850, haters2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read every single post in this thread.

>> No.837423
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>> No.837426

Cool story bro.jpg

>> No.837431

of, for sure, just like the moons pristine and clear surface has been the same since in popped open into existence after it smashed its way into and seperated from the earth and has been subject to hundreds of millions of years of gravity and asteroids and all types of celestial laws- its the same.

>> No.837434


It's true. No wind on the moon to disturb the dust. Those prints are going to remain there, proof of the fact that we were there, proof that our civilization managed to beat nature and do the impossible by walking in a place where life can't live.

>> No.837435

Native haters gonna hate. brb reenacting their slaughter with civ4 while eating bananas

>> No.837439

Jesus fuck, this thread is still around?

>> No.837440
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>my face

>> No.837444

Scientists expect they'll only be around for another 10,000 years.

I doubt we'll go extinct by then.

>> No.837446
File: 37 KB, 464x315, Asteroid-impact-on-Earth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not if this happens to the moon.

>> No.837447

>>Implying the moon landing happened

>> No.837453
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>> No.837455

its called outgassing, faggot

>> No.837464
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>> No.837481

I bet aliens will just compare to some big foot myth or some shit.

"dude, i found these fucking footprints man, i think some humonoids walked on the fucking moon!"

"prove to me you didnt put those there"


^civilizations greatest achievement

>> No.837482

In addition to moon landing footprints, there are also a number of artificial objects on the surface of the moon, placed there by human beings. Multiple objects in multiple places means that it would be very hard to get rid of them all. And then there are all those probes we've sent out into space, floating around in the void between worlds. The odds of those things being destroyed completely are extremely low, since there is such a great distance between stars and they are moving very, very slowly. We have left proof that we were here that will no doubt last longer than we will.

Primitivists can kiss technology's ass.

>> No.837494

>Primitivists can kiss technology's ass.

yea, because you have to be primitivist to defend a tribal way of life, just like you have to be underage to be against child abuse.

You sir, are a fallacy.

>> No.837505
File: 18 KB, 250x251, mckenna2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont you know bro, that mushrooms are evidence of interplanetary space travel?

no one believes me though.

>> No.837510

>you have to be underage to be against child abuse.

Her eyes said yes yes

>> No.837513

Tribal living is utterly incompatible with technology. Technology advances, tribalism doesn't, which is why people in the rainforest still live the same way now as they did 2000 years ago. You can support one or the other, but not both.

>> No.837519

Why does this mean our civilisation is worth more?

>> No.837521

>is assuming that a completely alien species who evolved entirely different brain matter (if they have brains), cultures, and ways of understanding the world will be able to recognize a floating chunk of metal as an intelligent design.

>> No.837528

Yeah, they'll probably think it was put there by god

>> No.837529
File: 17 KB, 320x400, bush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technology advances, tribalism doesn't, this is why you are either on our side, or with the terrorists.

>> No.837532

It doesn't matter if they can understand it or not. We made it, and it proves that, even if nobody can understand it or even if it gets discovered. It is proof of humanity.

>> No.837542

Yeah. It's true. You can either be a primitivist, living in a tent and eating grubs, or you can live like a proper human being. No overlap.

>> No.837545

you are a fucking retard. tribal people used technology. they used knives, wedges, sticks, built homes, weapons, made ponchos and little footsy shoes- what is incompatible with tribalism is incessant consumerism and technological 'develop' that dries up natural resources at speeds faster then resources can regenerate, fucktard.

>> No.837557

They have their pros and cons.

Civilization sucks because we have debts and in my opinion money is the root of all evil, it stresses, and it leaves a huge mess.

Then tribalism has almost no stress, unless theres a drought, but they always make it.

I dont know bout you....but I'd love a life with no stress.

>> No.837558

Otters use rocks and chimps use sticks. Humans split atoms and modify genes. Your ideas about what qualifies as technology are laughable and simpleminded. Nature is something to be harvested as we see fit.

>> No.837559

>thinks you can prove something is from another intelligent race if you cant understand, interpret the thing intelligibly

>> No.837568

dont forget boats, enthnobotany, the arrow, and Stonehenge

>> No.837570

>thinks that it matters if anything can understand it, when it is objective proof of humans having at one point existed

>> No.837574

That's not even the point. Nobody has explained why leaving evidence of your civilisation makes it superior.

>> No.837575

>>Nature is something to be harvested as we see fit.

What happens when its all gone?

Technology will fall. Completely. And we wont survive because we're so used to the luxuries of it.

The human race will just go away.

>> No.837577
File: 14 KB, 400x379, the rabbit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you obviously dont understand the world is controlled by my buddy over here. I have proof

>> No.837581

Yeah i can take a shit in your backyard and it wont make either of us better.

>> No.837582

The whole of human history seems to prove you wrong. Every time nature "fails" us we find another way.

>> No.837583

well it obviously means they had pretty big dicks

>> No.837585

And behind us will be left all our technology, on the surface and orbiting in space. We existed. And we ceased to be. So what? Everything dies. The planet will die. The sun will die. The universe will grow cold. Nothing can stop these things. But we at least leave something behind that lasts longer than we do.

>> No.837586

'Only when the last tree is cut, only when the last river is polluted, only when the last fish is caught, will they realise that you can't eat money.'

>> No.837587

Seriously this is such 80s eco-hippy bullshit. Today's corporations invest in recycling and green economics if only because they've realised there's profit in it.

>> No.837589
File: 20 KB, 475x475, face6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks humans arent nature

>> No.837594

How many times have we "found another way" though?
We will use it all up "finding other ways". Until there is nothing left. Period.

>> No.837597


You can use money to buy a water filter though

>> No.837599

Well this is some fine Greenpeace trolling.

>> No.837600

>>837585 see >>837574

The big lizards that used to inhabit this planet managed to adapt and overcome what nature threw at them. What happened to them? Oh, yeah. Nature threw something really fucking big at them and they ceased to exist.

>> No.837602

so whats the point... I mean, is that really it? Is that all you got? You want to spend your life making inanimate objects to leave behind while the universe 'grows cold'? You sure got your priorities straight.

>> No.837607


Seriously guys, you're fucking ignorantly 'optimistic' if you think that our race is going to last much longer (in relation to our existence so far)

The way I see it is that unless we find another hospitable planet - which I don't really see happening - we're pretty screwed.

>> No.837608

What happens when the sun burns up? What if we're still around by then in some shape or form? Wouldn't you rather have our descendants have at least tried to develop the technology to escape and survive than just give up on technology and live like a bunch of savages on a diet of roots and berries?

>> No.837610

>Today's corporations invest in putting on the illusion of recycling and green economics if only because they've realised there's profit in it.

fixed, i work for an environmental company. its all circle jerk, pat yourself on the back, arent we so awesome for doing nothing bullshit.

>> No.837615

Just like the entire green movement then

>> No.837617


Thats what America is all about.

There are no straight priorities past the statue of liberty.

>> No.837619

>wants to drain the planet of its resources and build lots of technology because hes afraid of the sun going away in 5 billion years, and not the natural disasters that are going to happen tomorrow because of us fucking with the ecology of the earth.

>> No.837620

I want to leave a dead universe with proof of our existence in it. Like a gravestone.

"Here lies humanity. It happened."

Even if nobody is around to read it, I'd still prefer a universe where there was evidence of us in it.

>> No.837622

Thank you!

>> No.837623

Good, you go on and live like an animal. Man has a higher purpose than eating and having sex.

Not that you savages would know anything about that.

>> No.837630

Let the world die. Let us kill it trying to save ourselves. At least that way we can die knowing that we fought for our survival, instead of just giving up.

>> No.837632

Makes no sense. If a tree falls in the woods, etc.

I'd rather focus on having a happy, peaceful society that values the time we spend on Earth.

>> No.837633

right, so your so concerned with leaving behind signs of your existence in aa future where no ones going to be around to see though signs, and kill the millions of species on this earth who are concerned with living happy lives in the now while you do it.

good on you, narrowmindfag

>> No.837637

>Man has a higher purpose

>> No.837638

Happiness is fleeting. Technology has the chance to be eternal.

>> No.837640


Who cares? Once we're all gone, NOBODY will give two shits.

>> No.837641

you know, they say it was a belief in a transcendental meaning that lead to the non-sequitor that man was seperate from nature, and to all this environmental destruction. Meaning is right here, in the dirt, and your body, and in the shining sun- and the fact that your denying that shows how disconnected you are from that meaning.

>> No.837642

I think id like to just eat and have sex....

I hate hustle and bustle.

>> No.837644

We gave a shit before we left. This was important to us before we were destroyed, and we can die knowing we achieved our goal of leaving something of ourselves behind. Whatever happens after that is unimportant.

>> No.837645

I agree with your posture. Sure, all things fade eventually and we will all die. But leaving a mark, something that proves we existed is of major importance.

Just think of ancient civilizations. The egyptians are known because they left such things, and in those things, they lived on.
Civilizations that left no such evidence lay forever in oblivion right now.

>> No.837647

Unless you're talking about engineering synthetic beings, with intelligence, who gives a shit if a circuit board is left floating about? It serves no purpose.

>> No.837650

No, you get the fuck off. We have reason and thought and we must use it. We're not made to live like animals, otherwise we would be doing so.

>> No.837651

jesus christ, you fucking technophiles have made gods out of your technology. "Technology can be eternal". WTF, i thought you secularist fags dumped all that theological bullshit? Your living on in the dreams of western religion and its principles permanence that science has revealed to be illusory, fucking a.

>> No.837653

Does that mean their existence worth any less?

>> No.837654


Humans are animals, silly.

>> No.837655

There is no such thing as purpose. But this is an effort to set a goal, leaving something of ourselves behind, and seeing that goal realized.

>> No.837656


There is no reason not to be optimistic about the lifespan of humanity. Every time we are faced with adversity, any kind, we adapt. The further technology advances the more quickly and efficiently we adapt. At one time it would of took nothing but a drought to wipe out all of humanity. Then a plague or an ice age. Now it would take a comet blacking out the sun or thermonuclear war and STILL you might not wipe out all of civilization. We dont die, we just get leaner and smarter and more ruthless. People always miss this, we are the cockroaches. When everything else is polluted and dead we will remain.

>> No.837657

you are an animal, dumbass. Your just a domesticated primate. Thats all you are. Your just like a domesticated canine, accept your so metabolized in your illusions because of school and tv you wont run away from home.

>> No.837658

There is no God but the one We invent.

>> No.837659

Probably should have been working on some sort of civil defense structure, so a few dozen Spaniards couldn't exterminate your entire culture.

Ditto for North American natives except replace Spaniards with Brits.

>> No.837660

>like IRRATIONAL animals
I thought that was implied, but there you go.

>> No.837661

>We're not made to live like animals, otherwise we would be doing so.

ever here of my little friend called evolution, bro? We were made to live like animals.

>> No.837665

Irrational animals? Rational animals live within the natural equilibrium there born into, they don't drain the place and turn it into a desert like they did in the middle east,

>> No.837668


>they don't drain the place and turn it into a desert like they did in the middle east,

Nigga just went full retard

>> No.837669

yea, dont you know persia was a forest before civilization started developing? Read the epic of gilgamesh.

>> No.837670

No, it doesn't, and if they didn't care about leaving anything to be remembered by, good for them.

However, I do care and a lot of people do too. I understand your posture, but that's what I feel, you can live forever on a work of art or a monument.

>> No.837671



So you're saying at the expense of the human race as a whole, you want to make a mark.

Lets dissect that sentence.

>>At the expense of the human race
We will all die.

>>You want to leave a mark.
Like a gravestone nobody will see.

In turn. Destroying what we have to make sure people knew we were there is the DULLEST thing i've ever heard. If there is some other race out there who will see what we've done "to make a mark" We WILL go down as the stupidest race to ever be a part of the universe.

Check your shit.

>> No.837672

Reason and nature are incompatible. Reason is a product of thought, which does not occur in the natural world.

>> No.837673

>comet blacking out the sun

>> No.837674

the same thing is happening in central asia right now

>> No.837675

>>before we were destroyed

Before we destroyed ourselves


>> No.837681

Species death is inevitable. At least we leave something behind. That is the point. What others think of us and of what we did is unimportant.

>> No.837682

I disagree, humanity has a higher component than that of any other anima, which is reason. Any conditioning can be undone by proper reasoning.

Then why don't we?

>> No.837686

you know what I mean <_<

>> No.837688

>If there is some other race out there who will see what we've done "to make a mark" We WILL go down as the stupidest race to ever be a part of the universe.

They, too, will die. What will they leave behind?

>> No.837692


Dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard

>> No.837693

>We dont die, we just get leaner and smarter and more ruthless.
I say we're getting weaker. Our dependence on medicine has trapped us to this life, in this - or at best a slightly different - society. Our natural immune systems are virtually worthless and are only growing more and more needy of the practices and drugs we've been giving ourselves over time.

>we are the cockroaches. When everything else is polluted and dead we will remain.
Instead of cockroaches I view us as more of a virus. When everything else is polluted and dead (due to our hand) we'll have nothing to sustain ourselves unless. We'll've finally drained our host of it's life source we needed to survive and die off with it, like the cancer we are.

>> No.837694

>Reason is a product of thought, which does not occur in the natural world.

you know that you are nature, right? that you are still in the natural world, right? your house is natural, and exists because of certain natural laws. Your thoughts are happening in accordance to nature. The fact that you can make such a statement such as 'thoughts do not occur in nature' goes to show how out of touch you are. The otter had the thought to break oysters open with rocks, the cheetah had new thoughts that helped him adapt better hunting techniques. The thought told the elephant to wash himself with water. Thoughts are natural. You are not 'unnatural' because you were ambercrombie and fitch. you are still a mammal, and have a mammalian brain. What civilized humanity is doing though (because there are still humans in existence who are not civilized) is destroying the ecosystem based off of there myopic interface with the natural world.

>> No.837696

I am not natural. I am Human.

>> No.837699
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>> No.837701

You need to understand that our intelligence is something we've gained through evolution to help us adapt to our environment, and it's worked very well. Other animals have also evolved to suit their surroundings and have survived far longer than us without intelligence. Humans seem to think intelligence is the *goal* of evolution, thus demonstrating their lack of it.

>> No.837703

Animals have no minds to think with. They respond reflexively to stimuli in their environments. Humans think.

>> No.837704
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>> No.837707


>> No.837710

You best be trollin'

>> No.837711

Right. Or a troll.

>> No.837713

It is an obvious truth.

>> No.837714

You're also doing that, what a hypocrite.

>> No.837715
File: 17 KB, 126x126, eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is still maintaining that human mammals are seperate from other mammals in the animal department

>> No.837716

Please don't bite on this shit.

>> No.837717

im differen tthen the person you were talking to, douche.

>> No.837723

Humans can think. They are therefore distinct from the rest of the natural world.

>> No.837728

Humans are just a reflex machines. Thought is a product of causality.

>> No.837729

>has never heard of biological or emotional intelligence
>thinks IQ's are the only real levels of intelligence out there.

>> No.837731

Am I supposed to guess someone else if and when someone else cuts in in the middle of the discussion?

Humans are mammals, yes. But mammals with the use of reason. That sets them apart.

>> No.837733

>thinks emotional intelligence is a measure of intelligence
>thinks intelligence isn't the unique ability of the human being to reason and calculate

>> No.837735

right, I'll put you in a maze with a mountain lion, you will each be given a toothepick, and a pair of feet to run to or from eachother, may the smarter, and more intelligibly fit animal win.

>> No.837740

If we were weaker then our life spans should be shorter, instead they have doubled in the last 2000 years or so. Thats a flyspeck of time. Try to image humanity in another 2000 years. You cant. We just keep adapting/changing etc. etc.

I also just wanted to say semantics is gay. I know this is /lit/ but arguing over the definitions of words is for faggots.

>> No.837741

your not supposed to jump to conclusions on whose who when talking to a bunch of people under the moniker 'anonymous'

arent you supposed to be a thinking animal or some shit?

>> No.837748

What the hell does that have to do with the discussion?

Such a stupid argument. Yes, the lion will win because he's stronger and is better prepared for such a scenario.
Doesn't mean the man isn't rationally superior.

>> No.837750
File: 12 KB, 276x188, karl popper 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right, animals dont think, but machines have consciousness.

you fuckers got me this time!

>> No.837753

The mountain lion's neck can be easily broken. It will attempt to launch itself at prey, and once in the air it's course can not be easily adjusted, due to the principles of Newtonian physics. It is at this time the mountain lion would be most vulnerable. Grab it and snap its neck as quickly as possible.

>> No.837756

Machines could be made in Man's image.

>> No.837757

In such a case, then, he should not be surprised I thought it was the same guy. Works both ways.

I know you're just trolling though.

>> No.837760

Good luck with that.

>> No.837761

I mean weaker in the long term. Now everything seems fine but I can't see a future where that doesn't turn to shit, myself.

>> No.837768

Well, /lit/, thanks for what was initially a decent discussion.

>> No.837771

Luck is a small variable. It can easily be adjusted for.

>> No.837772

>machines have consciousness
I made no such claim.

>> No.837773


not even

>> No.837774

well what the hell does rationality and trigonometry have to do with your level of intelligence if you cant survive on your own against a mountain lion? Have you ever considered that theres more then one type of intelligence or rationality? I mean there are several types of logic, syllogistic, fuzzy, Aristotelian, etc. here you faggots are saying that humans, who evolved from the animal kingdom, are so fucking different from the world because you have 'thoughts'. Well maybe they have thoughts to, be they different thought forms then yours, but thoughts none the less, just like they all have blood and genetics, but different variations. It seems the only reason you guys have for all of your techno-masculine bullshit is your cognition- (which is something that isnt exclusive to humans) what, did you think you assholes invent that?

>> No.837778

>theres more then one type of intelligence or rationality?

Considered. Investigated. Debunked. Dismissed.

>> No.837780

Show me a bear who has built a watch or an octopus who has split the atom. Then I will believe in animal cognition.

>> No.837784

All our intelligence led to us being able to kill the lion, not using the tools the lions has by instinct, but through the use of reason. All those sciences eventually led to the invention of weapons and such, against which a mountain lion is hopeless.

Yes, they do have thought, which is represented by instinct, a very primitive form of though that deals with stimulus and response. What the Human has is the capability of abstract thought, which is exclusive to him.

>> No.837788

right now, there are two types of intelligence tests for domesticated primates, intelligence quota, and emotional intelligence quota. There are several types of logic. Formal, informal, symbollic, mathematical, syllogistic, sentimental, predicate, modal, computational, fuzzy, and thats just the beginning of my logic text book. So do you want to pass up that 'THERE IS ONLY ONE REASON! AND IT IS THE TRUTH, THE WAY, AND THE LIGHT!' bullshit again?

>> No.837791

show me a scientist who understands how the pyramids or stonehenge were built and maybe ill believe that civilized human cognition is better then primitive cognition

>> No.837795

I show you man.

>> No.837796


So for all those millions of years without technology, man was without cognition?

>> No.837797
File: 496 KB, 1008x3107, human intelligenc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related, its human intelligence

>> No.837800

Emotions are not intelligence. They are the enemy of reason, and should be done away with in favour of proper, calculating thought. Logic comes in one useful form.

>> No.837803

>human cognition is better then primitive cognition
It's still human condition, what the fuck are you on?

You think that because they lived a long time ago they weren't human?

Fuck, too much dumbassness in one single post.

>> No.837806

They did have technology, however primitive it was.

>> No.837807

Yes. It is new. A random development. And quite useful, too.

>> No.837809

you know if you did away with the right brain, the emotional, magic oriented side, and were only stuck with the left brain, the cold logical calculating side, you wouldnt be able to recognize a human face? I've had to deal with many patients like that becaues they're right brains dont work.

Good luck with your logics

>> No.837810

>Medicine man free.


>> No.837814

Individual identity is unimportant.

>> No.837815

>It's still human condition, what the fuck are you on?
>Fuck, too much dumbassness in one single post.

>> No.837819

apperently pattern recognition at all isnt important either.

>> No.837820

So what's your point?

The ultimate goal of humanity should be being able to live forever?

>> No.837822
File: 40 KB, 311x475, GGS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its only kinda related, but I suggest you or anyone else interested in why some cultures developed so much technology, and some cultures did not, should go read "Guns, Germs, and Steel" by Jared Diamond. It was also made into a pbs documentary, so you can just torrent that and watch it, but the book is better, so much more in depth.


It cites examples and clearly explains diffferences in cultures, and how they came to be, and how they are not due to any inate racial superiority or inferiority, but due to the natural resources available to them at the time.

>> No.837824

A rage-induced typo doesn't make my point any less valid, you know.

>> No.837828


>> No.837829


>> No.837831
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>> No.837834

He's not saying humanity itself should be inmortal, but it should leave something behind to be remembered by.
He aknowledges dying is something that will inevitably happen, and it is natural for it to be so.

Having cleared that up, my question still stands.

>> No.837835

Self control is a uniquely human behaviour.

>> No.837837


The book is a whole lot better. I didnt actually even think the documentary did a very good job making his case but uhh, yeah

>> No.837838
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>> No.837842


The worst kind of anti-hero, one without vision.

>> No.837843

I'm not the guy who said that, just so you know. Don't go around putting words I haven't uttered.

I think emotions are a vital part of humanity as much as reason, but it is reason that sets us apart from the rest.

>> No.837846

you obviously havent heard of the jelly fish in the sea who have so much self control that they can change there own metabolism and live 'forever'.

>> No.837851

Biological response to environmental stimuli. No conscious thought invovled.

>> No.837855

I'm sure it poops rainbows when it wants, too. Also, animals live in complex societies and talk to each other in english when we're not looking.

>> No.837857

>thought is a product of biology, home boy

>> No.837860

No thought occurs in any animal other than humans. Even if the process has biological basis, it is still uniquely human.

>> No.837863

If it's a product of biology, why is abstract thought only present in humanity?

>> No.837864

Nature vs. Nurture! Two seemingly incompatible forces collide! Who will win??? Find out tonight on /lit/!

>> No.837867

>I Don't Know What "Thought" Is, a novel by Anon

>> No.837869

Thought is reasoning.

>> No.837876

What a superb argument, you've almost convinced me!

>> No.837877


Nope. Try again.

>> No.837886

Denial of an obvious truth is a sign of mental illness.

>> No.837893

If his conclusion is incorrect, why don't you tell us what you think is the correct answer?

Perhaps you could bring some light to us who ignore it.

>> No.837974

Thought so.

>> No.837981

Humanity must make robots with artificial intelligence, that can make smarter robots, that can make smarter robots etc. So that long after we are all dead there will be super intelligent robots.

In the start of this, we program the robots, so that when humanity is gone, they'll leave the earth, spread out through the universe and try to destroy every planet, living or otherwise.

That way, humans made a difference.

>> No.837987

I support this idea.

>> No.837992

god the monotonous sterility


leave lit now

>> No.838000
File: 78 KB, 550x368, Hrafn_Gunnlaugsson_og_sonurinn_jpg_550x400_q95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.838059

how would you know if it was ever outside 'humanity' if your to busy masturbating over the idea of your own superiority?

>> No.838082

There is no evidence of intelligence in animals.

>> No.838097

This thread has made me so disgusted with humanity in general that Im going to go live in the woods.

>> No.838100

Enjoy freezing and/or starving to death. Whichever comes first. Maybe if you're lucky you'll get mauled by a bear, half eaten, and then buried so it can come back and eat the rest later.

>> No.838106

biologists would disagree with you

>> No.838107

I was actually planning on building a cabin.

>> No.838111

the very existence and sustenance of tribal societies, even after all the recklesness of civilization, goes against everything your supposing

>> No.838112
File: 16 KB, 280x337, unabomber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You and me both, brother.

>> No.838113

Their civilizations are failing. All of them will be forced to accept true civilization eventually.

>> No.838115
File: 96 KB, 350x299, SuperStock_1060-842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and us too!

>> No.838117
File: 22 KB, 276x399, jesus-brb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, and you will spread my word, i am the only way

>> No.838119 [DELETED] 

chRisBeAR pOoLtArD, remoVE Your CLOwn_Of: htTp://tinYuRl.com/3AXVE5D
anjllncjz j mq tg rtazhh iiywnaekfs

>> No.838122
File: 37 KB, 574x360, fallofrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.838125

Wanna be roommate? Ill let you use my computer.

>> No.838128
File: 10 KB, 245x251, feels good man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comparing the modern world to Rome

Please. Our fall will be much more spactacularly destructive, reducing the entire planet to a charred, radioactive wasteland in which nothing will be able to survive.

>> No.838129
File: 43 KB, 304x405, 1276285093309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Damn Straight.